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April 11, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-04-11

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Iie lidjigan &ilj

0 Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, April 11, 2011


* URC summit
solutions for
Conference together to exchange ideas on
the topic.
draws on research Susan Zielinski, managing
director, of Sustainable Mobil-
to remedy Michigan ity & Accessibility Research &
Transportation, or SMART, at
transit problems the University's Transportation
Research Institute, said the con-
By SARAH ALSADEN ference was held to brainstorm
Daily StaffReporter solutions for transportation
problems in the state.
DETROIT - Transportation The conference was the first
officials and students involved collaboration between SMART
in the field are taking a multi- and the Transforming Trans-
disciplinary approach to com- portation Research Corridor
bine engineering skills and the Consortium - a joint effort of
research of scholars in pub- the URC and professionals in
lic health and public policy to the state that was founded in
develop the future of transpor- March 2010.
tation in the state. "What we're trying to create
Several hundred students and is opportunities for students to
professionals in a variety fields be very engaged in transforming
attended a conference, titled transportationthrough learning
the "Summit on Transform- more about it and also through
ing Transportation: Economies getting involved in it and learn-
and Communities", to discuss ing through action," Zielinski
the outlook for transportation said.
in Michigan this past weekend In an address about link-
here at the Westin Book Cadil- ing research with action, Kirk
* lac Hotel. Officials from the Steudle, director of the Michi-
University of Michigan, Michi- gan Department of Transpor-
gan State University and Wayne tation, relayed the challenges
State University - the universi- facing transportation in Michi-
ties that make up the University gan. Issues discussed included
Research Corridor - also came See URC, Page SA

The Michigan hockey team watches Minnesota-Duluth celebrate a national championship victory near its bench at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul on April
9. The Wolverines allowed a goal three minutes and 22 seconds into overtime and fell to the Bulldogs 3-2.
Ijn the en1d, all the
mojo ran outfor 'l

ST. PAUL, Minn. -
ven with 24 players
and reporters linger-
ing in the Michigan
hockey team's locker room,
the place remained silent.
In the corner of the room,
senior forward Ben Winnett
sat with his face in his hands,
tears streaming down his face.
Senior goalie Shawn Hunwick
wvalked over and rubbed Win-

nett's head
to console
him. It'
didn't work.
sobs rever-
through the MICHAEL
locker room. FLOREK
"All I can
think about
is the game-winning goal,"

Winnett said moments earlier.
The season came down to
the senior and member of the
All-Tournament team losing
his man during overtime of
the national title game.
This team, the one that tied
Mercyhurst in its first game,
couldn't be put down in regu-
lation by the best team in the
country. For most of the year,
it couldn't win on Friday night

and got swept by Miami, one
of the two legitimate national-
title contenders it played in
the regular season.
Yet, Michigan coach Red
Berenson was the only one
on the bench who could move
after the goal that ended the
Wolverines' season. As players
sat with their heads bowed,
Berenson came out togreet

U' researchers develop two
potential cancer treatments

Drug, compounds
could be effective
for treating several
types of cancer
Daily StaffReporter
In what is a significant step
forward in the field, University
researchers have uncovered two
potential ways to treat multiple

types of cancer.
Researchers at the Univer-
sity's Comprehensive Cancer
Center created a new drug that
has the potential to treat several
kinds of cancer and have also
developed new drug compounds
that have the capacity to shrink
multiple types of cancerous
The first drug is called AT-406
and works to inhibit proteins
that prevent normal cell death
in tumors by facilitating natural
decay of harmful tissue with-

out damaging the surrounding
healthy cells, Shaomeng Wang,
the lead author of the study
said. In animal trials, the drug
has proven to reverse the block-
ing of apoptosis, or the way in
which regular cells die, which
occurs when cancerous cells are
present. Though only treated on
animals thus far, the drug also
shows promise for treating can-
cer in humans, Wang said.
Wang, who is also the direc-
tor of the Cancer Drug Discovery

Students participate in the annual Relay for Life event at Palmer Field to raise money for the American Cancer Society
on April 9.
'U' Relay for Life raises
record amount of money



Socialist Equality Party members
talk politics at campus conference

Group to donate
to American
Cancer Society
Daily StaffReporter
For a 24-hour period this
* weekend, Palmer Field was
transformed into a camp-

ground. The campers had no
intention of resting around
a campfire, but were instead
gathered to defeat cancer.
Students, local residents and
cancer survivors on Palmer
Field this weekend were part of
this year's Relay for Life at the
University, which started at 10
a.m. on Saturday morning and
ended at the same time yester-
day. The organization raised
more than $321,000 to donate
to the American Cancer Soci-

ety, exceeding its goal by about
$2,000. This year's donations
are the most Relay for Life at
the University has ever raised,
surpassing last year's total of
about $268,400.
The event kicked off with
a mix of runners and walkers
who participated in the first lap
called the Survivor Lap, which
honors and celebrates individu-
als who have beaten cancer.
LSA senior Joey Eisman,
See RELAY, Page 5A

A2 event one
of three in
national series
Daily StaffReporter
The Michigan League Ball-
room became a hub of political
discussion this past weekend as
members of the Socialist Equity
Party came together to discuss

the party's current place in
national politics.
Co-sponsored by Students
for Social Equality, the World
Socialist's Website and the
SEP, the members gathered for
a conference titled "The Fight
for Socialism Today." The con-
ference is one of three annual
events, the remainder of which
are slated to occur in Los Ange-
les and New York over the next
two weeks.
The conference brought

together more than 150 people,
including the executive board of
the SEP and people from across
the country and cities in Michi-
gan, to discuss the current state
of affairs within the political
party and to vote on resolutions.
The resolutions determine the
stances the SEP will take on
various issues the party deems
relevant to the current state of
American political affairs.
The conference attendees


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Video: Phelps talks about losing the 200 butterfly

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Vol. CXXINo.128 OPINION...................4A ARTS........................7A
©2tllThe Michigan Daily NEWS ......................5A SPORTSMONDAY..........18
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