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April 08, 2011 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-04-08

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0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, April 8, 2011 - 3

* The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, April 8, 2011 - 3

Michigan to close
23 state forest
Michigan parks officials said
yesterday they plan to close 23
state forest campgrounds on May
19 as they continue to grapple
with budget reductions.
The campgrounds are located
in the state's Upper Peninsula
and northern Lower Peninsula.
The closings were to be for-
mally proposed at a meeting of
the state's Natural Resources
Commission. Department of
Natural Resources Director Rod-
ney Stokes could sign an order
directing the closings early next
The rustic campgrounds tar-
geted for closing are seldom-used
compared to other campgrounds.
Many of them are near some of
the other 110 state forest camp-
grounds that would remain open
for the upcoming season.
Firm in India halts
sales of execution
drug to U.S.
A pharmaceutical company in
India says it is no longer going to
sell a key lethal injection drug to
U.S. prison officials.
It's the latest firm to stop sell-
ing the drug to states in the U.S.
amid a severe shortage of the
drug sodium thiopental.
Kayem Pharmaceutical posted
a statement on its website yester-
day, citing its Hindu beliefs in the
decision to stop selling the drug.
Nebraska announced in Janu-
ary it had acquired 500 grams
from Kayem, which is based in
Mumbai. A company salesman
says he also sold the drug to
South Dakota, but state prison
officials couldn't immediately be
Rep. apologizes
for calling bishop
a 'pedophile pimp'
The Republican leader of the
New Hampshire House has apol-
ogized to a Roman Catholic bish-
op he called a "pedophile pimp."
A spokesman for state Rep.
D.J. Bettencourt says yesterday's
private meeting with Bishop
John McCormack went well and
he's pleased. Spokesman Jim Riv-
ers says Bettencourt isn't com-
menting on the discussion.
McCormack was an aide to
Cardinal Bernard Law in Bos-
ton, where the Catholic sex abuse
scandal began. He was in charge
of investigating sexual miscon-
duct allegations.
The Salem politician last week
called the bishop a "pedophile
pimp" who should've been led
from the Statehouse in hand-

cuffs after criticizing deep cuts
to social services in the House
KIEV, Ukraine
Ukrainian gov't.
accused of role in
kidnapping case
An opposition lawmaker in
Ukraine is accusing the gov-
ernment of involvement in the
disappearance of a Palestinian
engineer who later turned up in
an Israeli jail.
Dirar Abu Sisi vanished from a
train in Ukraine Feb. 19, and sur-
faced in detention in Israel short-
ly after. Israel charged him this
week with being a senior member
of the militant group Hamas. Abu
Sisi denies the charges.
Ukrainian authorities said
they were not involved in the
operation. The Palestinian is
married to a Ukrainian and was
in the country to apply for citi-
Lawmaker Hennadiy Moskal
claimed yesterday that Interior
Ministry agents took Abu Sisi
off his train, transported him to
Kiev airport and put him on a
plane to Israel.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1
In the first half of the sea-
son, Michigan coach Red
Berenson was candid about his
current crop of Wolverines not
being some of the most offen-
sively-skilled players in recent
memory, with them possibly
having to grind out their fair
share of games.
And while Michigan fans
aren't accustomed to normally
hearing those words, it's a
mantra that has carried the
team throughout the season -
it wasn't more noticeable than
Michigan knew entering the
contest against North Dakota,
it'd need to play a defensive-
minded game. It'd need to slow
down Matt Frattin, a frontrun-
ner for the Hobey Baker Award,
and his line that combined for

69 goals this season.
And, it'd need goaltender
Shawn Hunwick to have the
game of his life.
The Wolverines got all of
that - and more.
Everywhere you looked, a
Wolverine was showing signs
of commitment all over the ice.
The team.
Seniors like Louie Caporusso
and Carl Hagelin - two of the
team's most talented offensive
players - showed their com-
mitment to the defensive side
of the red line.
Just look at Hagelin's limp.
In the first period, freshman
Derek DeBlois got destroyed
along the boards in front of the
Michigan bench, simply to get
the puck out of the zone - a
And Hunwick played hands
down his best-career game
wearing the block 'M,' as he
made 40 saves to shut out the
nation's second best offense.

From the drop of the puck
to the Wolverines piling on
Hunwick to celebrate the win,
Michigan played team hockey.
With less than 40 seconds
remaining in the contest,
Hagelin blocked a shot in the
Wolverine zone, dishing the
puck to Caporusso. Caporusso
skated up the ice and had a
clear shot from the red line. He
could have easily thrown a shot
into the wide-open net - it's a
shot he could make blindfolded
nine out of 10 times.
But he didn't.
He fed a pass to senior
foward Scooter Vaughan, who
made no mistake about it as he
sent a wrister into the empty
net, sealing Michigan's berth
in the NCAA title game on Sat-
Pass. Shoot. Score.
The team.
- Burns can be reached
at burnmark@umich.edu

From Page 1
sired break-up in a romantic
relationship engaged in two
different tasks while undergo-
ing MRI scanning.
Participants were presented
with a picture of the person
who they were no longer in a
relationship with and asked to
think about the specific break-
up experience. The second
component involved a device
called a thermode, which the
researchers attached to the
participants' forearms. With
this device, they created a pain
sensation by heating the device
to the temperature of a hot cup
of coffee, Kross said.
The findings from the study,
which was funded by the
National Institute of Mental
Health and the National Insti-
tute on Drug Abuse, showed
that the experience of social
rejection prompted by the
pictures activated the same
regions in the brain that are
known to react to the sensory
experience of pain. The results
gave scientific evidence to the
idea thatbreak-ups cause physi-
cal pain, Kross said.
"When someone says, 'My
feelings hurt, my body hurts,
I'm devastated,' when they
experience rejection, maybe we
shouldn't trivialize those reac-
tions because people may well
be experiencing some type of
physical pain," he said.
Throughout the study, Kross
collaborated with Marc Berman,

a psychology research assistant
atthe University, alongwithWal-
ter Mischel and Edward Smith,
both professors of psychology
at Columbia University, and Tor
Wager, a professor of psychology
at the University of Colorado at
Smith said the clarity of the
results surprised him.
"We didn't know for sure
that we would be able to pick up
pain areas that are associated
with sensory experience, and
we did," Smith said. "That had
not been shown before."
The level of social rejection
the participants experienced
was an aspect of the study that
differed from previous ones
on the topic, Smith said. He
described the participants as
"people who really had a seri-
ous rejection, not a minor one
created by a laboratory situa-
tion, buta real life rejection."
While there have been many
studies conducted in the past
that examined the neural
aspects of social rejection, the
research is the first to iden-
tify the specific sensory pain
regions that are activated in
response to social or romantic
rejection, Kross said.
The study has given
researchers a desire to better
understand the phenomenon,
Kross said. He added that the
new findings also shed light on
how people should approach
recovery from negative social
experiences like rejection.
"Thinking differently about
the experience or getting
people to work through these

events might be useful in help-
ing them combat these feel-
ings and ultimately feel better,"
Kross said.
Future studies might include
the use of behavioral therapy
or standard psychotherapy in
treating patients suffering from
social rejection, Smith said.
"We can use these activa-
tions in the brain area as bio-
logical markers of the rejection
and the pain of rejection, and
once you have a marker, you can
see if it's decreasing with treat-
ment," Smith said.
Geoff MacDonald, an associ-
ate professor of psychology at
the University of Toronto, said
he thinks using these findings
as an excuse to simply medi-
cate patients - rather than
approaching recovery in a more
holistic manner - is not the
take-home point of the study.
"If all you do is numb people
to the pain with medication,
then when the medication lifts,
people haven't necessarily
formed those social bonds that
they would normally be moti-
vated to form because they're
feeling upset," he said.
MacDonald added that the
study emphasized the impor-
tance of social connections in
battling feelings of rejection
and isolation, rather than the
use of medication.
"What this research is sug-
gesting is that it's that sense of
connection to other people that
is probably the best defense
against experiences of social
pain," he said. "I would rather
have a friend than a Tylenol."

From Page 1
at a lower cost, he wrote. In his
report, Duderstadt referenced a
European system - the "Bologna
Process," which standardized
education programs across states
- as a successful model.
Duderstadt's plan asserts that
administrators need to remain
dedicated to all levels of educa-
tion from kindergarten through
continued education and rec-
ognize the success and short-
comings at each stage to make
According to Duderstadt's
report, taking these steps can
help make the Midwest an active
player on a global level.
Duderstadt acknowledged
that while manufacturing and
agricultural industries will still
exist, they will not be the prima-
ry force for Midwestern econo-
mies in the future. The new force
lies in knowledge and the ability
to produce change, Duderstadt
said in an interview with The
Michigan Daily this week.
"(The Midwest) was success-
ful in the 20th century because
it was big," he said. "Big compa-
nies, big unions, big universities,
biggovernment, but that's notthe
way the world works anymore ...
now it's about agility."
By expanding an educated
workforce in the Midwest, Dud-
erstadt and other researchers
believe the region can emulate
successful cities like Chicago and
Minneapolis, where knowledge-
based industries, including trade
and financial services, thrive.
Lou Glazer, the president of
Michigan Future Inc. - a non-
profit organization centered on
promoting a knowledge-based
workforce in the state - gener-
ated some of the research in Dud-
erstadt's report.
"To be successful, you have
to make this transition to the
knowledge economy," Glazer
said. "In making that transition,
you have to support your higher
education system, particularly
your research universities."
According to Duderstadt, the
University is making the right
moves by focusing on research
and innovation. However, the=,
University neglects areas outside
Ann Arbor, Duderstadt said.
"I don't think we're deeply
enough engaged across the Mid-
west," he said. "I think some-
times we think of our peers to

be more like Harvard and Stan-
ford, and I think there are a great
many reasons to rethink that,
and see that our collaborations
with other (Midwestern univer-
sities) are terribly important to
those regions."
However, state colleges and
universities in the Midwest also
face the challenge of diminishing
state funding, Duderstadt said. a
"When I first arrived at (the
University of Michigan), we
would drive a truck up to Lan-
sing once a week and fill it up
with money, and then we would
drive it back down and run a Uni-
versity," he joked. "Now there's
no point in driving it up there
because there's no money there."
The Michigan state govern-
ment faces a $1.8 billion deficit.
In recent years, state funding
to Michigan's public colleges
and universities has continued
to dwindle, with a 2.8-percent
reduction for the fiscal year 2011.
The trend of higher education
cuts will most likely continue the
next fiscal year, since Republican
Gov. Rick Snyder is proposing a
15-percent cut to higher educa-
tion institutions.
John Austin, director of the
New Economy Initiative for
Southeast Michigan, said Dud-
erstadt's report illustrates the
economic importance of higher
learning institutions. But for a
majority of taxpayers, state col-
leges and universities aren't a
priority, Austin said.
One of the University's
strengths that the institution
should capitalize on is attracting
world-class talent, Duderstadt
"There are (a) lot of places
that are good at educating people
from Michigan, but not a lot that
can educate people from all over
the world," he said. "This one
According to Juliana Kerr
Viohl, director of the Chicago
Council on Global Affairs, Dud-
erstadt's report has been the
most downloaded paper in the
series of Heartland Papers. She
said the council is non-partisan
and doesn't advocate for policy
change directly, but instead tries
to make sure information on poli-
cy assessments are spread widely.
"We just make surgthe papers
are in the right hands and that
they are available;" Viohl said.
"And we hope that people use the
information and the resources as
a springboard for action."

From Page 1
involved in the community in a
positive way.
The program will create
youth athletic teams that will
train at local community cen-
ters and schools, LSA junior
Ginny Liu, also a member of the
i&I program, said. She added
that the teams - which will be
soccer and basketball to start -
will be coached by the college
student mentors.
Liu said she conceived the
idea for the project along with
Art & Design sophomore Alex-
andra Gardner during her
introductory social entrepre-
neurship class. While work-
ing on a project to see what
changes were needed to make a
low-income community in Bry-
ant, Mich. safer, Liu said it was
apparent that the lack of space
in the community center caused
children and young adults
to venture outside to unsafe
streets and parks after school.
"A lot of times these parks
become places where teenage
gangs hang out," Liu said. "So
it's not a very pleasant or safe
place for kids to hang out."
Liu said by talking to the
children, she found that they
want to be around college stu-
dents and play sports.
"Sports is a universal lan-
guage," she said.
The idea was further devel-
oped after Zhu, Liu, Gardner
and Social Work graduate stu-
dent Eleonora Katsambouris
took an interdisciplinary social
venture creation course in the
College of Engineering's Cen-
ter for Entrepreneurship. The
group then named the program
i&I Mentor for America.
Zhu said he hopes the model,
which he compared to Teach
for America, can be used at

prestigious universities across
the nation.
"Think about UPenn, NYU,
Columbia (University), John
Hopkins (University) - all
these prestigious universi-
ties surrounded by very low-
income neighborhoods and
areas," he said. "There are
tons of very bright gifted col-
lege students and then a huge
disparity in their immediate
There is a large gap nation-
wide between the number of
kids who require mentoring
versus the number who cur-
rently receive mentorship, Zhu
"There are a lot of youth
who aren't being reached out
to by the existing organiza-
tions," Zhu said. "We are trying
to meet the need, not trying to
create competition."
The i&I mentoring team
will launch its pilot program
in the Ann Arbor area this July
to test if it will be sustainable
as a nationwide program. The
group will also work with at
least five community centers in
Ann Arbor, including the Peace
Neighborhood Center and Ava-
lon Housing - a non-profit that
offers support and low-cost
rental housing to people with
"We want to be able to cre-
ate a program that has the abil-
ity to assess the impact and to
empower both the kids and
the college students who go
through this program to be the
leaders of the future," Zhu said.
The group would like to
include University athletes as
mentors in addition to non-ath-
letes, Liu said. Zhu added that
he hopes the University will be
open to collaborating with the
group in the future so that stu-
dent participants will be able to
receive course credit.
Zhu also said he .thinks

the project will be successful
because coaches often have a
large impact on students' lives.
"A lot of people think back
to their high school and mid-
dle school experience, and
they remember their coaches
and their mentor figures who
invested a lot of their time into
them," he said.
Moses Lee, an academic pro-
gram manager and lecturer in
the Center for Entrepreneur-
ship, along with Nick Tobier,
an Art & Design associate pro-
fessor, teach the social venture
creation course in which i&I
mentoring was developed.
Lee said he believes the pro-
gram could expand to other
universities because many of
these higher education institu-
tions are located close to under-
privileged areas. He added
that with cuts to K-12 educa-
tion across the country, college
mentors through programs like
i&I will be beneficial.
"I think it could be tremen-
dous for a lot of these under-
resourced sports programs," he
During an i&I information
session in the Michigan League
last night, LSA sophomore Leah
Hargarten said she was inter-
ested in the program because
of her previous experience as a
camp counselor.
"I hope to form some really
good relationships and really
involve myself in the commu-
nity," Hargarten said.
Education junior Michael
Tengel said he heard about the
program through the school
and is interested in participat-
ing since he enjoys sports and
working with children.
"It's important to me to
affect the Ann Arbor area as
much as I can because it has
kind of become my home since
I've spent so much time here,"
Tengel said.

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