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6B Wednesday, April 6, 2011 // The Statement
ednesday, April 6,2011 // The Statement 3B
news in review
The Unversty'se
Five of the most talked-about stories of the week, ranked in ascending order of actual importance
BP asked U.S. regulators on Sunday On Saturday, violence erupted President Barack Obama The Obama administration On Monday, At]
if the company could resume in Kandahar, Afghanistan after a announced via e-mail on Mon- announced diminished support of Eric Holder anno'
off-shore drilling in Mexico. The pastor in Florida publically burned day his campaign for re-election. former ally and Yemen President alleged Sept. 1
Justice Department is considering a Koran. The act spurred clashes Obama, whose campaign for the Ali AbfMullah Saleh on Sunday due including KhalidS
criminal prosecutions against between protesters and police, 2008 presidential election raised to increased protests. Obama con- med, will be tried
BP, which could be charged with who fired gunshots. Forty people $750 million, is expected to raise demned Saleh for his use of force in front of a militz
potential manslaughter. were injured on Sunday. $1 billion for the 2012 election. against protesters. instead of in civilia
During the height o
communism in the
Soviet Union, an Ann'
Arbor couple created
a publishing house
devoted to printing
and sharing Russian
literature that couldn't get
past USSR censorship.
en sentenced to "Ada."
try. It was con- "They didn't really look at themselves as being a publish-
ed to death or a ing house," Crayne said. "It was an organic development."
The couple typeset and printed The Russian Literature
her house regu- Triquarterly, a journal of Russian literature, in their base-
in Russian cul- ment and started publishing translations and reprinting
division at the older books. It wasn't long before they started gaining atten-
Proffers. "And tion. According to History prof. Ron Suny, the Proffers's pub-
oher, theywere lishing venture became an important instrument for Soviet
met just about artists.
"What he did was give this outlet to writers who were
ncluded Joseph being repressed in the Soviet Union," he said.
ov. All of these Soviet writers began to discover this outlet via word of
nder the strict mouth, and before long, the Proffers were offered the rights
ding to Crayne, to publish original literature that could never get printed
wn publishing under the Brezhnev regime.
oviet culture by "The Russians found out about them, so they began
s that had been receiving manuscripts of books that had not been published
yet," Crayne said. "So in a way, they became the distributor
anslated works, of uncensored Soviet artistic works."
Pushkin called In order to help Russian citizens gain access to the cen-
t," the Proffers sored literature, the Proffers had to smuggle books and jour-
nd named their nals into the Soviet Union. For many years, they were able to
Nabokov's novel send copies of literature through diplomatic pouch - a
lorney General
unced that five
1 conspirators,
Shaikh Moham-
for war crimes
ary commission
n courts.
-------------------- "------ I
5 6 -i 7 i 9 10
_1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i l 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1
quotes of the week
"In 2008, he was very much an insurgent candi-
date, somebody from out of nowhere with a wholly
different story."
CHRIS ARTERTON, PROFESSOR of political management at George
Washington University, on President Barack Obama's previous campaign.
"Even if they say the contamination will be diluted
in the ocean, the longer this continues, the more
radioactive particles will be released and the great-
er the impact on the ocean."
YUKIO EDANO, CHIEF CABINET SECRETARY,' regarding the increased
dumping of radioactive materials into the Pacific Ocean.
the rules
from the archives
Free Fallin' (Not Tom Petty Style)
here are aspects of University history that
we all know. We celebrate how President
John F. Kennedy announced the creation of
the Peace Corps on the steps of the Michi-
gan Union in 1960, and brag that Students
for a Democratic Society held its first meet-
ing on our campus. Still, there are aspects of University his-
tory that are lesser known, but no less important.
S While the rich and exciting activism of the '60s was
winding down, another type of civil disobedience - in the
atypical form of a publishinghouse - was just getting offthe
ground in Ann Arbor. Ardis was a publishing house formed
to print and celebrate the works of Russian writers who were
not able to get their literature past Soviet censors. While
gaining world recognition, Ardis helped to establish the Uni-
versity's Slavic department as a premiere place for studying
Soviet culture.
In 1969, Carl Proffer, a University professor of Russian
literature, and his wife Ellendea, a graduate student at Indi-
ana University studying Slavic Languages and Literatures,
travelled to Russia on a fulbright scholarship during Leonid
Brezhnev's rule. It was there that the couple met Nadezhda
"vIandelstam, the widow of the late Russian poet and essay-
ist Osip Mandelstam, through a letter of introduction. In
the 1930s, Mandelstam and his wife had be
exile because of his anti-establishment poe
sidered miraculous that he was not sentence
hard labor.
"She had an intellectual circle that met at]
larly, and they were the best and brightesti
ture," said Janet Crayne, head of the Slavic
Hatcher Graduate Library and friend of the
so when they had this letter of introduction t,
invited. to participate in these circles. They
The famous Russian writers they met ix
Brodsky, Lev Kopelev and Vladimir Nabok'
writers struggled to publish their works u
censorship of the Soviet government. Accor
this inspired the Proffers to start their o
house, devoted to promoting "Russian and Sx
both the younger artists and the older artist
ignored or banned or both."
Because they were initially focusing on tr
and because the Russian poet AlexanderI
translation the "post-horse of enlightenmen
settled on a horse and carriage for their logo a
publishing house "Ardis" after Ardis Hall in r
No. 331:
Study days don't
have to be for
studying. Relish
your free time
before finals hit.
No. 332:
Since college
basketball season
is over, Sunday
day drinking is no
longer justified.
No. 333:
Use only one
emoticon per text.
You can't be :) and
-)and :P in 160
T hey called it the "vomit comet" for a reason. According to an article in The
Michigan Daily ("Flying into Zero-Gravity," 11/23/2003), Michigan engi-
neers decided to create the feeling of no gravity by designing a satellite that
plummets 8,000 feet down out of the air. The students were a part of the Univer-
sity's Student Space Systems Fabrication Laboratory. They repeated their free fall
experiment 80 times in two days in Houston as a part of NASA's Reduced Gravity
Research Program.
The 8,000 feet controlled free-fall kept the stint safe. When the craft dropped,
the engineers experienced microgravity because the speed of the aircraft was the
same as the speed inside, causing the daredevils to float in mid-air. The students
simulated the drop, also known as "formation flying," to gauge the calculations
that are factored in as the satellites separate once in orbit. It's as if these under-
graduate engineers were human satellites for two days.
People killed on Saturday in riots in People wounded from gunfire by Afghani- International staff members killed after the
Afghanistan. The violence occurred after stan police as a result of the insurgency. headquarters of the United Nations was stormed.
a Koran was burned in America.