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April 05, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-04-05

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2 - Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Tuesday, April 5, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *

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'U' Forestry Crew lights it up

Summer weather is still a few
months away, but for a few areas
on campus, the temperature is
already burning hot.
For the past three or four years,
the Forestry Crew of University
Plant Operations Grounds Servic-
es has organized controlled burns
of plants around campus to pre-
vent flora diseases.
In addition to the controlled
burns, the Forestry Crew - which
is in charge of thousands of trees
on campus - also takes care of
plant health through activities
such as inspections, disease pre-
vention, removal and replanting
and pest management.
Until April 10, the planned
burns will take place at the wood-
ed lots next to the Inglis House

estate, the grassland near Burs-
ley Residence Hall and the Bent-
ley Library wildflower garden,
according to the University Hous-
ing website. Several of the loca-
tions have been diagnosed with
invasive species and the burns are
supposed to eliminate them.
North Campus is the only site
where the University implements
burnings, and controlled burns
for specific locations occur every
two or three years, according to
Jane Immonen, a forestry spe-
cialist for Grounds Services. The
burns mostly take place around
the woodlands and are necessary
for plant health, she said.
The University hires a group
of about six to eight controlled
burn professionals to use flam-

mable fuel in specified areas and
oversee the procedure, Immonen
said. The weather also plays an
important role in the process, as
low wind and high humidity are
essential factors for its execution,
she said.
The fire is ignited only on
ground areas where there are
leaves and sticks that don't burn at
a very high temperature. This pre-
vents the trees from catching on
fire, Immonen said. The process
takes a few hours and causes drift-
ing smoke, but is often carried out
when few people are around, she
said. Immonen added that care-
ful implementations of the process
have prevented problems from
occurring in previous years.

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Graduate student Sam Mast participates isa prescribed
burn in the Nichols Arboretum on Nov. 9,2010.



Guest keyed in Vanishing University
to crime visitor returns choir show

WHERE: Michigan League
WHEN: Monday at about
1 a.m.
WHAT: A visitor broke
into a key cabinet and tried
to gain access to a key for
his hotel room, University
Police reported. The inci-
dent is under investigation.

WHERE: Mary Markley
Residence Hall
WHEN: Sunday at about
5:30 p.m.
WHAT: A resident reported
that a visitor staying with
her was missing, University
Police reported. The guest
was later located.

WHAT: Paul Rardin,
assisted by graduate student
conductor Joel Tranquilla
and Emily Lai on the piano,
will conduct a program of
Franz Schubert.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Walgreen Drama

CAPS meeting
WHAT: An opportunity for
students struggling with
academics or other issues
in their lives to share their
WHO: Counseling and Psy-
chological Services
WHEN: Today at 4:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
room 3100
Over the Rhine

Troublemaker Dorm door

practices pitch gets new look Seminarn performance

J A proposed bill in the
Mcigan Legislaure
would allow motorcycle
ri ers to not wear helmets,
The Detroit News reported.
As long as the riders carry
at least $20,000 of personal
injury service, they would
not be required to wear a
In the wake of Japan's
recent earthquake and
tsunami, artists such
as Rihanna, Eminem and the
Morning Benders are help-
ingreliefefforts. Ann Arbor's
Sava's on State Street is plan-
ning a benefit concert.
3 Family members of
Sept. 11 victims are
objecting to arepository
for the unidentified remains
of those who died, CNN.com
reported. The repository
would be be constructed on
the ground floor of the new
memorial at ground zero.

Kyle Swanson Managing Editor swanson@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daly (ISSN 0745-967) is published MondaythroughFray duringthe fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
fall term starting in septembervia U.S. mal are $110ie Winter terml(anuary through Apriliis
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The Micigan Dais i naieberof The Associated Press and The AssosnciaeollgaePrss

AlLlllllllll MIX

WHERE: Palmer Field
WHEN: Friday at about
5:15 p.m.
WHAT: A caller reported
that a person was throwing
projectiles from Alice Lloyd
Residence Hall to Palmer
Field, University Police
reported. There are no

WHERE: South Quad
Residence Hall
WHEN: Friday at about
6:15 p.m.
WHAT: An individual
dropped a can of paint in
front of a door, University
Police reported. The paint
was cleaned up, and there
was no damaee.

sexual assault
WHAT: Students and com-
munity members affected
by sexual assault will be
given the opportunity to
share their experiences in a
confidential setting.
WHO: University Students
Against Rape
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
League, Kalamazoo Room

WHAT: A performance by
the Bergquist band.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark
. Please report any
error in the Daily to


Libyan rebels reject role
for any of Gadhafi's sons

Italy becomes third
country to officially
recognize rebel gov't
ISTANBUL (AP) - A diplomat-
ic push by Moammar Gadhafi's
regime ran into trouble yesterday
as opponents at home and abroad
rejected any solution to the Libyan
conflict that would involve one of
his sons taking power.
While a Gadhafi envoy lobbied
diplomats in European capitals,
Italy became the third nation to
declare that the rebels' interim
council in Libya is the only legiti-
mate voice for the people of the
North African nation.
The diplomatic whirlwind could
signal a softening of his regime's
hardline public stance against any
compromise that would end the
fighting and steer Libya toward a
political resolution.
Any long-term settlement poses
tough questions about the fate of
Gadhafi's family and the new lead-
er of a post-Gadhafi nation.
Some of Gadhafi's adversar-
ies quickly rejected the idea that
any of his powerful sons, some of
whom command militias accused
of attacks on civilians, might play

a transitional leadership role that
would undoubtedly protect the
family's vast economic interests.
Gadhafi, who took power in a
1969 coup, has a legacy of brutality
and involvement in terrorism but
was able to prolong his rule and
even emerge from pariah status
over the past decade with the help
of Libya's immense oil wealth.
Potential rivals to the eccentric
leader were sidelined during four
decades of harsh rule based on
personal and tribal loyalties that
undermined the army and other
national institutions.
In Rome, Foreign Minister
Franco Frattini welcomed Ali
al-Essawi, the foreign envoy of
the Libyan National Transitional
Council, which was hastily set up
in the eastern, rebel-held city of
Benghazi as the uprising against
Gadhafi began in February.
"We have decided to recognize
the council as the only political,
legitimate interlocutor to repre-
sent Libya," Frattini told report-
ers. He said he will send an envoy
to Benghazi, Libya's second-larg-
est city, in the coming days.
Frattini also insisted that Gad-
hafi and his family must go.
"Any solution for the future
of Libya has a precondition: that

Gadhafi's regime leaves ... that
Gadhafi himself and the family
leave the country," Frattini said.
Italy is the third country, after
France and Qatar, to give diplo-
matic recognition to the rebel
council, despite international con-
cerns about the unity, origin and
ultimate intentions of the opposi-
tion. Its leaders have said they are
committed to democratic reform,
but U.S. lawmakers have cau-
tioned that the allies need to know
more about them before providing
them with any weapons to fight
Gadhafi's forces.
Al-Essawi said one possible
idea - replacing Gadhafi with one
of his sons - was unacceptable.
In Benghazi, opposition spokes-
woman Iman Bughaigis also said
the rebels would not accept any
solution that included Gadhafi or
his sons.
"This war has shown everyone
and the world that Gadhafi's sons
are no different from him," Bug-
haigis said. "They are two sides of
the same coin. Gadhafi has been
waging a war on our people with
the help of his sons' militias and
mercenaries, so we see no dif-
ference between them. There
is no way to negotiate with this

A Southwest Airlines plane sits ina remote area of the Yuma International Airport in Yuma, Ariz. on April 4, after the
plane had a section of fuselage tear from the plane during a flighton Friday.
0 te 0 1
Oficia s investigate tear
in cel ing of S Wran

UConn wins national championship

Connecticut beats
Butler, 53-41, to
claim third title in
program history
HOUSTON (AP) - The only
thing that could stop Kemba
Walker and Connecticut's amaz-
ing run was the final buzzer.
On a night when the massive
arena felt like a dusty old gym,
UConn made Butler look like
the underdog it really was, win-
ning the national championship
last night with an old-fashioned,
grinding 53-41 beatdown of the

Walker finished with 16 points
for the Huskies (32-9), who won
their 11th straight game since
closing the regular season with a
9-9 Big East record that foreshad-
owed none of this.
They closed it out with a defen-
sive showing for the ages, holding
Butler to a 12-for-64 shooting.
That's 18.8 percent, the worst
ever in a title game.
It was one of the ugliest games
anyone can remember on the
sport's biggest stage. But defi-
nitely the kind of game a grizzled
old coach like Jim Calhoun could
At age 68, he became the oldest

coach to win the NCAA champi-
onship and joined John Wooden,
Adolph Rupp, Mike Krzyzewski
and Bob Knight as only the fifth
coach to win three NCAA titles.
"It maybe the happiest moment
of my life," Calhoun said.
Calhoun coaxed this win out of
his team by accepting the reality
that the rim looked about as wide
as a pancake on a cold-shooting,
defensive-minded night in Hous-
ton. He did it by making his play-
ers pound the ball inside and
insisting on the kind of defense
that UConn played during this
remarkable run, but which often
got overshadowed by Walker's

Fuselage tore open
as plane was in
flight on Friday
PHOENIX (AP) - Federal
aviation officials readied an
order yesterday for emergency
inspections on 80 U.S-regis-
tered Boeing 737 jetliners like
the one on which a piece of fuse-
lage tore open more than 30,000
feet above Arizona last week.
The order, to be issued Tues-
day, is aimed at finding weak-
nesses in the metal in the
fuselage, but virtually all of
the affected aircraft will have
already been inspected by the
time the order takes effect.
A 5-foot-long hole opened up
in the roof of the Southwest Air-
lines plane soon after takeoffFri-
day from Phoenix, causing a loss
of pressure and forcing pilots to
make an emergency landing 125
miles to the southwest in Yuma,
Ariz. No one was seriously hurt.
The safety directive applies
to about 175 aircraft worldwide,
including 80 planes registered

in the U.S., the Federal Aviation
Administration said. Of those
80, nearly all are operated by
Southwest. Two belong to Alas-
ka Airlines.
After the midair incident,
Southwest grounded nearly 80
Boeing 737-300s for inspec-
tions. By Monday evening. 64
were cleared to return to the
skies, but three were found with
cracks similar to those found on
the Arizona plane.
Friday's incident, however,
raised questions about the
impact that frequent takeoffs
and landings by short-haul car-
riers like Southwest put on their
aluminum-skinned aircraft and
the adequacy of the inspections.
Cracks can develop from the
constant cycle of pressurizing
the cabin for flight, then releas-
ing the pressure upon landing.
Since there had been no pre-
vious accidents or major inci-
dents involving metal fatigue in
the middle part of the fuselage,
Boeing maintenance procedures
called only for airlines to per-
form a visual inspection.

But airlines, manufactur-
ers and federal regulators have
known since at least 1988 that
planes can suffer microscopic
fractures. That year, an 18-foot
section of the upper cabin of an
Aloha Airlines 737-200 peeled
away in flight, sucking out a
flight attendant.
The order is "certainly a step
in the right direction," said
National Transportation Safety
Board member Robert Sumwalt,
who is in Yuma with the board's
accident investigation team.
The FAA's emergency order
will require initial inspections
using electromagnetic devices
on some Boeing 737 aircraft in
the -300, -400 and -500 series
that have accumulated more
than 30,000 takeoffs and land-
ings. It will require repetitive
inspections at regular intervals.
Southwest's jet was 15 years
old and had logged 39,000 pres-
surization cycles, a measure-
ment of the number of takeoffs
and landings. That's 7.2 cycles
every day for every year it has
been in service.

f I


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