SPORS R TBroadcaster and Wolverines'fan Gus Johnson will call the Michigan men's basketball game against Ohio State tonight. ) PAGE 8A 46F 46F 46F '71 c pa a Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, 2011 michigandaily.com .HIGH HOP FOR E Former Michigan line coach becomes * 19th head coach in school history By RYAN KARTJE Daily Sports Editor After the worst three-year stretchinthehistoryofthefootball program, Athletic Director Dave Brandon announced yesterday that San Diego State coach Brady Hoke will succeed Rich Rodriguez as Michigan's head football coach. Hoke will become the program's 19th coach in its 131-year history. "We are pleased to announce the hiring of Brady," Brandon wrote in the press release. "He is a terrific coach and will be a great ambassador and leader for our football program. We look forward to having him build a champion- ship program on the field and in the classroom." Brady Hoke, Michigan's new head coach, directing the Wolverines in his former position as Michigan's defensive line coach. University spokesman Rick search process. Fitzgerald said University Presi- Hoke's hiringcomes onthe heels dent Mary Sue Coleman would not of a week full of rumors and specu- comment on the hiring of Hoke lation about who would coach the until he is formally introduced in Wolverines. a press conference at 1 p.m today. When Brandon announced that He did, however, say that Coleman he would wait until after Michi- FILEPHOTO/Da fully supported Brandon and the See HOKE, Page 5A Brady Hoke (right), next to former head coach Lloyd Carr, during a game against Washington on Aug. 31,2002 at the Big House. Alumni rally around Hoke hire X tf A at with any big news event, desmondhowar he response was immedi- will be Michigan te. coach! I've heard In the minutes after the Michi- gan football program announced it had hired San Diego State's Brady Hoke as its next coach, former Wolverines grabbed cell phones and turned on laptops to spread the news. Their reaction on Twitter was anything but negative: Braylon Edwards (2001-04): @ officialbraylon: I want to congrat- ulate #BradyHoke. He coached my 1st 2yrs, he's a good friend of mine & a great coach #GoBlue Desmond Howard (1989-91): @ positive things about him since midseason. Mike Hart (2004-07): @ MHart203: Hoke = Great choice he knows and Michigan Foot- ball. Cato June (1999-02): @catoji #GoBlue we have his name is Brady d: Brady Hoke Dhani Jones (1996-99): @ 's next head dhanijones: Congrats @DaveB- nothing but randonAD on the hire of Brady Hoke. He's felt a Michigan Cham- pionship. Time to return! #goblue #michiganman "I'm excited for Brady Hoke and even for Michigan," Green Bay Packers and former Michigan star Charles Woodson wrote ina text message to The Associated NICOLE Press. "I'm glad this process is AUERBACH over and we can begin to restore the tradition and respect that was once Michigan." une: Congrats Whew. That's about as much a new coach and support as you can get - and that Hoke! impresses me. Yes, Hoke is a Michigan Man. He understands Michigan's unique traditions. He was a part of the coaching staff that won a national chanpionship at Michigan. That was certainly an important part of this hire. He's also a defensive-minded coach - which is a sight for sore eyes after watching Michigan's defense the past three seasons. Recall Athletic Director Dave Brandon's comments last week at his press conference: "Is there a thought of a defensive-minded head coach? There's a thought of getting a defensive-minded See AUERBACH, Page 5A JAKE FeROMM/Daily Athletic Director Dave Brandon at a press conference announcing the firing of former Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez on Wednesday, Jan. 5,2011. N Players back Brandon's decision, embrace Hoke Students express mixed feelings about decision Some disappointed READER REACTIONS: Seewhatothers by Hoke's rsum d, hikabo a new head coach on others ready for bye- siin o ,:,,;, resi N Will doors a smile gave t the firs ers' me forgot the defe excitem of Brad Hiring Hoke "Well, we know who our next coach is going to be - man, I'm so tores "Michigan happy," Heininger said, still grin- ning. 'This is this Michigan we Ian" tradition grew up watching. It's coming back here, and it was a happy room. It By TIM ROHAN was a real happy room." Daily Sports Editor As their 4 p.m. team meeting approached yesterday, the play- Heininger swung open the ers didn't know what was in store. of Schembechler Hall with Junior tight end Kevin Koger said plastered on his face as he he thought the meeting was called wo big thumbs up. He was to talk about classes and weight t player to leave the play- training. eeting - albeit because he But Michigan Athletic Director something in his car - but Dave Brandon surprised everyone ensive end couldn't mask his when he told the players that the sent over Michigan's hiring former Michigan assistant and San y Hoke. See PLAYERS, Page SA a new beginning By SUZANNE JACOBS Daily StaffReporter It didn't take long for word to spread across campus yesterday that Brady Hoke would be the new head coach of the Michigan foot- ball team. And while many are hoping for a new era to be ushered in for Michi- gan football with the new coach, students interviewed after the announcement had mixed feelings about the decision. Second-year Law School student Raj Vashi said he wasn't impressed with Hoke's record, and didn't think Hoke would have been con- sidered had he not previously been an assistant coach at the University. Hoke was an assistant coach for the Michigan footballteam from 1995- 2002. See STUDENTS, Page SA Redshirt sophomore running back Michael Cox reacts tothe announcementc Hoke being named Michigan's new head coach. ...... ..... ... .............. Vigil held in honor of Giffords 'U' prof. says Giffords (D-Ariz.). try are with the victims, and a The University's chapter of the we wanted to take a stand agai shooting comes College Democrats organized the political violence," Campbell sai vigil last night as a non-partisan The shooting occurred at amid political push for awareness and peace Col- Tucson, Ariz. supermarket d schism in Ariz. lege Democrats Chair Brendan ing a meet-and-greet with CnnhI b ll d fnc d mnc fh fnrI, c lso nst d. tfa iur- Gif- By RACHEL BRUSSTAR and KAITLIN WILLIAMS Daily StaffReporters Despite snowfall and tempera- tures in the twenties, about 30 peo- ple gathered for a candlelight vigil on the Diag last night in remem- brance of the six people killed on Saturday during the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle tamp ei saia. The vigil included readings of articles from The New York Times about the shooting, personal state- ments and a moment of silence. Vigil attendees discussed Giffords's status - she remains in a Tuscon, Ariz. hospital in critical condition - and expressed sympathy for the victims of the shooting. "(The College Democrats) thought that we should demon- strate that people all over the coun- toras. Among the six fatalities are a 9-year-old girl, a federal district judge and one of Giffords's staff members. Fourteen individuals, including Giffords, were injured, The Associated Press reported. The sole suspect in the attack, Jared Loughner, 22, first appeared in court Monday, and is facing two federal murder charges and three attempted murder charges. He is currently being held without bail in See VIGIL, Page SA Students and faculty gathered on the Diag yesterday for a vigil honoring the victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucso - ---------- WEATHER HI: 23 * TOMORROW L 17 GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail news@michigand ily.com and let us know. NEW ON MICHIGANDAILYCOM Setting the sights on a calmer political environment MICHIGANDAILY.cOM/BLOGS/THE PODIUM A INDEX AP NEWS.. Vol. CXXI, No. 71 OPINION... '2011 The Michigan Daily NEWS.,.... michigandaily.com ............... 3A CLA SSIFIED S....................6A . 4A SPO RTS............................8A ..................5A THESTATEM ENT................. B