2A - Monday, April 4, 2011
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Monday, April 4, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
SOther Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos of the Week
RO"TC reinstated at Columbia Nl
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The University Senate at
Columbia University voted last
Friday to overturn a ban on
ROTC from campus. The ban
had been in place since 1969,
according to an April 1 article in
The New York Times.
The decision came after the
Columbia University Senate
created the Task Force on Mili-
tary Engagement, according to
the article. The task force was
formed after President Barack
Obama signed the "don't ask,
don't tell" repeal act.
Not all students and faculty
are in favor of the change, but
some Columbia University stu-
dents spoke positively about
ending the ban.
"The conversation between
the military and the university
has traveled through an arc,"
Columbia University Student
N. Rudy Rickner told The New
York Times. "Veterans and
people who come here to study
have not always had the kind
of interaction they should have
had for the last 30 years. Now
they will."
Tonight and tomorrow a
group of scholars will discuss
the influence of Bob Dylan's
songs at a seminar called "Bob
Dylan and the Law," organized
by Fordham University's Louis
Stein Center for Law and Ethics
and Touro Law School, accord-
ing to an April 2 Associated
Press article.
Fordham University Prof.
Bruce Green, one of the orga-
nizers of the event, asked Dylan
fans to write about how the
law and Dylan's lyrics relate,
according to the AP.
"We think it's important once
in a while to have fun, and to
free the scholarly imagination,"
Green told the AP. "It's a lens
through which to look at the
relationship between law, soci-
ety and culture. We hope it leads
some scholars to think things
they haven't thought before."
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People gather on the Diag on April 2 to celebrate the
40th annual Hash Bash.
Smoke detector
WHERE: West Quadrangle
Residence Hall
WHEN: Friday at about
2:30 p.m.
WHAT: Synchronized
detectors were damaged
on an entire floor after a
student disabled a smoke
detector in a dorm room,
University Police reported.
Pills pilfered
WHERE: Shapiro
Undergraduate library
WHEN: Friday at about 9
WHAT: Medication was
stolen from a student's
unattended backpack,
University Police reported.
The medication was not
recovered, and there are no
Mercury mess
WHERE: Chemistry Build-
WHEN: Friday at about 2
WHAT: Officals were con-
tacted to clean up a small
mercury spill, University
Police reported. No one was
harmed by the spill, and
there was no damage.
Street fight
WHERE: Willard St. and
East University
WHEN: Saturday at about
2:15 a.m.
WHAT: Three students
were punched by three
males on the street, Univer-
sity Police reported. One
suspect was identified. The
case is still under investiga-
'Beating the
blues' meeting
WHAT: A workshop will
be offered to students that
features information about
depression and strategies
for coping with difficult.
WHO: Counseling and Psy-
chological Services
WHEN: Today at 4:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
room 3100
Congo conflict
WHAT: Kambale Musa-
vuli, of Friends of Congo,
will sponsor a lecture about
femicide, child soldiers and
other prevalent issues in
WHO: Center for Global
WHEN: Tonight at 7p.m.
WHERE: Angell Hall,
Auditorium B
Seminar on
secular rights
WHAT: A meeting for
students interested in First
Amendment rights, spe-
cifically in regards to the
separation of church and
state. The group is intended
to provide a community
for secularists, atheists,
humanists and non-theists.
WHO: Secular Student Alli-
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Angell Hall, room
" A March 29 article
in The Michigan Daily
("Power outage causes
State Street area busi-
nesses to shutdown
early")misquoted Lee
Tillotson-Becker as say-
ing "DTE was terrible."
* Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-
Yesterday was the anni-
versary of the first cell
phone call ever made,
CNN reported. The call was
made 38 years ago in New
York by Martin Cooper, then
general manager of Motor-
ola's communictions system
This Thursday, Michi-
gan men's golfer, Lion
Kim, will become the
third Wolverine in the golf
program's history to partici-
pate in The Masters, the first
major golf tournament of the
A New Zealand beer
that is expected to be
launched this Thursday
has raised concerns because
of its promotion as a "break-
fast beer," Fox News reported.
Representatives said the com-
pany wasn't trying to encour-
age irresponsible behavior.
KyleSwanson ManagingEditor swanson@michigandaily.com
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Te MihigantDaily isaeberofTheAssociated Pressand TheAsoited Collrgate Press.
Chinese officials block
famous artist from flight
Artist and informal tally of those detentions
on Twitter, where he has more
government critic than 70,000 followers.
Thestudio assistant,who asked
said to be threat to not to be identified by name, said
Ai was going through customs at
national security the Beijing Capital International
Airport early yesterday when
BEIJING (AP) - China two officials escorted him away,
blocked one of its most famous leaving a traveling companion to
contemporary artists from tak- board the flight alone.
ing a flight to Hong Kong on yes- It was not clear whether the
terday and police later raided his 53-year-old artist and architec-
Beijing studio, the man's assis- tural designer had been detained
tant said. or why he was barred from taking
The artist, Ai Weiwei, is an the flight, the assistant said. Ai's
outspoken government critic cellphone could not be reached
and has been barred from going and airport police refused to
abroad before. comment.
China has launched a massive Police later arrived at Ai's
crackdown on lawyers, writ- studio with a search warrant
ers and activists, arresting and and took several staff members
detaining dozens since February to a police station for question-
when online calls for protests ing, said the assistant, who was
similar to those in the Middle among the group taken by police.
East and North Africa began to A man who answered the phone
circulate. Ai has been keeping an at the police station said he would
check on the case, then hung up
the phone. Subsequent calls to
the number rang unanswered.
Around two dozen uniformed
and plainclothes police could be
seen in and around Ai's studio
yesterday afternoon. An Associ-
ated Press videographer was told
by police to stop filming and leave
the area.
Ai, an avant-garde artist who
recently exhibited at the Tate
Modern gallery in London, was
stopped from boarding a flight to
Seoul in December. That incident
came shortly after he had been
invited to attend the Nobel Peace
Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway,
honoring jailed Chinese dissi-
dent Liu Xiaobo. Liu is serving an
11-year sentence for subversion.
Al said at the time that police
had blocked him at the boarding
gate and showed him a handwrit-
ten note that said he could cause
damage to national security by
Afghan protestors beat a burning ef figy of U.S. President Barack Obama during a demonstration in Jalalabad, Afghani-
stan on Sunday, April 3, 2011.
Afghans protest against
Quran burning in Florida
Increase in riots Press photographer at the scene. that those killed during the pro-
kills 20, injures The Taliban said in a state- tests were unarmed demonstra-
ment emailed to media outlets tors.
multiple others that the U.S. and other Western "Afghan forces under the
Adoptions of HI V-positive children
on the rise among American parents
"Stigma is steadily
lessening" toward
The immediate task might be
coaxing a toddler into one more
swallow of nasty-tasting medica-
tion. Longer term, there are tough
choices to be made about telling
that child - and the surround-
ing community - why those daily
doses maybe needed for the rest of
his orher life.
While most adoptions present
challenges, there's a distinctive set
of them facing parents who decide
to adopt children living with HIV.
A twice-daily medication regi-
men, lingering prejudice and fear,
uncertainty about the child's lon-
gevity and marriage prospects.
Yet the number of U.S. parents
undertaking HIV adoptions, or
seriously considering them, is
surging - from a trickle five years
ago to at least several hundred.
Most involve orphans from for-
eign countries where they faced
stigma, neglect and the risk of
early death.
"I can't think of a more signifi-
cant way to make an impact than
to do this," said Margaret Fleming,
a 74-year-old Chicagoan whose
nine adopted children include
three HIV-positive first graders.
"These kids were, in many
ways, the modern-day lepers," she
Ignorance and bias related to
HIV haven't vanished in the Unit-
ed States. But the stigma is steadi-
ly lessening, especially compared
to many of the other countries that
are home to an estimated 2.5 mil-
lion children with the disease.
At forums and overthe Internet,
parents who have adopted HIV-
positive kids are offering advice
and encouragement to those who
might follow suit. In February,
Bethany Christian Services - the
largest U.S. adoption agency -
unveiled a detailed educational
package about HIV adoptions
to help the growing number of
interested parents make informed.
"We didn't feel we could ethi-
cally place these kids without
some really solid education for
these families," said Sara Ruiter,
Bethany's international services
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP)
- Afghan protests against the
burning of a Quran in Florida
entered a third day with a dem-
onstration in a major eastern
city yesterday, while the Tali-
ban called on people to rise up,
blaming government forces for
any violence.
The desecration at a small
U.S. church has outraged Mus-
lims worldwide, and in Afghani-
stan many ofthe demonstrations
have turned into deadly riots.
Protests in the north and south
in recent days have killed 20
Yesterday's protest in Jalala-
bad city was peaceful, with hun-
dreds of people blocking a main
highway for three hours, shout-
ing for U.S. troops to leave and
burning an effigy of President
Barack Obama before dispers-
ing, according to an Associated
countries have wrongly excused
the burning a Quran by the pas-
tor of a Florida church on March
20 as freedom of speech and
that Afghans "cannot accept
this un-Islamic act."
On Saturday, U.S. President
Barack Obama extended his
condolences to the families
of those killed by the protest-
ers and said desecration of the
Quran "is an act of extreme
intolerance and bigotry." But he
said that does not justify attack-
ing and killing innocent people,
calling it "outrageous and an
affront to human decency and
Eleven were killed Friday
when demonstrators stormed a
U.N. compound, including seven
foreign U.N. employees.
A riot Saturday in south-
ern Kandahar city resulted in
nine deaths and more than 80
The Taliban statement said
order of the foreign torces
attacked unarmed people dur-
ing the protests, killing them
and arresting some, saying
there were armed people among
these protesters, which was not
true," the statement said.
Sher Jan Durani, a spokesman
for the government of northern
Balkh province, where the first
riots occurred, said there were
multiple armed men among the
more than 20 arrested. Afghan
authorities suspect insurgents
infiltrated the mob.
In Kandahar, officials said 17
people, including seven armed
men, have been arrested.
The protests come at a critical
juncture as the U.S.-led coali-
tion gears up for an insurgent
spring offensive and a summer
withdrawal of some troops, and
with Afghanistan's mercurial
president increasingly question-
ing international motives and
NATO's military strategy.