The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 3B Regal and legal Law Quad Springtime for poets The story behind the serene and majestic complex By VERONICA MENALDI Daily Arts Writer Regardless of the season, there are always plenty of students walking through the grassy (or snow-covered) area of the Law Quadrangle. People have long been fascinated with the beauty of its mystical architecture. Consisting of four main build- ings - the Lawyer's Club, the John P. Cook Dormitory, the Legal Research Library and Hutchins Hall - the Law Quad has held a long and storied his- tory, with the construction of the first of the buildings dating back to 1925 and the latest one having been completed in 1933. First-year Law student Wen- cong Fa finds both the beauty and history of the Quad mesmerizing. "I've seen pictures of it before I came here, but it was better than anything I could have imag- ined," Fa said. One of his favorite places in the Law Quad is the arch leading to the dining hall, since it serves as agreat connecting space between the Law community and the rest of the University. Fa finds the Law Quad's inclu- siveness very convenient. "It's an amazing place," he said. "I like how it prompts you to get a lot closer to everyone. This is one of the reasons why we have such a tight-knit com- munity at Michigan Law - you see your classmates, you see your professors. Everyone is really accessible since you see them all the time." For second-year Law student Justin Benson, this all-inclusive design captures the intellectual energy of the Law School. "Wherever you go, you can feel that energy," he said. His favorite spot in the Quad is the Reading Room, both for its aestheticism and the muse it pro- vides him, particularly when he is studying for hours on end. The first time he set eyes on the Quad, Benson was an undergrad- uate student at the University. He used the intriguing qualities of the Quad as motivation to work hard so he could have the oppor- tunity to be a Law student in such an inspirational area. "(The Law Quad) is old and beautiful, and I think that's what makes it an appropriate space to become a lawyer," Benson said. "You are surrounded by extreme- ly bright and engagingcolleagues and being around these people and the Quad's beauty is what makes it so conductive to the study of law." For J.S.D. candidate Tianlong Hu, the fascination with the quadrangle has more to do with the smaller things. As an international student from China, he served as a recep- tionist for Chinese visitors and has found the main attraction to the Quad are the minor details - usually looked over by most. "They are more interested in seeing the soft parts, like those window glasses on Hutchins Hall or those little sculptures in the building walls," Hu said. He said these soft details even inspired a legal historian at Peking University Law School in China to improve the campus courthouse with decorations inspired by what he saw in the University's Law Quad. "People usually (overlook)' small details and don't pay atten- tion to them, but visitors show a different viewpoint," he said. Another aspect that is very impressive to international visi- tors, Hu said, is the modern func- tionality of the old buildings. "They are surprised to see how the buildings that are 80 years old are able to incorporate mod- ern technology like elevators," he said. The concept behind the Law Quad's classic construction has its roots in the 1400s, when the leaders of Cambridge's King's College in England had a philoso- phy of designing a school with everything included in the same site. The Law Quad's design was inspired by such a concept. A quadrangle by definition is a space or courtyard usually in the shape of a square or rectangle whose sides are walls of build- ings. Though the design was very common in European colleges, American universities prefer to have multiple college buildings spread across campus. University Planner Sue Gott said the University's Law Quad took this understanding to build an all-inclusive residential, learning and research environ- ment through a gothic revival for the University's Law students. The buildings comprising the quad were built in a variety of related styles, including English, Elizabethan and gothic. They also have classical features, with Greek revival themes snuck in throughout the complex. The quad itself includes a number of details, including six sculptured corbels crouching at the main entrances that have the faces of prominent past University presi- dents James Angell, Marion Burton, Henry Frieze, Erastus Haven, Harry Hutchins and Henry Tappan. Even for those who aren't familiar with the history of ear- lier colleges, the quad provokes a sense of awe in most spectators far and near. "It's simply a magical and inspiring setting because it is unique and not typical to other areas of campus and even other campuses across the country," Gott said. Gott said the Law Quad's beauty and early design are planned to be maintained as the complex adapts to building codes and makes use of state-of-the-art construction methods. "We will always be evolving and adapting but certainly pursu- ing (the Quad's) integrity," Gott said. "Any new or future devel- opment would be sensitive with a compatible design." Back in the 1990s, develop- ments included the construction of a state-of-the-art Moot Court- room. Currently the Quad is undergoing even more additions, which include the Law School Academic Building and Hutchins Hall Law School Commons. The purpose of the Academic. Building is to house more class- rooms, clinical work spaces, multi-purpose rooms and offices for the faculty and administrators of the Law School. The Commons is being built to accommodate student study, interaction and support rooms. "It's designed to very clearly express that it is within the col- lection of buildings of the Law School so that it will very intui- tively speak to you as a continua- tion of the quad," Gott said. Whether thebuildings in ques- tion were built back in 1925 or in 2011, their irrefutably unique qualities - be they breathtaking archways or modernized tech- nology within the walls of the magical structures - will contin- ue to provide a muse for Univer- sity students for years to come. If spring didn't exist - some- I times in Ann Arbor I think it doesn't - poets would have had to invent it. Breezes no longer sting, but soothe, and daylight lingers later than we remember possible. We are reminded of the myriad varieties of green, and the mineral DAVID smell of rain LUCAS and soil. "What is all this juice and all this joy?" Gerard Manley Hopkins asks - and though we know what it is and trust it to arrive, spring nev- ertheless surprises and overjoys when it does. Cycles of life and death con- cern us all, of course, but poets seem particularly obsessed. So it's no surprise that they have plenty to say about the most symbolically resonant of all seasons. In Philip Larkin's "The Trees," buds have justbegun to open. Larkin imagines the blos- soming trees as ... unresting castles (which) thresh ' In fullgrown thickness every May. Last year is dead, they seem to say, Begin afresh, afresh, afresh. The richness of sound - espe- cially the repeated "sh" in the last line - recalls the rustle of youngleaves, a music we may have forgotten since last Novem- ber. But the trees only seem to say anything at all; we are the ones who give voice to what we see, smell and feel happening around us. And happening within us. The season, Tony Hoagland reminds us in "Just Spring," "drives more (than) birds and flowers crazy." And desire, "if you don't let it out, everybody knows /backs up and poisons you inside / like old sap clogged inside a tree." The Freudian teenagers in Hoa- gland's poem vandalize church- es "because they loved their mothers so much / it was killing them," and a recent divorcee swears off love, even though she secretly wants to be ... kissed all over her thirty-nine- year old body until, like Spring, she comes and comes and comes. Suffering Mother of God. Sweet Jesus. That's not to say it's all juice and joy, though. If spring comes with its melodies of love and rejuvenation, such love and reju- venation also remind us of all that does not return, what is lost for good. T.S. Eliot opens "The Waste Land" in springbut, lost in his own spiritual desert, declares that "April is the cruellest month." Earthly reawakening isn't much good to one whose mind and heart remain wintry. "To what purpose, April, do you return again?" asks Edna St. Vincent Millay in "Spring." "Beauty is not enough." And it never is, much as it astonishes us for simply being. "It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, /April / Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers." April showers bring.., poems. Those of us who live in the upper Midwest must beware the false spring that lasts about 20 minutes before returning us to a winter redux, colder than ever. In "The Birds Return," the Polish poet Wislawa Szymbo- rska watches the birds "again come back too early," and pro- claims, Rejoice, O reason, instinct can also err. It dozes off, it overlooks - and down they fall into the snow, and perish senselessly. To watch this happen seems unjust, even unnatural, to a human sensibility. But Szym- borska makes clear that this is how new beginnings in fact begin. Szymborska stakes a clever, subtle claim on behalf of those fallen birds, and false spring, regarding the dropped birds from the perspective of a stone "which in its archaic and boorish way / looks on all life as attempts repeatedly failed." The failures are necessary and can even be beautiful themselves. University English Prof. Linda Gregerson writes in "Spring Snow" of"a kind of counter- / blossoming, diver- sionary, // doomed." In this spring blizzard, the old season is not yet ready to be dethroned: The saplings made (who little thought what beauty weighs) to bow before their elders. See LUCAS, Page 4B D F 'FREAKS AND GEEKS' (1999 - 2000), NBC 'Geeks' still freaking awesome S EKEEPEIS fin.All 28 Drafts N 1J5 Heineken 8 Amstel light Pint & 6 Wings $4.99 $2.75 Pitchers Of ~ ll ffaudwich Plotters Killians/ Coors Light . a nd $t. ~ 39995.0100 Hac~ppy Hour -'1ft oIM 4 dP4*A S EltAIn By KELLY ETZ dodgeball-wielding bullies, a DailyArts Writer hopeless crush on a cheerleader and that brutally awkward phase "Freaks and Geeks" might just known as puberty. be the best show you've never As Lindsay attempts to navi- seen. Miles ahead of the multi- gate her way through the "freaks" tude of other programs centered crowd, she invariably falls for its around a group of high school James Dean-esque leader Daniel students, it's witty, refreshing (James Franco, "127 Hours") and and just as relevant today as it incurs the wrathof Daniel's some- was a decade ago. The beauty of times girlfriend, self-imposed the series lies in its ability to be badass Kim (Busy Philipps, "Cou- at once uncommonly ordinary garTown"). Other members of the and refreshingly real, depicting "freaks" gang include Nick (Jason the fears, humiliations and tri- Segel, "How I Met Your Mother"), umphs of adolescence without a John Bonham-idolizing dream- ever slipping into sappy dialogue er, and Ken (Seth Rogen, "The or romanticized nostalgia. It's Green Hornet"), a wonderfully brutal honesty at its finest. deadpan stoner. Despite their less- Set in 1980s suburban Michi- than-shiny exteriors, the "freaks" gan at William McKinley High prove to be complicated and (Really "Glee," you couldn't think surprisingly vulnerable people of an original high school?), the underneath the slacker attitudes. series centers around Lindsay While Lindsay assimilates her- (Linda Cardellini, "ER") and self with burnout culture, Sam Sam Weir (John Francis Daley, runs with the "geeks" - the ones "Bones"). Lindsay, a recover- who've seen "Star Wars" 27 times, ing mathlete, finds herself in an play "Dungeons & Dragons" and existential crisis of self-identity are prone to William Shatner and takes to hanging with the impersonations. They consist of "freaks" as a way to break from Neal (Samm Levine, "Inglourious the "good-girl" mold. Sam, a Basterds"), a Jewish comic genius, 103-pound freshman, is juggling and Bill (Martin Starr, "Party Down"), an adorably gangly brai- and Geeks" with all the hopes, niac in coke-bottle glasses. fears, contradictions and crazi- Both groups of young actors ness of life in high school - all deliver top-notch performances, without ever resorting to the deftly hitting every authentic after-school special "lesson." note. Special consideration goesto Instead, each episode is filled Cardellini's depiction of Lindsay's with an overwhelming sense of agonizing quest for self-discovery understanding of the exquisite and Starr's expert portrayal of agony that is high school. Every the endearingly out-of-touch Bill. embarrassing moment is there, from failing to host a keg party to showering after gym class. Despite being canceled after only 18 episodes, the series was was a freak? nominated for an Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series Surely you jest. Emmy in both 2000 and 2001. Since then, it has accumulated a vast and loyal fan base and the entire series has been released A host of minor characters often on DVD. It's worth the cost just steal the scene, each demonstrat- to see the evolution of some of the ing a satirical cliche and a healthy actors we have come to know and dose of humanity. Some hilarious love, back in their awkward phas- cameo appearances by Ben Still- es and acting their hearts out. er ("Little Fockers") and Jason In the end, "Freaks and Geeks" Schwartzman ("Scott Pilgrim vs. isn't sexy, glamorous or set in a The World") round out the excel- fantasy high school world where lent cast. everyone is overly beautiful and Producer Judd Apatow overly dramatic ("Secret Life of ("Knocked Up") and writer Paul the American Teenager," any- Feig ("The Office") packed each one?). It's simply damn good tele- 60-minute episode of "Freaks vision.