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January 11, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-01-11

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2 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Michigan Daily- michigandaily.com

2 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers

Professor Profiles

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week


What the library offers

Editor's Note: Today The Michi-
gan Daily debuts a new weekly rotat-
ing item called Questions on Campus.
Every Tuesday, we'll answer ques-
tionsfrom students about the Univer-
sity. Topics will range from academic
policies, campus life and anything in
between. To submit a question you
want answered, e-mail questions@
Q: There are many libraries
across campus, but what are some
of the specific resources offered
by libraries that can be most help-
fulfor students?
With more than 20 different
libraries in 12 campus buildings, stu-
dents may be overwhelmed by the
vastness of University resources and
may not know where to start. And
while many students study in at least
one University library, especially
during midterms and finals, students
leave many resources untapped.
Many University tools allow stu-

dents to fulfill their library needs
online without stepping out their
MLibrary, the University
Library's online resource, gives stu-
dents the option to complete their
research online - eliminating the
task of searching through library
catalogues and archives in person.
MLibrary also allows students
to access a plethora of online jour-
nals free of charge. In November,
the website was updated and now
combines the browsing and search-
ing features of the site into a single
Additionally, delivery services for
hard copies of books are available for
students - allowing them to pick up
the materials at the checkout coun-
ters at the libraries instead of search-
ing through the stacks.
Another service is Mirlyn Get
This, which provides a delivery ser-
vice from one library on campus to

another at a library pickup location
of the student's choice.
If a student encounters difficulty
finding the necessary materials from
an on-campus library, the Univer-
sity also uses an Interlibrary Loan
system, which allows the libraries
to borrow materials from a library at
another university or institution.
But the libraries on campus aren't
purely for academic needs. Students
can also go to some libraries for
entertainment purposes like play-
ing computer and video games. The
Shapiro Undergraduate Library is
also home to Askwith Media Library,
where students can rent movies and
television shows free of cost.
In the basement of the Duderstadt
Library on North Campus, there is
also a Computer and Video Game
Archive, which offers a selection of
games ranging from 1970s classics to
new releases.

School of Music freshman Ji Kim and LSA freshman
Sarah Garvey browse through posters in the Union.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN0745-%7) ispublished Monday throughFridayduringthefallandwinter
terms by studentsat theuniversity of Michigan.Onecopy isavailablefree of chargetoallreaders.
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$130 stolen from Access denied 'U' Mentorship Trumpet recital The decline in the number
unlocked car WHERE: Modern Languages mass meeting WHAT: Jason Bergman 1ofsmokers in the United
Building will perform his disserta- Kingdom could result in
WHERE: 1012 Cornwell Place, WHEN: Monday at about 2:15 WHAT: An informa- tion recital - playing various the disappearance of the habit
Lot M-65 a.m. tional meeting for under- pieces of music, including by 2050, The Telegraph report-
WHEN: Sunda at about 1:15 WHAT: An MCard door read- graduates lookinoto oe those of Gershwin and Bach. ed.

rxarr;aiuy a UUL
WHAT: A female reported that
$130 in cash was stolen from
her unlocked car, University

er was ripped off an exterior
door, University Police report-
ed. The damage is estimated
to be about $300. There are no

gt uac iv ig wgc
involved in the University
Mentorship Program.
WHO: Office of New
Student Programs

WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building

Police reported. suspects. WHEN: Today at 5:30 p.m. Thanks in large part to
Accident reveals Michigan UniRoms W interfest in 7 Michigan coach John
MBeilein's 1-3-1 zone
faulty license Parking lot loner the Union scheme, the Michigan men's
2011 Summer basketball team held Kansas to
WHERE: East Medical Center receives M IP WHAT: Students can 35-percent shooting on Sunday.
Drive Orientation visit informational >> FORMORE,SEESPORTS,PAGE8
WHEN: Sunday at about 11:30 WHERE: 705 North Univer- booths set up by campus
p.m. sity, Lot C-1 leader meetng groups and departments
WHAT: Two men were in an WHEN: Sunday at about 2:30 and sign up to join.
automobile accident, Univer- a.m. WHAT: Students interested WHO: Student Activities According to a recent

sity Police reported. Minor
damage was done to both cars,
but there were no injuries. One
driver was arrested for driving
on a suspended license.

WH AT: A male student was
arrested for possession of alco-
hol, University Police report-
ed. The student was found
alone in the parking lot.

in becoming orientation
leaders for summer 2011
are invited to attend the
mass meeting tonight.
WHO: Office of New
Student Programs
WHEN: Tonight at 7p.m.
WHERE: Boulevard Room,
Pierpont Commons

and Leadership
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

study, Washington D.C.
has the most literate citi-
zens, USA Today reported.
The study examined resources
available n each city, including
newspapers, bookstores, maga-
zines, education, libraries and
the Internet.


Love Crime Notes?Getfmoreonline atmichigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire

Fraud allegations surround
C E -presidential candidate in Haiti

Job seekers search for jobs at WorkSource Oregon Friday, Jan. 7, 2011, in Tualatin, Ore. The nation added 103,000 jobs in Decem-
ber, and the unemployment rate dropped to 9.4 percent last month.
xperts predict recent job
growt to continue in 2011

to gain
the un
9.7 pert
after a;
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Also en
ment b
than it
more tf
A de
ers feel
my and
past he
the bes
into ef
new ye
will be
give bu

creased hiring in "Consumers are no longer as
concerned about their job security,
ember bodes well and that's giving them a little more
confidence to go out and spend,"
for new year said Ryan Sweet, an economist at
Moody's Analytics.
HINGTON (AP) - The The economy needs to generate
ment is expected to report about 125,000 jobs a month just to
that businesses stepped up keep up with population growth
in December, a trend likely and prevent the unemployment
momentum in 2011. rate from rising. More than double
nomists are predicting that that amount is needed to reduce
ers added a net total of the rate.
0 jobs last month and that Last year, the nation added an
employment rate dipped to average of 86,500 jobs a month
cent. through November. The unemploy-
e are even more optimistic ment rate, meanwhile, actually
private payroll firm estimat- rose - from 9.7 percent in January
week that companies added to 9.8 percent in November.
300,000 jobs in December. But many economists expect
couraging was a report that hiring to ramp up in 2011. Goldman
eople applied forunemploy- Sachs projects that employers will
enefits over the past month add 2.2 million jobs this year, or
n any four-week period in about 180,000 a month, double last
han two years. year's amount. Moody's Analytics
cline in layoffs has consum- puts the figure at about 250,000
ing better about the econo- per month.
I spending more freely. This Still, the recession left a deep
liday shopping season was hole in the job market. More than
t in four years. 7.3 million jobs were eliminated
a payroll tax cut that goes during the downturn. Most econo-
fect this month will give mists expect the unemployment
ans even more money in the rate will still be near 9 percent by
ar. Economists expect that the end of 2011.
tost economic growth and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
sinesses more confidence to Bernanke, who is scheduled to tes-
tify about the economic outlook

Friday on Capitol Hill, has said it
will take years for the unemploy-
ment rate to return to a healthy
level of about 5.5 percent.
One positive development is
that small businesses are starting
to add more workers after lagging
behind their larger counterparts.
The National Federation of Inde-
pendent Business said Thursday
that its measure of the small busi-
ness hiring outlook rose to its high-
est level in more than two years in
Meanwhile, applications for
unemployment benefits rose last
week to a seasonally adjusted
409,000, the Labor Department
said Thursday. Still, that's not
much higher than the 391,000
level reached in the previous week
- the lowest in more than two
years - and week to week figures
tend to fluctuate more during the
A more reliable measure is the
four-week average for applications.
That fell last week to 410,750, the
lowest level in nearly two and a half
years and the eighth decline in nine
Fewer than 425,000 people
applying for benefits signals mod-
est job growth. And applications
are far below their peak during the
recession of 651,000, reached in
March 2009.

candidate to be
removed from ballot
- An international team of elec-
tion experts will recommend that
Haiti's government-backed candi-
date be eliminated from a presi-
dential runoff ballot due to strong
evidence of fraud in voting that led
to riots, according to a draft of the
report obtained yesterday by The
Associated Press.
The report by the organization
of American States team has not
been released publicly but officials
confirmed its conclusions. It was
to be presented to President Rene
Preval later yesterday, foreign and
Haitian sources confirmed.
The report's most important
conclusions are that the disputed
Nov. 28 vote should neither be
thrown out entirely nor recount-
ed, and that enough fraudulent or
improper ballots should be invali-
dated to drop governing-party
candidate Jude Celestin into third
place and out of the second-round
That would favor carnival sing-
er Michel "Sweet Micky" Mar-.
telly, a populist candidate who
was in third place and out of run-
off contention when results were
announced last month. Former
first lady and law professor Mir-
lande Manigat would remain in
first place. All the top candidates
would lose thousands of votes
under the team's recommenda-
Haitian electoral officials must
make the final decision on what to
do, but the OAS recommendations
could weigh heavily. The three top
candidates all believe they should
advance to a second-round vote if
not declared the winner outright.
Rioting broke out in several cit-
ies when the preliminary results
were announced, with Martelly's
supporters blocking streets and
demanding their candidate be
immediately named president.
The U.S. Embassy expressed
doubt over the results at the time,
saying they did not match observ-
ers' polling estimates that showed
Celestin in line to be eliminated.
The OAS report matches that

"After a thorough statistical
analysis ... the Expert Mission has
determined that it cannot support
the preliminary results ofthe pres-
idential elections released on Dec.
7,2010," the report said.
"Should this recommendation
be implemented, the position of
the candidate in third place (Mar-
telly) would change to second and
the candidate now in second place
(Celestin) would move to third," it
The AP obtained a copy of the
report, and a foreign official with
direct knowledge of the report
confirmed its conclusions. A sec-
ond foreign official said that the
report had been completed and
translated into French and that
the conclusion in the draft would
The sources spoke on condition
of anonymity because the report
had not been made public and was
not supposed to be discussed until
it was reviewed by Preval.
Some critics of the election say
the entire vote should be thrown
out because of rampant disorgani-
zation, fraud and instances of vio-
lence and voter intimidation.
Twelve of the 19 candidates,
including Manigat and Martelly,
joined together while polls were
still open to demand the vote be
tossed out. The front-runners
changed tune a day later after U.N.
and other officials informed them
they were expected to advance to
a runoff.
The Washington-based Center
for Economic and Policy Research,
a left-leaning think tank, said the
vote should be invalidated because
errors and fraud were too wide-
spread and the party of ousted
former President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, who is still popular in
Haiti, was not allowed to partici-
"The OAS has abandoned any
professional standards by certi-
fying an election where nearly
three-quarters of registered voters
did not vote because the country's
most popular political party was
banned," said economist Mark
Weisbrot. "Given the massive
irregularities in that first round, it
is not even possible to determine
who the top two finishers were."
Celestin's campaign chief, Sen.

Joseph Lambert, said the cam-
paign would not commentbecause
it did not have a copy of the report.
The Martelly campaign also
declined comment, and a Manigat
spokesman did not return calls.
Preval was not expected to
respond publicly until after
Wednesday's one-year anniver-
sary of the earthquake that dev-
astated Port-au-Prince. An aide
declined comment.
The second round was origi-
nally scheduled for Jan. 16 but
was delayed in part because elec-
toral officials were waiting for the
results of the OAS review. Officials
have said the earliest it can be held
is next month.
The experts found that tens of
thousands more votes than previ-
ously thought should be discarded
because polling-place officials did
not follow procedures or because
of signs that tally sheets were
According to the review, Mar-
telly would end up in second place
with 22.2 percent after having
7,150 votes ruled invalid. Celestin
would drop to third place with 21.9
percent after losing 17,220 votes.
Manigat would remain in first
place with 31.6 percent after hav-
ing 13,830 of her votes thrown out.
The team included electoral,
technical and statistical experts
from the United States, France,
Canada, Jamaica and the OAS. It
reviewed a sample representing
roughly 16.9 percent of the votes
cast, along with ballot boxes and
bags, user access logs and other
The team said it decided not to
recommend holding a new vote
because "a new election would
involve more contests and can-
didacies than the evidence war-
A new election also would be
a burdensome expense for the
impoverished country, "subject the
Haitian people to a further lapse
in constitutional governance," it
The team also decided against
recommending a partial do-over
in "certain problematic locations"
or a nationwide recount.
Preval's term is scheduled to
end Feb. 7, but he could remain in
power until May because he was
inaugurated late in 2006.

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