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March 24, 2011 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2011-03-24

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1A
UMHS has already seen an
outpouring of support for vic-
tims of Japan - not just at the
main campus hospital but also at
medical offices throughout the
area, Gavin said.
"The health system commu-
nity has really rallied around
this cry," she said. "They're
coming together."
Supplies will be transported
to Japan by the Detroit-based
aid organization World Medical
From Page 1A
The Department of Physics is
also tweaking its introductory
classes. In this case, the depart-
ment is making changes so the
track is more relevant for stu-
dents studying life sciences and
pre-medicine rather than engi-
neering, according to Timothy
McKay, Arthur F. Thurnau pro-
fessor of physics and astronomy.
Instead of offering Physics 125
as the class for non-engineers,
Physics 135 will be the primary
class aimed at life sciences and
pre-medicine students.
McKay said the content for
many students taking Physics 125
was often "not very relevant." He
added that classes should provide
a connection with the natural
"We should have a new kind of
physics class that aims to teach
people how life works instead
of how random things in our
technology work," McKay said.
"That's what got us started on
this path."
Physics 135 was first intro-
duced in 2006, but it was only this
academic year that class enroll-
ment surpassed that of Physics
125, according to McKay. Howev-
er, onlyPhysics 135 willbe offered
next year.
The changes to the physics
curriculum have been anticipated
for awhile, McKay said. He added
that they are concurrent with
fundamental changes occurring
in science disciplines around the
"(The University of) Michi-
From Page lA
Ablauf wrote.
Though some students may be
deterred from buying the tickets,
the student section as a whole
will probably sell out, he wrote.
The deadline for students to buy
season tickets is this Friday at 5
Tickets for non-students are
also pricier than last year at $480
for the eight home games. Last
year's package for seven games
had apricetagof$375. Despitethe
price increase, Ablauf estimated
that in the upcoming season there
will be the same number of sea-
son ticket holders from last year.
"We have a robust waiting list,
in the event that a small portion
of season ticket holders decline
their renewal," Ablauf wrote.
The ticket cost increases of this
and last year came after a slight
reduction in student and other

season ticket prices decreased
due to economic reasons. Stu-
dents paid $200 for the home
game package in 2009, while sea-
son ticket holders paid $400.
The extra revenue raised by
the price increase will be used to
continue renovations at the Big

Relief, Inc., which also distrib-
uted UMHS donations to vic-
tims of the earthquake in Haiti
last year. UMHS already has
enough bottled water and medi-
cal supplies to fill two shipping
pallets, according to Gavin. She
added that donations are still
being collected and that UMHS
will also accept contributions
from the non-medical commu-
"It's amazing to see what
everyone's doing," Gavin said.
"Everyone wants to help."
Reflecting personally on the
disaster, Masada said though his
gan is kind of out in front on this
across the country," McKay said.
"The course materials we're
using here are being picked up
and adopted by other universi-
The Spanish concentra-
tion within the Department of
Romance Languages and Litera-
tures is also shifting its prerequi-
275 and 276 to create Spanish 277.
Like the other new courses, the
class will debut in the fall.
According to Juli Highfill,
an associate professor of Span-
ish, these changes are part of an
attempt to bring the program
more in line with the French con-
centration curriculum.
"We think that this will make
our program more effective and
interesting for students," Highfill
Highfill also said the chang-
es will allow the department
to more effectively channel its
resources and offer more upper-
level classes in the future.
"We're hopingthatby reducing
our prerequisite to one course,
we can direct more resources to
the upper-level courses, and then
offer more sections. We don't yet
have permission from the college
to offer many more because of
budget pressures, but we're hop-
ing over the next few years that
we can offer more because we
know that's a huge problem," said
Highfill, referring to students'
difficulties enrolling in Spanish
Many students seeking to take
Spanish classes have struggled in
the past few semesters to get into
the courses. Department offi-

relatives live in Tokyo and were
unaffected by the earthquake,
he's doing whatever he can to
help out.
Masada said students on
campus have already surpassed
1,000 cranes, noting that partic-
ipants at an event coordinated
by the University's Center for
Japanese Studies folded more
than 1,200 in one day.
"We're not going to stop at
1,000," Masada said. "We'll just
keep on doing it."
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.
cials have attributed this to the
large number of students inter-
ested in studying the language.
French Prof. Michele Hannoosh,
then-chair of the Department
of Romance Languages and Lit-
eratures, wrote in an e-mail that
within the Spanish program,
there are "more combined con-
centrators and minors than any
department in LSA apart from
Highfill said this is a problem
the department is still trying to
"The number of majors just
keeps growing faster than we
can grow in terms of faculty and
offering more courses and sec-
tions," she said.
LSA junior Lauren Hanley
wrote in e-mail interview that
she is optimistic about the chang-
es being made within the Spanish
"I really hope this restructur-
ing allows the professors to teach
more classes so that everyone
that wants to can be involved
with the Spanish department,"
Hanley wrote.
LSA junior Katherine Riley,
president-elect of the Undergrad-
uate English Association, said she
thinks the English department's
new prerequisites will encourage
more students to choose the con-
"It will definitely make a lot
more people consider being an
English major because there's
only one prerequisite," Riley said.
"After they take that one prereq-
uisite, they can really just jump
into the major and start taking
the really fun classes that are
super specialized."

From Page 1A
in Northwood, said he and his
fellow RAs try to create a com-
munity environment for the stu-
"When I came up here I
thought it would be a very dif-
ferent experience," Lumley said.
"It's definitely different from
living in the residence halls, but
the community building (is still
there). We still want the resi-
dents to get to know each other.
It's just a little bit more challeng-
ing here because we have to go
knock on doors. We don't have
that community center where
people come."
Nearly all the students at the
fireside chat said they would like
some sort of community cen-
ter or lounge where they could
congregate and hang out. LSA
senior Morgan Baker, another
RA in Northwood, said a com-
mon lounge would help bring the
"Seeing Northwood at its
beginning stage and the pos-
sibility it has to bring freshmen
together, it'd really be nice to
have our own common space
where you can really get to know
the residents," Baker said.
Lumley added that a residen-
tial computing site would also

benefit Northwood residents and
help to build a stronger commu-
"We are trying to figure out
ways to best serve the students,"
Lumley said. "We're talking
right now about the possibility
of getting some computers and
a printer in Northwood hous-
ing because right now they don't
have anywhere to print. Right
now, they have to go use Burs-
ley's lounge, but it's a really far
walk away."
LSA freshman Ronak Mehta
lives in Mary Markley Residence
Hall but said during the chat that
he enjoys coming to North Cam-
pus to visit his friend in North-
"I think it's a great place up
here," Mehta said. "Whenever
I come up here, I feel very at
peace. I can definitely see it very
different than living in the dorm
- different not in a bad way."
Harper said the University
is working to change North
Campus's reputation of being a
secluded area. The University
is considering freezing over the
pond at the School of Music,
Theatre and Dance for ice skat-
ing in the winter and holding
outdoor concerts in the spring,
Harper said.
"The idea is to take what's so
wonderful and beautiful about
North Campus and build on it

Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 5A
rather than fighting it ..." Harper
said. "(We're) just tryingtothink
about what's unique about North
Campus that we could do that
would make it feel less secluded
or less isolated, so you'd have
both the trees and the squirrels
and the muskrats and all that,
but sometimes a little bit of a
party atmosphere."
While the undergraduates
in attendance were extolling
the virtues of the Northwood
Houses, a handful of graduate
students expressed their dis-
pleasure with the University's
plan to have more undergradu-
ates live in Northwood I and II
after the apartment buildings
are renovated in spring 2012.
Residents of Northwood I, II
and III will have to leave their
apartments in April 2012 prior
to the building updates. The
residents will have the option of
relocating to Northwood IV or
V. Students at the fireside chat
expressed concern that their
potential new apartments could
be farther away from campus,
grocery shops and restaurants.
Coleman said she understood
the graduate students' plight,
adding that the University will
do everything it can to try and
accommodate them.
"Well, be patient with us,"
Coleman said. "We'll try to man-

From Page 1A
Kazmirzack said the emergency
financial manager system has
been in place in Michigan since
1990 to protect citizens who live
in a financially unstable city.
The public uproar against
Snyder's plans has spawned
recent protests on campus and
at the State Capitol Building in
Lansing over the past month.
Cries of "kill of the bill" erupted
on March 8 against the Emer-
gency Financial Manager leg-
islation, and five students were
arrested in Lansing on March 16
while protesting Snyder's pro-
posed budget. However, Sny-
der signed the bill into law that
same day last week.
While Snyder has faced dis-
content from members of the
University community for his
proposal to cut higher education
funding, spurring several cam-
pus protests after the announce-
mentcthatcthe governor would be
this year's Spring Commence-
ment speaker, Kazmirzack said
Snyder is not anti-education.
"The governor worked very
hard to protect education,"
Kazmirzack said. "It is a pain-
ful cut. He, more than anybody,
understands the value of educa-
tion, but we have to get our bud-
get under control."
The financial inefficiency
of state universities is the
primary reason for the cuts,
Kazmirzack said, adding that
Snyder believes community col-
leges run more efficiently and
therefore will not be subject to
any loss in funding.
Kazmirzack added that while
the tax rate will not rise for any
citizen, Snyder has proposed to
cut earned income tax credits -

tax refunds that reward citizens "People are trying to make
with low incomes for working it sound like businesses are not
instead of relying on welfare paying anything," Kazmirzack
programs. said. "What they ignore is that
"The governor doesn't believe even after the tax cuts, busi-
(this) will stop people from nesses will be paying more than
working," Kazmirzack said. everyone else."
"He's taking that money and Small businesses face more
making sure we don't cut Med- strain than large corporations,
icaid. The governor felt it was which currently pay a 6-per-
more important that people on cent income tax, while small
the low-income end were able to business owners pay business
receive medical care." income and personal income
The tax changes are neces-' taxes. Snyder's 2012 fiscal year
sary to balance the budget and budget proposes to keep large
make the state's tax system fair corporations at a flat 6-percent
for all residents, Kazmirzack corporate income tax, but tax
said. Currently, retirees in small businesses 4.25 percent,
the state are exempt from any which is equal to the statewide
income taxes, even those who do income tax on Michigan resi-
have a large source of income, dents for the next fiscal year,
he said. according to Kazmirzack.
"Michigan is one of only four "If I own a small business, I
states that do not charge taxes get double-taxed," Kazmirzack
to seniors," Kazmirzack said. "A said. "This is one of things that
(retired) couple with a pension makes Michigan really uncom-
of $65,000 a year would not pay , petitive for jobs. It discour-
any state income taxes, while a ages growth; businesses are not
family making $50,000 a year inclined to come into Michi-
would pay." gan."
However, other state law- Though there have been
makers, including State Sen. mixed responses to Snyder's
Rebekah Warren (D-Ann business tax cuts, Public Policy
Arbor), don't think that Sny- Prof. John Chamberlin said it
der's proposed changes would is too early to know if Snyder's
benefit the state. Warren said approach to balancing the bud-
she expects to see major altera- get will be effective or damag-
tions to the budget before it is ing.
approved. "(Snyder) may turn out to be
"(I've) seen some serious con- right, and he may turn out to
cerns on both sides of the aisle," be wrong," Chamberlin said.
Warren said. "A lot of my col- "Whether the business tax cuts
leagues really have concerns really jump start the economy is
about balancing our budget on amatter of faith."
the backs of those folks who are Despite disagreements over
one step above poverty." . several aspects of the gover-
Kazmirzack said that the nor's proposed budget, Snyder is
state's current tax code is "rid- aimingto pass the legislation by
died with loopholes," and pro- May 31.
posed cuts to business taxes are
widely misunderstood among - The Associated Press
Snyder's constituents. contributed to this report.

House, according to Ablauf.
"Some of the funds will be used
for the new scoreboards that we
are installing this season," Ablauf
wrote. "The new high-definition
boards will enhance the game day
experience for the fans. It will
also be used to cover the operat-
ing expenses of the department
for fiscal 2011-12."
Additionally, this year there
are a limited number of season
tickets available for non-stu-
dents, Ablauf wrote. Previously,
seats were blocked off for con-
struction, so not all seats were
available during every game.
But now that construction is
complete, all seats can be used,
allowing for more season ticket
packages to be sold.
LSA freshman Kevin Zhang
said he didn't notice the price
bump. He said despite the cost
increase, he thinks many stu-
dents feel that the increase is
acceptable because this year will
be the inaugural season for Foot-
ball head coach Brady Hoke.
"It's reasonable because there
are more games that are valu-
able," Zhang said.
LSA freshman Brian Burch-
man said he didn't find the
increase to be substantial either.
"I was like, 'I guess it went up

a tiny bit from last year,' but it
wasn't big enough that I was con-
cerned about it because that type
of price increase compared to
how much I'm paying for school,
relatively speaking, is nothing,"
Burchman said.
But LSA sophomore Sheila
Waslawski said she noticed the
increase right away and was not
happy about it.
"I thought it was unnecessary
seeing as our football tickets are
way more expensive than other
schools already," Waslawski said.
"I am still buying them but I did
debate it more."
University of Wisconsin-Mad-
ison students paid $154 to watch
the Badgers in seven home games
in 2010, and OSU students paid
$160 for their season tickets last
Zhang also said he thinks, like
in years past, some students will
buy the season pack to sell their
tickets to the pricier games, such
as the night game and the Ohio
State game, to make money.
"I know people who aren't
actually purchasing tickets, and
they actually have friends that
just buy (the tickets) for them,
and they're just going to sell the
tickets and make money," Zhang

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Master of Business Administration
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- Management/Human Resource Management
Master of Information Systems
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