4A - Wednesday, March 23, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom E-MAIL ROSE AT ROSEJAFF)UMICH.EDU C 1 1614 li Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com ROSE JAFFE p, ALIPT B L./c7 STEPHANIE STEINBERG EDITOR IN CHIEF MICHELLE DEWITT and EMILY ORLEY EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS KYLE SWANSON MANAGING EDITOR 6 6 Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Vote Watson Campbell Support MForward candidates in MSA election tudent engagement in the Michigan Student Assembly has been lacking in recent years. There seems to be a debilitating disconnection between MSA representatives and their student constituents. But MSA presidential and vice presidential candidates DeAndree Watson and Brendan Campbell, both LSA juniors from the MForward Party, are hoping to combat this disinterest among stu- dents and have plans to do so. Watson's extensive experience serving on MSA, personal goals to improve the University's student govern- ment, selection of Campbell as vice president and MForward's strong party platform all bring a fresh perspective to the table - making the MForward ticket the strongest in this year's MSA election. Go vote, go blue have the task of convincing you to vote in the student govern- ment elections taking place today and tomor- row. Why should you vote? After all, won't stu- dent government continue on just the same with- out your input? Won't students running for office continue JEFF WOJCIK One of the most encouraging qualities about Watson is his willingness to acknowledge that student perceptions of MSA are less than favor- able. He told The Michigan Daily that "a lot of students see MSA as a bank (and) don't really see the advocacy of it." Many of his goals aim to reverse the trend of student apathy. Specifi- cally, Watson plans to make MSA meetings and its budget more transparent to University stu- dents. His plan to publish the approved budget and weekly presidential addresses on the MSA website will certainly help to make MSA more accessible to students. Having institutional knowledge of the way MSA functions is crucial to success as president, and Watson currently serves as the speaker in the three-branch MSA system. He is aware of the pitfalls and advantages of this newly formulated system and will be the best candidate to ensure MSA operates efficiently. Watson's plans to improve the campus com- munity is in line with student concerns, and he has realistic plans for addressing these issues. Some of his objectives include working to implementthe open housing plan that students originally formulated, combating bias inci- dents on campus and working with the Univer- sity's Board of Regents and state legislators to fight tuition hikes. Defend Affirmative Action Party candidates Briana Hatcher, an LSA freshman running for MSA president, and Lena Cintron, an LSA sophomore running for MSA vice president, have positive ideas like interacting with con- stituents through mixers and social events and creating a more unified campus. But their lack of experience with student government is concerning. Additionally, their platform is too focused on advocating for particular issues, instead of improving MSA and making sure it operates efficiently for the entire student body. It's difficult to blame students for their dis- content with MSA. Many of their concerns are valid and result from the lack of transparency in the way MSA functions and uses student funds. But if students don't take the few min- utes to vote for MSA officials, they forfeit their right to complain about the actions of these individuals. While uncontested, LSA Student Gov- ernment elections are just as important for students. Junior Anne Laverty, running for president, and junior Jeff Larkin, running for vice president, feel that student access to their student government is vital. They have palpable plans to increase student involvement in LSA- SG by adding a forum feature to the LSA-SG website, holding college town hall meetings and collaborating with organizations on campus. For this year's election, The Michigan Daily's editorial board endorses MForward's DEANDREE WATSON and BRENDAN CAMPBELL for MSA president and vice pres- ident. We also endorse ANNE LAVERTY and JEFF LARKIN for LSA-SG president and vice president. advocating for student rights, even without your support? The answer to this ques- tion is yes, but student voter turnout has a huge impact on our ability to advocate for policy reform around campus. We often approach the dean's office with new ideas, (typi- cally recommendations which come out of suggestions from students e-mailing thissucks@umich.edu). These recommendations have great- er meaning and more impact when we can show that a larger contin- gency of the student body supports them. With each additional student who votes in our election, our argu- ments and voice become stronger. And at a University with an ever- increasing volume of requests for improvements in technology, facili- ties and other resources, sometimes the student voice can be pushed aside. A higher turnout in elections means a higher degree of student control over the direction and mis- sion of LSA and the University. The people you vote for make a difference in your experience at the University. In the past, students who won elections went on to help create the international studies concentra- tion, and others have developed the way roommates are selected for those entering the residence halls without a roommate. Elections have chosen people who organized art contests and provided a voice for students to advocate for decreasing the cost of textbooks. Members of student orga- nizations can thank elected students for cutting internal University oper- ating costs the past eight semesters to provide more funding for lectures, service projects and other events that happen every day on campus. Student government represen- tatives actually have an impact on what goes on at the University, and when you cast your vote, you express what you think student government should work on through your selec- tion of the people who representyou. Each candidate has a platform that represents what work he or she will do over the coming year, and you should elect those who will work on things that are important to you. This includestackling wireless issues in the UGLi, maximizing printing resources and addressing academic policies that directly influence how you learn at the University. In my previous columns, I have outlined a few of the new poli- cies, programs and resources we are advocating for on behalf of stu- dents. Changes to the course guide, improvements to exam scheduling and increases to student organiza- tion funding are only a sample of the items we lobbied for in just the past six months. I have received a lot of feedback from people across campus expressing agreement with our advo- cacy efforts as well as disappoint- ment with our work. This election is an opportunity for you to indicate concrete endorsement or criticism about our actions and ensure we work for you. We operate on behalf of students and motivate administra- tors to change their practicesto focus on the things that are important to students. Your representatives are responsible for improving your LSA experience. They just need your vote to know what to work on and to pro- vide strength to student voice. Outside voting for student repre- sentatives, you also have the ability to weigh in on three ballot questions relevant to your experience here at the University. Each semester, we take the data we acquire from sur- veying students in our elections and mold this information into new poli- cies and ideas for LSA and the Uni- versity. These ballot questions allow you to clearly indicate your priorities for student work on issues pertain- ing to all aspects of student life and requests that you dictate how we advance the University from a stu- dent perspective. We want honest answers and strong data to demon- strate to the LSA dean's office and other entities what the student body wants and how that wish list should be prioritized. Voter turnout has a huge impact on policy reform. Please take the time to vote in the student government elections today and tomorrow by going online to vote.umich.edu. It only takes a few minutes for you to read a little about what your fellow students are doing on your behalf and endorse their work. Supporting our efforts through voting allows us to push harder for these changes and make an impact on the rules and resources you expe- rience at the University. Your vote indicates that student activism is important at Michigan and provides the support for that activism to work. Go vote, go blue. -Jeff Wojcik is the LSA-SG Academic Relations Officer. He can be reached at jawojcik@umich.edu. 0 ALLISON HORKY I Moving (M)forward EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Will Butler, Ellie Chessen, Michelle DeWitt, Ashley Griesshammer, Melanie Kruvelis, Patrick Maillet, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Emily Orley, Harsha Panduranga, Teddy Papes, Asa Smith, Seth Soderborg, Andrew Weiner When MForward began nearly a year ago, the promise of ideas, action and community truly resonated with me as a student leader, as it did with all those who decided to run for positions on the Michigan Student Assembly on the MForward ticket. Although we all knew it would be an uphill battle, we didn't let these odds discourage us from setting in motion a new approachto student governance. As a result, this first year has not only yielded many improve- ments to campus but, perhaps mostimportantly, it has created anew tone for leadership and new foundation off of which future representatives can base their work inyears to come. The mission of MForward includes an emphasis on increasing the extent to which studentorganizations can access MSA resourc- es. By working with Student Parking and Transportation Services, we were able to cre- ate a $5,000 budget to fund groups that require vehicles to carry out their service-based ini- tiatives. We also launched the "Get Involved Campaign," which started activities like Diag Days dedicated to promoting our many won- derful arts and service organizations and eventslike Explorthto bring information about these opportunities to North Campus. To continue these efforts, current MFor- ward representatives are meeting with Uni- versity administrators to improve Festifall by making it more environmentally friendly, easier to navigate and more accessible for stu- dents with disabilities. MForward represen- tatives are partnering with the Office of New Student Programs and Student Activities and Leadership to institute a panel at orientation which student leaders can share with incoming students the importance of involvement. This program will begin this June. Another cornerstone of the MForward phi- losophy is to improve and publicize our inter- nal activities as means to hold representatives more accountable to the studentbody. Our new website, which we created without spending any student tuition dollars, now contains infor- mation aboutcvoting records, attendance, meet- ing minutes, agendas and resolutions. Furthermore, the new MSA Constitution, initiated by the MForward leadership, is near- ing the end of its transitional period. The con- tents of this document will establish a better system of checks and balances through the cre- ation of different branches of government. One of the new positions it defines, chief program- ming officer, has already helped the University produce several campus-wide events, and the implementation of a University Council will facilitate greater communication between dif- ferentbodies of student governance. In terms of advocacy, MForward has long held the belief that student government should both reflect and defend the needs of all those who it represents, especially for communities whose members constantly suffer the injus- tices of certain University standards. We feel that advocacy includes everything from intro- ducing new areas of CAEN printing and work- space on Central Campus to lobbying at our nation's capitol among other in-state and Big Ten university leaders for increased access to and affordability of higher education. Among the accomplishments of MSA under MForward leadership in the past year, our advances in implementing the open housing policy ranks near the top of the list. Because of our tireless work among a coalition of sup- portive organizations, transgender and gender non-conforming students now have the oppor- tunity to room with another student regardless of their gender. Although we still have a long way to go, we have made great strides toward our goal of establishing a completely compre- hensive policy that will eliminate housing discrimination on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. These are just some of the many examples of the direction in which MForward has moved student governance. Not only will the mem- bers of its ticket continue the incredible work their predecessors have begun, but they will also have a better space in which to introduce new initiatives in the name of ideas, action and community. Not once have I regretted my own participation in this vision, and not for a sec- ond do I doubt the integrity and philosophy of those who hope to form the next generation of the MForward leadership. Allison Horky is an MForward representative. She is a School of Social Work student. BRIANA HATCHER I Defend DAAP LSA sophomore Lena Cintron and I are running to become Michigan Student Assembly vice president and president for three reasons. First, we believe that the increased privatization of our University is distorting and deforming the experience of students on this cam- pus and that the toll of the privatization effort is far greater than any of the short term benefits. The loss of affirmative action as a public mandate has paved the way for the unprecedented attack on public edu- cation that we are now facing. Over the past decade, the University has become increasingly reliant on pri- vate funds, which is stifling honest research, social criticism and academic freedom and creating a hostile campus climate for minority students. Cuts to funding for public universities, tuition hikes, and increasing reliance on private donors, in particular for minority scholarships, place us under more pressure to be edu- cated. Public education is a fundamental democratic right; we should have the resources and opportunities to explore our many interests and talents and deter- mine our own futures. Second, we believe that only we as students can rescue, restore and revive our University's traditions of academic independence, integration, diversity and accountability to the people of our state. We oppose the recent statement by University President Mary Sue Coleman that we're prepared to share in the sacrifice for state budget cuts to education. We don't have to accept the tuition hikes and budget cuts that fall on the backs of students and employees, while corporations are receiving tax cuts. Students are the most power- ful force on this campus and should be determiningthe character and direction of our University, but we lack the leadership and organization needed for us to assert our will and power. The Defend Affirmative Action Party exists to provide that leadership. Third, we want to make the University a more wel- coming, more interesting, less lonely and less alien- ating campus. We believe that our University can be a place in which all students here feel supported and respected and are able to think critically, accept new challenges and grow as human beings. We believe that the much touted diversity of our campus, which few of us experience as a meaningful part of our lives, ought to challenge our prejudices, expose us to new ideas and cultures and deepen our understanding of our own humanity and potential. For this to occur, our campus would have to become far less segregated and strati- fied. DAAP is the longest standing and only consistently progressive independent student political party at the University. Nowmorethanever we need astudent party prepared to take on the bullies, cynics and liars and unite all the progressive forces on the campus against our common enemies. We pledge to make MSA an inde- pendent and strong advocate for student rights and for the kind of university that can allow each and every one of us to be ourselves and express and develop our spe- cial talents and gifts. We pledge to defend and further the University's longstanding commitment to diver- sity and free speech by restoring the public character of our institution. We pledge to be the voice of minor- ity, immigrait, international, poor and working class, inner city and rural and progressive students on cam- pus. We pledge to women, LGBTQ, Muslim and other students who face harassment, threats and discrimina- tion, date rape and other forms of physical attack that we will fight to improve our campus climate and condi- tions so that this campus is really your home. We pledge to immigrant students with and without papers that we will fight for the DREAM Act and to make our Univer- sity a sanctuary campus. We pledge to all the campus unions and workers to raise your issues to MSA and to educate students on the significance of your issues so that greater unity between us all is possible. If anyone can stop the runaway train of privatiza- tion, restore and revitalize public education, it's us. Other campuses are organizing. We here at the Uni- versity can lead, as we have so many times before, a powerful student movement for civil rights, public education, internationalism and progress. Briana Hatcher is the DAAP presidential candidate. She is an LSA freshman. 0