2A - Tuesday, March 23, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Clhe 111gan BIl 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com STEPHANIE STEINBERG BEAD WILEY tEditr in Chief u t sinessManater 734-41e-4115 ext. 1252 734-41e-4115 ext. 1241 steinberg@michigandaily.com tmdbusiness@gmail.com a PROF. LiS SFvEei alUog Directing diverse dialogues CELEBRATING CINEMA What are some of the classes you teach? Sociology of Multiculturism. We talk about diversity and the con- flicts arising from diversity. It's a hands-on, face-to-face interaction. I'm also teaching a class that is new to LSA about animals and society, how we associate with animals and so on. What are some of your favor- ite teaching methods? I consider my classes to be class- es on dialogues. Students form small groups, they write journals, they find ways to contribute to the class. I have alotofpeople from dif- ferent backgrounds, which makes for different conversations. Do you have any classes you may want to teach inthe future? I'm thinking about te class called the Sociology We would talk about bulimia, obesity, dieting, eat, when we eat, how foo and international issues ing food. I may also teach on the sociology of childh youth. I'm interested inth of youth - what kind ofb and rituals are important today; and not only Facet Myspace. How would you descr relationship with your st My students are my1 I really want to hear w have to say. I don't think as needing to be educat brash or childish. I am inte the whole student. I want aching a them the protagonist of my class. of Food. A lot of people talk to me not as a anorexia, therapist, but as someone to talk to, how we and that's part of the educational d is made process. concern- Do you have other projects in a course the works, outside of academ- hood and ics? e culture I've taken students on study )ehaviors abroad trips through the Glob- to youth al Intercultural Experience for book and Undergraduate Studies. I think that every student, whether you are ibe your rich or poor, should take advantage udents? of the opportunities you have here partners. at the University of Michigan to hat they study abroad. You wouldn't have a of them full understanding of things if you ed or as didn't know how to navigate anoth- rested in er culture. to make -ALEXA BREEDVELD CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales display@mihigadaily.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@miciigandaily.com letterstothe Editor tothedaily@nichigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com PhotographytSection photo@michigandaily.com tlassified Sales classiied@sichigan dily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com CRIME NOTES Peeping John WHERE: Mason Hall WHEN: Monday at about 11:45 p.m. WHAT: A student in the third floor women's rest- room reported that a man came in and looked at her from underneath the stall door, University Police reported. The suspect fled after the student threatened to call police. Young plumber dreams dashed WHERE: Mary Markley Residence Hall WHEN: Tuesday at about 3 a.m. WHAT: Officers found an intoxicated student tamper- ing with water pipes ina fire equipment closet, Uni- versity Police reported. She was taken to the emergency room by ambulance. LGBT in Panel on global universities experiences Halt, who goes . fih~rP2Artist runs out WHERE: Haven Hall WHEN: Monday at about 11:15 a.m. WHAT: A staff person said she sawa person she thought was banned from campus, University Police reported. The responding officer asked the man leave. of paper WHERE: 700 North Uni- versity Ave. WHEN: Monday at about 3:45 p.m. WHAT: A University staff member witnessed a man spraypaint a poster, Univer- sity Police renorted. WHAT: Dr. Sue Rankin, associate professor of stu- dent affairs at Pennsylvania State University, will dis- cuss the implications of a report she co-authored on the experiences of LGBT students, faculty and staff in American universities. WHO: Spectrum Center WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: School of Educa- tion Water lecture WHAT: Author and jour- nalist Charles Fishman will discuss the fate of water. Fishman will reflect on worldwide issues concern- ing the collection of water and its low supply. WHO: Water Theme Semester WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Ampi- theater WHAT: As a part of global information week, interna- tional students and students who have studied abroad will discuss their experi- ences. WHO: International Center WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: UGLi Dance lecture WHAT: Dance Prof. Peter Sparling will reflect on his four month stay in Paris. The lecture will include multimedia he made while in France. WHO: School of Music, Theatre & Dance WHEN: Today at 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Museum of Art CORRECTIONS " Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michi- gandaily.com. A University of Pennsyl- vania study found that trauma patients admitted on weekends are less likely to die than those who are admit- ted during the week, Reuters reported. Researchers found that hospitals have more resources during off-hours. Professors from the math department gave the lowest average grades at the University in the 2009-2010 academic year. See what grades your professors give at www.maizeandblu- ereview.com. FOR MORE, SEE THE STATEMENT At 396 pounds, Kelly Gneiting hopes to be recognized as the heaviest man to finish a mara- thon, the BBC reported. The sumo wrestler finished the Los Angeles marathon in nine hours and 48 minutes, com- ing in last of 11,891 men. EDITORIAL STAFF Kyle Swanson Managing Editor swanson@michigandaily.com Nicole Aber Managing News Editor aber@michigandailycom SENIORNEWSEDITORS:BethanyBi , Csn,DlanCit i,aHsoJosephLichterman, Devon Thosby SSTANT NEWSEDITORS:RachelBrusstar,ClaireGoscicki,SuzanneJacobs, Mike Merar, Michele Narov, Brienne Prusak, Kaitlin Williams Michelle Dewitrand opinioneditors@michigandaily.com Emily Orley Edinrialnae Edinos SENIOREDITORIALPAGEEDITORS:AidaAli,AshleyGriesshammer,HarshaPanduranga ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGEEDITORS:Eaghan Davis ,Harsha Nahata, Andre Weiner Tim ROhan and sportseditors@michigandaily.com Nick Spar Managing Sports Editors SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Mark Burns, Michael Florek, Chantel Jennings, Ryan Kartje, Stephen J. Nesbitt, Zak Pyzik ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Emily Bonchi, Ben Estes, Casandra Pagni, Luke Pasch, KvinRaftryMatt Slovin Sharon Jacobs ManagingArtsEditor jacobs@mnichigandaily.com SENIORARTS EDITORS:LahaBrgi,Kavirand,,,Jennifer X ESITANART DITOR:JeCdgiEanG ,nre,roma Khosla,DavidTao Marissa McClain and photo@michigandaily.com jed MOch Managing Photo Editors ASSISTANTPHOTOEDITORS:ErinKirkland,SalamRida,AnnaSchulte,SamanthaTriuben Zach Bergson and design@michigandaily.com Helen tieblich ManagingtDsignEdinors ASrSSTNT SIGN EDITORnS: leBody, Hrmssn, Carolyn Klarecki Magazine Editor klarecki@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITORS: Stephen Ostrowski, Elyana Twiggs . Josh Healy and copydesk@michigandaily.com Eileen Patten copy chiefs Sarah Squire Web Development Manager squire@michigandaiy.com BUSINESS STAFF JuliannanCrimSalesManager SALES FORCE MANAGER: Stephanie Bowker Hillary Szawala classifieds Manager CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT MANAGER: Ardie Reed Alexis Newton Production Manager Meghan Rooney Layout Manager Nick Meshkin Finance Manager Trevor Grieband Quy VO Circulation Managers Zach Yancer Web Project Coordinator The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September via U.s. mai are $110. Wineterm (January through April) is $115 yearlong (September through April)is $195.University affiliates are subect to a reduced subsriptonte.On-campusrsbscriptonsforltemare$35.Subcrptons trepaid The MichganDily is mmernof Threoited Press andThessoiatdCllgieress. 4 0 0 MSA votes against resolution to ban bottled water on campus Environmental that the measure would support natures from members of the inappropriately strong action campus community in support Issues Commission without enough information on of the ban, said in an interview administrative and student sup- after the meeting that while she to continue push port. is disappointed with MSA's deci- "This is a very extreme posi- sion it won't change her plans to By ROBIN VEECK tion," Friedman said. push for the ban's implementa- Daily StaffReporter Critics of the resolution also tion in the future. emphasized concerns that ban- "The student assembly, appar- The Michigan Student Assem- ning the sale of bottled water ently they're afraid to make bly voted not to support a campus- would infringe on students' indi- change," Oliver said. "... (The EIC wide ban on the sale of bottled vidual rights. is) going forward still." water by a margin of one vote at "Is the assembly honestly going Oliver also pointed out that its meeting last night. to tell students what they can and nearly half the elected assembly After a heated debate, MSA can't buy on campus?" Business was absent at last night's meeting, voted 11-10 with 2 abstentions Rep. Matt Eral asked at the meet- so the vote may not have reflected against passing the resolution ing. "Something as physically MSA's opinion as whole. Regard- proposing the ban, which was benign as bottled water?" less of MSA's vote, she said the introduced by the MSA Environ- An amendment proposed by commission's work on the resolu- mental Issues Commission. The Social Work Rep. Allison Horky tion has achieved some important resolution, which called for the to change the resolution to sup- goals. University to prohibit establish- port "education on the privati- "This caused alot of talk. This ments on campus from selling zation of bottled water" and to caused a lot of people to look for bottled water as awayto increase strike the portions of the resolu- more information," Oliver said. environmentally friendly prac- tion supporting an absolute ban "That's educated a lot of people, tices at the University, had 32 failed ina vote of 9-13-1. and that's the purpose of EIC." student authors, including MSA "If we agree about changing In an interview after the meet- President Chris Armstrong. the dialogue and tone of the con- ing, Armstrong said he is dis- In addition to the ban, the versation, then we will get fur- appointed with the assembly's resolution proposed the installa- ther on making our campus more decision and supports Oliver's tion of more bottle refill stations, sustainable," Horky said. "For me, continued efforts to work toward water fountains and recycling this isn't really about the content, the ban. bins and the distribution of more it's about the process that we're University President Mary literature supporting the use of goingthrough." Sue Coleman said last month tap water on campus. LSA sophomore Maggie Oli- that despite supporting student Several MSA representatives ver, chair of MSA's Environ- activism for environmental sus- who voted against the resolu- mental Issues Commission and tainability, it isn't probable that tion, including LSA rep. Brendan author of a petition that has banning bottled water sales on Friedman, expressed concerns collected more than 1,700 sig- campus wouldbe reasonable. SIGN UP TOCRECEIVE THE DAILY'S ONLINE NEWSLETTERS Go to www.michigandaily.com/subscribe BREAKING NEWS, AROUND ANN ARBOR, WEEK IN REVIEW, MICHIGAN FOOTBALL, DAILY ARTS WEEKLY PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP President Barack Obarna answers question on the ongoing situation in Libya during his joint news conference with El Salvador President Mauricio Funes at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, yesterday. Obama: U.S. to turn over control of Libya operations within days Administration will not request funding from Congress WASHINGTON (AP) - The four-day air assault in Libya will soon achieve the objectives of establishing a no-fly zone and averting a massacre of civilians by Moammar Gadhafi's troops, President Barack Obama said yesterday, adding that despite squabbling among allies, the United States will turn control of the operation over to other coun- tries within days. "When this transition takes place, it is not going to be our planes that are maintaining the no-fly zone. It is not going to be our ships that are necessar- ily enforcing the arms embargo. That's precisely what the other nations are going to do," the president said at a news confer- ence in El Salvador as he neared the end of a Latin American trip overshadowed by events in Libya. He spoke as one senior Amer- ican military official said the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar was expected to start flying air patrols over Libya by this week- end, becoming the first member of the Arab League to partici- pate directly in the military mission. The president also suggested the administration would not need to request funding from Congress for the air operations but would pay for them out of money already approved. Administration officials briefed lawmakers during the day about costs and other details to date. Criticism of the operation has been muted so far, with the president out of the country, but is likely to increase once he flies home today - a few hours earlier than had been scheduled. The Pentagon said two dozen more Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from U.S. and British submarines late Monday and early yesterday againstLiby- an targets, raisingthe total to 161 aimed at disabling Gadhafi's air defenses. Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III said Libyan ground troops will be more vulnerable as the coali- tion grows in size and capability, but he declined to provide details of future targeting. He spoke to reporters at the Pentagon from aboard his command ship in the Mediterranean Sea. The president and Pentagon officials have stressed since the military campaign began that America would quickly give other countries the lead. "I think fairly shortly we are going to be able to say that we've achieved the objective of a no-fly zone. We will also be able to say that we have averted immediate tragedy," Obama said. He told reporters he had spo- ken earlier with British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sar- kozy in hopes of quickly resolv- ing a dispute over the transition of the military mission. With congressional critics growing more vocal, the presi- dent defended the wisdom of the operation so far. "It is in America's national interests to participate... because no one has a bigger stake in mak- ingsure that there arebasic rules of the road that are observed, that there is some semblance of order and justice, particularly in a volatile region that's going through great changes," Obama said With longtime autocratic gov- ernments under pressure else- where in the Arab world, the president made clear his decision to dispatch U.S. planes and ships did not automatically signal he would do so everywhere. "That doesn't mean we can solve every problem in the 0 world," he said. Several members of Con- gress, including a number from Obama's own party, were increasingly questioning the wisdom of U.S. involvement. 0 & I