E IlliC igHn 4)atlg
r Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fed. program
aims to boost
among youth
Gov't officials to dents around the nation to
host roundtable discussions to
hold 100 student debate pertinent political issues
and ideas for change. Roundta-
roundtables ble hosts have the opportunity
to submit information about
across country their event on the White House
website prior to their meetings
By HALEY GLATTHORN to request the attendance of a
Daily StaffReporter government official and feed-
back on their discussion.
The federal government is While government officials
hoping to connect more with won't always able to attend,
college students by bringing Kalpen Modi, associate direc-
Washington officials to cam- tor of the White House Office of
puses across the country in the Public Engagement, said during
coming months. the conference call that regional
The new initiative, called administrators, Cabinet mem-
"Your Future, Your Solutions: bers, White House staffers and
100 Youth Strategies for Win- junior and senior administra-
ning the Future," was created tive officials - includingObama
by President Barack Obama - aim to attend 100 roundtable
to inspire young Americans meetings.
to become more politically Modi added that meetings
involved. will be selected based on the
In a conference call with availability of government offi-
college journalists yester- cials in the area, and hosts will
day, White House officials typically be notified about 24 to
announced the launch of the 48 hours prior to the meeting if
new program, which intends an official will be present. The
to encourage college stu- Obama administration hopes
See PROGRAM, Page 5A
Timothy Slottow, executive vice president and chief financial officer at the University, works in his office in the Fleming Administration Buildingon Tuesday, March 8.
TimSlot : The man on
top of the bottom li*ne
With wide-ranging
CFO strikes balance
with work, family
Managing Editor
Many high-profile executives
- individuals who have influ-
ence over multi-billion dollar
corporations - hold high-stakes
meetings throughout the day
and are often unapproachable
by those who don't work direct-
ly with them.
And while the University's
executive vice president and
chief financial officer could eas-
ily fit into this category - hav-
ing wide-ranging responsibility
for a $5.2 billion enterprise -
Timothy Slottow couldn't be
more of an exception.
There's something different
about Slottow, something that
makes it almost impossible to
believe he is one of the most
powerful leaders at a corpora-
tion as large as the University,
unless you see his business card.
From the second he shakes your
hand and greets you with a
hometown smile, he seems too
down to earth for someone in
his position.
But then again, that's not a
bad thing. Not at all.
Whether Slottow's balanced
personality is the result of his
upbringing, diverse work histo-
ry or family that keeps him well
grounded, having someone of
his caliber and character in one
of the top posts at the University
is one way to ensure the institu-
tion's success.
See SLOTTOW, Page 3A
Mich. scientists challenge
bill's restrictions on EPA
Legislation would
limit agency's
regulations for
Clean Air Act
Daily StaffReporter
A recent Congressional bill
that may limit the capabilities of
the Environmental Protection
Agency has a group of university
professors up in arms.
The professors, who are from
various Michigan universi-
ties including the University of
Michigan, Western Michigan
University and Michigan State
University, have banded together
to protest the bill, which seeks
to constrain the EPA's ability to
regulate greenhouse gas emis-
sions, specifically in relation to
the Clean Air Act. The legislation
- called the Energy Tax Preven-
tion Act - was proposed by U.S.
Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chair
of the U.S. House Committee on
Energy and Commerce, among
others, with the intention to pre-
vent rising energy prices.
In a conference call yester-
day, the professors discussed the
importance of allowing the EPA
to continue its work of regulating
the environment without restric-
More than 160 scientists,
including numerous University of
Michigan researchers and profes-
sors, also signed a letter to Con-
See EPA, Page5A
Students congregate at St. Mary's Student Parish on Thompson Street yesterday for an Ash Wednesday service.
Yesterday marked the beginning of Lent in the Catholic religion.
'U' study reveals increase in prescriptions
of antibiotics for children across the state
'Polar Express' author among
this year's 'U' TEDx speakers
Overuse of drugs
can lead to further
health problems
For the Daily
The next time you have a
cold, you might want to stop
yourself from reaching for a
Antibiotics like the Zithro-
max Z-Pak are used too often
in the state among children and
cause health risks for young
people, a recent University
study found. Despite 15 years of
educational campaigns by the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, researchers found
that antibiotic prescriptions
pose more harm than good by
causing antibiotic-resistant
infections and a drain of health
care money and resources.
According to the study
conducted by the University-
funded Center for Healthcare
Research and Transforma-
tion, there was a 4.5-percent
increase among children and
a 9.3-percent decrease among
adults who were prescribed
Lawyer, medical
prof. also expected
to talk at second
annual event
Daily StaffReporter
An international lawyer, a
biomedical engineer and the
author of the children's book
"The Polar Express" will collab-
orate in one place in town come
These people - Law School
alum Jared Genser, president
of the law firm Freedom Now,
Kathleen Sienko, an assistant
professor in medical and bio-
medical engineering, and Uni-
versity alum Chris VanAllsburg,
writer and illustrator of "The
Polar Express" - will gather
with many other members of the
University and Ann Arbor com-
munity on April 8 for the second
annual TEDxUofM.
TEDxUofM - a conference
designed to encourage the shar-
ing of ideas and innovations - is
a spin-off of the original TED
conference series. Established
in California in 1984, the ini-
tial event was meant to bring
people together from technol-
ogy, entertainment and design
careers, which form the organi-
zation's acronym.
Since its founding, TED has
inspired unaffiliated TEDx off-
shoots at universities across the
Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
TOMOR ROW LO: 29 news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
Hagelin, Merrill receive CCHA honors.
INDEX AP NEWS....................3A CLASSIFIEDS......... A.6A
Vol.CXXI,No.106 OPINION .....................4A SPORTS ..................... .7A
Q01rThe Michigan Daily NEWS .........................SA THE B-SIDE.......8..........1B