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March 08, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-03-08

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2 - Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Tuesday, March 8, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


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Perserving'U' history

Many students may not
be aware of major Univer-
sity milestones like when
women were first admitted
in 1870 or the announce-
ment of Jonas Salk's polio
vaccine in 1955. But one
group aims to educate the
community about these
events through physical
memorials around campus.
The University Commit-
tee on History and Tradi-
tions maintains 26 plaques
and markers on campus
that contain information
about people, events and
structures considered sig-
nificant to Universityhisto-
ry. Through these symbols,
the committee seeks to

keep events - like John
F. Kennedy's 1960 speech
that helped launch the
Peace Corps - vibrant in
students' minds long after
they take campus tours.
Former University Presi-
dent James Duderstadt
formed the committee in
1991 to lead the preserva-
tion of University history,
according to the commit-
tee's website.
The director of the
Bentley Historical Library
- which keeps all the Uni-
versity's archives and his-
torical documents as well
as information about the
state - is required to serve
on the committee, as dic-

tated by the committee's
rules on membership.
The committee answers
directly to University
Mary Sue Coleman and is
responsible for advising
the president on questions
concerning University tra-
ditions and historical con-
According to the com-
mittee's website, the last
plaque was installed in
2006, when seven mark-
ers were placed in various
places on campus, includ-
ing in Hill Auditorium,
the Law Quadrangle and
the William L. Clements

734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Letters to the Editor
Editorial Page
tlassitfied Sales

Ann Arbor residents unite on the corner of South University and South
Forest avenues to protest the lack of local jobs available.

Hungry? Grab Owner cited for
a sandwich, dog frolicking


WHERE: University Hos-
WHEN: Sunday at about
9 a.m.
WHAT: A sandwich was
stolen on March 4 at about
5 p.m., University Police
reported. There are no sus-

WHERE: Nichols Arbore-
WHEN: Sunday at about
2 p.m.
WHAT: A female student
failed to put her dog on a
leash in the Arboretum,
University Police reported.
She was issued a citation.

maps exhibit
WHAT: A display of more
than 60 maps, globes and
diagrams that show differ-
ent ways to view the world
through scientific disci-
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today at 8 a.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Gradu-
t Lir 100

. .Car collides aemryrm v
Missing man Ca collides Kabul film
found walking screenin
-- - - sceeig

Workshop on
WHAT: A workshop to help
students realize how their
life experiences contributed
to their self image.
WHO: Counseling and Psy-
chological Services
WHEN: Today at 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
room 3100
Science in
15 minutes
WHAT: A short lecture
about the Lake Huron food
WHO: LSA Water Theme
WHEN: Tonight at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: North Quad,
Room 2534
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

The Kilauea Volcano,
located on the Big Island
of Hawaii, began violent-
ly erupting on Sunday, the
BBC reported. The lava being
spit into the air has caused
parts of the Hawaii Volcanoes
National Park to close.
Because of the Michi-
gan film tax incentive,
Sundance USA Festival
film "Cedar Rapids"was shot
almost entirely at the Clarion
Hotel on Jackson Road in
Ann Arbor.
British engineers have
designed a car that
could break the world
record for land speed in
2013, the Wall Street Journal
reported. The car is capable
of breaking the sound barrier
with a maximum speed of
1,050 miles per hour.

KyleSwanson ManagingEditor swanson@michigandailycom
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Zach Yancer web Project Coordinator
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday duringthe falland
winter terms by students at the Universityof Michigan.One copy is avaiable free of charge
to all readers. Additionalcopies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
falI term, starting in September, via.. mail are $110. Winter term(January through April) is
$115 yearlong (September through Aprilis $15. University affiliates are subjet to a reduced
sbscriyiorate. O *-ps ,"bsriptios for fall te s are $15. Subscriptions mast be prepaid.
The Miga Daly is a member of vThe Associated Pess and The AssociatedCollegiate Pess.


WHERE: Crisler Arena
WHEN: Saturday at about
2:45 p.m.
WHAT: A 60 year-old man
was reported missing by
his sister, University Police
reported. The man was
found attempting to walk
home andewas sniniured.

WHERE: 2100 block oft
WHEN: Saturday at about
6 p.m.
WHAT: A vehicle collided
with a University bus on
the road, University Police
reported. No one was
injured and no citations
were issed.

WHAT: A screening of
"Kabul Transit," a film
about the reality of life in
war-torn Afghanistan from
the perspective of the West.
The film focuses on aspects
of Kabul that the main-
stream media avoids.
WHO: Center for Russian
and East European Studies
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building, room 1636

Against rebeis mi byaa
asGadhafi controls skies .


Britain, France
drafting no-fly zone
U.N. resolution
RAS LANOUF, Libya (AP) -
Repeated airstrikes by Libyan
warplanes yesterday illustrated
in his fight against rebel forces
marching toward the capital: He
controls the air. After pleading
from the uprising's leaders, Brit-
ain and France began drafting a
U.N. resolution for a no-fly zone
in Libya that could balance the
President Barack Obama
warned that the U.S. and its
NATO allies are still considering
military options to stop what he
called "unacceptable" violence by
Gadhafi's regime. NATO decided
to boost flights of AWACs surveil-
lance planes over Libya from 10 to
24 hours a day, the U.S. Ambas-
sador to NATO Ivo Daalder said.
"I want to send a very clear
message to those who are around

Colonel Gadhafi. It is their choice
to make how they operate mov-
ing forward. And they will be
held accountable for whatever
violence continues to take place,"
Obama said during remarks in
the Oval Office yesterday.
Libyan warplanes launched
multiple airstrikes yesterday on
opposition fighters regrouping at
the oil port of Ras Lanouf on the
Mediterranean coast a day after
they were driven back by a heavy
government counteroffensive
aimed at stopping the rebel drive
toward Tripoli, Gadhafi's strong-
One strike hit near a gas station
in Ras Lanouf, blasting two large
craters in the road and wounding
at least two people in a pick up
The rebels oppose any West-
ern ground troops deploying in
Libya, but they're pressing for
a no-fly zone to relieve them of
the threat from the air. The reb-
els can take on "the rockets and
the tanks, but not Gadhafi's air
force," said Ali Suleiman, a rebel

fighter at Ras Lanouf. "We don't
want a foreign military interven-
tion (on the ground), but we do
want a no-fly zone. We are all
waiting for one."
Arab Gulf countries joined the
calls for a no-fly zone, with the
foreign minister of the United
Arab Emirates saying a confer-
ence of his country's neighbors
that the U.N. Security Council
should "shoulder its historical
responsibility for protecting the
Libyan people."
Still, Western military inter-
vention does not seem imminent
- and the warnings may be an
attempt to intimidate Gadhafi
with words before deeds. British
and French officials said the no-
fly resolution was being drawn
up as a contingency and it has not
been decided whether to put it
before the U.N. Security Council,
where Russia holds veto power
and has rejected such a move.
Western officials have said a no-
fly zone does not require a U.N.
mandate, but they would prefer to
have one.


Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf speaks during a press conference yesterday in Cairo, Egypt.
New po st-Mubarak
Cabietis sworn in


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new Cr
faces in
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the ne'
Hosni P
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is expe
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main jo
help st
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ypt leaders to ers' demands, Sharaf named a
new interior minister. Maj. Gen.
)et demands of Mansour el-Essawy, a former
Cairo security chief, replaces
protesters Mahmoud Wagdi, who held the
post for less than a month. The
RO (AP) - Egypt's mili- Interior Ministry is in charge of
lers yesterday swore in a the security forces.
abinet that includes new El-Essawy, according to a
r key ministries, respond- report by the state news agency,
protesters' demands that pledged after meeting Sharaf
w government be free of Sunday that he would work to
rts of ousted President restore security and reduce the
Mubarak. role of the hated State Security
new Cabinet, headed by agency.
Minister Essam Sharaf, Protesters have over the past
educated civil engineer, few days rallied outside about
cted to be met with the a dozen State Security offices
al of the pro-reform across the nation, in many cases
that led the 18-day upris- storming the buildings, includ-
t forced Mubarak to step ing the agency's main head-
n Feb.11l. quarters in the Cairo suburb of
TV showed members of Nasr City. The protests followed
vernment taking an oath reports that agents were burn-
yesterday's swearing- ing and shredding documents
mony before the head of to destroy evidence that would
s Armed Forces Supreme incriminate them in possible
l, Field Marshal Hussein cases of human rights abuses.
vi. On Sunday, army soldiers
caretaker government's fired in the air and used stun
b and challenge will be to guns to disperse hundreds of
eer the country through protesters who attempted to
s and toward free elec- storm the State Security offices
inside the Interior Ministry in
rng the most signifi- downtown Cairo. The protest-
hanges in the Cabinet ers said they wanted to see for
ed to meet with protest- themselves whether the build-

ing had secret cells and to stop
officers from destroying docu-
Forty-seven police officers
and soldiers were jailed after an
investigation found they were
among those who burned docu-
ments and destroyed computers
at the Nasr City building, the
attorney general's office said
The State Security agency,
which employs about 100,000 of
Egypt's 500,000-strong security
forces, is blamed for the worst
human rights abuses against
Mubarak's opponents.
Dismantling the agency has
been a key demand of the protest
groups that led the uprising.
In another sign of the simmer-
ing unrest in Egypt, thousands
of Coptic Christians protested
in Cairo yesterday to demand
an end to the discrimination
they say the minority faces. The
crowds were also angry over a
dispute between a Christian and
a Muslim family south of Cairo
over the weekend that resulted
in the deaths of two people and
the torching of a church.
Egypt's military promised to
rebuild the church, but the pro-
testers said they wanted more
steps to improve the status of

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