i 2A - Thursday, February 24, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com . 2A - Thursday, February 24, 2011 N eW S The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 01 Hockey, syrup and Bieber lovers 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michnigandaily.com STEPHANIE STEINBERG BRAD WILEY Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4111 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 eat. 1241 steinberg@ michigandailycom rmdbusiness@gmail.com Both Hockey, maple syrup and Juatin Bieber all have one thing in common - their place of origin, Canada. And one campus group aims to bring the culture of the Great White North to Ann Arbor through the Canadian Club, eh. Busineas School graduate Indresh Kohli, the "prime minister" of the Canadian Club, eh, wrote in an e-mail interview that the club has existed for many years but was offi- cially recognized as a student orga- nization this academic year. The Canadian Club, eh has sev- eral serious and silly goals, Kohli wrote. "(The goals are) (i) to promote business opportunities north of the border; (ii) to share Canadian cul- CRIME NOTES A smashing fall Car' WHERE: South Quadran- WHERI gle Residence Hall WHEN: WHEN: Wednesday at 5:30 p.n about 2:45 n.m. WHAT: WHAT: Staff found bin- member ken glass and blood near vehicle'i a broken fire extinguisher while pa cabinet, University Police ture bet, reported. A resident later 5 p.m.,L admitted he had fallen into reportec the cabinet. pects. Student loses Amb track of MCard a goc WHERE: Oxford Residence WHERI Hall Simpson WHEN: Tuesday at about WHEN: 2 p.m. 10:54 a.r: WHAT: An MCard was WHAT: originally reported to be driver r' stolen, University Police mirror v reported. The owner deter- passing mined it was lost, and it was versity I deactivated. inuries tore with U of M students at large; and (iii) to serve as a front for Cana- dian bootleggers in case of a return of 1930s style Prohibition in Ann Arbor," he wrote. A Toronto native, Kohli joked that the club provides "a safe place' for students to discuss aspects of Cana- dian culture they deem better than the American way of life. "(We talk about) the superiority of our banking system, health care and beer while drinking our double- double Tim Horton's coffee and eat- ing maple-dipped donuts," he wrote. Canadian Club,. eh is currently planning a number of Canadian- themed events, including a curling match, a hockey game and an event celebrating Canadian whiskey, Kohli wrote. Though he highlighted the club's more lighthearted activities, Kohll acknowledged the S-member orga- nization also has serious-goals. "I would like to see U of M advo- cate to U.S. companies to end dis- criminatory restrictions against the hiring of international students," Kohli. wrote. "All students deserve equal opportunities to apply for jobs with U.S. companies based on their merit (and not citizenship)." Still, Kohli said the Canadian Club, eh appreciates the importance of cultural exchange between his motherland and adoptive country. "We have already apologized for Justin Bieber and more than made amends with The Arcade 'Fire and Drake," Kohli wrote.. - AMYHENSON Newsroom 734-418-4115 apt.3 Corrections cectinse@michigandaily.com Arts Section art@ihigandaily.com Sports Sectin sport@ichigandaily.com, Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Online Sales onlinead@mihiandailycom EDITORIAL STAFF Kyle Swannon Managing Editar Nicole Aber Managing News Editoe News Tips newsagnicigandaily.com Letters to the Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Photography Sectin photo@michigandaily.com tlassified Sales classified@ihigndaiy.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com sansone@mirhigandaily.ran aber@michigadaily.com CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES vandalized :E: M-22 Carport TTuesday at about A University staff - reported that her was vandalized parked in the strut- tween 6:45 a.m. and University Police A. There are no sus- )ulance gets )d look :En 1500 Block of TTuesday at about A University bus .ported that a bus w'as clipped by a ambulance, Uni- Police reported. No were reported. Hungary presentation WHAT: A presentation about the history and'cul- ture of Hungary will feature the country's language and famous residents. WHO: Northwood Commu- nity Apartments WHEN: Tonight at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Northwood Com- munity Center Zell Visiting Writers Series WHAT: University alumni and award-winning authors Suzanne Hancock and Val- erie Laken will read original work. WHO: Department of English Language and Lit- erature WHEN: Today at S p.m. WHERE: University of Michigan Musuem of Art Helmut Stern Auditorium CORRECTIONS *In yesterday's edition of The Michigan Daily an article ("Studyfinds gender does not impact risk ofmortality from. heart attack treatment") incorrectly stated the cause of the risk of nmor- tality in the headline. " Inna Feb. 7edi- tion of The Michigan Daily an article (UMForward announces partynominations") incorrectly stated DeAn- dree Watson's position on MSA's Diversity Affairs Select Committee. * Please report any error in the Daily to. corrections@michi- gandaily.com. Members of the Casada Club, oh. 1According to a report published by Human Rights Watch, the United States is decades behind other countries in paid maternity leave policy, MSNBC reported. At least 178 countries have laws that guarentee paid leave. 2Laurence Kadan isn't the only alum that has made it big in Hol- lywood. Former University students share their Oscar stories from the front seat of the Kodak Theater. oFOR MORE, SEE THE B-SIDE, INSIDE 3The number of hate groups in America is at an all-time high with more than 1,000 active extremist groups in the United States, NPR reported. Many of these groups, are militias that considercthe fed- eral government an enemy. aSNORNEWS EDITOS:,5ehaysirn,sylanCini, Citllinusn,Jonsph ihtrmn, Devon Thorsby ASSISTATEWSaDITS:nRachlarusstarlaire Gsciki,Suznoe acb,Mie MichellelDewitland opinioneditrsr@mihigandaily.cen Emily Orley' Edinorial Page Edinors SsNOREDTORIALePAGE EDITOS:Aid Ali, AheGisshameHshaanI.danga ASSSTAT EDITRIALAGE EITS: ,,hsahaa, Adew iner Tin Rohan and sprseditrs@michigandanily.com NitkhSpar Managing Sose Editors SENIOR SPORTS DITOSMns, Mihel lork, ChnelJnning, anKarte, Stephen J. 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Onecapeis avilable feeno arge tol aders. Additioal opiaes may bepickedp at thDily'safice for2. Ssripinsfor fall trm, stig in September, via U.S. coil are 1110. Wi5te trml(an aryuh Aprili $15, yneal(epteme hrouf~gh Afrill in $115 Uniaveiy affla e asujet toareduced The Michigan, Daily in n emer of The Associated Press and The Asocaiated Coleiate Press. 01 Human trafficking ring busted inSanto Domingo GROOVING IN THE, GALLERY°} 0 9 0 0 Resources may be limited. Ideas are NOT. So if you have a breakthrough idea for The Dow Challenge is exclusively for U-M graduate students. Individual and team submissions will be accepted.The deadline isf March 5, 20111 So don't delay. helping planet earth to be a more sustainable place, then enter the Dow Sustainability If you have a winning idea ... go ahead. Innovation Student Challenge. Enter online at www.graham.umich.edu (under student programs). Concepts, which should be interdisciplinary in nature, can be related to chemistry, climate change, energy conservation, product safety, public policy, or other critical ideas. Students with the top three ideas will receive $ 10,000, courtesy of the Dow Chemical Company. JG RAHAM ENVIRO NMENTAL SUS TAIlNAB)ILiTY I NSTITUTE K blue 0I A.