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February 22, 2011 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-02-22

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110 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

T c D c a Tuesday, February 22,.2011 - 3

* Striking musicians
ask mayor to move
venue for address
Striking musicians are asking
Mayor Dave Bing to cancel his
State of the City address at the
home of the Detroit Symphony
The musiciansmadethe request
Monday - one day before Bing is
scheduled to deliver his speech at
the Max M. Fisher Music Center,
site of Orchestra Hall.
Detroit Federation ofMusicians
president Gordon Stump says in a
release that "holding the State of
the City address essentially means
the mayor, city council and guests
are supporting the management of
the DSO in this strike."
JUNEAU, Alaska
Alaska state rep.
refuses airport
pat-down search
An Alaska state lawmaker is
making her way back to the state
Capitol after refusing a pat-down
search at a Seattle airport, a
spokeswoman said.
Rep. Sharon Cissna underwent
a body scan as she was preparing
to leave Seattle-Tacoma Interna-
tional Airport Sunday and was
then required to undergo the pat-
down by Transportation Safety
Administration officials, said
Michelle Scannell, her chief of
Scannell' said the TSA called
for the pat-down because the scan
showed Cissna had had a mastec-
The TSA, on its website, says
* security officers "will need to see
and touch your prosthetic device,
cast or support brace as part of the
screening process."
Scannell did not elaborate
beyond the statement. TSA
spokesman Kawika Riley, after
being asked to respond to Cissna's
comments, issued a general state-
ment that did not mention Cis-
sna or the Anchorage Democrat's
36 people killed in
Mali stampede
At least 36 people were killed
in a stampede yesterday when
a crowd surged against a metal
barrier after a Muslim ceremony,
Mali's minister of interior security
and civil protection said.
Sadio Gassame said the stam-
pede at Bamako's Modibo Keita
Stadium took place during a cer-
emony marking the Muslim holy
period of Maouloud. The incident
occurred as tens of thousands of
people were attempting to leave
through a metallic enclosure.
Anguished families gathered
outside the.capital's Gabriel Toure
Hospital where the staff was pre-

paringto post a list of the dead. At
least 64 others were wounded.
Sidiki Coulibaly was visibly
shaken as he waited for the dread-
ed news. "I've already had it con-
firmed that my aunt died. We are
now trying to find out what hap-
pened to her daughter. She's just
10 years old. They go to this event
together everyyear," he said.
ASUNCION; Paraguay
Former dictator's
son dies of cancer
The eldest son of the late dic-
tator Alfredo Stroessner has died
in Paraguay, and a human rights
activist said yesterday the death
makes it more difficult to recover
a huge fortune amassed by his
Gustavo Stroessner, a former
air force colonel, died of lung can-
cer Sunday, according to officials
at La Costa hospital. He was 66.
Stroessner fled with his father
when the dictatorship fell and
spent two decades in exile in Bra-
zil. The former dictator died in
2006 at the age of 93 in Brasilia,
and his son finally returned to
Asuncion last year after a judge
ruled the statute of limitations on
charges of illegal enrichment had
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

College, programs
abroad attempt to
attract minorities

South African soldiers providing security for South African President Jacob Zuma wait for his arrival at the airport in
Abidjan, Ivory Coast yesterday.
Ivory Coast troops attack
opposition neighorhoods

More than 80
percent of students
who study abroad
are white
When Sade Adeyina's college
roommate started bugging her
about studying abroad togeth-
er, she never thought she could
afford a semester in Italy.
Yet the friendly peer pressure
- combined with financial aid
and timely academic advising -
led Adeyina to say "Arrivederci!"
to Temple University in Philadel-
phia and head overseas for the
first time.
Educators want more minor-
ity students to follow the lead of
Adeyina, an African-American
graphic design major. Foreign
study is seen as crucial to student
development and even as a key to
national security, yet minority
participationbadlylags their over-
all presence on college campuses.
"It's really a matter of persuad-
ing young students of color that
this is possible for them and this
is necessary forrthem," saidPeggy
Blumenthal, executive vice presi-

dent of the Institute of Interna-
tional Education. "You come back
changed, more self-confident."
About 81 percent of study-
abroad students are white,
although whites represent 63 per-
cent of enrollment in higher edu-
cation, according to 2008-09 data
released in November by the New
York-based institute.
Blacks comprise 4.2 percent of
study-abroad students but are13.5
percent of the college population.
Latinos are 6 percent of study-
abroad participants but nearly
12 percent of higher ed students.
Asian-Americans, representing
6.8 percent of college students,
are slightly overrepresented in
study abroad at 7.3 percent.
Barriers often include lack of
funds, fear of racism, worries
about delayed graduation, and
few role models - either family
or faculty - who have traveled
But better marketing might
help. Instead of touting foreign
study as an essential cultural
experience, universities could
stress it as a path toward self-reli-
ance, independent thinking and
valuable job skills, said Augus-
tana College researcher Mark

At least six killed,
15 injured in deadly,
military attacks
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP)
- Elite troops loyal to the sit-
ting president Laurent Gbagbo
entered opposition neighbor-
hoods in Ivory Coast's biggest
city yesterday, throwing gre-
nades, firing machine guns and
attacking the population with
rocket launchers, witnesses
The attack happened as
an African Union delegation
arrived in a last-ditch effort to
find a solution to the crisis that
has gripped this nations since a
contested election nearly three
months ago.
At least six people were
killed during the yesterday
assault, including a 14-year-old
boy who was rushed to a local
clinic in the Treichville district
of Abidjan. Doctors said he died
of blood loss and a reporter saw
his corpse, his chest and abdo-
men crisscrossed by hundreds
of shrapnel wounds.
A few blocks away, dozens of
community members sat vigil
around a second body, this one
of a young man draped in a
bloody sheet who had half his
face torn off by what witnesses
said was fire from a machine
gun mounted on the back of a
police truck.
A reporter was led to the
spot where two more people
had died, and whose bodies
had been taken away. At least
15 people were wounded and
those that could talk say they
recognized the signature red
berets of the presidential guard
as well as the elite unit's insig-
nia on the trucks.

The crackdown happened
in neighborhoods that support
opposition leader Alassane
Ouattara, who is the interna-
tionally recognized president of
Ivory Coast. He is expected to
receive the AU delegation today
inside the hotel where he has
been barricaded since the Nov.
28 election, unable to govern
the country he was elected to
lead because the sitting presi-
dent refuses to go.
Laurent Gbagbo, who has
been in power for a decade, has
refused to accept the results
issued by his country's elec-
toral commission which are
considered legitimate by the
United Nations and all the
international observation mis-
sions. The country's constitu-
tional council, headed by one of
Gbagbo's closest advisers, has
overturned those results.
While the sound of explo-
sions echoed through the town,
the pomp and ceremony that
accompanied the arrival of
four African presidents sent to
resolve the political crisis con-
tinued as if nothing was going
The AU delegation first
went to the presidency and is
expected on Tuesday to head
to the Golf Hotel, a resort hotel
on an arm of Abidjan's lagoon
where Ouattara and his staff
live under 24-hour U.N. guard.
The panel created by the Afri-
can Union comes on the heels
of numerous other mediation
efforts and is the latest attempt
to try to find a graceful exit for
Gbagbo, who has been able to
cling to power because he still
controls the army.
The U.N. estimates close to
300 people have been killed
since the vote, a majority of
whom were supporters of Ouat-

The five president panel
includes the presidents of Chad,
Mauritania, South Africa and
Tanzania. Another panel mem-
ber, Burkina Faso's President
Blaise Compaore, canceled
his trip to Abidjan after a vio-
lent youth militia aligned with
Gbagbo descended on the air-
port late Sunday, saying they
planned to attack Compaore's
convoy if he attempted to enter
the country.
Of the five, Compaore has
been the most vocal supporter
of Ouattara. By contrast, Zuma
has suggested that the results,
which have already been cer-
tified by the United Nations
and accepted by governments
around the world, should be
Neither side believes the
mediation effort will work.
Gbagbo's advisers have said
they will not accept the pan-
el's conclusions if the panel
attempts to tell Gbagbo to leave:
Ouattara's side is equally
pessimistic. His prime minister,
Guillaume Soro, said last week
he expects the negotiation
attempt to fail. He called on
Ouattara's supporters to launch
an 'Egypt-style' revolution.
In Ouattara neighborhoods
over the weekend, police
opened fire in places where res-
idents were attempting to hold
meetings. On Monday, shots
could be heard ringing out from
Treichville including what
sounded like heavy artillery.
Large caliber bullet holes
riddled the storefronts in Treich-
ville and a hole 2-feet in diameter
was visible in the concrete side
of a building that, witnesses say,
was blown open by a rocket. Doc-
tors say security forces used gre-
nades during the operation.

Chicago prepares
to elect next mayor

Candidates aim to
force second vote in
April runoff
CHICAGO (AP) - Former
White House chief of staff Rahm
Emanuel's main rivals in the race
to succeed Chicago Mayor Rich-
ard Daley spent yesterday doing
some last-minute campaigning
and scratching for every vote they
could find in the hopes of forcing
anApril runoff.
Former Chicago schools presi-
dent Gery Chico and former U.S.
Sen. Carol Moseley Braun each
predicted would receive the votes
necessary to deny Emanuel an
outright victory today and to
force a two-person runoff.
The fourth major candidate,
City Clerk Miguel del Valle, also
has pleaded with voters through-
out the campaign to send the race
to a runoffso they have more time
to decide.
"We expect a runoff and I
think you'll see that tomorrow
and then we can get the race on
and going right away," said Chico,

who spent much of yesterday
riding Chicago Transit Author-
ity trains and telling commuters
what he plansto do if elected.
There will bean April 5 runoff
between the top two vote-getters
unless someone receives more
than 50 percent of the vote today.
Recent polls showed Emanuel
nearing that margin with Chico,
Braun and del Valle fighting for
second place. Two other candi-
dates - William "Dock" Walls
and Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins -
are also running.
"It's probably going to wind up
in a runoff, but that's ok, we can
handle that," Braun said during a
fiery South Side news conference
attended by some of her most
powerful backers, including the
Rev. Jesse Jackson and U.S. Reps.
Bobby Rush and Danny Davis.
Davis, who withdrew from
the race in December in what he
called an act of black unity, is fea-
tured in a new radio ad in which
he asks voters to back Braun and
recounts how his fatherused to
tell him that the Bible says "any
manwho willnot support his own
house isworse than an infidel."

I op -Wf . Mm - W! . W wp m 1 m

University of Arizona establishes
new National Civility Institute Tuesdays South 0 The Border
Inst to be run Giffords D-Tucson was shot continual sort of outrage and C nsel sutsStoibeAlun
in the head during a meet-and- how do you keep this going. 59
by former presidents greet Jan. 8 outside a local gro- Sort of, how do you keep a great $250 Tequila Sunrise & Vodka Drinks
ery store A federal judge and democracy going when every- i F r All Wi No COViG

Jeuge BUms Mr. anda
Bill Clinton
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -
Two former presidents - one
Republican, the other a Demo-
crat - will chair a new national
institute to promote civility in
political discourse in the city
where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Gif-
fords was severely wounded in
a shooting rampage that left six
dead, officials announced yes-
The National Institute for
Civil Discourse will be run by
the University of Arizona. For-
mer presidents George H.W.
Bush and Bill Clinton will
serve as its honorary co-chair-
"Our country needs a setting
for political debate that is both
frank and civil, and the Nation-
al Institute for Civil Discourse
can make a significant contri-
bution toward reaching this
goal," Bush said in a prepared
Clinton said the institute
"can elevate the tone of dia-
logue in our country, and in so
doing, help us to keep moving
toward 'a more perfect union."'

five others were killed. Giffords
was among 13 people injured.
While it is widely suspected
that Jared Loughner, 22, who
faces charges in the shooting,
suffers from mental illness,
many have focused on the bitter
political climate in which the
assault occurred.
Shortly before the ram-
page, Giffords herself wrote an
e-mail to Trey Grayson, direc-
tor of Harvard University's
Institute of Politics, complain-
ing of the incendiary rhetoric in
her last campaign, and asking
if his group couldn't do some-
"Well, today the congress-
woman's own hometown uni-
versity has decided to do just
that," said Fred DuVal, vice
chairman of the Arizona Board
of Regents. "And Trey Grayson
... has joined OUR board."
The institute's goal is to
develop programs, stage con-
ferences, design curricula and
encourage research intended
to promote more civility in the
political arena, said its director,
Brint Milward. For instance, he
said it could back research on
such areas as "cognitive science
and how the brain responds to

one is always ready to man the
The institute - funded in
part by a grant from Tucson-
based health care provider
Providence Service Corp. and
to be housed in one of firm's
downtown buildings - would
cooperate with similar organi-
zations and institutions across
the country, Milward said, "to
create an archipelago of organi-
zations that want to promote a
different style of politics."
DuVal said the institute
might even be able to influence
"the dark arts of cable TV."
Greta Van Susteren, host of the
Fox News Channel's "On the
Record," is among those named
to the institute's board.
Milward said the institute's
first event will be an executive
forum that will bring together
"a very diverse and very well-
known group of individuals, all
of whom have thought deeply
about the problems of our poli-
tics and the benefits of a more
civil discourse that would bring
us help in governing the United
States more effectively." He
would not say when that would
be or who would be participat-

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