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February 21, 2011 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-02-21

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The Michigan Daily I michigandaily.com ( February 21, 2011

Michigan 6, Western Mich. 3
Michigan 5, Western Mich. 4

By Mark Burns
Daily Sports Editor
rior to Saturday's contest against
Western Michigan, the Michigan
hockey senior class was in
agreementthat a come-from-behind
3-2 win against Notre Dame three
years ago was its most memorable moment at
Yost Ice Arena. Then-freshman forward Louie
Caporusso scored with 20.3 seconds left on the
clock to propel the Wolverines past the Fighting
But on Senior Night this past weekend, senior
Carl Hagelin's game-tying and game-winning
goals - with just 2.9 seconds remaining in
overtime against the Broncos - might have
caused a stir in the minds of the seven-member
"It definitely ranks up there as one of the
best games I've (seen) here at the University of
Michigan," senior Louie Caporusso said after
the win.
Hagelin tallied the Wolverines' final two
markers in the dramatic 5-4 victory on Saturday.
The comeback win completed the weekend
sweep of Western Michigan (9-8-9-5 CCHA,
15-9-10 overall) following Michigan's 6-3 victory
on Friday.
"He plays with energy everyday, but it seemed
like he was trying to do something special,"
Michigan coach Red Berenson said of Hagelin
on Saturday. "And we knew what that was, and
See HAGELIN, Page 3D

Hardaway Jr.'s 30
points lift Blue in
sloppy OT victory
By LUKE PASCH But on Saturday, Michigan
Daily Sports Writer played sloppily, often find-
ing itself in foul trouble and
IOWA CITY - In the over- finishing with an assist-to-
time period of the Michigan's turnover ratio barely above
men's basketball game against one. The team's saving grace
Iowa on came in the form of reigning
Saturday IOWA 72 Big Ten Freshman of the Week
after- MICHIGAN 75 Hardaway Jr., who put up a
noon, the career-high 30 points on 9-of-
Wolverines took a 73-70 lead 14 shooting. He broke the high
into the final minute. he set a week ago - 26 points at
Hawkeye guard Bryce home against Indiana.
Cartwright drove to the hoop "If you noticed as the year's
through traffic to bring his gone on ... he just lets the game
team within one point with come to him a little bit more,
18.4 seconds to play. But on the and that's why you see this
subsequent possession, Michi- spike that we're having right
gan guard Tim Hardaway Jr. now with him," Michigan
was fouled, and he hit both free coach John Beilein said after
throws to regain the three- the game. "He's become such
point lead. And on Iowa's a high-IQ player for us as he's
final possession, both forward learned more about the college
*Zach McCabe and Cartwright game."
missed 3-point attempts as the Sophomore point guard
clock ran out, sealingthe 75-72 Darius Morris registered 20
victory for the Wolverines. points, and redshirt freshman
"(I was) just hoping that he center Jordan Morgan added
airballs it," Hardaway Jr. said 18 of his own. Along with
of Cartwright's shot at the Hardaway Jr., the trio account-
buzzer. ed for 91 percent of the team's
Compared to Michigan's scoring.
previous outing against Iowa, But most of that production
the Wolverines (7-8 Big Ten, came in the second half, as
17-11 overall) looked like a dif- Beilein had his hands tied in
ferent team - not in a good the first.
way. On Jan. 30, at Crisler With two minutes left in
Arena, Morris registered the the first stanza, starters Mor-
third triple-double in program ris, Morgan, Hardaway Jr.
history, and all five Wolverine and Zack Novak were all sit-
starters finished with double- ting on the bench. Each player
digit point totals. See IOWA, Page 3B

Hagelin's goal with 2.9 seconds
left in OT pushes Blue past Broncos

Clockwise from Left: Senior Louie Caporusso celebrates the win. Senior Carl Hagelin celebrates after
scoring the game-tying goal. Michigan coach Red Berenson addresses his team during overtime.

Remember Senior Night, but
hope this isn't this class's legacy

Freshman guard Tim Hardaway Jr. scored a career-high 30 points in Mich-
igan's overtime win Saturday over Iowa.
Beilein picks up rare
technical, Michigan
falls into foul trouble
By ZAK PYZIK of character for me - I didn't
Daily SportsEditor do it on purpose," Beilein said
after the game. "There was no
IOWA CITY - Michigan strategy there. (I) just wanted
men's basketball coach John to voice my opinion. How's
Beilein doesn't get mad often. that for a really good answer?"
Well, at least he doesn't show After surrendering a dou-
it often. ble-digit lead to the Hawk-
But in the Wolverines' 75-72 eyes, who then themselves
win against Iowa at Carver- took a double-digit lead over
Hawkeye Michigan, Beilein was warned
Arena on NOTEBOOK twice to stop jawing at the ref-
Saturday, erees after they distributed
Beilein was frustrated. And nine fouls to the Wolverines
he didn't hold back. in the first stanza.
It isn't exactly clear what But Beilein seemed to take
he said, but whatever it was the warning with a grain of
caused an official to charge salt because he continued to
Beilein with a technical foul dispute calls.
- Michigan's 10th team foul The technical gave Iowa
of the first half. two shots from the charity
"I think maybe it's a bit out See BEILEIN, Page 3B

If you were at Yost Ice Arena
Saturday, you'll remember it.
You'll remember senior
forward Carl Hagelin's wrist shot
that bounced off a defenseman
and through Western Michigan
goalie Jerry Kuhn's legs to tie the
game. You'll remember Hagelin's
slap shot that rang off the post
and found the back of the net
with 2.9 seconds left in overtime
to win it, causing Kuhn to stare
straight through the Yost raf-
ters for the second time. You'll
remember the crowd and that it
was Senior Night.
It will be a part of the legend of

Carl Hagelin
forever. But
if at the end
of the season
you remem-
ber this as
the Class of
2011's legacy,
this year is in
trouble. It's
not this game
that matters.


championship that will come
down to the final weekend. It was
a late-season game, where the
games are a little more important
in determining whether you get
into the NCAA Tournament and
what seed you get.
But Michigan didn't necessar-
ily need to win Saturday's game
to make the NCAA Tournament,
especially after their win on Fri-
day - but they got it. And barring
a Chris Webber too-many-time-
outs-choke-job in the Wolverines'
final series and CCHA playoffs,
they will be inthe Tournament
for the 21st straight year.

I understand Senior Night is a
time for reminiscing. This year's
seniors experienced a freshman
year Frozen Four, a disappoint-
ing first-round loss in the NCAA
Tournament as sophomores, and
the rise of Shawn Hunwick last
year as juniors. They had alot of
reminiscing to do. And like every
other class, they deserved the cel-
ebration. But the season goes on.
"I can't believe we're almost
done," Hagelin said.
Almost done. Michigan has
a lot of hockey still to play. This
isn't last season, where every-
See FLOREK, Page 3B

It's how this team can build off
the win.
This was a big conference
game - No. 2 vs. No. 4 ina race
for the regular season CCHA

Courtney Boylan scored Michigan's
final six points down the stretch in a close
68-66 win over Wisconsin in the thick of
a close Big Ten race. Page 2B

Jordan Taylor threw a no-hitter and
Michigan improved to 10-0 with the Wol-
verines' tournament championship over
the weekend.Page 4B

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