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February 18, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-02-18

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, February 18,2011


Snyder cuts
higher ed.
funding by
15 percent

*University President Mary Sse Coleman speaks daring a Bnard at Regents meeting in the Fleming Administration Building yesterday.
Med Shol faulty show
support for tenure change

Officials to look
at how decrease
could affect 'U'-
Daily News Editor
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder
announced his proposed budget
for the 2012 fiscal year in Lansing
yesterday, outlining substantial
cuts in government spending,
including a 15-percent decrease
in higher education funding.
After hearing word of the
proposed decrease in funds for
higher education, University offi-
cials said they had expected cuts
and will take them into account
when planning the University's
budget. Democratic legislators
also expressed disappointment
yesterday in the possibility of the
reduction in state allocations to
Michigan colleges and universi-
Snyder's proposed 15-percent
reduction is more than five times
greater than the 2.8-percent cut
in state appropriations for public

universities in the 2411fiscal year.
University President Mary
Sue Coleman said in an interview
after the University's Boa'rd of
Regents meeting yesterday that
University officials had been
expecting another cut to higher
education funding in the upcom-
ing fiscal year and are now in the
process of determining how this
will impact the University.
"We didn't know what to
expect actually, but we knew,
just looking at the revenues of the
state, that things were going to be
tough, of course," Coleman said.
"I'm all for investing in our edu-
cation because I think it is the key
to the future, but we haven't had
time to analyze (the cuts) yet."
University Provost Philip Han-
lon echoed Coleman's statements
and said University administra-
tors had been monitoring the
state budget in anticipation of
cuts to higher education funding.
Despite Michigan's challenged
economic environment, the Uni-
versity will continue to work
toward sustaining University
operations, Hanlon said.
"We've been watching the
state budget closely for a number
See SNYDER, Page 5

At regents meeting,
several push for
longer tenure clock
Daily StaffReporter
At the University's Board of
Regents meeting yesterday, Uni-
versity Medical School faculty
voiced concerns about the need
for a more flexible tenure clock,
asking for a maximum 10-year

probationary period.
Established in 1944, the Uni-
versity's current tenure pro-
gram, as stated in the regents'
bylaw 5.09, allows for up to an
eight-year probationary period,
including one terminal year. The
proposed changes will add two
more probationary years to the
tenure program.
Several years ago, an advisory
board that reports to the Uni-
versity provost proposed to alter
the tenure probationary period.
During a Jan. 24 Senate Assem-

bly meeting, University Provost
Philip Hanlon introduced the
idea to the assembly members.
In an interview before the
Jan. 24 meeting, Hanlon said
the proposed change would be
an option for the various schools
and colleges at the University,
rather than an enforced change.
He said the lengthened period
wouldn't extend the require-
ments needed to become ten-
ured, but could increase the
time faculty members have to
make their case.

During the January Senate
Assembly meeting, members of
the University's leading faculty
government body voiced their
displeasure with the proposal
to extend the maximum tenure
probationary period.
Among their concerns were
worries that an increased pro-
bationary period would result in
too much of a time commitment
to the University that couldn't
be redeemed if the Univer-
sity refused the faculty tenure
See TENURE, Page 3

GSIs and GSRAs raise
pre -negotiation concerns


Regents also
discuss Israel
study abroad ban
At the University's Board
of Regents meeting yesterday,
graduate student instructors
and graduate student research
assistants spoke about the need
for University administrators

to recognize issues that impact
the two groups.
During the public comments
segment of the meeting, mem-
bers of the Graduate Employ-
ees' Organization addressed
several issues, including eco-
nomic distress amonggraduate
students and issues affecting
disabled graduate students.
This year marks the begin-
ning of GEO's new negotiation
cycle, which takes place every
three years.
In light of the negotiations,

Interim GEO Vice President
Chelsea Del Rio stressed the
need for GSIs to assert control
in their work environments.
Del Rio gave examples of
GSIs who were asked to grade
papers during unsafe weather
conditions and others whose
health plans didn't cover physi-
cal therapy.
She emphasized that GSIs
play an integral role at the Uni-
"GSIs and GSRAs do the
See GSI, Page 5

Engineering students upset
with expected CAEN outage

LSA senior Anastasia Henderson walks through sidewalk-wide puddles yesterday. Unseasonably warm temperatures this
week have melted snow piles, creating large puddles around campus.
Humane Society investigates house
dog treatment at Lambda Chi Alpha

IT director says
timing of server
repair unavoidable
Daily StaffReporter
Midterm stress may be even
more prevalent this weekend for
College of Engineering students

due to an upcoming service
outage on the Computer Aided
Engineering Network.
Engineering students were
informed via e-mail on Feb. 1
about the outage on the CAEN
server - an online resource
that many Engineering classes,
especially programming classes,
use for projects and research.
The outage is scheduled to start
today at 6 p.m. and end at on

Sunday at 4 p.m., CAEN Direc-
tor Mark Giuffrida wrote in the
The reason for the outage is
that the University's primary
data center, the Michigan Aca-
demic Computing Center, is
scheduled to conduct a diagnosis
of all electrical equipment prob-
lems, including some MLibrary
services such as Deep Blue and
See CAEN, Page5

Fraternity violates
no-pets policy in
house lease
Daily StaffReporter
After Lambda Chi Alpha fra-
ternity's house dog Yikes was
injured, support from friends of

the fraternity and members of the
University community flooded in
to help finance Yikes's necessary
surgery. However, the efforts
have drawn negative attention
fromthe Humane Society.
The Humane Society of Huron
Valley has pursued an investiga-
tion into Yikes's living situation
since the organization found
out about his injury. In addition,
Engineering junior Gabe John-

son, who is Yikes's official owner
and the house manager of the
fraternity located on Washtenaw
Avenue, has been suspended by
the fraternity's international
organization for having Yikes in
the house.
Lambda Chi members believe
Yikes - a Brittany spaniel - was
hit by a vehicle, which resulted
in his elbow becoming dislo-
See LAMBDA CHI, Page 3

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