2B Wednesday, February 2, 2011/ The Statement
Wednesday, February 2011 7B
Magazine Editor
Carolyn Klarecki
Editor in Chief:
Stephanie Steinberg
Managing Editor:
Kyle Swanson
Deputy Editors:
Stephen Ostrowski
Elyana Twiggs
Maya Friedman
Hermes Risien
Photo Editor:
Jake Fromm
Copy Editors:
Josh Healy
Hannah Poindexter
The Statement is The Michigan
Daily's news magazine, distributed
every Wednesday during the
academic year
To contact The Statement e-mail
Cover illustration by
Marissa McClain
random student interview by adam rubenlire
Welcome to the Random
Student Interview,
where the line between
journalistic integrity and per-
sonal boundaries becomes
What are your thoughts on the
It's kind of exciting. I don't really
like snow, but Ilike when big events
Big events like a bar mitzvah?
Just like, all over the news. Every-
one's freakingout,you know.
So like if somebody dies or is
Not like that. Just like fun things.
How much snow do you think
Like a foot, I'mgonna guess.
Do you think that's enough to
cancel classes?
I definitely think so. I feel like walk-
ing in a foot of snow is a lot. That'd
be very challenging.
What are you going to think
about President Mary Sue Cole-
man if she doesn't cancel?
I only have two classes tomorrow,
so I'll just be like, whatever, but I
think she should because it's kind of
You ever thought of slipping
something in her drink to make
her do it?
No, I don't care that much.
Why do you think we haven't had
a snow day in 3O years?
I don't think it's ever really been
that crazy before, snow-wise.
So, did youhear about all the pro-
testing in Egypt?
No, not really.
You haven't heard about it?!
No, very minimal.
Well they're protesting because
Mark Whalberg got snubbed out
of an Oscar. Did you hear about
that? The Egyptians are really
Is this for real? I don't know, like,
No, it's not, I was lying, you
caught me.
I was just making sure.
So did you hear the Black Eyed
Peas are performing at the Super
No, I didn't.
You didn't? What do you think
about that?
That's good, they're pretty current
and popular. I like them, so that's
What do you think Fergie's.
chances are of a wardrobe mal-
It's probably not gonna happen.
I think everyone's learned from
Would you like it if it happened
No, I don't roll that way.
Oh, OK.
I'm sure other people wouldthough.
Oh ... so you think she's attrac-
I think she's pretty.
What do you think her cup size
I don't know, kind of big I feel like.
What classes are you taking this
I have two psych classes, and then
econ and musicology, so it's pretty
What's that musicology class
First we learn about the elements of
music, and now we're going to the
history and a lot of classical stuff.
So Mozart and all that crap?
And Beethoven, yeah.
So dead guy music?
Yes, very, very old.
Do you ever have a musicology
class about people who actually
matter?! Like Taylor Swift?
They have one on rock, which is a
little bit more current, but a lot of
them are dead too.
So is the one on rock all about
groupies and LSD?
I know that The Beatles are in it, I
think Elvis is in there too.
So basically everybody who got
drugged up and recorded?
Yeah, basically. Foundations of
Rock is what it's called.
Do you ever make music when
you're drugged up?
No, I play clarinet and piano, but I
don't really get drugged up.
What's your major?
Brain Behavior and Cognitive Sci-
So ... you're thinking about how
you're thinking?
Yeah? What am I thinking right
About your interview? I don't know.
Wrong! I'm thinking about
Jimmy Johns, and I'm about to
go eat it.
Oooh, Jimmy Johns is good.
- Stephanie is an LSA sophomore
75 v/
1. BarsamianPrepatoryCenter
2. Cass Technical High School
3. Central High School
4. Chadsey High School
5. Cody College Prepatory Upper
School of Teaching and Learning
6. Communication & MediaArts HS
7. Cooley14igh School
8. Crockett High School
9. Davis Aerospace High School
10. Denby High School
11. Detroit City High School
12. DetroitInternational Academy
for Young Women
13. Detroit School of Arts
14. Douglass AcademyforYoungMen
(Frederick Douglass High School)
15. Ferguson Academy for Young
Women(tgrades 7-12)
16. Finney High School
17. Ford High School
18. Kettering High School
19. King High School
20. Mumford High School
21. Northwestern High School
22. Osborn Upper School of Global
Communication and Culture
23. Pershing High School
24. Renaissance High School
25. Southeastern High School
26. SouthwesternrHigh School
27. Trombly Alternative High School
28. Western International High
29. West Side Academy Alt. Ed
y lto
Inaugural Delta Gamma
Lectureship in Values and Ethics
'Speak Truth to Power'
Kerry Kennedy,
International Human Rights
Advocate and Author
Wednesday, Feb 2nd, 4pm
Mendelssohn Theatre
Michigan League
E-mail your submissions to
by Feb. 25 for consideration.
According to Spratling, the 75
University also conducted an
on-site admissions process at
Mumford where University
staff looked over students'
transcripts. Though they
would not tell students whether
they were accepted, they would tell students if
they were likely to gain admission or what steps to take
if they weren't likely to gain admission.
Erica Sanders, director of recruitment and operations in
the University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions said
when reading applications, the University reviews students'
academic performance in the context of their academic
environment and their school's resources.
"This ensures that we have students from a variety of
academic backgrounds who are able to learn from each other
both in and out of the classroom," she said.
The University's Detroit Admissions Office focuses on
students from DPS by working directly with the community
through outreach programs. Through these programs, DPS
students and their families are informed of the University's
academic expectations of students. The office also holds
college planning workshops, application review days and
* The culture shock
Beyond recruitment, the University takes steps to ensure
students coming from districts like DPS feel socially and
academically comfortable when they arrive on campus.
Many DPS students admitted to the University join the
Comprehensive Studies Program - a Michigan Learning
Community within LSA that provides academic support for
students. Students in the program can enroll in CSP courses
on subjects ranging from English to chemistry. In these
settings, students learn in smaller groups with other CSP
students and have more one-on-one time with professors.
One of the most beneficial CPS programs is the Summer
Bridge Program. An intensive, highly individualized
academic program, the Summer Bridge Program allows
a limited number of students from across the country to
develop their academic skills and become comfortable in
the University's social environment before the fall semester.
Students in the program typically enroll in an English
course, a mathematics course and a freshman seminar.
These courses help students develop the fundamental skills
they didn't learn in their high school curriculum. Each of
these courses contributes to the number of credits students
need to graduate.
Ralph Story, associate director of the
Comprehensive Studies Program, said it helps
students develop a sense of camaraderie with their
"It familiarizes them with both institutional and
human resources," he said. "It gives them a firm handle and
understanding of classrooms, buildings, and the physical
lay of the land of the University. And they take small classes
with very empathetic teachers who spend a lot of time with
them inside and outside of class."
Spratling, a Summer Bridge Program participant,
believes the program reduces the "culture shock" that many
underrepresented minority students and students from
inner-city schools feel upon arriving at the University.
"The neighborhood I grew up in was a predominantly
black neighborhood. All of my schools were predominantly
black, so when I came to U of M for Summer Bridge, I
thought, 'Wow this is an entirely different environment,"'
Spratling said. "I felt - I'm not going to say alone - but I
didn't feel like the diversity that Michigan was supposed to
aim for was what I was witnessing at the time."
The Summer Bridge Program has helped the University
ease the potentially difficult transition period for incoming
students from areas like the inner city of Detroit.
"The Summer Bridge Program helps get (DPS students) to
a place so they can say, 'OK, I'm adequately acclimated to my
surroundings, I know what to expect, I can succeed here,' "
Conway said.
Other resources work to ensure that students' time at the
University is positive.
Intellectual Minds Making a Difference (IMMAD) is a
voluntary student organization that aims to eliminate the
academic achievement gap in the state of Michigan. While
the organization largely focuses on preparing students for
the ACT, it also serves as a mentoring opportunity. Students
in IMMAD go to Detroit Public Schools to encourage
students to attend college.
Logan said IMMAD was what ultimately motivated him
to apply to the University.
"One of the reasons why I did go to Michigan was because
I met people in IMAD who were just like me, who came from
the same place that I came from, who experienced the same
struggles, and actually were excelling in life," Logan said.
The academic challenge
Still, some former DPS students feel they are at a
disadvantage because University professors assume students
have certain fundamental skills that should've been taught
in high school.
"I very much had to work twice as hard to get half as far
for the first couple of semesters ... I had to show them I'm a
black man from DPS, and yes, I am still intellectually capable
of doing the work that you assigned," Conway said.
Despite students' various academic backgrounds, the
University strives to accept applicants who can handle its
rigorous academics. Sanders explained that the University
doesn't want to set students upfor failure.
"All students admitted to the University are prepared
for the academic environment the University of Michigan
offers," she said.
But several DPS students, whether they graduated from
a "Big Three" school or a Detroit neighborhood high school,
felt they were often playing catch-up during their first
semesters at the University.
Ross School of Business junior Tangela Cheatham
graduated from Cass Tech, but doesn't feel that the college
preparatory high school adequately prepared her for college.
"Academically, I think I'm at a disadvantage ... I struggle
with how to study effectively. I don't feel as prepared as my
counterparts who had more preparation with study habits in
high school," Cheatham said.
But LSA sophomore and Cass Tech graduate William
Campbell explained the DPS system is not entirely to blame.
"I'm not saying the Detroit Public School system is a great
system because it's not," Campbell said. "The resources are
terrible, but you are your own person, and you can always
make something out of nothing wherever you go."
Despite frustration over their high school curriculum,
most DPS alumni did not regret their DPS roots and see
themselves as ambassadors for their district.
"I look at ita lot like, no matter where you come from, you
can get to the same place, and I use it as an inspirational tool
because a lot of people did come from better schools than
me, but we all ended up at the same University," Spratling
I What's next?
For the DPS alumni, returning to Detroit is a definite part
of their future. Many of these University students claim one
of the key problems with the DPS system is that the most
motivated and capable graduates leave the city and often
don't return.
Current University students and recent graduates are
ready to change this precedent, be it through non-profit
organizations, teaching, mentoringin Detroit Public Schools
or simply having a job in Detroit and paying taxes.
"If it weren't for Detroit, I wouldn't be the person I am
today," Logan said. "I feel like Detroit has helped raise me
... And I owe so much to the city of Detroit and its people.
My wife and I are moving back to Detroit, and I don't have
any qualms about it and I won't think twice about raising my
kids in Detroit Public Schools."