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January 27, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-01-27

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2A - Thursday, January 27, 2011
In Other Ivory Towers Questions on Camps Pfessor Pr f'es $Photos of the Week
Students fight viruses invillages

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Instead of spending their summers
working 9-5 at an internship,
members of United Against
Infectious Diseases willbe travelling
to developing countries to provide
disease testing and counseling to
at-risk individuals.
Founded last semester, the student
organization works in certain areas
of developing nations to combat
diseases like HIV, tuberculosis and
malaria. This summer, the group's 40
members will travel to communities
in South Africa, Panama and Uganda,
among other countries.
LSA junior Eric Stulberg, the
awareness and activism coordinator
for the University's UAID chapter,
said since the campus chapter is
new, members of the group will be
going abroad on trips planned by

other schools. Other universities
with UAID chapters include Brown
University, Princeton University and
Yale University. The University's
group plans to organize its own trips
abroad for summ.er 2012, according
to Stulberg.
On the upcoming trips, the
students will be immersed in rural
"We'll be staying in or near the
villages and working with local
doctors," he said.
To prepare for their time abroad,
club members will fundraise
throughout the semester. The
group is funded by Global Brigades,
but it also relies on local support.
With the donations, the group will
purchase infectious disease testing
kits that provide cheap, effective

and quick results. UAID was the first
organization to - bring these rapid
tests into Panama, Stulberg said.
In addition to offering the testing
kits, students will provide counseling
based on protocol outlined by the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, according to Rackham
graduate student Sonia Gupta, a
UAID national board member.
"All patients will receive
information about the rapid.test and
give informed consent for testing,
and patients who can benefit will
also receive prevention counseling,"
Gupta wrote in an e-mail interview.
Students will also lead awareness
campaigns before offering any
testing or counseling services in the
areas, Gupta wrote.

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Engineering Junior Koli Gibens takes a study
break to play pool in the Michigan Union.



Bump and run
WHERE: University Hos-
pital Parking Structure
WHEN: Tuesday at about
8:30 p.m.
WHAT: A parked vehicle
was struck by another vehi-
cle that immediately fled
the scene, University Police
reported. The parked car's
bumper was damaged.

Ding dong, the
bell is gone
WHERE: Bursley Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
9:30 p.m.
WHAT: A resident's door-
bell was taken between 4
and 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects.

Prankster tries P. , big
to sell studentP
1 puddles

How to cook
in the woods
WHAT: An Emeril
Lagasse-inspired clinic
will teach participants
how to prepare deli-
cious food outdoors. The
cost to attend is $10.
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Outdoor Adventures
WHEN: Today at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Elbel Field
Locker Building
CAPS seminar
on difficult
WHAT: A seminar
will touch on the skills
needed to interact with
difficult people.
WHO: Counseling and
Psychological Services
WHEN: Today at 4:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union

club meeting
WHAT: The first club
meeting will discuss
ways to better yourself.
WHO: Purification of the
Heart Spirituality Club
WHEN: Today at 5p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
Union, Parker Room
Film screening
WHAT: A showing of the
film "Part of the Connect-
ing Sea." The event is part
of the LSA Theme Semester.
WHO: Center for
European Studies
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: School
of Social Work
1 Please report any
error in the Daily to

Rep. Dennis Kucinich
(D-Ohio) sued a U.S.
House of Represents-
tives cafeteria for selling him
a sandwich that caused him
dental damage, Outside the
Beltway reported. The dam-
age was due to apitted olive.
English Prof. John
Rubadeau has the fluf-
fiest and most inspi-
rational beard on campus.
Rubadeau teaches a life-
changing class on non-fiction
writing techniques.
A Tex-Mex restaurant
in Tucson, Ariz. was
planning to sell a lion
meat taco, but had to ditch
the plan after recieving sev-
eral threats from animal
rights activists, ABC News

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. 0

WHERE: North Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
6 p.m.
WHAT: A student reported
that his photo and informa-
tion about him was posted
in a personal ad on Craigslist
without his permission, Uni-
versity Police reported.


WHERE: Chemistry
WHEN: Tuesday at about
4:45 a.m.
WHAT: A broken pipe
caused the fire suppression
system to release a large
amount of water, Univer-
sity Police reported.

East Coast hit wit
more winter storms


Schools close en
masse throughout
the Northeast
NEW YORK (AP) - Schools
closed, governments sent work-
ers home early and planes were
grounded yesterday in an all-too-
familiar routine along the East
Coast as another snowstormswept
over a region already beaten down
by a winter not even half over.
"I fell three times trying to get
off the steps," commuter Elliott
Self said after leaving an elevated
train in Philadelphia. "I just want
the snow to stop. I want the sun
again. I want to feel just a little bit
of warmth."
Millions of people got that oh-
no-not-again feeling as the wet
and sloppy storm engulfed the
Northeast, where snowbanks in
some places were already so high
that drivers couldn't see around
Classes were called off and

commutes were snarled from
Tennessee to New England as
cars and buses slipped and slid on
highways. The New York area's
airports, among the nation's busi-
est, saw hundreds of delayed or
canceled flights. Pedestrians
struggled across icy patches that
were on their way to becoming
deep drifts.
In Pennsylvania, residents
hunkered down as a one-two
punch of a winter storm brought
snow, sleet and then more snow,
which forecasters said could total
a foot in some areas. Philadelphia
declared a snow emergency as of
yesterday evening, ordering cars
removed from emergency routes.
Northwest, in Hatfield Town-
ship, Pa., residents were scared
by thunder claps and blinding
lightning in a rare thundersnow,
a thunderstorm with heavy snow
instead of rain.
Eight to 12 inches of snow
was forecast for New York City,
which had already seen 36 inches
of snow this season in compari-

son with the full-winter average
of 21 inches. New Jersey also was
looking at up to a foot of snow,
and high winds were expected
before the storm moves out early
Rain drenched the nation's
capital for most of the day and
changed to sleet before it started
snowing in earnest at midafter-
noon. Washington was expected
to get up to 10 inches of snow.
The snow and icy roads created
hazardous conditions for Presi-
dent Barack Obama as he returned
to the White House yesterday
after a post-State of the Union
trip to Manitowoc, Wis. The win-
try weather grounded Marine
One, the helicopter that typically
transports Obama to and from the
military base where Air Force One
lands. Instead, Obama was met at
the plane by his motorcade, which
spent an hour weaving through
rush hour traffic already slowed
by the storm. It normally takes
the president's motorcade about
20 minutes to travel between the
base and the White House.
In suburban Silver Spring, Md.,
Tiffany Horairy, a 43-year-old
nurse, said as she waited for a bus
that she was getting tired of the
constantcpecking of minor or mod-
erate storms.
"I'd rather get something like
last year, with all the snow at
once," she said.
Since Dec. 14, snow has fall-
en eight times on the New York
region - or an average of about
once every five days. That includes
the blizzard that dropped 20 inch-
es on the city and paralyzed travel
after Christmas.
Some places are running out of
room to stash plowed snow.
Portsmouth, N.H., hauls its
snow out to Peirce Island, but it
was nearly full, with a huge moun-
tain of the stuff.
"We probably have a five-sto-
ry snow dump right now," said
Portsmouth public works director
David Allen. "It's time to get a lift
up on it and we could probably do
a ski run."

A long line of unsold 2007 Lexus IS250 sedans sits on the lot of a Lexus dealership in Frederick, Colo. Toyota Motor Corp.
said yesterday, it is recalling nearly 1.7 million cars, the bulk of them in Japan, for various defects.
Toyota recalls 1.7M cars

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Fuel leaks reported
in Lexus IS and
sedans in North
America, Japan
TOKYO (AP) - Toyota
recalled nearly 1.7 million cars
worldwide yesterday for possible
fuel leaks, the latest in a balloon-
ing number of quality problems
that could further tarnish the
company's reputation in the Unit-
ed States.
The recalls are mostly in
Japan, but include Lexus IS and
GS luxury sedans sold in North
America. That's where the
world's No. 1 car company faces
the biggest challenges in winning
back customer trust.
U.S. dealers will inspect cars to
see if loose fuel pressure sensors
caused leaks. There were no acci-
dents suspected of being caused
by those problems, according
to Toyota. The car maker has
received 77 complaints overseas,
75 of them in North America, and
more than 140 in Japan.
The latest quality hitch fol-
lows a spate of recalls that began
in late 2009, mostly in North

America, which now cover more
than 12 million cars and trucks.
The recalls involve defective
floor mats and gas pedals thatget
stuck, some of them suspected of
causing unintended acceleration.
Yesterday's recalls come
exactly one year after Toyota
stopped selling eight models in
the U.S. because of unintended
acceleration problems. The sales
suspension affected 60 percent
of Toyota's lineup in the U.S., and
was the first of four sales halts
last year.
Koji Endo, auto analyst with
Advanced Research Japan Co.
in Tokyo, said the newest recalls
will cost Toyota about 20 billion
yen ($240 million), but won't hurt
its earnings much.
"But there is that perception of
here we go again, and that hurts
Toyota's image, especially in
North America," he said.
The biggest damage to Toy-
ota's image has been in the U.S.
where its response to safety prob-
lems was seen as slow. The com-
pany's U.S. sales lagged last year
despite an industry recovery.
Some believe that Toyota's relent-
less drive for growth hurt quality.
The company has lost some
potential U.S. customers: A sur-

vey done by consumer website
Edmunds.com showed that 17.9
percent of all car shoppers last
month were considering a Toyo-
ta, a 3.8 percent point drop from a
year earlier. That drop in consid-
eration could be blamed on Toy-
ota's recalls, as well as its aging
"Toyota needs to overcome not
just the PR damage sustained by
last year's recalls, but also the
reality that many of its models
are stale," said Jessica Caldwell,
director of pricing and industry
analysis for Edmunds.
Toyota has stayed popular
in Japan, partly because gov-
ernment incentives for green
vehicles sent sales of itsPrius gas-
oline-electric hybrid booming.
The company is likely trying
to be aggressive with recalls and
so the latest one is not a sign that
quality is taking another dive at
the company, Endo said.
To help respond to customer
complaints and investigate qual-
ity concerns quickly, the compa-
ny recently opened two new field
offices, in Houston and Jackson-
ville, Fla. It plans to open another
in Denver by the end of the first
quarter, and already has offices in
New York and San Francisco.


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