2A - Wednesday, January 26, 2011 The Michigan Daily-- michigandaily.com 2A.. W dnsda..anary26.211.heM.hign.a.y....h.and.lco 9e y idciaan Ba 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com STEPHANIE STEINBERG BRAD WILEY EditorinChief BusinessManager 734-418-4118 eat. 1252 734-418-4111 ext 1241 steinberg@michigandaily.com tmdbaoineao@Jgeail.com Hats off to linear algebra Q: What classes do you teach at the University I teach whatever they tell me to teach. The ones I've taught the most often are linear algebra. There are six different classes of linear algebra here. I teach two of them. But the one for which I get the most notoriety for is the "Geometry for Teachers" class, which is a math class, but it's a requirement for many education majors. Q: Why is that the class you're most famous for? I think alot of people come tothatclassexpectingtolearn basic geometry, the kind of things they would themselves be teaching and that's exactly what I don't do. I teach them real mathematics: projec- tive geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, mathematics rea- soning. Q: What is your class- roomlike? It depends on what I'm teaching. But no matter how the class is set up, I always want people to feel that they can ask questions whenever they have them because I think that's really important. Q:Doyoudo anyresearch at the University? My primary area is num- ber theory, which is a pretty big area, I'm aware. So I guess let's just say very seri- ous number theory and also knot theory. The number the- ory department is small, but enthusiastic. My research is very important to me. I try to strike a balance between my research world and my educa- tion world. Q: Can you tell us why you have the nickname "Cap"? The explanation is very simple. As you can see, I'm wearing a deerstalker (hat) right now, that's my most pop- ular cap. But I have a whole sort of caps, and I started wearing a tree driving cap. These are very trendy now. But I really stood out, and people starting calling me Cap. Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Online Sales ,,nlinead,@michigandaily.nce, News Tips news@michigandaily.com Letters to the Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Photography Section photo@michigandaily.com Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance fine,@emichigandaily.co 0 0 0 University Prof. Michael "Cap" Khoury. Q: Is it true that you wear a different hat every day? No, no, that's not true. I do have an array. I do come in with funny hats from time to time.I have a pirate hat, a Mad Hatter hat. I have many hats. CRIME NOTES Construction Water too hot CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES heats up WHERE: Law School WHEN: Monday at 9:15 a.m. WHAT: A heater caused construction materials to catch fire, University Police reported. The fire caused no injuries and minor damage. for heater WHERE: North Quad Resi- dence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 5:15 p.m. WHAT: A room was flood- ed by water after a radiator burst, University Police reported. The room was cleaned after the incident. Tampered Finder keepers equipment losers weepers Lecture on homosexuality WHAT: Prof. David Hal- perin will give a lecture titled "Are Homosexuals Still Sick"? A reception will follow after the talk. WHO: Spectrum Center WHEN: Today at 4 p.m. WHERE: Rackhdim Amphitheatre Water theme semester talk WHAT: Oceanographer Sylvia Earle will discuss her work with National Geographic and campaign to protect the ocean called Mission Blue. WHO: Exhibit Museum of Natural History WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Graduate School Sexpertise 2011 WHAT: Several local experts will speak at a conference about sexual health and relationships. WHO: University Health Service WHEN: Today from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League Magazine presentation WHAT: Theresa Fal- zone, the editor in chief of StyleLine Magazine, will speak about the magazine business. WHO: Ed2010 WHEN: Today from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League CORRECTIONS " Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michi- gandaily.com. But this (deerstalker cap) is my favorite. I wear this most days because it's my favorite, but I do have quite an assort- ment to bring in when the mood to be strange strikes me. -JEREMYARMAND THE H 'NG YUj City planners in China are proposing to com- bine nine southern cit- ies to form one large city, CNNgo.com reported. The new mega city would have a population of 42 million people and would be 26 times larger thanthe size of London. More than 5,000 inter- national students rep- resenting 117 countries attended the University last fall. Students from Jordan, Zimbabwe and Malaysia say they love being Wolverines. >> FOR MORE, SEE THE STATEMENT Police believe one per- son is responsible for the deaths of several prostitutes advertised on Craig's List, NYDaily- News.com reported. The bodies of four women were found Monday along a beach in Long Island, N.Y. EDITORIALSTAFF Kyle Swanson Mnaging Editor sansoean@miSigandaity.con Nitole Aher ManagingNewsaEdinore aber@,niigndaty.,zn SENIOR NEWSEDITORS: Bethay Bian, DylanaCinti,Caili un, oe,,nphLichterma, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOS ahl Brusta, ClaieGscicki,OSzannJab, Mike Michelle DeWitt and rpiineditora michigandaily.com, Emily Orley Editorial PageOditor SENIOR EDITORIALPAGE EDITORS:Aida AliAshley Grieamer,H.arha aduana AOSSITATDITOAL PAED ITOEaohan D a s,nas aha.Adew ier Tin Rnhan and s portseditrs,@michigandaiy.com Nitk Spar ManagingSportstEdintor SEOR0SPORT EDITOS:Makurn,Mihael oe,,kCanelIJennings, yanKarte, StepenJ . 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One copy is available freeof charge toallreders. Additnal coiemaye pkedp at the aily fie for$2.Subscriins for fall ter, .starting in September, via U.S. moil are $110. Winter 1term(January 5throh April) is $1,yearlong (September throhApril il$15. Unieit y affiiatesae subectto arduced subscriptin rate.O-campus sbsriptin fofll terae 35.Sbsriptionsmt be prpaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of lhe tAsoiated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. WHERE: Dennison Build- ing , WHEN: Monday at about 10 a.m. WHAT: A suspect tam- pered with research equip- ment, University Police reported. The cost of dam- age is estimated at $500. WHERE: Medical Science Research Building WHEN: Monday at about 6:05 p.m. WHAT: An unattended purse was stolen between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., University Police reported. There are no suspects. i ARE YOU THE NEXT SPIELBERG? JOIN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TO PRACTICE YOUR FILM EDITING SKILLS E-mail photo@michigandaily.com . f .: _. ..,.... ....... .. .y r t n..v,,.,,.. ,.,.. ..... t d' "" I Y ' .... ' -= t L r . L. i .^ 0 3, a s S': ":. .. T >. .... .: .. ' 3 'K _..- . .. F 4 _ 'i 4e^ I h ", . .,.. .h E: t OBAMA From Page 1A said in an interview last night that he found the speech to be "particularly low key." Obama didn't go into detail about many issues, Traugott said, leaving little for the House Republicans to be discontented with. "I don't think that he want- ed to strike a belligerent tone, he wanted to strike an accom- modating tone," Traugott said. "And so by being relatively vague rather than quite specif- ic, he provided very few targets for the Republicans to attack." In his address, Obama also stressed that his re-election endeavor isn't the most pressing issue for his administration in the coming year, but rather, it is ensuring the continual growth of the national economy and job development. "At stake right now is not who wins the next election," Obama said. "After all, we just had an election. At stake is whether new jobs and indus- tries take root in this country, or somewhere else. It's whether the hard work and industry of our people is rewarded. It's whether we sustain the leader- ship that has made America not just a place on a map, but a light to the world." Obama continued by saying that the economy has demon- strated growth since he took office and that it is in a position to keep climbing, particularly through strengthening national programs in areas like educa- tion. "We are poised for progress," Obama said. "Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again." As part of his efforts to reduce the national deficit as well as appeal to both sides of the aisle, Obama proposed a domestic spending freeze over the next five years that would reduce the national deficit by by more than $400 billion. In a statement released fol- lowing Obama's speech, U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) lauded Obama's initiative to consolidate'areas of federal government and make "precise and rational spending cuts." However, Dingell wrote that a total freeze on domestic spend- ing fails to deal with more spe- cific fiscal issues. "I personally think a bud- get freeze would be an ineffi- cient and arbitrary way to deal with the problem; it would not take into consideration spe- cific problems and issues that we face today," Dingell wrote. "Nonetheless, I stand ready to work with my colleagues and the President to find respon- sible and effective ways to trim the budget." Despite the freeze on domes- tic funding, Traugott said he thinks Obama will still make concessions on federal fund- ing for universities to continue the administration's priority on research. Traugott said he expects Obama will also extend such initiatives to global sustain- ability and the advancement of information technology careers - sectors that Obama discussed in his speech and that have prominent programs at the Uni- versity. "I think that this is all part of his proposal to expand the knowledge-based economy and also the new forms of technol- ogy to replace rustbelt manu- facturing," Traugott said. "I think that he has a good chance of succeeding with this, and I think the University would ben- efit ultimately from this." Obama's focus on "Race to the Top" initiatives to regain America's position as a front- runner in education is validat- ed, Traugott said. But it is also complicated since education is often an issue best dealt with at the local and state level, which has been particularly difficult to sustain amid tight budgets in many states, Traugott said. "I don't think there's any question that we need a bet- ter educated, highly educated workforce," Traugott said. "It's a complicated issue because generally primary and second- ary education are funded by local property taxes, and when you go into a recession and there's a downturn in the econ- omy, the tax revenues dry up. So they're trying to find a way for the federal government to help in an area where state and local government has primary responsibility." LSA junior Brendan Camp- bell, chair of the University's chapter of College Democrats, said in an interview last night that he thought Obama's speech was "an effective and passion- ate call for bipartisanship" that reflected the president's prog- ress over the past two years. "I hope that in the next two years Republicans in Congress will heed (Obama's) call and work with him to continue moving this country forward," Campbell said. As for the domestic spend- ing freeze, Campbell said that while this will be difficult for the Democratic Party to accept, it is essential for easing the national debt. "While difficult, his plan for freezing spending over the next five years will prove to be an important part of putting the country back on track, and making sure that our deficit does not continue to grow out of control," Campbell said. LSA junior Charles Bogren, chair of the University's chap- ter of College Republicans, said that though Obama's speech was strong in promoting bipar- tisanship, the president failed to fully address key issues fac- ing the nation. "I think that just as President Obama spoke primarily about economic issues, most of us Republicans are really looking toward how he's going to han- dle the next year with regards to health care and with the cor- porate taxes that he's talking about," Bogren said. While Obama's rhetoric may be encouraging bipartisan efforts, Bogren said, Obama is also using the Democratic- controlled Senate as a means of blocking legislation that is important to the nation. "I think one thing you're going to have to watch out for is the idea that the president real- ly can have his majority in the Senate be the buffer between what is basically best for Amer- ica and what the liberals and the Democratic Party wants," Bogren said. best of ann arbor 2011 vote online now! http://photo.michigandaily.com/surveysoft/index.phpsid=25161&lang=en 0