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January 20, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-01-20

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SNYDER'S ONE-POINT PLAN: Republican Gov. Rick Snyder needs to focus on more issues than Michigan's economy. >)PAGE4A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan_
. After health
care changes,
students now
see benefits

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Students can remain
on parents' health,
insurance plan
until age 26
Daily StaffReporter
Nearly 10 months after Con-
gress passed the historic health
care reform bill, some of the ini-
tial changes enacted by the legis-
lation are beginning to take effect
at the University.
The most significant change
for the majority of students and
University employees is the part
of the law that requires insurance
companies to allow individual
under age 26 to remain on their
parents' health plans - regard-
less of their status as a dependent
or student.
Robert Winfield, the Uni-
versity's chief health officer
and director of the University
Health Service, said about 5 per-
cent of undergraduate students
and 10 percent of graduate stu-
dents currently don't have health
insurance. The new health care
legislation benefits those students
by offering more complete cover-
age in the event of accidents or
serious illness. However the ser-
vices UHS offers won't be impact-
ed, he said.
"What has been a problem is

that students who are 22 or 23
might not have insurance under
their parents," Winfield said. "We
(once) had a student with an infec-
tion and the bill was $15,000."
Laurie Burchett, student insur-
ance manager at UHS, said she is
interested in seeing how many of
the approximately 1,400 students
currently on the University's
domestic insurance plan will not
submit payment for the winter
2011 semester since they can now
remain covered by their parents'
"A lot of people's parents don't
have health insurance, and I've
heard a lot of companies raised
the rate so that it would be more
expensive to put their child back
on their insurance," Burchett
For University employees who
receive health care coverage
through the University, Burchb t
said the process of putting an
employee's child back on the Uni-
versity's health insurance plan is
simple. Employees are required
to fill outa form requesting to put
a child on the plan and provide a
birth certificate and submit it to
the benefits office.
In a conference call with
reporters Tuesday afternoon,
White House Press Secretary
Robert Gibbs said this specific
provision of the health care law
was purposely created for col-
lege-aged individuals.

Republican Gov. Rick Snyder delivers his State of the State address at the Capitol Building in Lansing, Mich. last night. Snyder discussed a new partnership between the Uni-
versity Research Corridor and Procter & Gamble, his plan to cut the Michigan Business Tax and the necessity for bipartisan cooperation in the state legislature.
Snyder announces 'URC
partnership with, P&G

In State of State,
governor also talks
elimination of
business tax
Daily News Editor
LANSING - Delivering his first
State of the State address, Repub-
lican Gov. Rick Snyder stressed
the importance of Michigan's eco-
nomic development as he spoke
before the state legislature at the
Capitol building here last night.
In his address, Snyder empha-
sized the need for public and

private partnerships in order to
stimulate economic growth. Sny-
der highlighted several examples,
including a pending collaboration
between the corporation Procter
& Gamble and the University
Research Corridor - the research
consortium comprised of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Michigan
State University and Wayne State
"It's groundbreaking," Snyder
said. "It's a collaboration that will
speed ideas to the marketplace by
simplifying the legal process that
companies and universities use
to negotiate research projects. It
will also provide opportunities for
Michigan students to gain first-
hand exposure to large compa-

nies and the real business world,
while exposing these companies
to top talent and future potential
Ultimately, Snyder said, the
program will be expanded to
include all 15 public universities in
the state, notjustthe institutions a
part of the URC.
In an interview with The Mich-
igan Daily after Snyder's speech,
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said she was glad the
new governor spoke about unify-
ing the state to finda way to devel-
op Michigan's economy.
Coleman added that she was
"extremely pleased" Snyder spe-
cifically mentioned the URC-P&G
partnership in his remarks.

"It's a big breakthrough," Cole-
man said. "It's a wonderful exam-
ple of ways we can be effective in
interacting with companies and
using the resources all over the
In a telephone interview last
night, P&G spokeswoman Lisa
Popyk said the company is part-
nering with the URC to gain
access to the state's top talent, as
well as to give students the chance
to experience the business world.
"The universities are a great
source of innovation and talent
and research," Popyk said. "We've
found that by partnering with
them we can bring innovation to
markets, often faster with higher
See SNYDER, Page 6A

S'1' graduate schools try to
keep undergraduates in A2

School of Public
Health, Law School
and others increase
recruitment efforts
For theDaily
The University has long taken
pride in its undergraduate stu-
dents being "the leaders and best."
And in following this motto, the
University doesn't want students
leaving Ann Arbor anytime soon.
To encourage undergraduates
to continue their graduate-level

education at the University, sever-
al graduate schools, including the
School of Information, the School
of Social Work, the School of Pub-
lic Health and the Law School,
have taken a more active approach
to recruiting on campus in recent
years, according to University,
admissions officials.
These new recruiting tech-
niques include targeting student
organizations and contacting indi-
vidual students in order to receive
as many applications as possible
from University undergraduates.
And admission officials say these
new tactics are working. Most
graduate programs at the Univer-
sity reported an increase in appli-

cants in the past few years, with
active on-campus recruitment
being a potential contributor to
this rise.
As an example of typical
recruitment activity, the School
of information sends postcards
and e-mails to every single under-
graduate with information about
open houses and advising oppor-
tunities, according to Laura Elgas,
associate director of admissions
and student affairs at the School of
"We definitely find that students
who completed their undergrad at
Michigan have some advantages
in that they are familiar with the

Students talk to potential employers at the Winter Career Expo, hosted by the Career Center, in the Michigan Union yesterday.
* Employer attendance up
at Winter Career Expo

Some students
say career fair
lacked specialization
Daily StaffReporter
The University hosted a wide
range of employers yesterday at the
2011 Winter Career Expo which
encouraged students to explore
potential careers.

More than 800 students and
about 65 organizations were
expected to attend this year's expo,
held in the Michigan Union and
co-sponsored by the Career Center
and Office of Multi-Ethnic Student
Affairs. The employer registration
rate for this year's expo was up by
23 percent from last year, according
to Schueneman, the career events
manager for the Career Center.
One-third of the organizations
in attendance were non-profit and
government agencies including

City Year Detroit, Yes Prep Pub-
lic Schools and Grassroots Cam-
paigns.The remaining two-thirds
of the organizations comprised of
for-profit groups like Capital One,
Target and Toyota, which were
offering leadership development
programs and job opportunities in
Schueneman said she hopes
students go to the Career Center
as their first step in the process of
obtaining internships or full-time

College law clinics oppose record requests
Innocence Clinic ply with open records requests effects on their practices, which
expands to other states, clinics like often function like private law
official: law prevents the University of Michigan Inno- firms.
cence Clinic may encounter more The New Jerseyrulingoccurred
'ethical practice' challenges in trying their cases. when a appellate division of a New
While law clinics like the Rut- Jersey Superior Court appellate
By KAITLIN WILLIAMS gers Environmental Law Clinic division unanimously declared on
Daily StaffReporter and the University of Michigan Oct.25 that university clinics have
Law School's Innocence Clinic are to submit to the state's Open Pub-
If a recent New Jersey Court part of public institutions, those lic Records Act.
ruling declaring that public uni- affiliated with the clinics say such The decision overturned a2008
versity law clinics must com- legislation could have detrimental See CLINICS, Page SA

TOR HI: 15

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