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January 19, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-01-19

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2A- Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Wednesday, January19, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles Campus Clubs

Photos of the Week

Bringing Colombia to the classroom
Q: What classes do you teach? to Peru, where they stayed in the rural the idea of the museum as a satellite. I'm

I teach Spanish 102 and Spanish 232:
Museum of the Andean Region. It's
about four countries - Colombia, Ecua-
dor, Peru and Bolivia. We mainly learn
about traditions in these four countries,
but for me the most important thing is
how thesetraditions arestillrelevant to
the present. The traditions are the capi-
tal - the human capital of the world.
Q: What experiences made you
familiar with these traditions?
I'm a mountain girl. I was born in
Sogamoso in the Andes of Colombia.
And there was something about Peru
that kind of called me and that I was
kind of intrigued about. I wanted to go
ahead and really experience the culture
and bring it here first hand, so I wrote
a proposal to the University to go to
Peru for two months. I stayed with a
rural community with my friend Maria,
where she taught me how to weave, and
I took more classes in her house. Then
I wrote a proposal to take 10 students

community and learned to weave. Then
last year, again through the Global
Intercultural Experience for Under-
graduates, I took 14 other students to
Peru. After experiencing the culture, I
can transmit that passion, and now they
want to experience and participate in
the culture.
Q: What is your teaching style
Something that I do in my classes
is that I try to bring the culture in the
class materially. I bring a lot of objects.
I've won several grants to go back to
Peru and Bolivia and gather materials
so that's one less degree of separation
between the student and the culture.
I wear my costumes from Peru and
Colombia, and I teach class like that. I
bring a carnival to class withlots of cos-
tumes. That's my goal - that students
do not learn from the book but have a
hands-on experience. I also take my
students to the museum because I like

like I can'tjust teach in my classroom -
there is life outside.
Q: How do you like teaching atthe
Ilove it, and it's all because of the stu-
dents. I can have fun with them. Some-
times I feel I'm in a playground and
I hope they feel like they didn't go to
class, but that they did something. And
the students give so much if you ask.
One of my favorite activities is to have
coffee with my students, especially ex-
students. They talk about what they do,
what they eat, what they watch, same
for me. I like to dedicate time for them.
Q: Do you do research?
My research is going to these places
and bringing the culture back to Michi-
gan. One of my projects is an exhibition
(of photography from the Arhuacos
people of Colombia) that's going to be in
September or October in the Michigan

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Shattered street The nose knows
light discovered WHERE: Baits I Residence
Hall, Eaton House
WHERE: 1400 Hubbard WHEN: Monday at about
WHEN: Monday at about 10:15 10:30 a.m.
a.m. WHAT: A male resident
WHAT: A street light was dis- andUniversity student were
covered to be broken, Univer- found to be in possession of
sity Police reported. According marijuana, University Police
to police, the damage occurred reported. An officer was tipped
between Nov.23 and Nov. 30, off by the smell of the drug in
2010 and it will cost $1,000 to the hallway.
TWo cars collide
Thief pilfers with 'U' bus

Vladimir Orientation
Putin lecture leader meeting

WHAT: History Prof. Eliza-
beth Wood will give a lec-
ture on how Russian Prime
Minister Vladimir Putin has
promoted hypermasculinity.
WHO: Center for Russian
and East European Studies
WHEN: Today at noon
WHERE: School of
Social Work Building

WHAT: A meeting for stu-
dents interested in becoming
summer orientation leaders.
WHO: Office of New
Student Programs
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Anderson
ABC, Michigan Union
Talk It Out

WHERE: University Hospital
WHEN: Monday at about 2
WHAT: A projector last seen
Dec.15 was taken from a room,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects.

WHERE: 1520 Fuller Rd.
WHEN: Monday at about 6:30
WHAT: Two cars and a
University bus were part of
a minor accident, University
Police reported. There were no
injuries and only minor dam-
ages to the vehicles.

2011 Winter support group
WHAT: Students are
Career Expo invited to share their
personal concerns with
WHAT: More than SO a small groupof peers.
different companies will WHO: Counseling and
particpate in a network- 'Psychological Services
ing fair. Students can meet WHEN: Today at 3 p.m.
with company representa- WHERE: Michigan
tives who can assist in job Union, room 3100
and intersnhip searches. CORRECTIONS
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from * Please report any
2 p.m. to 6 p.m. error in the Daily to
.WHERE: Michigan corrections@michi-
Union, second floor gandaily.conm.

Scientists at the Univer-
sity's Comprehensive Can-
cer Center have found a
new way to attack breast cancer
cells, according to a Univer-
sity of Michigan Health System
press release. Blocking a signal
from the bone marrow may stop
the replication of the cells.
Donald House became
the first Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly president
in 1976. House assumed the
position after the previous stu-
dentbodypresidentwas forced
to step down from his role due
to a lawsuit against him.
The trainers of police
dogs in the central Indi-
an state of Chhattisgarh
have been suspended after the
dogs under their supervision
became pregnant, the BBC
reported. The commander who
suspended the trainers said it
was a "serious security lapse."

From Page 1A
as the Palestinian Authority plans
to unilaterally declare statehoodby
the end of the year.
Baskin argued that the only solu-
tion is to create a separate Palestin-
ian state. Otherwise, he said, the
conflict will remain one of identity
rather than territory.
"Today the circumstances are
different because we have a Pal-
estinian leadership which for the
first time in the history of the Pal-
estinian national struggle is doing
everything right," he said.
Baskin noted that Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas and
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad have
committed themselves to imple-
menting the obligations set down
in President George W. Bush's 2003
"road map" for peace.
Meanwhile, Baskin said, the Pal-
estinians are in talks to gain the
support of the United States when
it petitions to become a member of
the United Nations later this year.
Becoming a UN member state,
Baskin said, would be a "game-
"It may not change anything on
the ground, but ... once Palestine

is 'a member state of t eUnfited
Nations, Israel is io longer occupy-
ing undefined disputed territory,"
Baskin said.
According to Baskin, solutions
do exist for the many conflicts
the Israelis and Palestinians face,
including questions of what to do
with refugees and how to come to
an agreement on the status of Jeru-
salem as the capital of a future Pal-
estinian state.
"This conflict is resolvable, and
we know how to do it," he said.
"There isn't a single issue which we
don't know how to resolve. It is the
mostcresearched conflict in the his-
tory of conflict."
Baskin was invited to speak on
campus by J Street U. In an inter-
view last night, LSA sophomore
Yonah Lieberman, chair of the
organization, said J Street U's mis-
sion is to "fill avoid" inthe dialogue
on campus about the Israeli-Pales-
tinian conflict.
"Our slogan is, 'pro-Israel, pro-
Palestine, pro-peace"' Lieberman
said. "We really think that both
sides have legitimate qualms and
legitimate points when it comes
to where the final status and final
agreements are goingto be."
Baskin, an American by birth,
said he's long been vocal on Israe-

i:Palestiniai peace issues.Fiis
organization, IPCRI, functions
to develop policy options on the
subject, according to the organiza-
tion's website.
"The belief that I grew up with
was that in moving to Israel, it's
important to dedicate my life to
making Israel a better place,"
Baskin said in an interview after
the lecture, "and I have dedicated
the last 33 years that I've been liv-
ing in Israel to working for peace.
Lieberman said he has been
interested in the Israeli-Palestin-
ian conflict for nearly his whole
life, adding that Baskin gave the
best speech he's ever heard about
the topic.
"I've never heard anyone speak
so eloquently and so brilliantly
about the conflict in a way that
matches up with my own ideals,"
Lieberman said.
In an interview after the event,
Baskin said the audience seemed
very receptive of his arguments.
Business sophomore Allison Ber-
man, however, said she wasn't con-
"I thought it (was) a lot of rheto-
ric," she said.
-Daily Staff Reporter Adam
Rubenfire contributed to this report.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (l-Conn.) speaks during a news conference in Washington on Dec. 18, 2010. Lieberman has decided to
retire in 2012, according to Democratic officials who requested to remain anonymous.
Oficials: Li*eberman wil
end Senate caerin 2012

Cartoonist faces attacker in court

Man tried to break
into Westergaard's
house with axe
(AP) - He lives under round-the-
clock protection and travels in an
armored SUV. Bodyguards are
posted in a shack outside his home,
which is equipped with a panic
room that saved him from an ax-
wielding intruder.
With a few strokes of a pen, Kurt
Westergaard's life changed forever:
hisdrawingoftheProphet Muham-
mad wearing a bomb-shaped tur-
ban has made him a hunted man.
This week, the 75-year-old car-
toonist faces the man police say
tried to kill him on New Year's Day,
2010, as the Somali's terror trial
gets under way.
"I lead an existence that is full of
angst,"Westergaard told The Asso-
ciated Press in a recent interview.
His caricature was considered
among the most offensive of the 12
cartoons of Muhammad published
by Danish newspaper Jyllands-
Posten in September 2005, trig-

gering a firestorm of protests that
rippled across the Islamic world
four months later.
The angry mobs calmed down
after a few weeks, but the Islamist
extremists did not; Denmark,
Jyllands-Posten and Westergaard
became high-profile targets in
their jihad.
Authorities feared Westergaard
- a tall, bearded man who walks
with a cane and speaks in a grave-
ly voice - was at risk of an attack
similar to the 2004 murder of film-
maker Theo van Gogh, who was
killed by a Muslim fanatic angered
by movie the Dutchman made that
criticized Islam.
The cartoonist was placed under
policeprotection inFebruary2008,
after police said two Tunisian men
plotted to kill him. They were
deported without charges.
When the attack finally came,
at his home in western Den-
mark, Westergaard reacted out of
instinct, following instructions
drilled into him by Danish police.
He didn't even see the intruder.
Upon hearing the glass door fac-
ing the garden shatter, he rushed
inside the bathroom - reinforced

with a metal-plated door to serve
as a panic room - and alerted
police."I thoughtto myself: Now it's
happening," Westergaard recalled.
He heard his then 6-year-old
granddaughter Stephanie scream
from the living room, as the ax-
wielding attacker tried to break
down the door of the panic room.
"Then the longest minutes of
my life started," Westergaard said.
"He hammered the ax against the
door and I wondered whether the
door would resist. Would he leave
Stephanie unharmed?"
The door held. The attacker left
the house, and was confronted by
police, who pepper-sprayed him,
then shot him in the knee as he
hurled the ax at an officer, investi-
gators said.
Westergaard and his grand-
daughter were unharmed.
"I got away. But he's the real
victim, who is likely going to sit
behind bars for quite a while and
will have enough time to think
through what happened," Wester-
gaard told AP this week about the
intruder, a 29-year-old Somali
man charged with terrorism and
attempted murder.

Lieberman plans
to announce
retirement today,
officials say
Joe Lieberman, the 2000 Demo-
cratic vice presidential nominee
who angered the party by back-
ing Republican John McCain for
president in 2008, will retire and
not seek a fifth term, Democratic
officials said yesterday.
Word of Lieberman's deci-
sion came just hours after North
Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad also
announced he would retire, leav-
ing Senate Democrats with two
seats to defend in a difficult politi-
cal environment.
Lieberman plans to announce
his decision midday today at an
event in Stamford, Conn. Lieber-
man nearly won the vice presi-
dency on the Democratic ticket
with running mate Al Gore in
Democratic officials, who
requested anonymity because
they were not authorized to speak
publicly, said yesterday that the
independent who usually votes
with Democrats would not run for
re-el Iction in 2012.

Lieberman, 68, was defeated
the last time he ran for the Demo-
cratic Senate nomination in Con-
necticut, in 2006, but won a new
term running as an independent in
a three-way race.
Top Democrats like Sen. Chris-
topher Dodd and President Barack
Obama who had supported Lieber-
man in the 2006 primary instead
backed Democratic nominee Ned
Lamont in the fall general elec-
tion. Lieberman was disappointed
that some old friends weren't loyal
to him.
In the years since, he aligned
himself with Democrats in the
Senate, who permitted him to
chair a committee in return. Yet
in 2008 he supported McCain,
the Republican presidential can-
didate, who put the Connecticut
lawmaker on his list of potential
vice presidential running mates.
Lieberman's decision to speak
at the 2008 GOP presidential nom-
inating convention angered Dem-
ocrats, and the speech he gave
contrasting Obama to McCain
angered them more.
"In the Senate, during the 3 1/2
years that Sen. Obama has been
a member, he has not reached
across party lines to . accomplish
anything significant, nor has he
been willing to take on powerful
interest groups in the Democratic

Party to get something done,"
Lieberman said atthe time.
Connecticut Democrats also
have criticized Lieberman's strong
support of the Iraq war, although
they were pleased when he led the
recent Senate fight to repeal the
ban on gays serving openly in the
Lieberman's poll ratings in his
home state had slipped in recent
years, encouraging Democratic'
challengers and sparking specu-
lation about the senator's retire-
ment. Lieberman's colleague,
Dodd, recently retired from the
Former Connecticut Secretary
of the State Susan Bysiewicz said
Tuesday she'll run in 2012 for
Lieberman's seat.
Two Connecticut House Dem-
ocrats, Chris Murphy and Joe
Courtney, are also considering a
There had been speculation
about whether Lieberman would
run in 2012 as a Democrat, Repub-
lican or independent.
After the 2008 election and at
Obama's urging, Senate Demo-
crats decided notcto punish Lieber-
man for supporting the GOP
ticket. They voted to let him keep
his chairmanship of the Home-
land Security and Governmental
Affairs Committee.

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