6A - Tuesday, September 7, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 'U' administrators encourage freshmen to expand horizons n Thursday's New Student Convocation was themed 'Widen Your Worldview' By DAVID BUCCILLI For the Daily New students from across the country and around the world shone in specks of maize and blue throughout Crisler Arena on Thursday night as University administrators and student lead- ers welcomed the class of 2014 to the University at New Student Convocation. This year's ceremony was themed "Widen Your Worldview," which served as the keystone underlying each speaker's address to the freshmen class. The University's new provost, Philip Hanlon, who's now two months into the position, wel- comed students and their families and expressed his high expecta- tions forthe class of 2014. "As Michigan students you can achieve and we expect you to achieve great things. Go for it," Hanlon said. Michigan Student Assem- bly President Chris Armstrong encouraged students to open up to themselves and others by being true to who they really are. "Your time here in Ann Arbor is as much about your own self-dis- covery as it is about your career," Armstrong said. Ted Spencer, associate vice pro- vost and executive director of the University's Office of Undergrad- uate Admissions, spoke next about the importance of diversity and the magnitude that comes with being a Wolverine. "You will join students from over 1,900 different high schools, all 50 states and almost 70 coun- tries, giving you the opportunity to widen your worldview with classes from many diverse back- grounds," Spencer said. "And after graduation you will become part of the largest net- work of alums in the world," he continued. With a record number of more than 32,000 applicants for this year's clas$, the University's incoming freshmen had a mean grade point average of 3.8, Spen- cer said. And 13 percent of the new class earned a perfect 4.0 GPA, he said. In her remarks, University President Mary Sue Coleman echoed with Armstrong's senti- ment in regards to self-growth, and also continued the theme of the evening by speaking about widening one's perceptions of people and the world. "College is about ideas, view- points, and questions - and the myriad directions they take your mind," Coleman said. Some students like LSA fresh- man Emily Martin left the cer- emony feeling more confident about starting their first year at the University than before they entered Crisler Arena. "Coming to Michigan, you're scared and anxious," Martin said. "It was comforting to hear all these kind words." 0 0 Mich. Supreme Court knocks 'Tea Party'off ballot Party didn't meet technical rules in the state law LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A shadowy group calling itself "The Tea Party" won't be allowed on the state's November ballot after a Friday order from the Michigan Supreme Court. The high court's 5-2 vote lets stand a ruling earlier this week from the Michigan Court of Appeals that keeps "The Tea Party" off the ballot because it didn't comply with some techni- cal requirements in state law. Republicans and tea party activists consider "The Tea Party" a Democrat-supported fake aimed at siphoning away votes from conservative candi- dates. The effort has connec- tions to a former Oakland County Democratic Party official. The appeals court ruled earlier this week "The Tea Party" could not be on the ballot because of an irregularity on its petitions cir- culated to make the ballot. The word "the" in "The Tea Party" title was not in 24-point bold face type on its petitions as required by law. The Supreme Court denied a request to appeal, with the majority saying it was "not per- suaded that the questions pre- sented should be reviewed" by the court. "Today's decision by the Court is a win for all of the dedicated grassroots activists who are part of the true Tea Party movement and it is a win for democracy," Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser said in a statement. Messages were left seeking message comment after Friday's ruling with "The Tea Party" chairman Mark Steffek and attorney Michael Hodge. The court battle started last month after the Board of State Canvassers deadlocked 2-2 on a proposal that would have placed "The Tea Party" on the ballot. The tie vote, with Republicans opposing the measure to put the group on the ballot and Democrats supporting it, meant "The Tea Party" was not certified for the Nov. 2 ballot. "The Tea Party" was seek- ing to run nearly two dozen candidates including nomi- nees for attorney general, secretary of state, two of Michigan's 15 congressional districts, six of 38 seats in the state Senate and eight of 110 seats in the state House. The group also listed poten- tial candidates for the Uni- versity of Michigan Board of Regents, the State Board of Education and the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners. Two of the state Senate candidates wouldn't have qualified to make the ballot because they are too young. President Barack Obama speaks on the economy at the Milwaukee Laborfest in Mil- waukee, Monday, Sept. 6, 2010. Obama assails GOP, pro-motes new jobs program 0 A COUPON Y'LWRESTLE YOUR ROOM MATE FOR LOSER BUYS. WINNER EATS FOR FREE.} Republicans respond, skeptical of short-term relief MILWAUKEE, Wisc. (AP) - A combative President Barack Obama rolled out a long-term jobs program Monday that would exceed $50 billion to rebuild roads, railways and runways, and coupled it with a blunt campaign- season assault on Republicans for causing Americans' hard econom- ic times. GOP leaders instantly assailed Obama's proposal as an ineffective one that would simply raise already excessive federal spending. Many congressional Democrats are also likely to be reluctant to boost expenditures and increase federal deficits just weeks before elections that will determine control of Con- gress. Jim Manley, spokesman for Sen- ate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, cautioned, "If we are going to get anything done, Republi- can cooperation, which has been all but non-existent recently, will be necessary." That left the plan with low, if not impossible, odds of becom- ing law this year. When Con- gress returns from summer recess in mid-September, it is likely to remain in session for onlyafewweeksbefore lawnak- ers return home to campaign for re-election. Administration officials said that even if Congress quickly approved the program, it would not produce jobs until sometime next year. That means the pro- posal's only pre-election impact may be a political one as the White House tries to demon- strate to voters that it is working to boost the economy and create jobs. At a Labor Day speech in Mil- waukee, Obama said Republi- cans are betting that between now and the Nov. 2 elections, Americans will forget the Republican economic policies that led to the recession. He said Republicans have opposed vir- tually everything he has done to help the economy, and have pro- posed solutions that have only made the problem worse. "That philosophy didn't work out so well for middle-class fami- lies all across America," Obama told a cheering crowd at a labor gathering. "It didn't work out so well for our country. All it did was rack up record deficits and result in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression." He said Repubicans have consis- tently opposed his economic pro- posals and seem to be running on a slogan of "No, we can't," playing off his 2008 presidential campaign mantra of "Yes we can." "If I said fish live in the sea, they'd sayno," Obama said. Republicans made clear that Obama should not expect any help from them. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said the plan "should be met with justifi- able skepticism." He said it would raise taxes while Americans are "still looking for the 'shovel-ready' jobs they were promised more than a year ago" in the $814 billion eco- nomic stimulus measure. The House Republican lead- er, John Boehner of Ohio, added "We don't need more government 'stimulus' spending. We need to end Washington Democrats' out- of-control spending spree, stop their tax hikes, and create jobs by eliminating the job-killing uncer- tainty that is hampering our small businesses." Administration officials are hunting broadly for ways to revive the economy. But they are likely to drop a separate proposal to renew a law exempting companies from paying Social Security taxes on anyunemployed workers they hire, according to a White House official who spoke on condition of ano- nymity because the decision was not final. Casual in brown slacks and open-collar white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, Obama took a populist tack in his speech, mixing attacks on Republicans with praise for working-class and middle-class Americans. He said he'd "keep fighting, every single day, every single hour, every single minute to turn this economy around." He said interest groups he has battled "talk about me like a dog." R~LEALFREE I LFOOD, node, op You by any odes sup Bring this in.When ygiveyou another one salad or a TRIO Weg11ths giefoularo r sa2/31/1.Bring t.orrysula* S Hurry this affer exp resO2reproductions accepte oryuiosroD cM t oe s o r cash,Crave Cards or a nug E5 O L COM can noswapt 320 South State St -734.327.9041 Arborland -6301 Washtenaw -734.477.5700 01 The Total Comfort Shoe Stores Welcome Back, Students! 10% UM Student Discount 217 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (In the heart of downtown Ann Arbor!) A It rxk BIREST&K BlondotOG4' kCLa xkS.af x..