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December 13, 2010 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-12-13

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8A - Monday, December 13, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com I

Forward Carl Hagelin (front) walks into Michigan Stadium for the Big Chill at the Big House on Saturday.

From Page 1A
on the biggest stage possible. The
largest crowd ever to watch a
NCAA sporting event, 113,411 saw
the Spartans dominated by the
same team that upset them twice
at home to knock them out of the
playoffs lastyear. They witnessed
their rivals completely upstage
their own outdoor game in every
Why not give them another
With the established interest in
outdoor games and huge advances
in ice-rink technology, if the
Michigan State athletic depart-
ment can switch Spartan Stadium
back to field turf like it was in
2001 for the Cold War (a big'if',
but it is possible), the conditions
are basically met for a chance at
Don't tell me it wouldn't sell
out. Spartan Stadium's record
capacity is 80,401. That's 33,010
fewer than were in attendance
Saturday. Michigan State coach
Rick Comley said this week that

playing outdoor hockey never gets
old. Neither does watching it.
So do it, Michigan State. In a
few years, try to beat the Michigan
goal-scoring, firework-exploding,
headline-grabbing extravaganza
that was The Big Chill in the Big
House. It helps everybody.
You geta chance to take back
the idea you started, make up
for your lackluster performance
on the ice at Michigan Stadium,
and bathe in the revenue gained
from ticket and apparel sales.
New players get to play in a game
they dream about. Fans get to see
outdoor hockey. And Michigan's
athletic department gets to try to
top it again a few years after.
It can't be done every year. If a
game eventually comes to Michi-
gan Stadium again, it won't beas
special as the Big Chill. But stu-
dents graduate and new ones come
in who didn't have the opportu-
nity to be one of the dancing fools
during the second intermission in
the North endzone.
"That's not something you do
every year," Michigan Athletic
Director Dave Brandon said after
the game. "You got to make it

special. I could see us potentially
maybe getting in to an every-four-
year cycle. Timing situated that
every student-athlete who played
hockey here could get a chance to
participate in something like this,
and keep it special and unique
enough that our fans would turn
out the way they did tonight."
And I agree - make it cyclical.
One school puts on an outdoor
game, the other school does it two
years later. That way every player
and student from these institu-
tions gets to experience an out-
door hockey game in front of their
home crowd.
As the athletic departments try
to out-do themselves, the events
will look increasingly more like
an action movie. I can't wait until
2030 when the Michigan head
coach parachutes in just before the
opening faceoff. Everybody wins
from that.
But that's a long way off And
after that spectacle on Saturday
afternoon, Michigan State, it's
your move.
- Florek can be reached
at florekmi@umich.edu.

From Page1A
new collaborative system.
"The IT Council was very
impressed with the thoroughness
of the Unit IT Steering Committee
in formulating its recommenda-
tion," Atkins said. "While we are
very excited at the prospects of
moving forward with this major
enhancement of the U-M col-
laboration environment, we know
there are important challenges -
especially in the areas of user sup-
port, privacy and security - that
we need to plan for carefully."
In the same release, Lynn John-
From Page 1A
Blackwell did notknow the exact
location of where the man was
apprehended, but said the arrest
occurred in the area of Washtenaw
and North University avenues.
According to Blackwell, the man
is in his early 20s. Blackwell did not
know if the man is a University stu-
The AAPD will be contacting
the victims of the home invasions
to see if they can identify the man.
From Page 1A
LSA Dean of Budget James
Penner-Hahn wrote in an e-mail
interview that the majority of fed-
eral stimulus funds LSA received
came from the National Science
Foundation and the National Insti-
tutes of Health.
The stimulus money allowed
LSA to hire more undergraduate
and graduate students to conduct
research, according to Penner-
"These funds also supported the
purchase of equipment, which has
improved our research capabilities
and thus indirectly impacted our
students," he wrote.
He added that the process to get
funding from LSA is very competi-
tive and most funds were granted
for new faculty projects based on
applications submitted by faculty
However, some funds were
given to projects that were already
in place, Penner-Hahn explained.
In 2009 and 2010, the College
of Engineering was awarded six
grants that totaled $50 million in
federal stimulus funds, said Jon
Kinsey, director of government
and foundations relations for the
College of Engineering.
The funds that the College of
Engineering received came from
the Department of Energy, the
National Science Foundation and
the National Institutes of Health.
Kinsey said the college used the
stimulus funds to study alternative
energy, climate change, education,
health and nanotechnology proj-
In addition, the Energy Fron-
tier Research Center received
$19.5 million in April 2009. The
center, which is housed in the Col-
lege of Engineering, is devoted to
researching new materials to more
efficiently convert solar energy to
electricity, Kinsey explained.
"Students benefit in many ways

including the funding of gradu-
ate students, (the) use (of) new
equipment purchased through the
funds, new curriculum and par-
ticipation in the research itself,"
Kinsey said.
Martin Philbert, who will
become dean of the School of
Public Health on Jan. 1, said the

son, chair of the Unit IT Steering
Committee and an assistant dean
at the School of Dentistry, said a
new, unified collaboration technol-
ogy system would help eliminate
duplicationof services and save the
University substantial amounts of
"High-quality collaboration is
the hallmark of a global research
institution like U-M," Johnson
said. "Identifying new collabora-
tive tools for adoption across cam-
pus is just the first step in a larger
initiative to improve the environ-
ment for collaboration in learning,
teaching and research."
Despite the standardization
efforts, some units at the Universi-
If they identify him as the invader,
Blackwell said the man would be
In a separate incident, two soror-
ities on Hill Street - Alpha Phi and
the Delta Delta Delta senior house
- were broken into Saturday night.
AAPD Sgt. Andrew Zazula said
a male wandered into the houses,
but nothing was reported as stolen
from either property. He added that
the man has not been caught.
According to the AAPD, the sus-
pect is described as a black male in
his early 40s. At the time of the inci-
dent, he was reported to be wearing
a black - possibly leather - jacket,
stimulus funds allocated to the
University have impacted students
in his school in a variety of ways.
"Many of our students are
engaged in research as part of their
degree requirements or as part of
a broader educational opportunity
to gain relevant field experience,"
he said. "Research programs fund-
ed by federal stimulus dollars have
enabled the engagement and reten-
tion of a larger number of students
that might not have been possible
without the (stimulus funds)."
According the University's
Office of the Vice President for
Research, the School of Public
Health received approximately
$40 million in federal stimulus
funds, primarily through the NSH.
A Feb. 1, 2010 press release from
the School of Public Health stated
that the school received $17 million
for diabetes research that focuses
on people who are predisposed to
the disease.
The Institute for Social
Research was also awarded signifi-
cant funding through the stimulus.
According to ISR Director James
Jackson, the ISR received $47.5
million in grants and contracts
from the NSF. He added that $14.8
million of the total amount is being
used to build a fourth wing on
Division Street for the ISR.
The remainder of the money for
ISF is going toward research. The
Health and Retirement Survey
- a bi-yearly survey that records
changes in health of Americans
over age 50 - will be using some
of the funds to make the survey
more detailed, including adding an
ethnic and racial question, Jackson
Jackson added that the ISR will
add between 100 to 300 new staff
and faculty members within the
next 10 years because the expan-
sion will-provide more opportuni-
ties for researchers.
By providingjobs now and in the
future," the funds are having their
intended impact," Jackson said.

The Department of Public
Safety was also granted $258,528
to install security camera sys-
tems in high-risk areas like park-
ing lots around sports venues and
University libraries, according to
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown.
DPS was also granted $30,000
in federal stimulus funds to
upgrade evidence and tracking

ty will still be allowed to use other
software, like Microsoft Outlook,
for e-mail services because of the
nature of their business.
For example, the University of ,
Michigan Health System is in the
process ofimplementing Microsoft
Outlook to replace the system they
currently use called Groupwise.
The transition is set tobe complet-
ed by mid-2011.
The LSA Student Govern-
ment voted to endorse Google
last month. The 11-0 vote, which
had seven abstentions, came after
representatives from Google and
Microsoft visited campus to pitch
their services to students, faculty
and staff.
gloves and a winter hat.
According to Nursing senior
Stephanie Conn, the Panhellenic 4
Association's vice president of
public relations, the first break in
occurred before 8 p.m. Conn said
in an interview Sunday that the
women did not encounter any dif-
ficulties when they asked the man
to leave and escorted him out.
Conn added that other chapters
have since been informed of the
"An e-mail was sent out yester-
day just as a warning 'Oh look, this
happened, but there was no prob-
lem,' "she said.
"These grants allow us to fur-
ther enhance our safety infrastruc-
ture and make it more efficient,"
Brown said, adding that the grants
allow DPS funding to continue to
serve its current purpose like pay-
ing employees.
Without the funds, Brown said
DPS would have had to consider
cutting employees in order to fund
new DPS expenses.
In addition to University
schools and divisions, city and
county, agencies will also be using
stimulus funds to upgrade existing
programs and help fund new ones.
Ellen Schulmeister, CEO of
the Shelter Association of Washt-
enaw County, said after the shel-
ter received a $1.8 million grant,
she was able to hire four people -
three of whom were unemployed
at their time of hire.
She said the money has been
split in half to fund the housing
divisions of the shelter.
These funds are being allocated
to Washtenaw County citizens to
help them afford an apartment so
they won't be forced to live in a
shelter or face eviction, Schulmeis-
ter explained.
Schlmeister said the Shel-
ter Association of Washtenaw
County is able to prevent home-
lessness - or quickly re-house
people - because of the grant it
received, adding that because of
the funds, the shelter was able to
help more than 450 families that
were evicted.
Chris White, manager of service
development for the Ann Arbor
Transportation Authority, said the
AATA was allocated two grants
that total $6.45 million.
The first grant - approved in
August 2009 - was used to pur-
chase four hybrid buses, construct
a Park & Ride lot on Plymouth
Road and make improvements to
bus lots in Ann Arbor.
The second grant - approved in
March - paid for a portion of the

Central Campus Transit Center,
additional bus storage facilities
and bus stop improvements.
Washtenaw County budget man-
ager Jennifer Watson said the stim-
ulus funds granted to the county
have also been used for community E
service projects, summer youth
programs and job training for
Washtenaw County residents.

From Page 1A
by the fact that he had to drive to
Chicago to fill out the application.
"You drive three or four hours
and you are only there for 10 min-
utes, and thenyou drive back,"Lang
said. "It's a hassle."
Lang said traveling to the con-
sulate general, which processes
the visas, could be an even bigger
problem for out-of-state students
who have to travel further to get to
their region's consulate.
"Every student had to individu-
ally travel all the way to Chicago if
they were from Michigan," Lang
said. "If they were out of state, like
from California, they had to fly all
the way back to California just to
pick up this visa."
LSA junior Alison Oreh, who is
planningto study abroad in Seville,
Spain for six months starting this
January, said she encountered
many problems when applying for
and receiving her visa but received
little guidance from the Center
for Global and Intercultural Study
office during the application pro-
"It's completely on you to fig-
ure out what you need to apply,"
Oreh said. "You need to travel to
the Spanish Consulate General in
Chicago to actually apply in per-
son, and then you have to go back
in person a second time to pick up
your visa."
Oreh said she was confused by
the application process because
she did not know what kind of visa
she needed, and that it was difficult

to fill out the application because
she did not know where she would
be living in Spain.
"It was very frustrating for me
because it felt like I was walking
in the dark and there was no one to
help me, soI kind of just did what I
thought was right," Oreh said.
Pardip Bolina, associate director
at the CGIS, said though the center
provides students with informa-
tion about the visa process, stu-
dents are responsible for obtaining
the visas themselves.
If a student encounters a prob-
lem with the visa application
process, Bolina said the center is
limited in its aid because it is not
affiliated with the government
and, therefore, does not have the
legal authority to help with the
"It's up to the students to go
ahead and follow through, apply,
and if they have problems, then
unfortunately we're just not a legal
sort of entity or anything like that
to be able to grant them a visa,"
Bolina said. "We would just try to
work with them and see if we can
help ask questions that they should
be looking into."
But Bolina said she believes
there are only a few students each
semester who actually encoun-
ter difficulties when applying for
a visa and that those students are
often able to find a solution them-
"I am certain some students do
experience challenges in obtaining
visas, but they may resolve them on
their own without us ever hearing
about it," she said.
Elizabeth Jurmu, an LSA senior

and a peer adviser at the CGIS,
studied in Sydney, Australia for
five months.
Jurmu said she didn't experi-
ence any difficulties in the appli-
cation process and was advised by
CGIS to fill out an online applica-
tion to expedite the process. Jurmu
added that the application process
might have been easier because she
applied to study abroad in Austra-
"It was easier to do an appli-
cation for Australia than it is for
other countries," Jurmu said.
Though Jurmu had a simple
application process and received
overnight approval for a visa, she
said she has heard from other stu-
dents who have experienced some
problems. Jurmu added that the
amountof difficulty students expe-
rience is related to the country
where they plan to study abroad.
"From what I've heard from
students as a peer adviser for the
center, is that it's a longer process
for specific countries," she said. "I
know a lot of European countries
typically have a longer application
If she had known about the dif-
ficulty involved in acquiring a visa,
Oreh said she may have considered
a study abroad program unaffili-
ated with the University.
"A lot of the other programs that
my friends are going through out-
side of the University of Michigan
have a lot more guidance and plan-
ning. It's not as up in the air," Oreh
said. "I'm about to leave in less
than a month and I feel completely
unprepared and in the dark about
what I should be doing."


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