2A - Friday, December 10, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
In Other Ivory Towers
LEFT Sophomore guard Matt Vogrich
(13) plays against Harvard at Crisler
Arena on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010.
Michigan won the game 65-62.
University President Mary Sue Cole-
man spoke at the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs meet-
ing at the Fleming Administration
Building on Monday, Dec. 6, 2010.
TOM RIGHT A band performs while
participants at the Second Annual
Kerrytowni Kindle~est at the Ann
Arbor Farmers Market move around
the event. KindleFest is inspired by the
German Christkindlmarkt cultural tra-
ditions and features artisans, farmers
and retailers selling holiday decora-
tions, traditional food, wine and beer.
Michigan Myths
Professor Profiles
Campus Clubs
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Thief loves Getting ugly in Clean tech
stealing loveseat the UGLi symposium
WHERE: Bursley Residence
WHEN: Wednesday at about
12:40 p.m.
WHAT: A loveseat was stolen
from the Living Arts Studio in
the basement of Bursley Hall,
Univeristy Police reported.
There are no suspects.
WHERE: Shapiro Undergrad-
uate Library
WHEN: Wednesday at about
5:30 p.m.
WHAT: Two assailants kicked
and punched a male student
in the face, University Police
reported. The victim suffered a
bloody nose, and the perpetra-
tors were taken into custody
and released pending a war-
for stealing trees Weed uncovered
WHAT: Speakers from
China and the United
States will discuss clean
technology research,
entrepreneurship oppor-
tunities and legal issues.
WHO: Erb Institute/Ross
Business School and School
of Natural Resources
WHEN: Today from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
Winter dance
WHAT: The ballet and lyri-
cal dance group, Salto Dance
Company, will perform with
special guests EnCore and
the Arabian Dance Ensemble.
WHO: Salto Dance Company
WHEN: Tonight at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Walgreen
Drama Center, Arthur
Miller Theatre
Best of Best
open mic night
WHAT: The best perform-
ers from previous mic nights
will compete for a prize.
WHO: University Unions
& Arts Program
WHEN: Tonight from
8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan League
Physics talk
WHAT: Samuel C.C. Ting,
professor emeritus of
physics and winner of the
Nobel Prize for discover-
ing a subatomic particle,
will give a lecture.
WHO: Department of Physics
WHEN: Tomorrow from
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Dennison Build-
ing, rooms 170 and 182
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
Texas A&M University and
a Dallas-area developer
are building a 1.1 million-
square-foot sustainable com-
munity called the Urban Living
Lab, Govtech.com reported.
The city will cost about $127
million to build.
Saturday's Big Chill
hockey game is expected
to break the record for the
largest attendance at an out-
door hockey game. The record
was set in 2001 when Michigan
played Michigan State in Spar-
tan Stadium.
The Florida Board of
Executive Clemency
voted unanimously yes-
terday to posthumously pardon
singer Jim Morrison for inde-
cent exposure and profanity
charges he received at a 1969
concert in Miami, The New
York Times reported.
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The Michigan Daly OlSSN 0745-%7) ispublished Monday through Friday duringthetfall and
startinginSeptember, viaU.S. mal are$110.Winter termJanuarythrough April)is$1,yearlong
(September throughApril)is$195.University affiliatesaresubject toareducedsubscriptionrate.
samember of The~ssiatedPressad heoiated ollegate Frnss. ,
WHERE: Nichols Arboretum
WHEN: Wednesday at about
3:30 p.m.
WHAT: A pine tree was sto-
len sometime between 9 a.m.
Saturday and 5p.m. Sunday,
University Police reported.
The tree was worth $45.
WHERE: Oxford Residence
WHEN: Thursday at about
12:45 a.m.
WHAT: A bag of suspected
marijuana was found after
someone smelled pot, Univer-
sity Police reported.
Love Crime Notes? Getmore online at michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire
Senate votes to repeal
of 'Don't ask, don't tell'
Virginia Tech students watch from the doorway of McBryde Hall on the Virginia Tech campus on Monday, April 16, 2007.
Fe s: Virginla Tech v10ated
law urn shootinS
17-year-old military
policy remains in
place after 57-40 vote
Republicansblocked a major year-
end push by Democrats to lift
the military's ban on openly gay
troops yesterday, dealing a huge
blow to gay rights groups' hopes
for repeal of "don't ask, don't tell"
any time soon. President Barack
Obama instantly appealed to
lawmakers to make another, last-
ditch try before going home for
the year.
The day's dramatic events left
the fate of the issue in limbo, with
lawmakers eager to adjourn and
still facing numerous other con-
tentious issues.
The Senate's 57-40 vote fell
three short of the 60 needed to
overcome procedural hurdles to
lift the 17-year-old ban. Sen. Susan
Collins of Maine was the lone
Republican voting to advance the
bill, and Sen. Joe Manchin ofWest
Virginia was the only Democrat to
vote against it.
The rejection was a defeat for
Obama, who campaigned promis-
ing to overturn the law and later
called it one of his top legisla-
tive priorities for the year. But in
recent weeks the White House
has done little to push the legisla-
tion, focusingits influence instead
on tax cuts and a nuclear arms
treaty with Russia.
Obama wasn't giving up. He
said the ban "weakensournational
security, diminishes our military
readiness and violates fundamen-
tal American principles of fair-
ness, integrity and equality." And
he said repeal is supported by the
military and the American people.
"I urge the Senate to revisit
these important issues during the
lame duck session," he said.
Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid was biting in his comments
about Republican foes. "The other
side may feel passionately that our
military should sanction discrim-
ination based on sexual orienta-
tion, but they are clearly in the
minority," he said. "And they have
run out of excuses."
But Republicans faulted him
for the way the issue was brought
to a vote, saying the procedure
sealed the outcome.
The 1993 law bans gay troops
from publicly acknowledging
their sexual orientation. A repeal
provision was included in a broad-
er defense policy bill and passed
last spring in the House.
More than 60 senators were
expected to support repeal of
the ban, including at least four
Republicans. But GOP senators
were united in demanding that
the chamber vote on tax cuts first.
They also wanted assurances by
Reid they would be given exten-
sive time to debate the defense
bill, which contained other divi-
sive provisions including one that
would allow abortions at overseas
military facilities.
Two senators, Republican
Collins and independent Joe
Lieberman of Connecticut, said
they now would introduce a
stand-alone measure to repeal
"don't ask, don't tell." Its pros-
pects are uncertain, though Reid
indicated he was open to bring-
ing it up before adjournment.
If passed, it still would require
House approval with time grow-
ing short.
Gay rights advocates were furi-
ous about yesterday's events.
"Instead of doing what is right,
the world's greatest delibera-
tive body devolved into shameful
schoolyard spats that put petty
partisan politics above the
needs of our women and men in
uniform," said Joe Solmonese,
president of the Human Rights
Democrats had said yesterday
morning they remained hopeful
a last-minute deal could be struck
with Collins, believing her sup-
port would persuade other GOP
senators - namely Massachusetts
Sen. Scott Brown and Alaska Sen.
Lisa Murkowski - to advance the
Report says school
failed to issue
'timely' warning of
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Virgin-
ia Tech could be fined as much as
$55,000 because it broke the law by
waiting too long to notify students
during a 2007 shooting rampage,
according to a federal report issued
The U.S Department of Educa-
tion had found in January that the
school violated federal law with its
response during the deadliest mass
shooting in modern U.S. history, but
gave Tech a chance to respond to the
finding in its preliminary report. In
yesterday's final report, federal offi-
cials rejected Tech's arguments that
it met standards in place at the time.
"While Virginia Tech failed to
adequately warn students that day,
we recognizethattheuniversity has
put far-reaching changes in place
since that time to help improve
campus safety and better protect
its students and community," U.S.
Department of Education Secretary
Arne Duncan said.
School officials won't face crimi-
nal charges for breaking the law, the
department said.
The university disputed the find-
ings, and spokesman Larry Hincker
said the school likely will appeal if it
is sanctioned.
The school could be fined up to
$55,000 and could face the loss of
federal student financial aid.
However, an expert on the law
that requires notification of danger
- known as the Clery Act - said
loss of federal aid is unlikely.
S. Daniel Carter, director of pub-
lic policy for Security On Campus,
said CleryActreviews are relatively
rare: The Tech review was the 35th
in 20 years. No school has ever lost
federal funding, and the largest
fine was $350,000 against Eastern
Michigan University for failing to
report the killing of a student in a
dormitory in 2006.
The department found that the
university violated the Clery Act
because it failed to issue a timely
warning after a gunman killed two
students in a dormitory early on
April 16, 2007. The school sent out
an e-mail about the shootings about
two hours later, but by that time
student gunman Seung-Hui Cho
was chaining shut the doors to a
classroom building where he killed
30 more students and faculty, then
Tech argues that the department
didn't define "timely" until 2009,
when it added regulations to require
immediate notification upon confir-
mation of a dangerous situation or
immediate threat to people on cam-
"Both the law and purpose-
ful reasoned analysis require that
the actions of that day be evalu-
ated according to the information
that was available to the university
and its professionals at that time,"
Hincker said. "Anything else loses
sightoftheunthinkable andunprec-
edented nature of what occurred."
But the report says the depart-
ment has consistently stated that
the determination of whether a
warning is timely is based on the
nature of the crime and the continu-
ing danger to the campus.
"The fact that an unknown shoot-
er might be loose on campus made
the situation an ongoing threat at
that time, and it remained a threat
until the shooter was apprehended,"
the report said.
A state commission impaneled to
investigate the shootings also found
that the university erred by failing
to notify the campus sooner. The
state reached an $1 million settle-
ment with many of the victims'
families. Two families have filed a
$10 million civil lawsuitagainstuni-
versity officials.
One victim's mother said she was
glad theuniversity finally faced pun-
ishment for its actions, but she took
more satisfaction from the inclusion
in the report of actions officials took
to protect themselves that morning.
Victims' families had long wanted
those details included in a separate
reportby the state panel.
Former Gov. Sarah Palm to visit
Haiti to aid humanitarian effort
Palen to travel to
Haiti this weekend
with reverend
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - For-
mer Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
plans to visit Haiti amid a period
of political upheaval this week-
end to aid humanitarian efforts
in the Caribbean country.
A Palin staffer confirmed
yesterday that Palin, the 2008
vice presidential nominee and a
potential 2012 presidential con-
tender, planned to travel to Haiti
with the Rev. Franklin Graham
as part of the outreach of his
Samaritan's Purse relief organi-
A spokeswoman for the group
confirmed Palin planned to visit
relief sites this weekend.
A cholera outbreak has killed
more than 2,000 people in Haiti,
a country that is still recovering
from a devastating earthquake
earlier this year and is in the
midst of a disputed presidential
Gunfire and barricades were
reported yesterday in the capital
city of Port-au-Prince, and the
U.S. State Department reissued
a travelwarning to the country
and recommended against non-
essential travel.
Graham said he appreciates
Palin's willingness to visit Haiti
during such troubled times.
"I believe Gov. Palin will be
a great encouragement to the
people of Haiti and to the orga-
nizations, both government and
private, working so hard to pro-
vide desperately needed relief,"
he said in a statement.