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December 08, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-12-08

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2A - Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos of the Week
In the SexLab

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University alum Jos Bauermeister
has both learned and taught the School
of Public Health's Health Behavior and
Health Education Program curriculum,
a combination that he says makes him a
better teacher.
"Having been through the program,
I sometimes try to make certain aspects
of the work a little more rich, fun or
dynamic," he said. "I remind (students)
that there is a method to the madness."
Bauermeister graduated from the Uni-
versity in 2004 with his Master of Public
Health degree and again in 2006 with
a Ph.D. in Health Behavior and Health
Education, one of five degrees offered by
the School of Public Health. He returned
to the University to teach in 2009 after
a post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia
As an assistant professor in the
Department of Health Behavior and
Health Education, Bauermeister - who
calls his method of instruction "dynamic
and approachable" - currently teach-

es a core departmental graduate-level
course and said he plans to teach courses
on human sexuality during upcoming
He said his interest in human sexuality,
which has led him to study topics such as
HIV/AIDS, the fostering of sexual rela-
tionships on the Internet, and health pro-
motion strategies, stemmed from doing
research when he was a student.
Today, Bauermeister is devoted to bet-
ter understanding sexuality as a valu-
able component of public health, and he
pursues his interests through a research
group called the SexLab.
Researchers from the SexLab col-
laborated with the School of Information
and the HIV/AIDS Resource Center on
campus to develop projects ranging from
analyzingsmoking habits among sexual-
minority women to investigating young
men's motives for choosing not to receive
HIV testing.
One project he said he is particularly
excited about overseeing in the near

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Assistant Prof. Jose Bauermeister's work in the SexLab consists of interviews for research.
future is a "PhotoLove" project that will recommendations to people in health
attempt to understand how young men fields while drawing attention to impor-
who have sex with men conceptualize tantissues.
love. Bauermeister said the lab's success is
"We're asking them to take pictures contingent upon his close bond with his
about how they visualize love," he student researchers.
explained. "It's another way of under- "We work as a family in getting things
standing people's lives." done," he said. "We put our hearts and
The results of SexLab projects allow minds into it."
Bauermeister and his team to put forth - CLAIRE GOSCICKI



Veteran Talk Choir

False alarm
WHERE: Oxford Housing
WHEN: Monday at about 11:30
WHAT: A fire extinguisher
went off in the dining hall,
started by an unknown person,
University police reported.
There was no fire, and the
extinguisher was later rein-

Forgetful student
notifies police
WHERE: East Quadrangle
WHEN: Monday at about 11:15
WHAT: A male student's
M-Card went missing from the
first floor of East Quad after it
was left unattended for some
time, University police said.

Lunchbox lifted Partners in pot
WHERE: University Hospital get goods taken
WHEN: Monday at about
12:45 p.m. WHERE: Alice Lloyd Hall
WHAT: A staff member WHEN: Tuesday at about
reported that a lunch box with 12:15 a.m.
an assortment of delicious WHAT: Two male students
food was stolen, University were investigated for possess-
Police reported. The lunchbox ing marijuana in their dorm
was stolen from the staff mem- room. An unknown amount
ber's office, police said. There of marijuana was confiscated,
are no susnects. University Police said.

WHAT: Hear from Ford
School students who have
lived and worked under
the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
policy. They willibe dis-
cussing the policy and the
consequences of repeal.
WHO: The Spectrum Center
WHEN: Today from
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Room 1210
in Weill Hall
Public lecture
WHAT: Rami Khouri, an
international political colum-
nist and author and director
of the Issam Fares Institute
of Public Policy and Interna-
tional Affairs at the Ameri-
can University of Beirut, will
speak to the general public.
WHO: International
Policy Center
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Weill Hall

WHAT: The Chamber Choir
will be conducted by Jerry
Blackstone ina free event.
WHO: The University of
Michigan Chamber Choir
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Wal-
green Drama Center
Concert Band
WHAT: The Concert
Band's end of the term
performance will be con-
ducted by Rodney Dorsey.
WHO: The University of
Michigan Concert Band.
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
Please report any
error in the Daily to

Police officers at passport
counters in Philippine air-
ports have been barred
from saying, "Merry Christ-
mas," according to MSNBC.
com. The greeting has been
prohibited because customs
dictate that children who say
the phrase are soliciting gifts
from relatives.
MSA President Chris
Armstrong's term has
been defined to this point
by the controversy surrounding
Andrew Shirvell's blog and the-
outcry that followed. He says
it's now time to change that.
New electronic pickpock-
et devices can steal your
information from credit
cards or passports using radio
frequency identification tech-
nology, Washingtonpost.com
reported. This is the reason
some novelty magazines are
selling metal lined wallets.

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With expansion, Fulbright
offers interdisciplinary track

Pearl Harbor survivor Quinton Pyle, 88,of Fredericksburg, Texas, covers his heart during the National Anthem at the Pearl Har-
bor Commemoration Ceremony at the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas yesterday.
Pearl Harbor veterans
reunite after 69 years

From Page 1A
tural Affairs.
Swenson attributed the expan-
sion to officials in Congress
and President Barack Obama's
administration who were inter-
ested in expanding opportunities
for students to pursue exchange
programs. She added that the
bureau's emphasis on enhancing
the use of English abroad also
contributed to the expansion of
the ETA program.
"English is basically becoming
the tool by which all exchanges
can take place ... and one (can)
learn more about the United
States ... the English Teaching
Assistantship is a critical com-
ponent of that whole initiative to
increase the teaching of English
worldwide," Swenson said.
Swenson added that the
expansions would mean an
increase in the opportunities
available to students applying for
Fulbright's grant program.
"It should make it easier to
get a grant in theory because the
number of awards is increasing,"
she said. "But what has also been
happening in the past couple of
years is that we have seen a large
growth in the number of applica-
Swenson went on to say that
9,335 students have applied to
the program this year, up from
8,600 last year.
"It does allow for more oppor-
tunity but, by the same token, we
are seeing more American stu-
dents interested in taking part in
the Fulbright program," she said.
Fulbright applicant and Uni-
versity alum Khadeejah Sani
hopes to pursue sustainable
energy engineering research
in affiliation with the Masdar
Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy in Abu Dhabi. Sani said she
believes the expansions would

have an effect on her proposed
. "Since my project is in direct
alignment with the fundamental
principles of the new direction
of the Fulbright program, I will
have more of a chance to gain
acceptance as a Fulbright schol-
ar," Sani said.
"The expansion happened
right after I applied to the pro-
gram, so ifI am not accepted this
year then I most definitely will
re-apply next year in anticipa-
tion of an increased chance of
gaining acceptance," Sani added.
Fulbright recipient and Uni-
versity alum Anna Clark, a for-
mer writer for The Michigan
Daily, will use her grant to pur-
sue a creative writing project
in Nairobi, Kenya. She said that
she thought the expansion to the
program would lead to increases
in acceptance for more students
from the University.
"Michigan has one of the best
records in the nation for its stu-
dents, alumni and faculty getting
Fulbright fellowships," she said.
"I had an excellent experience
working with the International
Institute on my application, and
I have no doubt that they will
take every opportunity they can
in making it possible for more
Michigan students to experience
the world."
According to the International
Institute website, the University
ranks first in the number of Ful-
bright grantees this year, with 39
students in 24 countries. This is
the fourth time the University
has led in the number of grants
since 2005.
University alum Sharief El-
Gabri, who originally applied for
an ETA grant in Egypt, received
one for Amman, Jordan. He said
that he will participate in a con-
ference in Amman in mid-Janu-
ary aimed at contributing to the

growth of the program. Gabri
said he believes the expansions
will lead to more University stu-
dents attaining fellowships.
"The expansion will most cer-
tainly lead to more Michigan
students pursuing the various
grants," he said. "It's great that
there are even more opportu-
nities to take advantage of the
Fulbright program, which is
committed to promoting under-
standing and bridging differ-
Ginger Cline, a University
alum who is pursuing an ETA in
France, said the recent expan-
sions wouldn't affect applicants
looking for grants in France as
the number available has not
"Fulbright operates on a coun-
try-by-country basis, and from
what I saw on the website, noth-
ing about the program in France
has changed," she said.
She said the expansions in the
program would mean that there
are more opportunities for Uni-
versity students, citing the addi-
tion of three new ETAs in Laos.
Benjamin Fox, a University
alum who pursued a Fulbright
Scholarship in eco-city devel-
opment in Taiwan, said that his
own proposal was wait-listed at
first. He said he was accepted to
the program when more funding
was made available. According to
Fox, expansions could result in
more acceptances of University
"Once students make it past
the first cut, they are all worthy
of receiving a grant; the number
of fellowships finally awarded
is largely predicated on how
much funding is available," Fox
said. "U of M will keep produc-
ing qualified candidates; and the
more money available, the more
U of M students that will end up
getting grants."

- Aging
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tions as1
69th ann
the war
will still
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to Hawa
for the e
shots at
blood of
during t
"My t
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awful fr

nor disruption above Pearl Harbor in missingman
formation to honor those killed in
ring ceremony the attack, which sunk the USS
Arizona and with it, nearly 1,000
r unknown bag sailors and Marines. In all, about
2,400 service members died.
was found Sailors lined the deck of the
USS Chafee and saluted as the
.L HARBOR, Hawaii (AP) guided missile destroyer passed
Pearl Harbor survivors on between the sunken hull of the
y heard reassurances their USS Arizona and the grassy land-
would be remembered ing where the remembrance cer-
sed on to future genera- emony was held.
they gathered to mark the After the ceremony, the survi-
iversary of the attack. vors, some in wheelchairs, passed
after the last veteran of through a "Walk of Honor" lined
in the Pacific is gone, we by saluting sailors, Marines, air-
be here telling their story men and soldiers to enter a new
oring their dedication and $56 million visitor center that was
National Park Service dedicated at the ceremony.
Jonathan Jarvis told "This facility is the fulfillment
0 survivors who traveled of a promise that we will honor the
ii from around the country past," Jarvis said.
vent. The Park Service built the
Resler, 88, of Newcastle, new center because the old one,
was among those who which was built on reclaimed
a. He remembered firing land in 1980, was sinking into the
Japanese planes from the ground. The old facility was also
ryland and standing in the overwhelmed by its popularity: it
a shipmate hit by shrapnel received about 1.6 million visitors
he attack. each year, about twice as many as
eeth was chattering like I it was designed for.
rzing to death, and it was People often had to squeeze by
ees temperature. It was one another to view the photos
ightful," said Resler. and maps in its small exhibit hall.
rday, fighter jets from the In comparison, the new center has
a Air National Gugd flew two spacious exhibition halls with

room for more people, as well as
large maps and artifacts such as
anti-aircraft guns.
There was a minor disruption on
the center's first day when the dis-
covery of anunidentified baginside
one of the galleries prompted the
Park Service to briefly evacuate the
two exhibit halls and a courtyard.
.But the rest of the visitors center
remained open, and everyone was
allowed back in the galleries after
the object was determined to be a
medical bag carrying oxygen.
U.S. Pacific Fleet commander
Adm. Patrick Walsh said the new
center, which has twice the exhibi-
tion space as the old one, would tell
the story of those who fought and
won the peace.
"This museum gives a view into
their lives, a window into the enor-
mity of their task, an appreciation
of the heaviness of their burden,
the strength of their resolve,"
Walsh said.
Assistant Secretary of the Inte-
rior Thomas Stickland said the
events of Dec. 7,1941, were so trau-
matic and marked by heroism that
they had become ingrained in the
nation's consciousness.
"That day is now fundamental to
who we are as a people. Its stories
must be preserved. They must be
honored and they must be shared,"
Strickland said.

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