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December 06, 2010 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-12-06

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, December 6, 2010 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycomMonday, December 6, 2D10 - 5A

America works to secure
networks as hackers advance

Several area eateries say they would
accept Blue Bucks if given the option

Timeline says it will
take several years
to create systems to
block hackers
take several more years for the
government to fully install high-
tech systems to block computer
intrusions, a drawn-out timeline
that enables criminals tobecome
more adept at stealing sensitive
data, experts say.
As the Department of Home-
land Security moves methodi-
cally to pare down and secure
the approximately 2,400 net-
work connections used every day
. by millions of federal workers,
experts suggest that technology
already may be passing them by.
The department that's respon-
sible for securing government
systems other than military sites
is slowly moving all the govern-
From Page 1A
and Iowa, according to Catlett.
"Obviously, Michigan is one
of those elite universities that
has a national brand recogni-
tion," Catlett said. "They have a
tremendous number of alumni
in the United States - a tremen-
dous amount of alumni who live
in the state of Florida. And we
think the program with the star-
power with the quarterback, and
(it's) a program that's turning the
corner and starting to head in
the right direction. They'll bring
a lot of fans and a lot of TV eyes
and an exciting football game."
Last week in a separate inter-
view with the Daily, Catlett said
that the economic impact on
the Jacksonville community, a
potentially full stadium and high
television ratings would drive
the selection process.
Sophomore quarterback
Denard Robinson is the type
of player fans pay to watch and
Catlett acknowledged how spe-
cial a talent the Big Ten Offen-
sive Player of the Year is.
"If it wasn't for (Auburn quar-
terback) Cam Newton, he'd be
right in the middle of the Heis-
man Trophy hunt," Catlett said.
"And that's always exciting. He's
probably one of those four or five
athletes that stand out above the
rest as it relates to his talents and
his abilities."
"(Robinson) is the most
" dynamic player we will face this
year," Mississippi State coach
Dan Mullen added on a confer-
ence call Sunday night.
Robinson will run point on
From Page 1A
ing because the $10 million ran
out after the first five years of the
In 2009, the DDA and the
city reached an agreement that
entailed a $2-million grant from
the DDA to the city to avoid debt.
In exchange, the city promised to
renegotiate its parking contract
with the DDA. The two entities

have been working together over
the past year to renegotiate the
"The city's track record with
downtown development and
parking is not as good as it should
be," said City Council member
Sabra Briere (D-Ward 1).
Under the current agreement,
the DDA officials must notify
the city if they plan to make any
parking changes. Unless the city
raises any objections to the pro-
posed changes within 60 days,
the amendment goes into effect.
According to DDA Executive
Director Susan Pollay, City Coun-
cil has never objected to a pro-
posal made by the DDA in her 15
years with the organization.
The city receives a set rate of
parking income from the DDA
under the current contract. If
approved, the new agreement
would give the city a set per-
centage of the parking income
- increasing profits from the
downtown parking structures.
"The proposal is an advantage
for the city," Briere said. "The
more people that visit and park
downtown, the more money the
city will make."
According to Briere, the DDA
says that the new proposal will
allow the city to avoid making
tough political decisions about
contentious issues like parking

ment's Internet and e-mail traf-
fic into secure networks that
eventually will be guarded by
intrusion detection and preven-
tion programs.
Progress has been slow, how-
ever. Officials are trying to com-
plete complex contracts with
network vendors, work out tech-
nology issues and address pri-
vacy concerns involving how the
monitoring will affect employ-
ees and public citizens.
The WikiLeaks release of,
more than a quarter-million
sensitive diplomatic documents
underscores the massive chal-
lenge ahead, as Homeland Secu-
rity labors to build protections
for all of the other, potentially
more vulnerable U.S. agencies.
"This is a continuing arms
race and we're still way behind,"
said Stewart Baker, former
Homeland Security undersecre-
tary for policy.
The WikiLeaks breach affect-
ed the government's classi-
the Big Ten's best offense, which
is tasked with scoring on a Bull-
dogs team that allows 20 points
per game - the No. 27 scoring
defense in Division-I football.
Mississippi State finished fifth
in the SEC west, but don't let that
fool you. The four teams ahead of
the Bulldogs were No. 1 Auburn,
No. 8 Arkansas, No. 11 LSU and
No. 15 Alabama - which all
accounted for Mississippi State's
only four losses on the season.
And the most impressive of
those losses may have come
against Auburn on Sept. 9 when
the Tigers needed to stop the
Bulldogs' final drive to hold
on 17-14. Mississippi State held
Newton to 136 yards passing and
70 yards rushing on the game.
"You always want to know
- people say you win champi-
onships with defenses," Catlett
said. "It's the classic matchup of
defense versus a good offense.
And we're going to enjoy trying
to figure out which of them is
going to break first."
Whether there are offensive
fireworks or not, there will be
media and fan speculation lead-
ing up to the Gator Bowl regard-
ing Rodriguez's job status. The
embattled coach showed emotion
during the football team's ban-
quet on Dec. 2 and the murmurs
that his job may be in jeopardy
started to pick up after the Wol-
verines lost their final two games
by a combined score of 85-35.
Catlett and the Gator Bowl
have a longstanding relationship
with the coach, though. He led
West Virginia to a 1-2 record in
the bowl game with appearanc-
es in 2003, 2004 and 2006. And
Catlett called him "one of the
However, Briere said she is "not
particularly happy with the idea
that the City Council will not take
responsibility for the citizens" on
parking issues if the proposal is
Despite Briere's concerns, Pol-
lay said the public would still be
able to hold the DDA accountable
for its decisions.
"The DDA is not a for-profit
organization looking to gener-
ate profits from parking," Pollay
said. "Rather, it is a public agency

responsible to and responsive to
its community."
While parking costs could
potentially increase due to the
current economic state, Briere
said the DDA is working to make
sure the cost of parking in Ann
Arbor is as low as possible.

fied military network and was
as much a personnel gap as a
technological failure. Officials
believe the sensitive documents
were stolen from secure Penta-
gon computer networks by an
Army intelligence analyst.
The canges sought by Home-
land Security on the govern-
ment's nonmilitary computers
would be wider and more sys-
temic than the immediate
improvements ordered recently
by the Departments of Defense
and State as a result of the
WikiLeaks releases. Those
changes included improving the
monitoring of computer usage
and making it harder to move
material onto a portable com-
puter flash drive or CD.
"There are very few private
sector actors who depend on
information security who think
that installing intrusion preven-
tion systems is sufficient protec-
tion against the kinds of attacks
that we're seeing," Baker said.
best coaches in America," in the
interview yesterday.
The buzzing around the pro-
gram didn't deter the committee
from making its selection.
"I think coaches understand
that every time they play a foot-
ball game that there's pressure,"
Catlett said. "Coach Rodriguez
understands that better than
anybody. And I think if any-
thing, it brings an element of
- we know Michigan's going to
show up to play. We never had a
West Virginia team that didn't
look prepared and didn't show
up to play and play hard. And
we believe coach Rodriguez
will have his team prepared and
ready to play. And that's alithat
really concerns us."
Rodriguez engineered an
offense that accumulated more
than 500 yards per game this
season. But
Michigan's defense was found
at the other end of that statistical
spectrum and allowed nearly 34
points per game. With the prog-
ress in the wins and losses col-
umns (3-9 in 2008, 5-7 in 2009
and 7-5 in 2010), some agree with
Catlett that Michigan is heading
in the right direction.
"Again, we might not see
Michigan in the next few years
because they might be playing in
the Rose Bowl," Catlett said.
Ticket Information: The
Michigan Athletic Ticket Office
will begin selling tickets for the
2011 Gator Bowl this morning at
8:30 a.m. Fans can visit www.
MGoBlue.com/tickets to buy
tickets online or they can call
the ticket office at 734-764-0247.
Ticket prices range from $60 to
"The DDA wants people to park
downtown and spend money in
stores instead of on parking tick-
ets or fees," Briere said. "Keep-
ing parking costs down will be
stimulation for the Ann Arbor
Though the proposal will not
have a direct effect on the Uni-
versity, Pollay said the agency
will continue to keep students'
and visitors' needs in mind when
implementing the plan.
"As managers of the public
parking system, the DDA has

always viewed U-M students, vis-
itors, faculty and staff as hugely
important stakeholders and it has
striven to manage its parking in
support of these and other con-
stituents," Pollay said. "Going for-
ward, the DDA's goals will remain
the same."

From Page 1A
"Ohio State, as much as I don't
like to admit it, is very similar to
us," Benson said. "If Ohio State
can do it, then I think we can also
model after them and do it here,
After returning from the trip,
Benson said LSA-SG decided to
poll students to determine if they
would be interested in expanding
the Blue Bucks program.
Benson said that because a
majority of students voted in favor
of Blue Bucks, he and other stu-
dent government representatives
are confident in moving forward
with this campaign.
Benson added that he is cur-
rently trying to organize meetings
with University Housing repre-
University Housing spokesman
Peter Logan said the University
would be interested in discussing
a Blue Bucks expansion with Ben-
son, but would have to evaluate the
details of the new program before
implementing it.
"We really haven't fully evalu-
ated the pros and cons and the
logistics involved," Logan said. "If
we're going to develop a program,
we need to know how we would
logistically carry it out."
EatBlue.com, an online din-

ing guide that includes several
Ann Arbor restaurants, currently
offers a program similar to Blue
Bucks for use at some Ann Arbor
restaurants and shops.
The "EatBlue Meal Plan" allows
students to use a pre-paid meal
card to pay for meals at a variety of
restaurants in the Ann Arbor area.
EatBlue.com owner David Laid-
erman said he's concerned that if
Blue Bucks expands its offerings,
the program would compete too
directly with the EatBlue Meal
"We're in only our first year,"
Laiderman said. "It would be a
blow to our service."
Several local restaurants
said they would be interested in
accepting Blue Bucks as payment.
Five out of five restaurant own-
ers and managers interviewed by
the Daily - including Mr. Greek's
Coney Island, Amer's and Big-
gby Coffee - expressed interest
in implementing Blue Bucks as a
form of payment accepted in their
Matt Arthur, the owner of the
Ben and Jerry's franchise located
at 304 S. State St., said that he has
already contacted the University
to ask how he can accept Blue
Bucks. Arthur said he's lost busi-
ness several times from students
who thought they could use Blue

Bucks at his restaurant.
Arthur added that though he
believes having a Blue Bucks
option would improve his busi-
ness, he's slightly concerned about
processing costs.
Logan said that current partici-
pating businesses are required to
return 3.5 percent of the total of
each sale in which Blue Bucks are
Jon Garcia, general manager
of Cosi at 301 S. State St., said he
believes the benefits of implement-
ing the program would compen-
sate for the costs that businesses
might incur.
"There's always going to be
costs and processing fees, but
when you're in business, you have
to look at the big picture," Gar-
cia said. "The profit is going to be
there, it's going to outweigh any
negatives, as far as cost goes."
Garcia added that Cosi's loca-
tion in East Lansing accepts
Spartan Cash, Michigan State
University's form of Blue Bucks
and that the program has been
successful there.
While all five of the business-
es appeared to be interested in
the program, Benson said LSA-
SG members are not currently
approaching local businesses, but
they may work with them in the

From Page 1A
left the scene. At midnight, AAPD
received a second call that reported
a fight at the same location.
From Page 1A
them immediately for their mis-
takes, Boothman said.
Boothman added that doctors
have "embraced" the initiative
because the point of their job is to
help others.
"I think we tapped something
that is natural for them," he said.
Peter Davis, a professional lia-
bility lawyer in Ann Arbor who is
familiar with Boothman's program,
said the system allows "doctors-
to feel some level of comfort they
haven't felt before" when disclosing
their mistakes.
Another benefit of the program
according to Boothman is that it
encourages doctors to be honest
with patients, something both par-
ties value.
"I think as a culture as we get
courser and the political discourse
gets more and more polarized, the
idea that people can actually be sin-
cere and honest becomes more and
more a foreign concept," he said. "I
think that's a big reason why there's
such a preoccupation with our pro-
In 2003, Dr. Allen Kachalia, the
chief medical resident at the time,
received a grant from Blue Cross
Blue Shield to study the program's
effects, specifically if the number of

Zazula said the gunshots were
fired after the fight broke out.
According to the AAPD, the
suspect is a black male about 200
pounds and short in height. At the
time of the incident, he was seen
wearing a black shirt with red and

blue colors and black sweatpants.
As of 7:30 p.m. Sunday, police
have been unable to locate a sus-
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown
had no more details about the inci-

liability claims filed changes when
a hospital decides to disclose medi-
cal errors.
Kachalia explained that the
results of the study showed that a
better informed patient, and one
who is treated as an individual,
is a lot less likely to respond in an
adversarial way to mistakes, which
will in turn reduce claims.
Kachalia said the University
Hospital was one of the first public
medical centers to use a program
that encourages doctors to disclose
their mistakes.
Davis, the liability lawyer, said
the program set a precedent for
handling medical malpractice cases
and laid the groundwork for other
hospitals to push similar initiatives.
"It is a program that serves the
public," he added.
Though other institutions can
learn from the program at UMHS,
Kachalia emphasized that UMHS's
program is just one institution's
experience and doesn't conclu-
sively prove that medical disclosure
lowers liability. Instead, it shows
that one center has been successful
in loweringclaims costs.
Between 2001 and 2007, the
number of average legal expenses
for UMHS declined 61 percent,
according to the medical journal
"Annals of Internal Medicine."
Boothman and Kachalia say

patients have responded favorably
to the program.
"Most patients would appreciate
any medical system that is going to
be transparent, admits its mistakes
and offers compensation for its
mistakes," Kachalia said.
There is also now a greater
emphasis on the quality of the rela-
tionship between the doctor and
patient, he continued.
Dr. Lakshmi Halasyamani, vice
president of quality and systems
improvement at St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital, said admitting medical
errors is not only important for
decreasingclaims costs, but it's also
"the right thing to do."
According to Halasyamani, St.
Joseph Mercy Hospital implement-
ed a program five years ago that is
similar to the program in place at
UMHS. St. Joseph Mercy Hospi-
tal's program encourages doctors
to admit mistakes and guarantees
that they are supported throughout
the process.
"(UMHS) is not the only one
who has made these changes,"
Halasymani said. "They've just had
an opportunity to evaluate their
Boothman said the hospital is
always working to improve medical
practices and added that employees
don't plan to return to their former
practice of suppressing mistakes.

E-mail berman@michigandaily.com to apply to work
for our news section.

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