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November 24, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-11-24

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From the Daily: By stuffing our Thanksgiving break,
the 'U' squashes students' time at home. ) PAGE 4

uueing co
Joe Staplet
takes on TI
Meisel. )'

Sarah Palin's Alaska would be better
without Sarah Palin. PAGE 5


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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Official says
open housing
unlikely to be
option for fall
Open housing group sign up, we have a marketing peri-
od where we let people know what
submitted proposal to expect, what we're offering.
And prior to that we have to get the
yesterday asking computer set, so that the rooms are
all typed."
for fall launch Newman said she had not seen
the open housing proposal -
By ROBIN VEECK which has been in the works for
Daily StaffReporter months - though MSA represen-
tative and Open Housing Initia-
A University official told mem- tive member Allison Horky said
bers of the Open Housing Ini- the report was sent out yesterday
tiative at last night's Michigan before the meeting.
Student Assembly meeting that it's "I haven't seen it. I haven't
unlikely an open housing option received it," Newman said of the
will be offered to University Hous- proposal at last night's meet-
ing residents next fall. ing. "It's really hard for me to
Members of the Open Housing tell you what the process will be
Initiative submitted a proposal to when I don't know what it is. It's
University Housing yesterday, ret- really hard to develop a response
ommending that gender-neutral when you don't know what you're
housing be offered in residence responding to."
halls beginning next fall. Despite Horky said she was confused
enthusiasm from various MSA by the meeting's developments
members and others in the campus because she thought Newman was
community, Director of Univer- in the loop throughout the propos-
sity Housing Linda Newman, who al process.
answered questions about resi- "Essentially, we've given the
dence hall policies at last night's proposal to the administrators to
meeting, was less than optimistic look through, and then we'll kind
about the proposed timeframe. of sit down and talk. about all the
"Well, typically we always do ideas and hopefully the students
the room sign-up for returning will continue to be in the driver's
students in late January," New- seat," Horky said. "The adminis-
man said in an interview after last trators are really receptive to our
night's meeting. "Before people See HOUSING, Page 3

! U II II ,.

The first completed public art installation funded by the Public Art Ordinance yesterday. The program takes one percent from capital projects and sets the lunds aside
for public art. This sculpture is located at West Park on the corner of Seventh Street and Miller Road and will be recognized at the park's opening this spring.
ItCThe costof culture:Ct brass
at odds. over public art policy

Ordinance requires
one percent of cost
of capital projects to
be set aside for art
Following in the model of cit-
ies like Seattle and Portland, Ann
Arbor established a program to
use city funds to promote pub-
lic art three years ago. But with

only one project completed and a
controversial installation in the
works, some city officials are say-
ing the program may not be a wor-
thy use of public money.
The Ann Arbor Public Art Com-
mission, started in 2007, is funded
through the Chapter 24 Public
Art Ordinance, which allocates
one percent of every capital proj-
ect estimate to the installation of a
public art piece. Ann Arbor is the
only city to have a program of this
kind in the state.
Margaret Parker, chair of
AAPAC, said despite criticisms,

the program is something the
community needs.
"You don't just stay alive by just
by having a job," Parker said. "You
need the things that feed your
spirit and your soul."
Public art, she says, is some-
thing available to the community
24 hours a day, seven days a week
to every person who visits Ann
"It is important for kids to see
that their community values art,"
Parker said. "To have art in your
community all the time really
says that arts and culture and the

spiritual end of communication is
just as important as buildings and
commerce and education."
According to Parker, Seattle,
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port-
land and the states of Maine and
Ohio all have seen rewarding
results from their Percent for Art
programs. She said that these cit-
ies have been implementing the
art programs for the last 30 years.
The first completed public art
piece funded through the pro-
gram in Ann Arbor is located at
West Park on the corner of Sev-
See ART, Page 3


New clinic aims to provide
consistent care for students

Clinic for Crohn's,
colitis patients
is open every
other Friday
Daily StaffReporter
University doctors Ellen Zim-
mermann and Michael Rice, phy-
sicians of internal medicine for
the University Health System,
have teamed up to offer medi-
cal care to students with Crohn's

disease and ulcerative colitis in
a new clinic located inside the
Taubman Health Care Center.
Often diagnosed in young
adults, Crohn's disease and ulcer-
ative colitis are two inflammatory
bowel diseases that affect the
gastrointestinal tract and colon,"'
respectively. While there is no
cure for either condition, botl
can be treated with medication,
surgery or changes in diet accord-
ing to the UHS website.'
The clinic, which is open in the
morning on the second and fourth
Friday of each month, offers
various treatment and therapy

options exclusively to University
stud _nts. The gastroenterology
department of the University hos-
pital also maintains general, mul-
tidisciplinary and pediatric IBD
clinics that are open throughout
the week.
Rice; who is a gastroenterolo-
gist and IBD specialist, said the
clinic provides consistent care for
patients who are going through a
time of large-scale change.
"(College) is an unusual time
of transition ... you no longer have
the direct support of your parents
or your gastroenterologist," he
See CLINIC, Page 3

Students participate in the Muslim Students' Association's Fast-a-thon in West Quad yesterday. Participants fasted from sunrise to
sunset and came together for dinner following the fast. All proceeds from the event went toward relief for Pakistan flood victims.
Online, Sweetland Center tries
to keep that in-person feeling

Filling up without the tilt: New water
stations offer quick pour, less hassle

With SyncOWL,
tutors comment on-
papers in real time
Daily StaffReporter
Most students wouldn't imagine
getting help on a paper from the .
Sweetland Writing Center in their

pajamas. But thanks to a new pro-
gram from the tutoring hub, stu-
dents can now get interactive help
straight from their bedrooms.
In an effort to become more
accessible to students, the Sweet-
land Writing Center introduced
SyncOWL at the start of the fall
semester. SyncOWL, an offshoot
of the Online Writing Lab, allows
students to "get the benefits of a
face to face tutoring session with-

outleaving (their) room (and) meet
with a Peer Tutor online to get
help with (their) writing," accord-
ing to the program's website.
SyncOWL allows students to
have web conferences with Sweet-
land Center's peer tutors and have
their papers edited in real time.
SyncOWL sessions use Google
Docs, an online word-processing
program that allows for both

Bottle filling spots
in Angell Hall,
Union part of 'U'
green effort
Daily StaffReporter
Don't call it a water fountain.
In many buildings across campus

the spots where students cangrab
a quick drink have been trans-
formed into water refill stations.
The refill stations, which are in
the Michigan Union and Angell
Hall among other locations, were
created in an attempt to curb
the campus community's use of
single-usage water bottles and
the effect this has on the environ-
ment and are partof a larger cam-
pus sustainability effort. Planet
Blue, a University program that

works to make the campus more
environmentally friendly, is the
organization behind the water
refill stations.
Andrew Berki, manager of the
University's Office of Campus
Sustainability, said the water
refill stations have been very suc-
cessful since they were installed
earlier this fall.
"We've had terrific response
from the community on these
See WATER; Page 3


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Henning clarifies comments on Rodriguez firing.

INDEX NEWS ..................................2 ARTS.. . . . ........ 5
Vol. CXXI, No. 55 AP NEW S .............................3 CLASSIFIED S......................... 6
2010 TheMichigan Daly OPINION.............. .4 SPORT .....7


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