The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 10, 2010 - 7 Saving art books from digitization The bond of facial hair runs deep. Abiding by the Co Am CO A rO How bowling and White Russians represent a lost era By EMILY BOUDREAU Daily Arts Writer Sometimes, there's a man for his time and place. And that's The Dude. Sometimes, well, there's a movie for a time and place. And that's "The Big The Big Lebowski." When Lebowsid the film was first released, it wasn't Saturday at particularly well Midnight received. Many State Theater critics deemed it $6 the worst of the Coen Brothers' movies and said it would soon be forgotten - which is a perfectly understandable reac- tion. Face it. It's a really weird movie about a pothead named Jef- fery "The Dude" Lebowski who gets mistaken for a millionaire with HAVE YOU SEEN 'BURN NOTICE?' SERIOUSLY, YOU HAVE? YOU SHOULD WRITE FOR DAILY TV. SERIOUSLY. E-mail for information on applying. the same name. obviously, this ends in The Dude's rug getting peed on. Since the rug really tied the room together and that sort of aggression will not stand, The Dude investi- gates and encounters a host of mem- orable characters. While the quirks of the cast do help "Lebowski" withstand the test of time, I'd argue there's more to it than that. With the cult following the film has, there must be. The film really means something to the masses of fans who attend midnight screenings and do some hardcore bowling.White Russians have never been so popular and bathrobes have never been so stylish. In order to understand the attraction and significance of the film, "The Big Lebowski" must be understood as a quintessentially American movie. It takes place against the backdrop of the Gulf War, which was arguably partially fought as an attempt to heal the wounds years after Vietnam - to reconstruct a new identity of a vic- torious nation. "The Big Lebowski" struggles to reconstruct the iden- tity of the American populous after Vietnam. Rather than forging a completely new identity, "The Big Lebowski" creates one out of tired icons from America's past. The movie is noth- ing ifnot nostalgic. The favorite pas- time of The Dude and his cohorts is bowling, a relic of the idyllic '50s and '60s. The Dude has a picture of a bowling President Nixon in his living room, a relic of a less cynical America. "The Big Lebowski" takes place in Los Angeles, which was, for many years, the exalted final fron- tier of manifest destiny. The nar- rator is a cowboy - Hollywood's traditional, masculine hero. In this case, however, the cow- boy is not the hero of this film. He seems to be lost and hollow, as do many of the film's elements. The bowling alley is kind of sketchy. The Los Angeles portrayed in the film is not "The City of Angels" but rather a collection of characters from the underground, ranging from juvenile See LEBOWSKI, Page 8 By HEATHER POULE DailyArts Writer With the recent releases of Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iPad, the shift from print to digi- Historof Art tal is becom- ing yet more Symposium pronounced. Saturday This Saturday, the History at1 p.m. of Art sympo- HelmutStern sium "The Art Auditorium Book Today: Print Projects in the Digital Age" explores the re-emergence of "art books" in the face of a declining publishing industry. "At this moment when the industry at large is really strug- gling, artists and ... independent groups or presses seem like they (are) starting to experiment and do some interesting new things," said Jacob Proctor, associate curator of modern and contempo- rary art at UMMA and co-orga- nizer of the symposium. Those new innovations he described include "experimental design and new experimental ideas about dis- tribution." Proctor and Elizabeth Sears, fellow organizer and professor of history of art, collaborated to focus on this wide-ranging topic in the visual arts. The "art book" is not solely a resource for artists, but includes other printed pub- lications like museum catalogs and academic books. While print publications get fewer and-farther between, the art book is undergo- ing a reemergence as an item that cannot be so easily digitized, they said. The symposium will feature five panelists from various fields in publishing. The first panel will for perspe of pub first ha profess and fo in Berl Gutenb Pittsbu lication Center The centrat publish Franco sor at t and Pa at Prin in New The sent "a: ulate, who ha cus more on art historians' in the visual arts, as art books ctive of the current state can be used for everything from lishing. Panelists for the fine art photography to stills from lf include Joseph Imorde, anime or television series. Accord- or at University of Siegen ingly, sponsors of the symposium under of Edition Imorde include the Department of Screen in, Gloria Eury, founder of Arts and Cultures, the Depart- erg Periscope Press Ltd. in ment of English, the School of Art rgh and Lisa Middag, pub- & Design and the Taubman Col- rs director at Walker Art lege of Architecture and Urban in Minneapolis. Planning. second panel will con- In this digital age - seen in the e on the design aspect of publishing world through online ring. The panelists include publications, e-books and other Nunoo-Quarcoo, profes- digital tools - the rise of the art he School of Art & Design book in print signifies a lasting ul Wagner, senior designer importance of the tangible con- iceton Architectural Press servation of images in print. York City. "Sometimes the physical is selected panelists repre- very important because seeing number of extremely artic- it, opening it, feeling it, ... all the forward-thinking people senses are really important in ave pondered the future of terms of experiencing the book. These are not just things to sort of look through but things to experi- prin ence and that has to do with how )w w ill print it's designed," Nunoo-Quarcoo 1 1. 1 -said. p2 uil1sai. The art book is the latest focus npete 'with of the annual History of Art Sym- posium. Previous symposiums the iPad? have focused on documentary photography, materialism and the concept of the ephemeral. What is perhaps more intrigu- ok with images (and) who ing about this upcoming sym- ent different sides of the posium is the focus on the Sears said. unforeseen and potential reper- scussion with members of cussions in publishing as a result dience will follow the pan- of our universal dependence on presentations. technology and the digital rendi- ink the discussion is going tion of publications. olve around 'Why now?' "Who's not interested in pub- ally in the context of digital lishing and what's happening to s in terms of... what's more the print media today?" Sears en, why is the art world asked. "It's such a vital issue, g towards print?" Wagner we're really seeing enormous change and the consequences are cross-disciplinary event very hard to predict still. But it's a a broad range of interests turbulent and fascinating period." H( c the boi represe trade," A di the aur elists' I "I th to rev Especi edition commo headin said. 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