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November 19, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-11-19

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Melanie Kruvelis: Why the Harry Potter craze infecting muggles and Facebook statuses everywhere has gotten out of hand. ) PAGE 4A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, November 19, 2010


'U' requests
increase in
state fund ing

At meeting, regents
* also OK fireworks
display at Big Chill
at the Big House
Daily StaffReporter
FLINT, Mich. - The Univer-
sity's Board of Regents unani-
mously approved a letter to be sent
to the state's
budget direc- NOTEBOOK
tor requesting
a 2.6-percent increase in state
appropriations for the University
at its monthly meeting at the Uni-
versity's campus here.
Written by University President
Mary Sue Coleman and presented
to the regents by University Pro-
vost Philip Hanlon, the letter is
submitted to State Budget Director
Robert Emerson annually by the
University. The document details
the University's cost containment
efforts and its economic influence
on the state as a whole.
In the letter, Coleman wrote
that the University is a catalyst
for economic recovery in Michi-
gan. The additional 2.6 percent in
funding, she wrote, would cover
inflationary costs as well as a one-

percent loss in need-based state
scholarships like the Michigan
Promise Scholarship.
"We acknowledge the fiscal
circumstances of the state," Cole-
man wrote. "Nevertheless, the
University of Michigan plays a
critical role in the stabilization
and revitalization of the Michi-
gan economy. And, we play a criti-
cal role in the development and
education of our workforce and
cannot risk jeopardizing the qual-
ity of our institution, research
and service."
Though the regents voted unan-
imously to approve the letter, there
was some level of dissent within
the board.
Regent Andrea Fischer New-
man (R-Ann Arbor) said she
thinks the University should
have requested more than just a
2.6-percent increase.
"I don't understand why, if
we're doing this, why we wouldn't
ask them for more," Newman said.
"This is an opportunity to lay some
things out and I don't think we
took it."
In an interview after the meet-
ing, Newman said it's inappro-
priate to only ask the state for a
2.6-percent increase, but then
charge students more through
tuition increases.
See REGENTS, Page 3A

University President Mary Sue Coleman at the monthly meeting of the University's Board of Regents yesterday. At the meeting, held in Flint, the regents voted to extend
Coleman's contract for an additional two years.
Regents extend President
Coleman's contract to 2014

Board also lays out
goals for Coleman
to focus on
Daily NewsEditor
FLINT, Mich. - The Univer-
sity's Board of Regents voted
unanimously yesterday here to
approve a motion extending Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man's contract for an additional
two years.
Coleman's current contract
with the University was sched-
uled to end in July 2012, but the
two-year extension approved
yesterday means Coleman will

serve through July 2014. Cole-
man joined the University in 2002
after serving as the president of
the University
of Iowa.
The motion '?
to extend
was made t,
by Board of KYLE SWANSON
Regents Chair
Julia Dar- C vrng the
low (D-Ann
Arbor), who
read a statement in support of the
"Throughout her service to the
University, President Coleman
has performed to extraordinarily
high standards and has gained

extraordinarily wide recogni-
tion for her excellence," Darlow
said. "President Coleman has kept
our focus firmly on our mission,
and we have achieved outstand-
ing accomplishments on global,
national and local levels. For the
entire University community, she
has preserved and strengthened
our balance, our direction and our
Coleman's compensation pack-
age will remain the same in her
new contract, though the Board
of Regents will continue to evalu-
ate her pay each year for possible
merit increases, Darlow said.
"(Coleman's salary) will contin-
ue to be reviewed annually by the
Board and any increases will be
set at the discretion of the Board,

taking into consideration perfor-
mance and other relevant factors
as we did at our last Board meet-
ing in October," Darlow said dur-
ing the meeting.
However, the contract does add
an additional $100,000 to Cole-
man's deferred compensation
package for the current contract
year and the remaining years
on her new contract. However,
because it is deferred compensa-
tion, Coleman will not receive the
money until she retires.
"The amendment is designed
to build a substantial contribu-
tion to her retirement over the
remainder of her term," Darlow
said of Coleman. "Certainly, she
has earned it."
See COLEMAN, Page 2A

EP G RM ich. ACLU says'U'should
, review DPS trespass policy

Coleman calls
review of policy
by general counsel
Daily News Editor
The legal directoroftheAmeri-
can Civil Liberties Union of Mich-
igan is raising questions about the
constitutionality of the Depart-
ment of Public Safety's tres-

pass policy in light of its recent
trespass order against Andrew
Shirvell - the former Michigan
assistant attorney general known
for his derisive criticisms of Mich-
igan Student Assembly President
Chris Armstrong.
Michael Steinberg, legal direc-
tor for the ACLU of Michigan,
told annarbor.com yesterday that
he hopes the University will alter
the policy to better follow the
Constitution without the need for
a lawsuit.
"Now that a light has been
shined on the deficient process for

banning individuals from campus
for life, our hope is that the Uni-
versity will take a second look at
this problem, and take action,
without the need for a lawsuit,"
Steinberg told the online outlet
Once a trespass order is issued
it can only be lifted or modified
through a meeting with the DPS
In an interview after the Uni-
versity Board of Regents meeting
yesterday, University President
Mary Sue Coleman said she thinks

For a full story on the status of NL Nk d SCMULTE/Daily
White arket head'nl"neto:eh LSA sophomore. Alex Oikowski (pictured) shoys at White Market yesterday.
White Market. head onlinelo: Olkowski says she often buys her breakfast foods at the store. Though the
michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire. w ire ownership of the building recently changed, the store pians to remain open.
Logistical issues delay results

With Transgender Awareness Week, 'U
aims to educate about gender expression

ITS error and high
number of exception
ballots the cause for
unofficial results
Daily StaffReporter
Though the polls for fall stu-
dent government elections closed
at midnight last night, the official
results have yet to be determined
due to logistical issues.

An Information Technology
Services error made it difficult
for School of Nursing students to
vote in the election. In addition an
unusually high number of excep-
tion ballots were cast overall.
According to Michigan Student
Assembly Election Director Sagar
Deshpande, because many of the
elections are extremely close, the
exception ballots will have to be
validated before official results
can be released.
The exception ballots are those
cast by students that for a variety
of reasons were not on the official

list of eligible voters, and there-
fore need to be verified by com-
munication between ITS and the
election director in determining
which of the votes are valid. Those
valid ballots will be converted to
actual votes and counted toward
the total.
According to an e-mail sent
out by Deshpande last night, ITS
loaded an incorrect eligibility list
for the Nursing School election.
Deshpande wrote in the e-mail
that MSA officials discovered the
error after some Nursing students

Ceremony tonight
to honor victims
of hate crimes
Daily StaffReporter
According to transgenderdor.
org, 30 people worldwide were
murdered this year as a result of
their gender identity or gender
expression. And in actuality this
number is a gross underestimate,

because the website only lists the
deaths that have been reported.
In recognition of those victims
and to increase awareness about
gender expression on campus, the
University's Spectrum Center is
currently hosting Transgender
Awareness Week.
WilliamSherry, assistant direc-
tor of the Spectrum Center, said
the week - which occurs annu-
ally - is essential in educating the
University community because
gender expression is commonly

"A lot of people can say I know
someone that's gay or lesbian but
when we go out and do presen-
tations we get a lot of questions
about gender identity," Sherry
The week began on Monday
Nov. 15 and continues through
this coming Monday and features
a variety of activities includ-
ing sessions on transgender and
gender-neutral language and film
screenings about people who
faced obstacles as a result of their
See WEEK, Page 3A


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Arne Duncan talks DREAM Act on conference call.

Vol CXXI, No. 52 O PNINION..
X2010 The Michigan Daily A RTS........

.2A CLASSIFIEDS......................6A
.........4A SPORTS ..............................7A
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