By forcing Zach Galifianakis
and Robert Downey Jr. into
vague revivals of the charac-
ters that made them famous,
'Due Date' wastes its stars'
talent. ))PAGE 6
In likely its last game as a
favorite this season, Michigan
takes on the struggling
Boilermakers. *PAGE7
b 1idi1an 01j
nn Arbor, Michigan
Friday, November 12, 2010
Area owners
say Zaragon
not a major
sales boost
LSA freshman Hilary McDaniel tutors students in math at 826michigan yesterday. 826michigan is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages to
18. McDaniel is volunteering through the University as a part of her Project Outreach class.
Tutoring with a twist
Behind robot storefront, University students
help kids succeed at 826michigan
Economic downturn
may have offset any
benefits, owners say
For the Daily
Though the East University Ave-
nue community has seen an uptick
in foot traffic since the construe-
tion of the Zaragon Place luxury
apartment complex, business own-
ers are saying that the increase
hasn't necessarily translated into
an increase in business.
In a series of interviews with
The Michigan Daily, local business
owners and managers reported it
has been business as usual, despite
Zaragon Place housing almost
three times as many residents,
as the Anberay Apartments, the
building that was demolished to
make room for the Zaragon com-
plex. And whether it's the result
of anupeasy economic climate - a
common belief among several store
managers - any positive effect of
the increase in students living in
the area is minimal at best, several
businesses said.
Nick Brudnak, manager of the
local popularItalian restaurant
Mia Za's, said his restaurant hasn't
seen any increase in overall busi-
ness since Zaragon Place went up,
adding that a poor economy might
be offsetting any benefits from the
apartment complex.
"We haven't seen any -measur-
able increase that I can say is due
to that building (Zaragon Place),"
Brudnak said. "That isn't to say the
economy hasn't balanced out what
is happeningnext door."
However, Brudnak said the
business has seen a small increase
its sales since the East Univer-
sity sidewalk reopened after the
demolition of Anberay and con-
struction of Zaragon Place. During
Zaragon's construction, the side-
walk was completely blocked off by
t5 feet on each side of the building,
and many stores on East University
did not get as much foot traffic.
Sabrina Hirachian, owner of
YCI Clothing, a high-end women's
clothing store located on South
University Avenue, said that while
she hasn't seen an increase in sales,
she finds the additional housing to
be a positive contribution to the
"I can't say that Zaragon is the
See ZARAGON, Page 3
Daily StaffReporter
826michigan is not your run-
of-the-mill youth tutoring ser-
vice. Upon entering the East
Liberty Street center, visitors are
met by a robot store that serves
as the space's storefront. There
are robot-themed stickers, color-
ing books, ski hats, building kits
and key chains. It is a robot lover's
The magical world continues as
one walks through draping red-
velvet curtains into 826michi-
gan's headquarters. The room
is cozy and inviting with rect-
angular wooden tables, shelves
overflowing with books and long
mustard-colored velvet couches
that line the back wall.
The dual purpose of the space
as both a robot store and learning
center is part of 826michgian's
beauty, said Amanda Uhle, execu-
tive director of 826michigan's
Ann Arbor location. She said the
robot store helps to stir children's
imagination and encourages them
to understand that learning isn't
boring. Furthermore, the profits
from the store - in addition to
outside donations - help to main-
tain the cost-free services of the
non-profit organization.
826michigan works with chil-
dren ages 6 to 18 on a range of
subjects including homework
assistance, college applications,
creative writing skills and the
English language, Uhle said. And
students in a variety of programs
at the University volunteer their
services at the center every day.
Uhle explained that 826michi-
gan functions on the basis of three
core values: the importance of
writing, one-on-one attention and
free services.
Due to recent difficulties
See 826MICHIGAN, Page 3
Officials: New sober liaison
collaboration successful so far
System requires
sorority members to
share safety burden
at fraternity events
Daily StaffReporter
A new initiative to give soror-
ity members more responsibility
for party safety at Interfratnerity
Council-registered parties has
been successful so far, Greek Life
officials say.
The new collaboration between
IFC and the Panhellenic Associa-
tion requires that a certain num-
ber of women must remain sober
at a fraternity event, fulfilling a
role similar to sober monitors. The
initiative began with an amend-
ment passed last semester by IFC,
which requires a few members
from visiting chapters to serve as
social liaisons alongside the sober
monitors of the hosting fraternity
at IFC events. The number of des-
ignated social liaisons depends on
the size of the registered event.
The purpose of having the
female sober liaisons as opposed
to just male sober monitors is to
allow sorority women who may
need assistance at events to feel
more comfortable, according to
Greek student officials.
LSA senior Tarin Krzywo-
sinski, vice president of social
responsibility for Panhel, said
sorority member liaisons who
she has talked to find their par-
ticipation at events to be "benefi-
cial." She said there haven't been
any major problems with the col-
laboration reported so far.
"They've personally dealt with
girls that needed help," Krzy-
wosinski said. "Their presence
overall made the parties safer.
They're glad it's a requirement."
Krzywosinski said she hopes
this amendment will give the
Greek community a more posi-
tive image and show all members
of the University and the larger
Ann Arbor community that safe-
ty is one of the organizations' top
"Hopefully this will be some-
See LIAISON, Page 3
LSA senior Barrie Schwartz sells feathers to put in peoples hair as a way to bring awareness and promote an alternative domes-
tic study program for college students. The proceeds from feathers, which cost $5 to $10, will go to Engage University.
Subway to open in4 Eleven Lofts
With ugly sweaters and costumes, new
store aims to provide theme party needs
Ragstock on East
Liberty sells new
and recycled clothes
Daily StaffReporter
With ugly sweater season fast
approaching, a new store is hop-
ing to become the go-to spot for
picking out the party favorite.
Ragstock, located on East Lib-
erty Street offers new and recy-
cled clothing, in addition to awide
array of Halloween costumes.
Store manager Emilie Parker said
they opened the store at the per-
fect moment last month - just in
time for Halloween costume sea-
"There was a really nice rush at
the beginning for people buying
Halloween costumes and items,"
Parker said.
Business slowed down a bit
after Halloween, Parker said,
but now the store is working on
switching over to clothing that
caters to the holiday season like
holiday party sweaters.
In addition to seasonal cloth-
ing and accessories, Ragstock
also carries b-nsic clothing items
in a variety of colors and styles, as
well as vintage clothing.
A family-owned company,
See RAGSTOCK, Page 3
Residents, franchise
owner say they
expect spot will be a
successful location
For the Daily
Residents of the apartment
building 4 Eleven Lofts, located at
the corner of East Washington and
Division Streets, say they are anx-
iously awaiting the arrival of a Sub-
way restaurant, which is coming to
the firast floor of the high-rise.
Randy Munroe, owner of the,
new Subwaybranch, said he signed
a lease for a space on the ground
floor of 4 Eleven Lofts a few weeks
ago. He said he hopes this Subway
branch willbecome one of the most
profitable locations in the region.
Munroe said he expects the final-
stages of the project will go smooth-
ly and anticipates a successful open-
ing. The franchise was initially
scheduled to open in January 2011,
but due to many variables like hir-
ing, Munroe said a definite opening
date hasn'tbeen determined yet.
Munroe co-owns several Sub-
way restaurants in the area with his
wife, Denise. The couple first got
involvedwithSubwayin1994. Since
then, the pair has owned seven
Subway restaurants in the metro
Detroit area, but sold their busi-
nesses when Munroe's job in the
railroad business transferred him
to Illinois.
After a two-year hiatus from the
Subway business, Munroe said he is
looking forward to the opening of
this Ann Arbor location.
"We love the area, the whole
atmosphere; everything about Ann
Arbor, we really like," he said.
See SUBWAY, Page 2
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know.
Three A2 restaurants make Zagat's Detroit top list.
INDEX NEWS.................2 CLASSIFIEDS................6
Vol, CXXI, No. 47 OPINION ...................... ...4 CROSSW ORD ....................6
@2010The Michigan Daily ART.............................. SP.O.T...............7
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