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November 09, 2010 - Image 2

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2 - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycor n

In Other Ivory Towers

Michigan Myths

Professor Profiles

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week

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'U' plaque on moon

While the legend that a University
of Michigan flag stands proudly on the
moon isn't true, there is truth to a relat-
ed myth that claims a chapter of the
University of Michigan Alumni Associa-
tion was founded during the lunar land-
ing in 1971.
As the legend goes, the team of astro-
nauts on the Apollo 15 journey took a
charter for a University Alumni Asso-
ciation branch with them into space to
officially form an alumni association on
the moon. The legend is, in fact, true.
The three former University students
- astronauts Colonel David Scott, Major
Alfred Worden and Colonel James
Irwin - who piloted Apollo 15 did leave
behind a document that established a
charter of the University of Michigan
Alumni Association on the moon.
The charter makes the University the
first and only school to have an alumni
association chapter on the moon.
The only evidence of the charter is a
document, etched into a 45-word plaque

that was left behind on the lunar sur-
"The Alumni Association of The Uni-
versity of Michigan. Charter Number
One," the charter reads. "This isto certi-
fy that The University of Michigan Club
of The Moon is a duly constituted unit
of the Alumni Association and entitled
to all the rights and privileges under the
Association's Constitution."
With those words, the University's
Alumni Association on the moon was
founded. It's a history that the Alumni
Association continues to boast, high-
lighting the fact on its website.
And while the moon may be the most
unusual branch of the Alumni Associa-
tion, it's far from the only chapter. With
more than 460,000 University alumni
living across the globe, the University's
Alumni Association has established
chapters in 31 countries and has numer-
ous chapters throughout the United

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Fans began to line up at noon outside of the Rogel ballroom in the Union, where television
show "Psych" will premiere a new episode.



PC or Mac? Thief
has no preference
WHERE: Hill Carport
WHEN: Sunday at about 1:45
WHAT: An Apple laptop and
Dell Netbook was taken from a
rental vehicle belonging to an
unaffiliated female, University
Police reported.
Sleeping woman
WHERE: Taubman Health
Care Center
WHEN: Yesterday at about
12:30 a.m.
WHAT: A woman unaffiliated
with the University was found
sleeping on a couch inside and
was read a trespass, University
Police reported. She had been
read a trespass last month as

Wallet, cash Holocaust
gone in a flash history lecture

WHERE: Duderstadt Building
WHEN: Sunday at about 6:45
WHAT: An unattended wallet
with a credit card, two debit
cards, ID and a small amount
of cash was stolen from a male
student on the third floor, Uni-
versity police reported.
Bail advisory
issued to skaters
WHERE: North Quad Com-
WHEN: Sunday at about 1:45
WHAT: Three males were
given a verbal warning due to
their skateboarding activities,
University Police reported.

WHAT: A lecture about
the recue of children at the
Buchenwald camp during the
Holocaust will be given by
Prof. Ken Waltzer, director of
the Michigan State Univer-
sity Jewish Studies Program.
WHO: Judaic Studies
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: 202S.
Thayer in Room 2022
Author talk
WHAT: In honor of the
LSA Fall theme semester
"What Makes Life Worth
Living?," a lecture will be
held by John Hammock,
co-author of "Practical
Idealists: Changing the
World and Getting Paid."
WHO: Center for Eth-
ics in Public Life
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library

Foreign film
WHAT: A film on the con-
sequences of war in the
Democratic Republic of
Congo will be screened,
featuring Denis Mukweeg,
recipient of the Univer-
sity Wallenberg Medal.
WHO: Epidemiology
WHEN: Today at 5 p.m.
WHERE: Henry F.
Vaugh School of Public
Health Building I and
Crossroads Tower.
Sax recital
WH AT: A saxophone
studio recital will be held
by graduate students of
Professor Donald Sinta.
WHO: School of Music
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: E.V. Moore Build-
ing, Britton Recital Hall
0 Please report any
error in the Daily to

At a shopping mall in New
Zealand, blasting Mozart
over the center's speak-
ers has drastically reduced
the amount of crime, The New
Zealand Press reported. Mall
guards said the music has
transformed the mall into a
safer place to shop.
Last week, the Michigan
Liquor Control Commis-
sion banned the sale of
55 types of alcoholic energy
drinks in the state, including
Four Loko.
The British monarchy is
preparing to launch its
official Facebook page,
BBC News reported. The page
is the first official presence by
the Queen on Facebook, and
will include updates about
court activities.

Matt Aaronson Managing Editor aaronson@michigandaily.com
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Bush legacy focus of new memoir

Bush is back, and
eager to help history
judge him
W. Bush knows that history will
shape his legacy more than any-
thing he can say. But that's not
gonna stop a guy from trying.
After two years of near silence,
Bush is back.
With his new memoir, "Deci-
sion Points," and a promotion tour,
the president who in cockier times
could not think of a single mis-
take he had made, lists many. He
counts the years without a post-
9/11 attack as his transcendent
achievement. He says the eco-
nomic calamity he handed off to
Barack Obama was "one ugly way
to end a presidency."

While he's been absent from the
national scene, Bush's team has
been busy. Some of the mostpolar-
izing figures from his 2001-2009
presidency have found second
lives in the political world.
Karl Rove, the operative who
might as well have put "mas-
termind" on his business card,
became a master money-raiser for
the midterm elections in plenty of
time to make Democrats apoplec-
tic all over again. Dick Cheney,
the Bush vice president whose
influence rivaled if not surpassed
Rove's, has tormented the Obama
administration at many turns.
Not Bush.
He has given the occasional
innocuous speech, has tended his
presidential center, has helped
with Haiti earthquake relief and
has offered glimpses of a life that
has him walking Barney the dog

in his Dallas neighborhood with a
poop bag, "picking up that which
I had been dodging for the past
eight years."
"Decision Points" puts Bush
back in the public eye. He'll be all
over TV this week and beyond,
from news and opinion shows to
Oprah Winfrey and Jay Leno.
But times have changed.
Hard-driving tea party adher-
ents, a post-Bush movement,
helped to power a Republican
takeover of the House and gains
in the Senate in the recent elec-
tions, seemingly light years from
the "compassionate conservatism"
that Bush said he hoped to bring
to the White House from Texas a
decade ago.
For all the sour struggles of his
time in Washington and the divi-
siveness over war policy, Bush
pushed Congress to spend billions

more on education and ushered
in prescription drug coverage for
seniors in a major expansion of
health care, now overshadowed
by Obama's overhaul. Those mea-
sures, too, are out of step with the
Republican majority coming in.
And he's not out to trash Obama
in his new book. The Democrat, in
his 2008 presidential campaign,
spared no effort to criticize Bush
for taking the U.S. to war in Iraq,
for letting the effort in Afghani-
stan flag and for presiding over an
economy sinking into the Great
Bush turns the other cheek,
merely praising Obama's decision
to add troops in Afghanistan.
Instead he details difficult
times with Cheney, still his friend,
delivering some of the buzz-
generating palace intrigue that is
expected of any political memoir.

President Banack Ohawa weets with Indiae Priwe Minister Manwohan Singh.
Obama backs
India s U.N. bid

Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews
President of the
Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
Reception to follow.
Ford School of Public Policy
Annenberg Auditorium
1120 Weill Hall
735 S. State Street
Info: 734-615-3893 Gerald R. Ford P ylt
www.fordschool.umich.edu School OFPaitye 6(

mational Policy Center
eod RFrd Sool at Pul, Policy

Obama boosts India
for 'rightful place
in world'
NEW DELHI (AP) - Deepen-
ing America's stake in Asian power
politics, President Barack Obama
on yesterday endorsed India's bid
to become a permanent member
of the U.N. Security Council, hop-
ing to elevate the nation of a bil-
lion people to "its rightful place in
the world" alongside an assertive
Obama's declaration, delivered
to the pounding applause of India's
parliament members, spoke to a
mission broader than the makeup
of one global institution. By spend-
ing three packed days in India,
announcing trade deals, dismiss-
ing job-outsourcing gripes and
admonishing India's rival Paki-
stan, Obama went all in for an ally
whose support he hopes to bank on
for years.
"I want every Indian citizen to
know: The United States of Amer-
ica will not simply be cheering
you on from the sidelines," Obama
said inside the soaring legislative
chamber of the capital city. "We
will be right there with you, shoul-
der to shoulder, because we believe
in the promise of India."
To Obama, that promise entails
shaking up the world order by giv-
ing more voice to developing coun-
tries that offer lucrative markets
for U.S. products and potential
help to counter terrorism and a

warmingplanet. Indiafits Obama's
agenda perfectly because it is the
world's largest democracy and sits
in the heart of a pivotal, vexing
The diplomacy in India also
gave Obama a chance to reassert
himself on the global stage, far
from Washington in the aftermath
after humbling congressional elec-
His final day in India began
with a lavish welcome ceremony
at the majestic palace residence of
India's president and ended there
as Obama and his wife, Michelle,
were toasted to a state dinner.
The capstone of Obama's
outreach here came when he
announced support for India's long
push to achieve a permanent place
on the Security Council, the elite
body responsible for maintain-
ing international peace. It under-
lined Obama's contention that the
partnership between the U.S. and
India could have defining impact
on both countries and the world.
"The just and sustainable inter-
national order that America seeks
includes a United Nations that
is efficient, effective, credible
and legitimate," Obama said as
he called for India to be part of a
reformed council.
Yet White House aides acknowl-
edge any changes to the council
could be messy and years in the
making. Attempts to expand the
council have long failed because of
rivalries between countries.
India considered Obama's move
to be an enormous coup regardless.




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