2A - Friday, November 5, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2A - Friday, November 5, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom MONDAY: TUESDAY: In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths WEDNESDAY: Professor Profiles THURSDAY: Campus Clubs 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com JACOB SMILOVITZ KATIEJOZWIAK Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 smilovitz@michigandaily.com tmdbusiness@gmail.com CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom office hours: sun.-Thurs.11 a.m. - 2 a.m. 734-418-4115 opt.,3 News Tips news@michigandaily.com Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Letters tothe Editor tothedaiy@michigandaily.com Photography Department photo@michigandaily.com Arts Section artspage@mnchigandaiy.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaiy.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Classified Sales classifed@michigandaily.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com EDITORIAL STAFF Matt Aaronson Managing Editor aaronson@michigandaily.com lillian Berman Managing News Editor berman@michigandaily.com SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Nicole Aber, Stephanie Steinberg, Kyle Swanson, Eshwar Thirunavukkarasu, Devon Thorsby ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Bethany Biron, Dylan Cinti, Caitlin Huston, Lindsay Kramer, Joseph Lichterman,Veronica Menaldi, Elyana Twiggs Rachel Van Gilder Editorial Page Editor vangilder@michigandaily.com SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Michelle DeWitt, Emily Orley, Laura Veith ASSISTANTEDITORIALPAGEEDITORS:WillButler,WilGrundler,HarshaPanduranga Ryan Kartje ManagingSports Editor kartje@michigandaily.com SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS:Mark Burns, MichaelFlorek,Chantel Jennings,TimRohan, Nick Spar, Joe Stapleton ASSISTANTSPORTS EDITORS: BenEstes,StephenNesbitt,LukePasch,ZakPyzik,Amy JamieBlock ManagingArts Editor block@michigandady.com SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Carolyn Klarecki, Andrew Lapin, Jeff Sanford ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS:KristynAcho,Leah Burgin,Sharon Jacobs, KaviShekhar Pandey, DavidTao Ma ollinsand gphoto@michigandaily.com Sam Watson Moooioe'hoto Editors SENIORPHOTO EDITOR:ArielBond, MarissaMcClain ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS:Jake Fromm,JedMoch Anna Lein-Zielinskiand design@michigandaty.com Sana eSqieManeinDgnsig ditors SENI05 DESIGN ED0TO00 Maya Friedman Trevor Calero Magazine Editor calero@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITOR: Jenna Skoller Melanie Fried and copydesk@michigandaily.com AdiWollstein copy chiefs BUSINESS STAFF Julianna Crintsales Manager SALES FORCE MANAGER: Stephanie Bowker MARKETING MANAGER:GjoJuncaj Hillary Szawala classified Manager CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT MANAGER: Ardie Reed Jason Mahakian Production Manager Meghan RooneyLayout Manager Nick Meshkin Finance Manager Chrissy Winkler circulation Manager Zach Yancer Web Project coordinator The Michigan DailyOSSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms bystudentsat theUniversity of Michigan.Onecopy is availablefree of chargetoal readers.Additional copies may be pickedup at the Daly'sofficefor$2.Subscriptionsfor fallterm, starting inseptemberviaU.S.malare$11o.Winter term(Januarythrough April)isf1,yearong (September through Apri)is$195.University affiliatesare subject toareducedsubscription rate. On-campussubscriptionsforfalltermaret3.Subscriptionsmust beprepaid.TheMichiganDaily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 0 CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Capture the Stereo, GPS Technology in Michigan flag swiped from car music workshop WHERE: Elbel Field WHERE: Rachel Upjohn WHAT: A workshop will WHEN: Thursday at about Building explore how composers and 1:30 a.m. WHEN: Wednesday at about performers use new tech- WHAT: A blue Michigan flag 5:30 p.m. nology in modern music. was stolen from the flag pole, WHAT: A stereo and GPS WHO: School of Music University Police reported. system were stolen from a Uni- Theater and Dance Witnesses saw the suspect versity staff member's vehicle, WHEN: Today at2 p.m. flee the scene, but could not be University Police reported.The WHERE: Duderstadt Cen- identified because it was dark. items were valued at $550. ter, Teleconference Room Wires dug up by contractors Shatteredlits '' WHERE: Harrison Randall film screening WHERE: Hayward LaboratoryC CORRECTIONS 0 An article in Friday's paper titled "Groups aim to fight Islamaphobia on campus" incorrectly ident- fied Mark Vanderput as a former pastor of Har- vest Mission Community Church. He is a member of another church. 0 An article in Wednes- day's paper titled "Rep. Dingell clinches 28th term nail biter" incor- rectly stated that Dingell will serve his 28th term. It will be his 29th. * An article in yesterday's Daily titled "Locally and nationally student voter turnout falls in Tuesday's election" incorrectly iden- tified the year and type of election in which 23 percent of voters under the age of 30voted. 0 Please report any error in the Daily to correc- tions@michigandaily.com. Hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in post- earthquake tent commu- nities are bracing for severe floods from tropical storm Tomas, The Associated Press reported. Officials have advised them to find sturdier shelter, but many remain in the makeshift camps. Michigan sophomore quarterback Denard Rob- inson talks to his high school track coach multiple times each week. >FORMORE,FOOTBALLSATURDAYINSIDE Researchers in the U.K. claim that the human body's immune system can kill the common coldvirus, AOLHealth.com reported. If the claim is true, it could lead to the development of anti- viral drugs that could destroy the virus. WHEN: Wednesday at about 1:45 p.m. WHAT: Contractors acciden- tally dug up electrical wires that power three light poles, University Police reported. The damage is valued at about $2,000. WHEN: Wednesday at about 10:15 a.m. WHAT: Two street lights in a loading dock between Randall Laboratory and West Hall were broken, University Police reported. The damage is val- ued at about $200. WHAT: A film called "The Exiles" documents one night in the lives of exiled young Native American men and women living in the Bunker Hill district of Los Angeles. WHO: Screen Arts and Cultures WHEN: Tomorrow from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. WHERE: Angell Hall, Auditorium A Hall of Fame manager Sparky Anderson dies at 76. Baseball legend won 3 World Series titles, one with Tigers Reds fans were taken aback when Sparky Anderson showed up in Cincinnati for his first day as a big league manager, an unknown taking over baseball's first profes- sional team. Sparky who? Really? By the time he was done, this man with the shock of white hair and schoolboy nickname would produce a considerable list of achievements that featured three World Series titles - including crowns in each league - and a Hall of Fame entry on his resume. Anderson, who directed the Big Red Machine to back-to-back championships and won another in Detroit, died yesterday from com- plications of dementia in Thousand Oaks, Calif. He was 76. A day ear- lier, his family said he'd been placed in hospice care. Anderson was the first manager to win World Series titles in both leagues and the only manager to lead two franchises in career wins. "Sparky was, by far, the best manager Iever played for," said for- mer Reds star Pete Rose, the game's career hits leader. "He understood people better than anyone I ever met. His players loved him, he loved his players, and he loved the game of baseball. There isn't anoth- er person in baseball like Sparky Anderson. He gave his whole life to the game." Anderson's teams in Cincinnati - featuring Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan and Rose - won crowns in 1975 and 1976 and rank among the most powerful of all time. Led by Kirk Gibson and Alan Trammell, Anderson won with the Tigers in 1984. "He was a good guy," former Tigers pitcher Jack Morris said, choking up over the news. "Base- ball will have very few people like Sparky. He was a unique individual. He was a character with a great passion and love forthe game." Anderson never tried to over- shadow his teams, giving his stars great leeway while trying to stay in the background. At Anderson's request, there will be no funeral or memorial service. Always affable, ever talkative and known for a self-deprecating demeanor, Anderson was equally popular among players, fans and media. "Revered and treasured by his players for his humility, humanity, eternal optimism and knowledge of the game," his Hall of Fame plaque reads. Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig called Anderson a gentleman and dear friend. "I recall with great fondness the many hours we would spend together when his Tigers came to Milwaukee," Selig said. "Sparky was a loyal friend, and whenever I would be dealing with difficult sit- uations as commissioner, he would lift my spirits, telling me to keep my head up and that I was doing the right thing." The Reds put a photo of Ander- son on their outfield videoboard at Great American Ball Park on Thursday afternoon, honoring the man who led them to their greatest moments. "In one way or another, Sparky touched the life of every Reds fan," owner Bob Castellini said. Anderson's win total of 2,194 was the third highest when he retired after the 1995 season, trailing only Connie Mack and John McGraw. He's still sixth on the career list - he won 863 games in nine years with the Reds and 1,331 in 17 sea- sons with the Tigers. He'll be remembered as much for the little things that made him beloved as for the big numbers that made him a Hall of Famer. "Being a good baseball player and person went hand-in-hand with him," said Alan Trammell, the 1984 World Series MVP who is Ari- zona's bench coach. "He wanted us to put our dirty clothes in the bin so that the clubhouse guys didn't have to pick up after us." In many ways away from the field, he was a teacher. "He had a lot to do with molding me professionally and taught me a lot about perseverance," Morris said. Anderson knew all about perse- verance. George "Sparky" Anderson got his nickname in the minor leagues because of his spirited play. He made it to the majors for only one season, batting .218 for the Phillies in 1959. Anderson learned to control a temper that nearly scuttled his fledgling career as a manager in the This July 26, 1994, file photo shows Detroit Tigers manager Sparky Anderson smiling a the start of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners in Detroit. Anderson died yest years old. minors, and went on to become one of baseball's best at running a team. And he won with a humility that couldn't obscure his unique ability to manage people. "I got good players, stayed out of their way, let them win a lot and then just hung around for 26 years," he said during his Hall of Fame acceptance speech in 2000. Of course, there was a lot more to him. He liked to twist the language, using double-negatives to make a roundabout point. He also reas- sessed things constantly. "To be around me, you have to be a little bit cuckoo," Anderson said on the day he resigned from the Tigers after the 1995 season. "One day it's written in concrete, the next dayit's written in sand. I always felt if I didn't change my mind every 24 hours, people would find me bor- ing." Anderson's win total trails only those of Mack, McGraw, Tony La Russa, Bobby Cox and Joe Torre. His overall record was 2,194-1834 and he was a two-time AL Manager of the Year. "Sparky was one of the greatest people I've met in baseball," Detroit Hall of Famer Al Kaline said. "He was a leader to his players both on s he looks out from the dugout prior to terday in Thousand Oaks, Calif. He was 76 and off the field. He was an incred- ible person and I cherish the time I was able to spend with him." He had the right touch with superstars, and it came in handy when he led the star-studded Reds to World Series wins in 1975-76. "He was a people person," Mor- gan, a Hall of Fame second base- man, told The Associated Press. "I don't think anybody else could have managed that team nearly as well as he did. We had a lot of dif- ferent personalities. Sparky was able to deal with all of us on an individual basis but also collective- ly as a team. MACK From Page 1A Preston's introduction was fol- lowed by the recognition of Leo McAfee, associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Com- puter Science in the College of Engineering. As McAfee comes. into his retirement, NSBE honored him for being the first African- American professor in the depart- ment. Mack, who was recognized by Ebony Magazine as one of the Top 150 Black Leaders in America, explained that as a community, minorities in engineering are tran- sitioning from fighting to survive to fighting to thrive, but that there's more progress to be made. "I tell you transition is a good thing ... I don't know anything that can stand still and survive," he said. The difficulty of the subject mat- ter covered by engineering is the cause of the low student-retention rate, Mack said. "There are three mystical, myth- ical words that explain why our retention is where it's at - chemis- try, calculus and physics," he said. Upperclassmen need to help freshmen and younger students to encourage them to strive and to motivate each other to study, Mack said. "The untransformed student is the one that says, 'I can do this all by myself,"' he said. "All the kids in a year need to say, 'We are all going into the sophomoreyear, leavingno one behind.' ... It's a dedication to academic excellence." Mack concluded his speech by noting that completing a rigor- ous curriculum successfully is extremely challenging. "Why do you think they respect engineering so much?" he said. "It demands your best. This is excel- lence at its best and we have to recognize this. If we take this seri- ously, we'll be dropping knowledge, not classes." Mack's speech was followed by a standing ovation and a question- and-answer panel with Mack and Dr. Calvin Mackie, president of the Channel Zero Group - "an orga- nization committed to maximiz- ing the effectiveness and potential of individuals and organizations," according to the event flyer. Both speakers shared their per- sonal stories and described how growing up in inner city neighbor- hoods was a primary motivator in their lives. They also empha- sized the importance of current engineering students remaining focused. "It's about hunger. That's the part that's missing - the desire, the hunger, the commitment," Mackb said, referring to his determination to succeed against the odds. "A lot of us are not hungry because we have never had to struggle before." Engineering junior Anthony Menard, a board member of the University's chapter of NSBE, said he was moved by the event. "There is so much that we as students take for granted," Menard said. "We need to realize that we are all in this together, rather than making it personal. As students, we tend to think, 'I just need to beat the curve,' and we don't realize that by helping each other, we all succeed." Menard, who is Native Ameri- can, said he relates to the goals of NSBE despite the racial differenc- es. "It's not about color, it's about personal growth. I can relate to the struggle, as can all minority groups," Menard said, citing the low retention rates in engineering among Native American students as well. Engineering junior Amber Spears, community service chair of the University's chapter of NSBE, said she teared up during the the speech. "It affected me on a personal level because I want to see more of us here, not less of us, and as the years go by, there's less of us here," Spears said.