AMC's new zombie drama 'The Walking Dead'spares the cliches in favor of real emotion - but don't worry, the gore's there too. PAGE 5A
'4A JrL He's an enigma and a prodigy, but for his family
and former coaches in Deerfield Beach, Fla., Denard
Robinson is simply Shoelace
dgan :atll N
Friday, November 5, 2010
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Game days
* aboost for
Football Saturdays bring
crowds, big tips to
Ann Arbor eateries
Daily StaffReporter
Football Saturdays bring to town rowdy
tailgates, pregame parties and for many
local restaurants, an extra day to cash in.
Though owners and employees of many
eateries around town say Football Satur-
days don't make or break their business,
they're quick to point out that the crowds
mean big tips and a volume of service
unmatched by any other day of the year.
Ryan Halsey, a full time server at Conor
O'Neill's on Main Street, said he notices
a change in both the restaurant's atmo-
sphere and sales on game days. People
See GAME DAY, Page 7A
A2 to install
* street light
Button activated by
pedestrian turns lights
on at crosswalk
Daily StaffReporter
The City of Ann Arbor is introducing
a new kind of crosswalk system - one
entirely controlled by pedestrians.
The city's first High-intensity Activat-
ed CrossWalk (HAWK) is slated to debut
Nov. 17 at the intersection of Huron Street
and Third Street, about two blocks west
of downtown Ann Arbor. The HAWK
features an overhead lighting system in
which all lights remain off unless acti-
vated by a pedestrian-controlled button on
the sidewalk.
In a presentation to the Ann Arbor City
Council last night, two officials from the
Michigan Department of Transporta-
tion - Traffic Engineer Wendy Ramirez
and Region Planner Kari Martin - said
the roughly $70,000 project came out of
a series of requests from pedestrians and
residents for safer crosswalks.
"The community wanted to see some
See HAWK, Page 7A
Charge for
by cmte.
Daily News Editor
The National Collegiate Athletic
Association has announced that it has
placed the Michigan football program
on a three-year probation.
During a conference call yesterday
with University officials and members
of the media, Paul Dee, chairman of
the NCAA Committee on Infractions,
said the penalties from the NCAA also
include a public scolding and censure
of the University and a stipulation
that Michigan football coach Rich
Rodriguez must attend the 2011 NCAA
Regional Rules Seminar. Additionally,
University officials imposed reduc-
tions to the amount of time the Michi-
gan football team can practice - 130
hours in total through the end of the
2011-2012 academic year.
Experts interviewed by The Michi-
gan Daily said the additional one year
of probation on top of what the Univer-
sity had self-imposed did not seem out
of line for the nature of the case. They
also said it was important to note that
the NCAA had downgraded the charge
against Rodriguez from a charge that
he had failed to promotecangatmo-
sphere of compliance to the finding
that he failed to adequately monitor his
The initial allegation against Rodri-
guez that he had failed to promote an
atmosphere of compliance, Dee said,
was changed to a violation of NCAA
Constitution 2.8.1 because the com-
mittee felt that Rodriguez failed to
properly oversee the program, not that
he failed to promote an atmosphere of
Asked during the call about what
level of responsibility should be placed
on Rodriguez, Dee compared Rodri-
guez to the captain of a ship.
"The coach is ultimately responsible,
but that doesn't mean that the coach is
involved in all of the activities," Dee
said. "Consequently some of the things
that did occur did not get all the way to
the coach."
At a University press conference fol-
lowing the NCAA conference call, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Coleman
said the University had taken the inves-
See NCAA, Page 7A
TOP: Athletic Director David Brandon, Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez and University President Mary Sue Coleman address the media
after the NCAA announced its imposed penalties. BOTTOM: Rodriguez, Brandon and Coleman at yesterday's press conference.
After ruling, AD will wait until
end of season to evaluate coach
Rodriguez: 'I'm glad
this process is over and
we can move ony
Daily Sports Editor
The book was finally closed yesterday
on the Michigan football program's first
black mark in its history.
There were no surprises in the
NCAA's investigation's ultimate find-
ings regarding major violations. Back in
May, Michigan responded to allegations
made by the NCAA and proposed self-
imposed sanctions. The final penalties
weren't too far off.
"I'm glad the process is over so it can
no longer be used as a thing that's hang-
ing over the program from a negative
recruiting standpoint," Michigan foot-
ball coach Rich Rodriguez said. "That's
why I'm glad this process is over and we
can move on."
While the punishment has been
determined, questions regarding Rodri-
guez'sjobsecurity still persist. Michigan
Athletic Director David Brandon reiter-
ated his support of Rodriguez again on
Thursday. But his job will be assessed at
the end of the season, Brandon said, just
like every other coach.
"I have said ad nauseam that I have
a process for all of our coaches and all
of our sports," Brandon said. "And at
the end of the season, we sit down and
review an enormous amount of informa-
tion that is at my disposal that pertains
to all aspects of the programs. And at
that point, obviously I have decisions to
make as it relates to who coaches any of
our sports and our coaches have a deci-
sion to make as to whether they want to
continue to coach at Michigan.
"The situation with our football pro-
gram is no different than our other 26
sports in that regard. And that's what I'll
do at the end of this season and the sea-
son after that and the season after that."
The rumblings calling for Rodriguez's
job grew louder last Saturday after
Michigan's 41-31 loss against Penn State.
Now in the middle of a three-game los-
ing streak, the Wolverines' 2010 season
draws comparisons to 2009's downfall,
which included seven Big Ten losses in
a row.
Rodriguez and his players have had to
answer questions since early September
about avoiding what happened lastyear.
The unfortunate reality for Rodriguez is
that despite his fast starts these past two
seasons, he still just has four Big Ten
wins and a 13-19 record overall.
Given that situation, committing
major NCAA violations under Rodri-
guez's watch only creates more negative
media attention and groaning from fans.
Brandon boiled down Michigan's vio-
lations to a misunderstanding regarding
the rules of practice time and members
of the quality control staff, who were
"'overzealous" and acted as coaches.
Additionally, there was the issue of the
University and the football staff failing
NSBE director tells students progress
still to be made on minority retention
In order to boost
retention rates, Mack
says minorities must
mentor one another
Daily StaffReporter
Dr. Carl Mack, executive director of
the National Society of Black Engineers,
told a crowd of about 150 students gath-
ered in the Chesebrough Auditorium last
night that he wasn't there to give a feel-
good speech. No, he was there to discuss
the necessity of retaining minority stu-
dents in engineering programs.
According to Engineering senior Sean
Preston, president of the University's
chapter of NSBE, the event called, "From
Surviving to Thriving: A College-wide
Forum for Examining Student Achieve-
ment and Success" was organized to
examine the issue of retention among
minority groups in the College of Engi-
The event was sponsored by the Uni-
versity's Center for Engineering Diversity
and Outreach, which formally launched
this weekend. The center aims to bring
more collaboration between the Multi-
cultural Engineering Programs Office,
the Women in Science and Engineering
Program and the Office of Engineering
Outreach and Engagement and develop
the three "into a single, cohesive unit," a
flier for the event states.
Preston opened the presentation by
citing a statistic which shows that the
retention of minorities in engineering
schools is much lower than the general
student body.
"It's a very important issue, especially
among minority communities, especially
in the black community," Preston said.
"The turnover rate from enrolled stu-
dents to matriculation is only about 60 to
70 percent."
See MACK, Page 2A
........2A CLA SSIFIEDS . ..................6A
....4....4A SPO RTS . ................... ....... 8A
.......5A FOOTBALLSATURDAY.........1B
Carl Mack, executive director of NSBE, discusses minority retention rates in engineering last night.
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know.
In Erika's Experience: Give Blood.
Vol. CXXtNo.42N Di>O N .
2010 The Mi'higanDaily ARTS......,.
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