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October 29, 2010 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2010-10-29

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Michigan's tax
incentives have
made it relatively
easy to get work
as an extra in
Hollywood films.

Rich Rod and the Michigan football
team seek to prove that they're not
last year's Wolverines in a road trip
to Happy Valley.

P iC i0 an i l

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, October 29, 2010


Y 3 d'

Despite huge
wins in past,
ingell revs
up campaign
55-year incumbent for the 15th district in recent
election cycles.
has been hyping As part of the race, Dingell and
Steele brought their campaigns
polls, federal grants to campus this week. Former
President Bill Clinton and other
By MIKE MERAR Democratic candidates spoke at
Daily StaffReporter a Dingell for Congress rally on
Sunday at Rackham Auditorium.
Though United States Rep. Likewise, Steele's campaign held
John Dingell (D-Mich.) is some- a rally on the Diag Wednesday
what of an institution in the 15th night.
District, he has been recently Though the latest poll pub-
amping up his campaign activity lished on the race by the Detroit
in the waning weeks of this elec- Free Press and WXYZ-TV shows
tion season, suggesting he may Dingell ahead by a 17- percent
not hold the comfortable lead margin, polls throughout the
his campaign has enjoyed in the race have varied.
past. According to a recent poll,
In his last re-election bid, Din- Dingell was trailing Steele by
gell rode easilytovictorybesting four points in the race. The
his challenger by a 45-percent results of the poll showed Steele
snargin. Ir this election season leading with 43.8 percent of the
however - mirroring Democrat- vote, compared to Dingell's 39.5
ic electoral hardships around the percent, leaving about 11 percent
country - it appears as though of voters undecided and Dingell
Dingell's race might be closer supporters concerned. Dingell
than usual. In recent weeks, Din- is the longest-serving U.S. con-
gell's press office has highlighted gressman with 55 years in the
a slew of federal appropriations House under his belt.
the 28-term congressman has Following the release of the
secured for the district. Fur- Oct. 8 poll, the Dingell cam-
thermore, both Dingell's and paign claimed that The Rossman
his opponent Republican Rob Group, one of the two partnering
Steele's campaigns have been firms that conducted the poll, has
hard at work organizing rallies Republican ties.
on campus, and both have been Conducted by TelCom in
disputing recent polling data. All partnership with The Rossman
of this indicates that this year Group, the poll consisted of an
might be one of the closest races See DINGELL, Page 3

Dean of Students Laura Blake Jones speaks to Business senior David Sukenik to raise awareness about safe Halloween practices yesterday. In additivn tsan information
sheet highlighting safe Halloween activities, she passed out candy and condows to students.
After rowdy Halloween last year,
Greek, A officials combine forces

IFC, neighborhood
association partner
to combat fights,
trash and noise
Daily StaffReporter
While students will be busy
today shopping for their last min-
ute costume items and planning
their Halloween weekend itiner-
ary, city officials and Greek life
representatives are also preparing

to make this festive weekend safer
than in previous years.
The Interfraternity Council on
campus is taking extra precau-
tions to ensure safety not only for
the Greek community but for all
of Ann Arbor, according to Kine-
siology senior Ryan Knapp, vice
president of public relations for
Knapp said the organization is
working with the South Univer-
sity Neighborhood Association for
the first time to ensure safety in
the area. This collaboration will
serve as a way for IFC to branch
out into the greater Ann Arbor

community, he said. In the past,
communication between the IFC
and resident groups only occurred
after an incident took place.
"In that sense our interaction
has been very reactive," Knapp
said. "It's phenomenal for two
large organizations that have tra-
ditionally not communicated as
effectively as possible to sit down
and hash out problems and create
innovative solutions."
Robert Synder, president of the
South University Neighborhood
Association, said the collabora-
tion between the organization
and IFC will be beneficial and

shows the Greek community's
efforts to increase awareness of
neighborhood safety.
Snyder said the crowd at last
year's "Nightmare on Elm Street"
block party was "uncontrollable,"
and is something he wants to pre-
vent this year with the right safety
precautions. At the block party
last year, a 19-year-old man was
beaten by a group of 10 to 15 other
men after he tried driving down
the crowded street.
"We will be working together
alongside (the) Ann Arbor Police
Department to make sure events

'U' official disputes 2011
green report card rating


University's rating
* dropped to B, down
from B+ in 2010
Daily StaffReporter
The University received a B let-
ter grade in the 2011 College Sus-
tainability Report Card released
earlier this week, dropping down
from its B+ rating last year. But,
according to one University offi-

cial, the University's rating should
really be higher.
The Campus Sustainabil-
ity Report Card grades 332 col-
leges across the United States
and Canada in nine different but
equally weighted measures of sus-
tainability. Data for the report card
is collected via surveys that ask
questions about each institution's
campus operations, dining servic-
es, endowment investment prac-
tices and student activities. Each
question relates to sustainability.
Terry Alexander, executive

director of the Office of Campus
Sustainability, said the Univer-
sity's B grade was "disappointing,"
adding that he believes the report-
ing system is flawed and that the
University deserved an A.
Alexander said there are a num-
ber of reasons why the University's
grade was lower this year. He said
the main reason was because the
College Sustainability Report Card
never received a completed stu-
dent survey from the University,
which caused the grade for student

Michigan's Naval ROTC Drill Team and Color Guard present Capt. Richard Vanden Heuvel, left, with 7 trophies outside North
Hall yesterday. The group took first place overall at the Wisconsin Invitational Drill Competition.

Eatery aims to jazz up vegetarian scene Wash. Post columnist highlights

New vegan
restaurant, Jazzy
Veggie, slated to hit
Main St. next month
For the Daily
Ananth Pullela says he's on a
mission to "change the perception
of vegetarian food."
Pullela's restaurant Jazzy Veg-

gie, located at 108 South Main St.,
is slated to join the ranks of other
vegetarian restaurants, like Seva
and Earthen Jar, when it opens
early next month. Pullela, said he
was motivated to open the vegan
eatery partially in part to remove
the stigma that vegetarian food is
boring and not flavorful or nutri-
"I wanted to change that ... by
offering some exciting flavors that
are traditionally limited to the
meat-based foods," Pullela said.
"Why can't we adapt those kinds

of flavors and make the food more
exciting and create some new ones
in the process?"
Pullela said he's been work-
ing with his chef to put together a
number of innovative dishes like
seasoned plantain chips with sig-
nature sauces and dips as well as
a selection of veggie burgers that
he insists will not taste like card-
board. The restaurant plans to
offer various types of condiments
that can add another layer of flavor
to the food like honey barbecue or

intersection of fashion, politics

At event, Robin
Givhan talks First
Lady fashion
Daily StaffReporter
Most politicians have more
important things to worry about

than fashion. But, according to
Robin Givhan, fashion editor of
The Washington Post, the two
areas are more intertwined than
many would think.
Givhan delivered the Vivian
R. Shaw lecture last night at the
Helmut Stern Auditorium in the
University of Michigan Museum
of Art to an audience of students,
University faculty and other Ann

Arbor residents. Hosted by the
University's Women's Studies
Department and the Institute for
Research on Women and Gender,
the lecture focused on the con-
vergence of politics and fashion
in what the Pulitzer Prize winner
calls the "Washington Catwalk."
She examined the relationship
between fashion and personal
See GIVHAN, Page 3


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Big Ten women's basketball releases rankings.

INDEX NEW S.........................
Vol. CXXI, No. 37 OPINION ....................
@2010 The Mchigan Daily A RTS............
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