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October 28, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-10-28

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Remember how Michigan
! football was supposed
to have a 'committee' of
running backs? It hasn't
worked out that way.

iC ipaYi 4,3at IV

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Michigan grad.
r rates in line
with national


Div. I average
According to NCAA data, the University's student-
athlete graduation rate is 75
data, 79 percent of percent, outpacing the national
average of 64 percent.
'student-athletes A recent University press
release boasted that the six-year
graduate in six years graduation rate for the entire
student body was 89.4 percent -
By JOSEPH LICHTERMAN more than 30 percent higher than
Daily StaffReporter the national average for four-year
institutions, 'according to the
The National Collegiate Ath- University's statement.
letic Association released data The University's GSR rate of 79
yesterday on student-athlete percent, however, is equal to the
graduation rates, showing that 79 national Division 1 GSR rate for
percent of University of Michi- student-athletes.
gan student-athletes who entered In an interview last night,
thneUniversity between 2000 and Athletic Department spokesman
2003 graduated within six years David Ablauf said the Athletic
- a figure that is on par with the Department was pleased with
graduation rate for Division I the student-athlete graduation
schools nationwide. rate, but acknowledged they are
The NCAA uses its own for- always motivated to advance.
mula, known as the Graduation "(The Athletic Department)
Success Rate, to measure the always strives to improve. That's
rate of student-athlete gradua- the key objective," Ablauf said.
tion. The United States Depart- "We place. a high priority on
ment of Education, meanwhile; graduating out student-athletes.
uses its own model - the Federal The fact that we're at the nation-
Graduation Rate - to determine al average is good, butI think we
student-athlete graduation rates. always want to strive to do bet-
The NCAA figures, unlike the ter."
Department of Education ones, Student-athletes who entered
don't penalize schools when ath- college in 1998 were the first to
letes in good academic standing be measured using the GSR. The
transfer. So, typically, the GSR University's GSR peaked in 1999
rates are higher than the FGR at 87 percent. However, the data
rates. released yesterday is the first
According to the government See ATHLETES, Page 3A

University President Mary Sue Coleman talks with audience members during the question-and-answer session at her annual State of the University address yesterday.
Coleman: Officials working
to Cut,$120M Lout o udget

University president
also talks plans to
hire 50 new faculty
in State of'U' speech
Daily News Editor
University President Mary
Sue Coleman announced plans to
cut an additional $120 million in

annual recurring expenses from
the University's budget and dis-
cussed an initiative to hire 50 new
faculty mem-
bers as part
of her State of
the University
address yester-
before a crowd KYLE SWANSON
of University
administra- C tri the
tors, faculty, Admiirtio

staff and even afew students, Cole-
man also praised the academic
work of students on campus dur-
ing her speech in the University
of Michigan Museum of Art audi-
In last year's speech, Cole-
man announced that' University
officials would double their cost-
cutting efforts and cut $100 mil-
lion in recurring expenses from
the budget over the course of
three years. However, yesterday's
announcement essentially tripled

the University's original cost cut-
ting goals.
"Because of economic forecasts
and a decline in state support that
we do not expect will reverse any
time soon, we now know that we
must identify another $120 million
in savings by 2017," Coleman said
in her speech.
In an interview after the speech,
Coleman stressed the cuts would
be focused in non-academic areas
as much as possible, in order to
See COLEMAN, Page 6A

UGLi lobby to become less so

Renovations slated
to be completed in
Feb. will transform
lobby into lounge
Daily StaffReporter
The Shapiro Undergradu-
ate Library may, in part, lose its
aesthetic namesake in the com-
ing months. This past Tuesday
marked the start of construction
for the UGLi's new updated lobby.
The lobby, which will show-
case new technology and seating
options, is slated become a study
lounge for students in the winter.

Laurie Alexander, the direc-
tor of the Shapiro Undergraduate
Library, said the project has been
discussed ever since the addition
of Bert's Cafe to the lobby in Janu-
ary of 2008.
"It's a natural progression to
think about the rest of the lobby,"
she said.
Alexander said the new lobby
is designed to be more open and
inviting, adding that clusters of
chairs, tables and sofas will sur-
round the circulation desk, which
will be located in the center of
the area. She said she hopes that
as students become comfortable
working in the lobby, they will
move the furniture around to bet-
ter suit their needs.
Alexander added that there

would be large television screens
situated around the room that stu-
dents will be able to plug their lap-
tops into when working on group
projects and other sorts of assign-
"When you look at the space
you'll see it really promotes col-
laboration and connection and the
technology will support the work
that students are already doing,"
she said.
Alexander added that the
screens would be "a wonderful
opportunity" to display student art
installations, films or PowerPoint
presentations. In addition, the
screens will show international
news feeds.
In order to design a lobby that
See UGLI, Page 6A

SAM mOLSOs/onjly
Dr. Rob Steele speaks at a rallyon the Diag last night. Steele, a Republican, is challenging United States Rep. John Dingell (0-Michi-
gan) to represent the15th district in the U.S. House of Representatives.
At rally, Steele supporters say
it's time for Dingell to 'go home'

Latest hot spot for dinner, dancing
and drinks? Employees say Sava's

Steele says youth Democratic United States Rep.
John Dingell to represent the 15th
have the most to congressional district.
Steele, accompanied by other
lose in midterms prominent state Republicans,
spoke out against the current
By MIKE MERAR political landscape of Washing-
Daily StaffReporter ton and what he described as the
threat posed to youths across the
A few hundred supporters country. Steele's opponent is the
gathered on the Diag last night longest-serving member of Con-
to rally for Dr. Rob Steele; the gress, having occupied an office
Republican who is challenging in Washington for 55 years.

Though the latest poll on the
race published by the Detroit
Free Press and WXYZ-TV shows
Dingell leading Steele by about
a 20-percent margin, that pales
in comparison to the 45 percent
margin the Congressman won
by in 2008. Another poll released
on Oct. 8 had Steele ahead by 4
points, but Dingell staffers criti-
cized the poll, calling it partisan.
At the rally, Thayrone X, a local
See STEELE, Page 3A

Cafe recently
secured liquor and
dancing licenses
Daily StaffReporter
Though most walk in the door
of Sava's Caf to grab a meal,
employees at the restaurant are
hoping that new dance and liquor

licenses will keep patrons coming
in throughout the night.
Sava's was issued its liquor
license in June and a dance permit
over the summer. Day manager
Cyndi Bertsos said she isn't sure
the dance permit means Sava's will
be throwing any wild parties, but
it does provide the chance to host
events, like Friday Latin Nights,
withoutbreaking any laws.
"I don't know if they have any
crazy plans for it," Bertsos said.

"We just wanted to comply with
the city so when we have a DJ and
people were dancing, we wouldn't
be breaking any laws."
But Bertsos said that doesn't
mean they've ruled out the pos-
sibility of hosting larger events in
the future.
"We are making a lot of chang-
es that have been thought of but
haven't been carried through to
execution yet," she said. "I'm sure
See SAVAS, Page 3A


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Student groups promote breast cancer awareness.

Vol. CXXI, No. 36 OPINION..
J20 The Michigan Daily SPORTS....

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