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October 26, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-10-26

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2 - Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

In Other Ivory Towers

Professor Profiles

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week

Lunar lunacy.

Though many myths perme-
ate different corners of cam-
pus, there is one that almost
every student, alum, parent or
visitor has heard at one time
or another - a University of
Michigan flag stands proudly
on the moon.
Unfortunately for Wolver-
ines everywhere, the myth
isn't true.
And while such a revelation
may crush students, faculty
and staff across campus who
believe the legend, they can all
take comfort in knowing that
even the University President
was disappointed to find out
it's just a myth.
In an interview last month,
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said she believed the
"Oh yes, I believ'e there is (a
Michigan flag on the moon),"

Coleman said. "It was planted
there by the astronauts, by the
Michigan team."
But once told the truth -
that no University of Michi-
gan flag has ever left a space
shuttle, though several have
left the earth's atmosphere -
Coleman said she was shocked.
"Oh really?" Coleman
asked. "I thought it was true.
I could have bet you just about
any amount of money that it
was true."
Coleman isn't the only one
confident in the veracity of the
In fact, one Facebook group,
"Oh Ya? Well We Have a Flag
On the Moon Bitches," cur-
rently has 363 members. On
the other hand, only 32 people
are pembers of the "People
Who Are Real Mad That We
Actually Don't Have A Flag On

The Moon" Facebook group.
If there was any doubt
about the fact that the flags did
return to Earth, skeptics need1
look no further than Harm
Buning, a professor emeri-
tus of aerospace engineering
at the University. During an
interview with The Michigan
Daily in 2006, he proudly dis-
played one of the University
flags that made the historic
Apollo 15 journey in 1971.
At the time, Buning
explained that 20 flags bear-
ing the University's seal were
sent to the moon with Apollo
15, though all safely returned
to Earth without leaving the
shuttle. The flags' journey so
close to the lunar surface is
what has led many to specu-
late that one remains there DAVID TUMAN/Daily
today. Aerospace Engineering Emeritus Professor Harm Buning holds a montage of
- KYLE SWANSON Apollo 15 memorabilia including a Michigan flag that orbited the moon.

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Aluminum foiled Pot arrest in park Solar power Israeli politics

WHERE: 2705 Block South
WHEN: Monday at about 12
WHAT: Two or three tons of
aluminum were stolen from a
dumpster outside of a building
on South Industrial, Univer-
sity police reported. There are
two suspects, one identified as
having a lightcbrown goatee.
scent stolen
WHERE: Taubman Health
Care Center
WHEN: Monday at about 8:30
WHAT: A bottle of perfume
was stolen from a hospital
patient's unattended bag, Uni-
versity police reported. There
are no suspects.

WHERE: 1239 Kipke
WHEN: Sunday at about 11
WHAT: A 36-year old male
was arrested at Alan Park
when he was stopped by a
police officer and was found
to have an outstanding war-
rant for marijuana possession,
University police reported. He
posted $300 bail.
Toilet troubles
WHERE: Burton Memorial
WHEN: Monday at about 1:45
WHAT: An accidental water
leak from a sixth floor men's
room toilet at Burton tower
caused damage to 12 ceil-
ing tiles down to the second
floor below, University police

presentation uiscussion

WHAT: A talk will be given
by University Vice President
of Research Stephen Forrest
on leading an earth-friendly
lifestyle, featuringtips on
solar powering a home.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher
Harlan Graduate Library,
Galleryin Room 100
Crude oil film
WHAT: A film about the
pollution of the Ecua-
dorean Amazon and the
mass lawsuit that followed
will be screened. The
film is entitled, "Crude:
The Real Price of Oil."
WHO: Epidemiology
WHEN: Today at 5p.m.
WHERE: Henry F.
Vaugn School of
Public Health Building I

WHAT: A lecture by
Sarai Arahoni of Bar-Ilan
University entitled, "The
Bitter Taste of Success"
will be given, discussing
gender politics in Israel.
WHO: Judaic Studies
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: 202 South
Thayer, Room 2022
" An Oct.22 article in
The Michigan Daily
("Area businesses hope
arrival of NCRC will
add economic boost")
inaccurately reported
the NCRC's full occu-
pancy. The complex is
projected to hold 3,000
employees by 2019.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

Russell Brand and Katy
Perry spent their first mar-
ried night in a tent under
armed guard after a man-eat-
ing tiger appeared attheir wed-
ding celebration in India, the
Sun reported. Nobody was hurt
by the tiger, who has already
killed three locals this year.
Journalist Juan Wil-
liams was fired as a news
analyst for National Pub-
lic Radio after comments he
made about muslims. Tom-
maso Pavone says he never
should have been let go.
An American charity that
pays 300 dollars for drug
addicts to become steril-
ized is continuing its opera-
tion into Great Britain, ABC
News reported. The group has
already paid 3,600 American
drug addicts to recieve long
term birth control procedures.

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From Page lA
student community at the Univer-
sity this year. Officials reported
that underrepresented minority
students made up 10.6 percent of
this year's freshman class, which
is up from 9.1 percent last year.
However, that increase could
be due in part to revised reporting
guidelines under the Higher Edu-
cation Opportunity Act, which has
altered the way student ethnicity
data are collected and reported.
Students previously self-report-
ed their primary ethnicity, which
could include "other." Under the
new guidelines, students must
choose only from the list of eth-
nicities provided, but are allowed
to select multiple ethnicities if
they identify with more than one
In an exclusive interview with
the Daily yesterday, University
Provost Philip Hanlon said he
was heartened to see the num-
ber of underrepresented minor-
ity students in the freshman class
"It remains a very high prior-
ity to have a class that is diverse
across every possible dimension,"
Hanlon said. "We think that ben-
efits the entire University com-
munity and the learning of all
students to be part of a diverse
However, Hanlon said he
would like to see the number of
overall students at the University
decrease in future years.
"I think that we are prob-
ably at a larger enrollment than
I would feel comfortable at and I
think President Coleman as well,"
Hanlon said. "So we're going to
be working hard to try to hit our
targets and bring that back down
a little bit over a period of years."
Hanlon's comments were con-
sistent with what several Univer-
sity administrators - including
Coleman - have said over the past
two years.
"We've been working on try-
ing to shrink a little bit and some
years we've been more successful
than others in holding the line,"
Coleman said in an interview last
month. "I mean, I'm thrilled that
so many people want to come to
the University of Michigan, but
we also have to be very cognizant
of the experience students get, and
we want that to be a good experi-
But while officials saythey want
to reduce class sizes to provide a
better experieqce at the Universi-

ty for all students, incoming class-
es have continued to grow over the
past few years. Though many fac-
tors can be cited for the increase,
the primary reason is uncertainty
in predicting how many accepted
students will enroll.
In 2009, then-University Pro-
vost Teresa Sullivan said she
believed the economic downturn
was partially responsible for such
Though the economy may play
a lesser role this year, the problem
is likely to become even greater
in this year's admissions pro-
cess. Enrollment estimates have
become even more unpredict-
able now that the University has
adopted the Common Application
this year.
Hanlon said yesterday that
he expects the University to
receive a great deal more appli-
cations from prospective fresh-
men because of the ease of the
Common Application. The result
could be that the rate of students
admitted to the University who
decide to attend - known as
the yield of enrollment - could
be lower. Hanlon added that it's
unclear right now how much
lower the yield could be.
"That makes it even more chal-
lenging this year," Hanlon said.
"At least based on what we've seen
so far, we'll have many more appli-
cations, probably 10,000 or more
additional applications than we
did lastyear."
Hanlon explained, "The eas-
ier it is to apply, the more people
with lower interest (in attending
the University) that will apply
because it's easy."
Hanlon said that a surge in
applications with that demo-
graphic would likely result in a
lower enrollment this year. He
added that Universityofficials will
have to examine trends at other
schools that have switched to the
Common Application to help pre-
dict what the new enrollment rate
may be.
Similarly, Coleman said in an
interview in July that switch-
ing to the Common Application
could make predicting the yield
more difficult for Ted Spencer, the
director of the Office of Under-
graduate Admissions.
"We need to sort of look at our
models again and figure out how
we're going to manage this again
because next year when we go to
the Common Application, every-
body predicts that we're going
to go up again (in applications),"
Coleman said. "We're going to test
Ted ,Spencer's ability to build his

class because you know it's going
to be a big challenge."
But another major challenge
University officials face is main-
taining growth in the number of
underrepresented minority stu-
dents at the University. This year
is the first year since 2003 that
the number of underrepresented
minority students increased as
a percentage of the total student
population, and the first year
since 2005 it increased as a real
But in a statement released this
morning, Lester Monts, the senior
vice provost for academic affairs
at the University, said this year's
data demonstrates that the Uni-
versity is continuing to uphold its
"Since its earliest years, the
University of Michigan has
offered an uncommon education
to the leaders and the best among
the men and women of this state
and far beyond," Monts said in a
statement, speaking to the high
academic caliber of the incoming
class. "We have upheld that tradi-
tion with this exceptional enter-
ing class."
Legal restrictions like the state-
wide ban on affirmative action
approved byvoters in2006, paired
with the University's rigorous
standards, are both realities that
admissions officers must face
when considering who to admit to
the University.
"There's no guarantee that
we can do anything when you
can't use race as one of your fac-
tors," Spencer said in an inter-
view last year. "But we're going
to do everything we can to start
early outreach programs, identi-
fying students in the ninth, tenth
Along with Spencer, numerous
University officials - including
both Coleman and Hanlon - have
repeatedly told The Michigan
Daily that the University must
continue to work toward building
a more diverse student body.
"It's concerning to us," Coleman
said at this time last year of the
decreases experienced in under-
represented minority enrollment.
"I don't think there's a silver bul-
let, but we have to be more aggres-
Among those efforts are numer-
ous outreach and awareness pro-
grams, as well as ongoing efforts
by University leaders like E. Roys-
ter Harper, vice president for stu-
dent affairs, and Dean of Students
Laura Blake Jones to help improve
the campus climate for current
and potential studen s.

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