ON THE BRINK, NE MOVES ON, ONE SINKS Denise Muresan will play in the ln'Hereaft USTA/ITA regional finals today, while had the gut Evan King was eliminated in the semis Eastwood h yesterday by a Buckeye rival. PAGE 7 clI 1icligan 0aij AnIroMcia Tuesday, October 26, 2010 michigandaily.com Data show increase in minority enrollment Total University enrollment reaches all-time high By KYLE SWANSON Daily News Editor Data released yesterday by University officials show that the University student population has reached an all-time record. This year, there has also been a rise in underrepresented minor- ity students in the freshman class - though officials admitted that because of new reporting proce- dures, this year's numbers are not directly comparable to those from year's past. The Office of the Registrar reported yesterday morning that overall enrollment for the Uni- versity's Ann Arbor campus is at 41,924 students for the fall semes- ter, 250 more than the previous record set last fall. The rise reflects a 3.1-percent increase in the num- ber of undergraduate students and a 6.7-percent increase in the num- ber of graduate and professional students. Contributing in part to that growth was a larger-than-expect- ed incoming freshman class. Uni- versity officials predicted over the summer that freshman enrollment would increase by about 300 stu- dents from last year, which would have brought the incoming class to about 6,350. However, the data released yesterday show that the number was even higher than predicted, with 6,496 freshmen enrolled at the University this fall. Perhaps most notable in the data released yesterday is an increase in the underrepresented minority See ENROLLMENT, Page 2 Nursing senior Amy Montes, a volunteer with the HIV/AIDS Resource Center, administers an oral HIV test to a University student yesterday. Patients receive results in about a week and undergo further testing if the initial result is positive. HARC representatives administer tests on Mondays in the Spectrum Center at the Michigan Union. MSA p-rident drops petition for protection order, against Shirv ell1 -Total Students K Underrepresented Minorities 40000 0 30000 n 20000 10000 s 0 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 Assistant AG's lawyer says Shirvell is a 'victim of the liberal media' By KYLE SWANSON Daily News Editor A court official in the office of Washtenaw County Trial Court confirmed yesterday that a peti- tion for a personal protection order brought by Michigan Student Assembly President Chris Arm- strong against Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell has been dismissed. The official, who works in the office of Judge Nancy Francis, the judge assigned to the petition, said the case was dismissed without prejudice by the petitioner, mean- ing Armstrong is free to re-file a personal protection order against Shirvell in the future. Earlier this month, Shirvell called for Francis to step down because her sister, who is a pub- lic official, had openly criticized Shirvell. Francis ultimately did not remove herself from the case. A hearing was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. yesterday to consider the peti- tion, after the original Oct. 4 hear- ing was postponed. Court officials cited a "service issue" as the reason for the re-scheduling. The request for a personal pro- tection order stems from the con- troversy surrounding Shirvell's blog, Chris Armstrong Watch, in which Shirvell accuses Armstrong ofpromoting a"radicalhomosexual agenda" and calls Armstrong an "elitist" and "racist." The controversy received nation- al media attention from media out- lets like CNN, with Shirvell and his boss Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox both appearing on the network. Cox came under scru- tiny for employing Shirvell on the public's dime in light of Shirvell's actions. Shirvell later took a volun- tary leave of absence and has since closed off his blog from the public. See ARMSTRONG, Page 3 ALOBAL EDUCATION For fourth time since 2005, 'U' tops nation in student Fulbrights Number of faculty grants lags behind peer institutions By KYLE SWANSON DailyNewsEditor Students at the University received more U.S. Department of State Fulbright Studentgrants than any other school this year, Univer- sity officials announced yesterday. Leading in the number of student Fulbright recipients is nothing new for the University, which has had the most Fulbright Student grants four timessince2005. However,the number of Fulbright grants given to faculty members was substantially lower than many of the University's peer institutions. This year, 39 students at the Uni-. versity received and accepted Ful- bright scholarships, up from 28 lasi year and 31 twoyears ago. Four other University students were offered Fulbright grants this year but declined in order to pur- sue other opportunities. The total of 43 students who were offered an" award is the highest in the Univer- sity's history. Other universities leading the pack with a high number of Ful- bright student recipients included Yale University, where students netted 31 Fulbright scholarships, and Brown University and Stanford University, which each were award- ed 24 Fulbright student grants. In an interview yesterday, Uni- vedrsty Provef Philip Hanlon said he was delighted that the Univer- sity was at the top of the list. "We're very interested in glob- al engagement and how we can improve the way our students are experiencing the world and the Fulbrights are a great way for our students and graduates to do that," Hanlon said. See FULBRIGHT, Page 3 From Left: Regent Andrew Richner (R-Grosse Pointe Park), Libertarian candidate Leslie Lazzerin and Democratic candidates Paul Brown and Greg Stephens participate in a debate at the Senate Assembly meeting yesterday. Candidates for regents clash on inancla ut ure of'U' At least 37 fall ill at Tridelt house Slottow talks cost cutting at Senate Assembly meeting By CAITLIN HUSTON Daily StaffReporter Speaking before the main faculty governance body yesterday, the two University regents running for re- election and the candidates vying for their spots clashed over the best way to handlethe University'sfinances in the upcomingterm. Challengers Paul Brown (D- Ann Arbor) and Greg Stephens (D-Saline) discussed their plans to address tuition increases during the debate in front of Senate Assem- bly yesterday. Incumbent regents Andrew Richner (R-Grosse Pointe Park) and Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann Arbor) touted what they called track records of effectively handling the University's finances. Libertarian Leslie Lazzerin also par- ticipated in the debate. In his opening statement, Richner cited the University's stable finances in light of the state's economic down- turn as a reason to keep him on the board. Newman took a similar tack, saying she wants to stay on the board See REGENTS, Page 3 Officials speculate that outbreak might be norovirus By BRIENNE PRUSAK Daily StaffReporter At least 37 people reportedly fell ill Saturday evening while at the Delta Delta Delta sorority house on Tappan Street in Ann Arbor. University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said three people were transported to the hospital via ambulance and three others visited the hospital of their own accord. They were all treated and released that night, Fitzgerald said, adding that the students have been advised to stay at home until they feel better. Out of the 37 affected, one or two of the people do not live at the Delta. Delta Delta house, Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald added that while at first the illness was speculated to be severefood poisoning, officials now believe that it may be norovirus, which often gives rise to stomach flu. Symptoms typically manifest suddenly between 24 to 48 hours after the initial infection. According to documents issued by the Washtenaw County Pub- lic Health Department, the stom- ach flu runs its course in two or three days but is communicable to healthy individuals for up to two weeks. See ILLNESS, Page 3 WEATHER HI:68 GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail news michigandaily.cvm and let us know. NEW ON MCHIGANDA V.COM Seeing Red: Pelosi meets a worthy adversary. 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