Noel Gordon: How Consider
magazine mishandled its gen- Michigan c hockey went1-1against
der-neutral housing edition - N rs-maaaYost this weekend
and why it's offensive. Despite the .
IbE 1*hrll yan 0aiI,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday, October 25, 2010
data to give
latest look at
Largest class ever summer that there would be 6,350
students in this year's freshman
predicted to be class - 300 more than in the class
of 2013.
shown in figures set And while applications from and
offers of admission to underrep-
for release today resented minority students have
increased in recent years - reach-
ByKYLE SWANSON ing an all-time high last year - eth-
DailyNewsEditor nic diversity on campus has been
decreasing in the last several years.
University officials are expected In fact, as a percentage of the
to publicly release data today that total student population, the num-
will detail how many students are ber of underrepresented minor-
enrolled on ity students at the University has
campus and fallen every year since 2003, Uni-
the ethnic versity records show. The records,
diversity of the known as Form 816, also show that
student body. as a real number, the underrep-
Last year, resented minority population on
officials campus has decreased every year
announced since 2005.
that overall KYLE SWANSON Last fall, University officials
enrollment at reported that underrepresented
the University minority enrollment fell by 11.5
reached an all Admir rion percent in one year. A sizable per-
time high with centage, the number was said to be
41,674 students. Of those students, equivalent to 69 students.
26,208 were undergraduates, while Leading University officials,
15,466 were graduate students. At including University President
the same time last year, officials Mary Sue Coleman, have repeated-
a cknowledged a slip in the number ly told The Michigan Daily over the
of underrepresented minority stu- past year that more must be done
dents on campus. to encourage underrepresented
* The enrollment numbers minority students to enroll at the
released today are expected to University after being accepted.
show an incoming freshman class "It's concerning to us," Cole-
that's the largest in University his- man said at this time last year of
tory. Officials predicted over the See ENROLLMENT, Page SA
Former President Bill Clinton speaks a rally for U.S. Rep. John Dingell yesterday in Rackham Auditorium. Clinton headlined the event, which featured Democratic officials
and candidates from across the state.
Clinton tells campsGi
two m--ore years' to fix c ountry
At rally for Dingell,
Clinton stresses
student vote in
Daily StaffReporter
Former United States Presi-
dent Bill Clinton spoke to a capac-
ity crowd at Rackham Auditorium
yesterday, capping 4 hours of polit-
ical fanfare aimed at rallying vot-
ers to support Congressman John
Dingell (D-Ann Arbor) and other
Democratic candidates through-
out the state in next week's mid-
term elections.
Clinton told the audience that
this year's election has made him
"somewhere between disturbed
and ticked off," urging voters
to participate in the election to
continue propelling Democratic
policies and initiatives forward,
especially in the state of Michigan
which has been supportive of him
in the past.
"I love Michigan," Clinton said.
"Michigan's been good to me and
I try to be good for Michigan. And
John Dingell has been good for
In order to help the ailing
economy, Clinton emphasized
the importance of balancing the
national budget and creating new
jobs, specifically in the green ener-
gy and technology sectors. He said
that Dingell's focus on these goals
has helped make Michigan an
"advanced battery manufacturing
sector," but said there is still much
work to be done.
"There's always a gap between
when you start fixing things and
people feel fixed," Clinton said.
"The challenge for our party is this
election is occurring in the gap."
Clinton said that since the
Obama administration has tried
to fix the debt left by the Bush
administration, about 70 percent
of it has been absolved. Despite
this, he said the effects have yet
to be felt by the American public
since the majority of jobs lay in the
final 30 percent - but that prog-
ress is being made to eliminate it.
"Give us two more years," Clin-
ton said. "You gave them eight years
to dig the hole, give us half the time,
four more years, to getout of it."
In response to Republicans who
claim that the Democrats have
been over-spending and trying
to implement Socialist policies,
Clinton pointed out that Demo-
cratic policy helped established a
balanced budget during his time in
office, which the Bush administra-
tion failed to achieve.
Diag vigil honors two 'U' grad.
students killed in car accident
Students, others
gathered to
remember Ran Xu
and Zhangqin Xie
Daily StaffReporter
On Friday, the University com-
munity gathered for a candlelight
vigil on the Diag to honor two Uni-
versity of Michigan students who
were killed in a car accident on
I-75 on the morning of Saturday,
Oct. 16.
About 1,000 students, faculty
and community members attend-
ed the ceremony to honor the stu-
dents and pay their respects at the
event organized by the students'
friends and the University's Chi-
nese Students and Scholars Asso-
Ran Xu, a graduate student
in the School of Education, and
Zhangqin Xie, a graduate stu-
dent in the College of Engineer-
ing, were traveling on a road trip
to Northern Michigan with three
other students to take in the fall
foliage when their car veered off
the road and crashed into bushes.
Xu and Xie, both 22 years old,
were killed by the impact, while
the three other students in the car
suffered severe injuries. As of Fri-
day night, those injured are still
hospitalized and the cause of the
See VIGIL, Page SA
City employee Dan Cozart flattens out a dumpster of furniture at the city's porch couch collection event yesterday.
City overestimates number of
couch drop-offs at collection
1,000 volunteer in first Greek service day
free pi
far low
city of.
Few students terday.
According to Dan Cozart, a city
icipated, just 500 employee charged with overseeing
the upholstered furniture collec-
uches dumped at tion, the event saw the collection
of roughly 500 couches - a figure
,ant this weekend Cozart said is significantly lower
than the city had hoped to collect.
By DYLAN CINTI "For a city with 36,000 homes,
Daily StaffReporter that's pretty small," Cozart said.
The collection - which took
weekend's city-sponsored place one block south of East Quad-
orch couch collection had a rangle Residence Hall from noon
'er turnout than expected, a to 5 p.m. Friday, Saturday and
Ann Arbor official said yes- yesterday - came after the recent
passage of a citywide ban on uphol-
stered porch furniture.
The ban, which was officially
enacted Oct. 2, came in response to
an April 3 house fire on South State
Street that killed former Eastern
Michigan University student Ren-
den LeMasters. According to offi-
cials, the blaze turned deadly after
a couch on the porch caught fire.
In an interview at the collec-
tion site yesterday, Cozart said he
expected the event to operate like
the University's move-out day, with
See COUCH, Page 6A
Four councils joined
together to serve
around the city
Daily StaffReporter
All four Greek councils came
together for a dedicated commu-
nity service day for the first time
The Interfraternity Council,
Multicultural Greek Council,
National Pan-Hellenic Council
and the Panhellenic Association
combined their members and
efforts to serve the community in
25 different projects throughout
the Ann Arbor as part of the first
Greek Wide Day of Service. Mem-
bers say they hope the service
day, which featured 1,000 volun-
teers performing more than 3,000
hours of community service, will
become an annual event.
LSA senior Kathryn Rosen-
berg, president of the Panhellenic
Association, said the four coun-
cils have been working to register
volunteers for the past couple of
"We wanted to have a visible
and meaningful effect on cam-
pus," Rosenberg said.
The service projects ranged
from a bottle drive, to knitting
clothes for the underprivileged, to
cleaning Nichols Arboretum.
Kinesiologysenior Ryan Knapp,
the vice president of public rela-
tions for the IFC, said the focus
of the service day was "hours not
dollars." He said if at least a frac-
tion of the participants continue
to volunteer during the year, the
event will have made a "signifi-
cant impact."
"We've done a lot of collabora-
tions, but nothing to this scale or
this magnitude," Knapp said.
Sanjiv Rao, president of the
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