-Friday, October 1, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Friday, October 1, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom MONDAY: TUESDAY: In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths LEFT eTB Cantina held a burrito eating contest last Friday. The first-place winner received a $100 gift card to BTB and the second- place winner received a $50 gift card. (ANNA SCHULTE/Daily) TOP RIGHT LSA senior Sam Billet- deaux DJs in his home on Wednes- day as a dog listens to his jams. (MARISSA MCCLAIN/Daily) BOT- TOM RIGHT: Denard Robinson celebrates by knealing in the end zone after a touch down during last weekend's game against Bowling Green. The game was held in thei Big House, and the Wolverines won 65-21. (ARIEL BOND/Daily) WANT MORE PHOTOS?7 See more Photos of the Week on our websiteX michigandailycom. CRIME NOTES WEDNESDAY: Professor Profiles THURSDAY: Campus Clubs 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com JACOB SMILOVITZ KATIEJOZWIAK Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 smilovitz@michigandaily.com tmdbusiness@gmail.com CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom office hoursoSun.-Thurs11am. - 2 a.m. 734-418-4115 opt.3 News Tips news@michigandaily.com Corrections corrections@michigandaity.com Letters to the Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Photography Department photo@michigandaily.com Arts Section artspage@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com EDITORIAL STAFF Matt Aaronson Managing Editor aaronson@michigandaily.com Jillian Berman Managing News Editor berman@michigandaily.com SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Nicole Aber, Stephanie Steinberg, Kyle Swanson, Eshwar Thirunavukkarasu, Devon Thorsby ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Bethany Biron, Dylan Ciri, Caitlin Huston, Lindsay Kramer, Joseph LichtermanVeronica Menaldi,Elyana Twiggs Rachel Van Gilder Editorial Page Editor vangilder@michigandaily.com SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGEEDITORS:MichelleDeWitt, Emily Orley,LauraVeith ASSISTANTEDITORIALPAGEEDITORS:WiiButler,WillGrundler,HarshaPanduranga Ryan Kartje ManagingSports Editor kartje@michigandaily.com SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Mark Burns, MichaelFlorek, Chantel Jennings, Tim Rohan, Nick Spar, Joe Stapleton ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Ben Estes,Alex Hermann, Stephen Nesbitt, Luke Pasch, ZakPyzik, Am Srno JamieBlock ManagingArtsEditor block@michigandaily.com SENIORARTSEDITORS:CarolynKlareckiAndrewLapinJeffSanford ASSISTANTARTSEDITORS:KristynAcho,LeahBurgin,SharonJacobs,KaviShekhar Pandey Maolloirs and photo@mikhigandtyone Sa Woson ManagingPhoto Editors SENIORPHOTO EDITOR: Ariel Bond, MarissaMcClain ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS: Jake Fromm, Jed Moch' Anna Lein-Zelinskiand design@michigandaily.com Sarah Squire ManagigsignEditors 00EN O EotSI TOR:nsMaya Friedmn TreAortEalero Magaiorekditor calero@michigandaiy.com Melanie Fried and copydesk@michigandaily.com AdiWollstein copychiefs BUSINESS STAFF Julianna Crim sales Manager SALES FORCE MANAGER: Stephanie Bowker MARKETING MANAGER:Gjon Juncaj Hillary Szawalaclassified Manager CLASSIFIED ASSISTANT MANAGER:Ardie Reed Jason Mahakian Production Manager Meghan Rooney Layout Manager Nick Meshkin Finance Manager Chrissy Winkler Circulation Manager Zach Yancer Web Project Coordinator The Michigan DailyISS ON 0745-967) is pubished Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms bystudentsat theUniversityofMichigan.Onecopyisavailablefreeof chargetoail readers.Additionalnopiesmaybe pickedupnat theOaiy'sofficefor $2.Subscriptionsforfalterm, startinginSeptembervitU.S.mail are$110. Winterterm(anuarythroughApriisis$15,yearlon (september throughApri)is$195s.Universityaffiliatesaresubject toarededesubscriptionrate. On-campussubsriptionsforalltermae$5.subsripionsmbeprepaid.TheMicigan Daily it a nmerofTheAsocinated Prett and TheAssociated CollegiattePrett. *I CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Leaky laboratory Shades, shoulder Human rights Japanese film Scientists have discovered 1a new planelt coiled Gliese soaks laser bag swiped lecture screening a ne cha is 20 light-yes 581g that is 20 light-years WHERE: 2200 Bonisteel WHERE: Smith Law Library WHAT: Human rights WHAT: A Japanese movie away, Discovery Newstreported. WHEN: Wednesday at about WHEN: Wednesday at about expert Josd Zalaquett will about a dying man who The planet is the right size and 2:40 p.m. 6:40 p.m. discuss accountability for learns how "to live," or ikiru. in the right location to sustain WHAT: A water leak in a roof WHAT: A shoulder bag and human rights abuses. WHO: Center for life. Scientists do not currently damaged a laboratory laser, sunglasses worth $200 were WHO: International Japanese Studies have the technology to study the University Police reported. It stolen from the office of a Uni- Policy Center WHEN: Tonight from atmosphere for signs of life. is unknown how much it will versity staff member, Univer- WHEN: Today from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. cost to repair the laser. sity Police reported. 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Lorch Hall Thief steals hospital food WHERE: University Cancer Center WHEN: Wednesday at about 6:40 p.m. WHAT: $100 worth of patient food was stolen from the Can- cer Center, University Police reported. There are currently no suspects. Windshield whacked WHERE: South Quadrangle Residence Hall WHEN: Thursday at about 2:10 a.m. WHAT: The windshield of a vehicle parked in the loading dock was damaged, University Police reported. The vehicle also had scratches on its side. WHERE: Wetil10011 Indiana University's foot- . ball team has the best pass Big House, Big offense in the Big Ten, Symphony Heawhile Michigan has the worst Se rpass defense. band concert vs FOR MORE, SEESPORTS, PAGE SA WHAT: The University Symphony Band will per- form pieces that explore human connections and mythological characters. There will be a pre-concert discussion at 7:15 p.m. with composers Ricardo Lorenz and John Mackey. WHO: 'U' Symphony Band WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m. WHERE: Hill Auditorium WHAT: A SK race that runs through campus and will start and fin- ish at the Big House. WHO: Recreation Sports WHEN: Sunday at 8 a.m. WHERE: Michigan Stadium CORRECTIONS . Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michi- gandaily.com. In a study performed off the coast of Costa Rica, scientists found that Bot- tlenose and Guyana dolphins, two distantly-related species, change the way they commu- nicate and use a common lan- guage when they are together, the BBC reported. MORE ONLINE- Love Crime Notes? Get more online at michigandaily.com/blogs/the wire Cox: Charges will not be filed against FBI agents. Agents shot an imam 20 times, killing him in a raid last year DETROIT (AP) - Michigan's attorney general said yesterday that he won't file criminal charg- es against FBI agents who shot a Detroit mosque leader 20 times, killing him during a raid last year on a suburban warehouse. It is "undisputed" that Luq- man Ameen Abdullah fired at agents, resisted arrest and rejected demands to surrender, Attorney General Mike Cox said. "Under Michigan law, law enforcement agents are justified in using deadly force in these types of situations, and therefore we found no crimes," Cox said in a written statement. Some leaders in the local Mus- lim community have questioned whether the agents used excessive force. Besides being shot 20 times, Abdullah had wounds that an inde- pendent forensic pathologist said were caused by an FBI dog killed during the raid last October. Some have speculated that Abdullah may have fired his gun whiletryingto defend himself from the dog. Indeed, Cox's report said agents deployed the dog after the suspect failed to show his hands while on his stomach onthe ground. The dog began biting Abdullah, who rolled over, revealed a gun and fired at the dog and at agents, the report said. Four agents returned fire and Abdullah was killed, the report said. "It is clear that the agents acted in self-defense and/or in defense of others," the report said. "The facts show Abdullah making a series of decisions that resulted in the use of deadly force againsthipn - and ulti- mately his death. "None of Abdullah's followers who complied with the ... com- mands were injured in any way,"the report said, referring to four others detained after the raid. The head of the FBI in Detroit, Andrew Arena, said the report "accurately reflects what happened that day." "There were five people in the warehouse. Four people came out without a scratch on them," Arena said in an interview. "I would encourage people to read the report." Abdullah's widow, Amina Abdul- lah, said she was saddened to hear that no state charges will be filed. "That's for real? Wow," she said. "I can'teventalk. I can't evenwalk." I The FBI has described her hus- band as a leader of a radical Sunni groupthatwants to create antIslam- ic state within the U.S. Authorities say Abdullah preached hate for the government and encouraged his followers to commit violence, espe- cially against police and federal agents. He told an FBI informant that if the government messed with him, "it will be straight up war," accord- ing to a court document. Abdullah's family, however, has denied that he was anti-government. There were 66 agents involved in the stolen-goods sting opera- tion, including 29 secretly inside the warehouse before Abdullah and allies arrived that day, accord- ing to the attorney general's report. Agents rehearsed the bust three times. MUSLIM ALLIANCE OF NORTH AMER ICA/AP Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said yesterday that he won't file criminal charges against FBI agents who shot Detroit Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah 20 times. Calif. GOP gov. candidate called out for illegal maid Whitman accused of employing illegal immigrant SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) - Meg Whitman's campaign for governor was thrown into turmoil yesterday as the Republican sought to fend off new evidence that she knowingly had an illegal immigrant housekeeper on her payroll for nearly a decade. Whitman denounced the allega- tions as a "baseless smear attack"by Democratic challenger Jerry Brown in what has become a dead-heat race five weeks before the election. She says she fired the $23-an-hour housekeeper last year immediately after learning she was illegal. The immigration dispute has upended a contest that until now been focused on serious issues such as job creation, state spending and education in a state with a $19 bil- lion deficit and 12.4 percent unem- ployment. Now, the focus is on whether the billionaire GOP nominee for governor will take a polygraph tet to respond to allegations brought by a celebrity-seeking attorney and her mysterious housekeeper client. Revelations about the illegal. housekeeper have also thrown Whitman's carefully managed campaign completely off track and opened the door for Democrats to accuse her of hypocrisy. The former eBay chief execu- tive has called for tougher sanc- tions against employers who hire illegal workers, and the fact that she employed an illegal immigrant maid from Mexico for nine years could undermine her credibility. She has also spent millions courting Latino voters, who could play a key role in determining the outcome of the race. A letter sent to Whitman from the Social Security Administration in 2003 has emerged as a crucial element in the dispute. The letter warned Whitman that there were discrepancies in housekeeper Nicky Diaz Santillan's payroll documents, a possible tip-off that she could be illegal. Whitman said she never got the letter and suggeste(V the former maid mighthave intercepted it since she was in charge of the mail at the family's Silicon Valley mansion. The housekeeper and lawyer Gloria Allred later produced a copy of the letter that they say shows Whitman's husband, Dr. Griffith Harsh III, partially filled it out and told the housekeeper to "check on this." Allred said the housekeeper rec- ognized the writing as belonging to Whitman's husband, and a hand- writing specialist may be brought in to analyze her husband's penman- ship. She claims it could prove that Whitman and her husband knew years earlier that Diaz Santillan might be illegal. In a statement released by the campaign, Harsh said he did not recall receiving the letter, although it's possible he scratched out the note asking Diaz Santillan to fol- low-up. He noted, however, that the letter does not say Diaz Santillan is illegal, it merely asks for more infor- mation. "The essential fact remains the same, neither Meg nor I believed there was a problem with Nicky's legal status," the husband said. GREEN From Page1 and the University's programs is the result of activism surrounding the issue. "This seems to be a much stron- ger grassroots concern, especially amongst young people, for what the future holds for them and the globe they live in," Webb said. "It's very good to see. We're not entire- ly sure of the causes, but it seems to be that it's something that's bubbling up from the bottom." He added that undergraduates are attracted to the cross-disci- plinary nature of the PitE program - explaining that courses range from environmental literature to marine ecology - and that PitE faculty come from a wide array of backgrounds. "We're beginning to spread to an even larger area - Southeast Michigan and hopefully Ontar- io - to bring in a diverse group of people to really prepare the students for the kinds of things they're going to be dealing with for the rest of their lives," Webb said. While Webb said most students who graduate from the University with a degree from PitE tend to go to some form of graduate school, Currie said students who earn master's degrees from the SNR&E usually staff their careers right away. Currie added that joint pro- grams between SNR&E and the Ross School of Business and Law School, among others, have helped prepare students for the emerging "green economy," which Currie said is going to grow rapidly in the next decade. "I think corporations that are more traditional are seeing the value in things like carbon offsets or saving energy or reducing their environmental footprints," Currie said. "They want to hire people, who not only have the business training but also who can sort of tell them from the inside how to be better citizens." Several PitE students said they liked the interdisciplinary nature of the program because it allowed them to pursue a variety of sub- jects that are of interest to them and relate to the environment. LSA sophomore and PitE major Stephanie Chen said she chose PiE because it allowed her to pur- sue her differentpassions. She said she's debating between concen- trating in conservation biology or environmental law. "It's very interdisf iplinary," Chen said. "It combines the hard- core sciences with more inter- disciplinary applications to the world." LSA junior Gillian Wener, another PitE major who is taking thf LSAT on Oct. 9 said 1VIE is helping her prepare for law school and her eventual career as an envi- ronmental attorney. "It's an area of the economy that's growing because there's a lot of increase in awareness about environmental issues and a lot more litigation," Wener said. "So, I think my degree has given me a really solid foundation for the kind of things I want to go into and has prepared me for law school." Though PitE helps prepare stu- dents for their futures, it's also helpingthe University community become more "environmentally friendly," PitE sophomore Maggie Oliver said. Last semester, Oliver took Environment 391: Sustainable Campus - a PitE class that allows students to create and implement various sustainability programs across campus. "We created the 'How to be a Green Wolverine' guide, which was given to all freshmen this year," Oliver said. "It's just differ- ent ways of how to be environmen- tally friendly in Ann Arbor." The University's Graham Envi- ronmental Sustainability Insti- tute and Planet Blue sponsored the implementation of the project idea. "We did all this work for it, and it was actually a tangible object that we added to the University," Oliver said. "I'm really big into not just talking about something but actually doing som#thing."