'U' officials E. Royster Harper and Laura Blake Jones:
Campus should stand up for Armstrong. v PAGE 4
With Denard back and ready to go, the Wolverines
take on Indiana in Bloomington tomorrow.- PAGE 5
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The Michigan Daily reviews 'The Social Network.'
Plus: Interviews with the film's stars and its
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Friday, October 1,2010
More students
choosing to go
'green' when
picking amajor
'U' officials: Spike
in majors due to
increased focus
on environment
Daily Staff Reporter
Green is the new blue at the
University as more students are
pursuing undergraduate majors
and graduate degrees in sustain-
Since 2005, the Program in
the Environment has increased
from 128 students to 291 stu-
dents and the School of Natural
Resources and the Environment
has seen an 83-percent increase
in enrollment - from 123 to 225
students - during the same time
period, according to a University
press release. University officials
attribute the drastic rise in inter-
estinboth programs inlarge part
to the increased media attention
surrounding the issue of global
Bill Currie, an associate pro-
fessor in the School of Natural
Resources and Environment, said
in an interview yesterday that he
thought more students became
aware of and interested in envi-
ronmental issues from films like
former Vice President Al Gore's
Oscar-winning documentary
"An Inconvenient Truth."
Currie added that college stu-
dents grew up in homes that were
more environmentally conscious
and attentive to the changes that
society needs to make-to combat
climate change than their par-
ents' or grandparents' childhood
"Young people are a ripe
audience for that impact," Cur-
rie said. "Their parents grew up
'interested in-the environment. If,
you're in your early or mid-20s
today, you grew up with parents
who were more likely to have
environmental understanding
and sensibility than generations
The interest in environmen-
tal programs and degrees isn't
limited to the University of
Michigan, as enrollment in these
programs has spiked nationwide.
Ronald Hendrick, director of the
School of Environment & Natural
Resources at Ohio State Univer-
sity, wrote in an e-mail inter-
view that nearly 500 students are
enrolled in OSU's program.
"(There has been) some
increase in freshman/first-year
students," he wrote. "But even
more so in transfers from other
institutions, both two and four
year and from both in-state and
out-of-state institutions."
PitE Director Paul Webb said
the interest in the environment
See GREEN, Page 2
Jason Jones, a correspondent from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, interviews LSA junior Lauren Blanchard for a future segment on the show about Andrew Shirvell's deri-
sive blog and criticisms of Chris Armstrong. The University community has rallied around Armstrong amidst heightened media attention on the issue.
Cox: Shirvell suspended
Move comes after
outcry intensified
from national media,
campus community
Daily StaffReporter
Michigan Attorney General
Mike Cox suspended Andrew
Shirvell, an assistant attorney gen-
eral, yesterday, capping what had
become a national news story after
The Michigan Daily first reported
in early September on Shirvell's
controversial blog that targeted
Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Chris Armstrong.
Cox told The Detroit News that
he was wrong to stand by Shirvell
and support his behavior toward
"I'm at fault here," Cox said in
the article. "I've been saying for
weeks that (Shirvell's) been act-
ing like a bully, that his behavior
is immature, but it's after-hours
and protected by the First Amend-
Cox told the News that he hadn't
read all of Shirvell's blog when he
made those comments.
Earlier in the day yesterday,
the University administration and
community rushed to stand by
Armstrong amidst the growing
In a statement released to The
Michigan Daily on Thursday, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man wrote that the administration
supports Armstrong and opposes
.anyone who compromises the
rights and safety of students.
"A high-profile situation involv-
ing one of our students is high-
lighting the importance of values
that our institution holds dear,"
Coleman wrote. "An individual has
chosen to target the elected presi-
dent of the U-M student body in a
reprehensible manner."
Shirvell started a blog called
Chris Armstrong Watch short-
ly after Armstrong was elected
in March. The blog - which he
closed to all but "invited readers"
on Thursday - accuses Armstrong
of promoting a "radical homosex-
ual agenda" on campus and makes
contemptuous comments about
Armstrong's family and friends.
Last month, Shirvell also spoke
during the public comments
portion of a Michigan Student
Assembly meeting, calling Arm-
strong a racist and demanding his
At the meeting and during
another confrontation on cam-
pus earlier in the year, Shirvell
criticized Armstrong for joining
the senior honor society Order
of Angell. The organization has
weathered criticism for allegedly
using Native American artifacts
At campus event, Mexican
journalist talks human rights
Lydia Cacho also
runs a shelter for
battered women
in Cancun
Daily StaffReporter
In honor of Hispanic Heritage
Month, the University's Division of
Student Affairs hosted an intimate
conversation at the Trotter Mul-
ticultural Center yesterday after-
noon with journalist Lydia Cacho.
Cacho, who is from Mexico,
discussed her career, specifically;
how she's launched battles against.
Mexican officials through her
journalism in an effort to contrib-
ute to the human rights push in the
Cacho is the founder of Ciam
Cancan, a shelter in Cancun for
battered women and children. She
has dedicated her life to speaking
out for the abused and putting an
end to sex trafficking and child
prostitution and pornography
through hundreds of articles and
several books.
Engineering sophomore Nicole
Bettes, public relations chair for
the University's Hispanic Heritage
Month Planning Committee, asked
questions while Cacho explained,
- partly in Spanish - that while
Cancun has a reputation of being
a tourist city, sex trafficking and
other human rights crime aren't
"I enjoy the nice side of Cancan
and I believe it's beautiful," Cacho
told the audience of about 20 stu-
dents and faculty. "But I deal with
the dark side too."
It's not easy to protect women
from violence in a country where
See CACHO, Page 3
Students wait in line last night to get into Rick's American Cafe. Five students started a website with a live-strear
The story behind
'U' nets NIH grant to study diabetes
Rick's owner says University students came up
with something to make their
website started by favorite Ann Arbor bar even
more appealing.
'U' students is bad It was on this night that
Kinesiology senior Will
for business O'Leary, LSA senior Scott Rob-
bins, Engineering senior Greg
By NICOLE ABER Anderson, Brian LaFrence,
and VERONICA MENALDI University alum and a current
Daily News Editor visiting research investigator at
and Daily StaffReporter the College of Engineering, and
Eli Orlofsky, University alum
Shooting the breeze one and Business School graduate
Thursday night in August student, thought of the idea that
before going out, a group of would become Ricksline.com
- a website that allows users
to view the line outside Rick's
American Cafe.
And while the group of stu-
dents said the website is a help-
ful tool for people to plan their
nights out, Chris Hesse, man-
ager of Rick's American Cafe
located at 611 Church St., said
he thinks Ricksline.com will
actually be "detrimental" to the
Excluding Anderson, the
group of friends lives on Church
Street diagonally across the
$3.3 million grant to
be used to investigate
drug treatments
Researchers at the Brehm Cen-
ter for Diabetes Research - a
division of the University's Com-
prehensive Diabetes Center -
received a $3.3 million grant from
the National Institutes of Health
to fund research for early inter-
ventional drug treatments for type
1 diabetes, according to a press
release issued by the center last
The grant will support Massimo
Pietropaolo, professor of internal
medicine at the Medical School
and director of the immunogenet-
ics laboratory at the Brehm Cen-
ter, and his team, which includes
two University researchers and
a researcher from the National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases.
By combining laboratory find-
ings with mathematical models,
the team hopes to gain a better
understanding of how immune
responses in the body lead to dam-
aged pancreas cells in those con-
sidered at risk for developing type
1 diabetes, the release stated.
This knowledge will spur prog-
ress toward discovering new drugs
that can halt the progression of the
disease. In addition, researchers
hope the study will help doctorsbe
able to better predict the onset of
juvenile diabetes, the press release
According to the National Insti-
tutes of Health website, type 1
diabetes - sometimes referred to
as juvenile or insulin-dependent
See DIABETES, Page 3
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
TOMORROW LO:39 news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
Robinson listed as probable in injury report.
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Vol. CXINo.19 OPINION .............
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