4A - Thursday, September 30, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Thursday, September 30, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu I think what the country is going through right now is, in a way, what I went through with my alcoholism." - Television personality Glenn Beck commenting on the state of the nation, as reported yesterday by The New York Times. Obama is solid on Israel JACOB SMILOVITZ EDITOR IN CHIEF RACHEL VAN GILDER EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MATT AARONSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Schooled on reform Obama must back education changes with funds The American public education system is in dire need of fixing and President Barack Obama thinks he has the solution. Earlier this week on the Today, Obama put forth some suggestions. He advocated extending the school year, getting rid of inefficient and underperforming teachers and emphasizing a more active parental role in a children's education. Schools all over the country are already under immense budget- ary strains. Obama needs to ensure that any suggested plan care- fully considers the effects of the reform and appropriates federal funds to support it. On Monday, in response to a question on NBC's Today from Matt Lauer, Obama stressed the need for a longer school year. He reiterated that America is being sur- passed globally in terms of educational standards. Many studies show that in high- er-achieving nations - Japan, South Korea, Germany and New Zealand - students attend school more days a year. Obama also highlighted weeding out inefficient teachers and holding parents accountable. Obama acknowledged that lengthening the school year would be expensive, but stated that it would be "money well spent." A longer school year is a viable solution. For starters, the more time students spend in school, the more they're immersed in an academic environment. For underprivi- leged students, this is especially impor- tant, as they don't have the same access to summer learning programs. Shortening summer vacation will also help with reten- tion, meaning teachers will spend less time reviewing at the beginning of the year. Additionally, a longer year gives teachers more time to adequately cover all the neces- sary material. Teachers have more space to work in additional lessons and to stretch out material over a period of time, as opposed to cramming it in at the end of the term. However, this reform, like any other, has its drawbacks. Every year when the spring months roll around, students start burning out, eagerly awaiting vacation. Adding an extra month may double the stress, lead- ing to discouraged and frustrated students. Moreover, summer is an important time for family vacations, athletics and social devel- opment. America prides itself on producing well-rounded individuals with people skills as well as intelligence and this shouldn't be compromised. But perhaps the biggest issue with this proposal is funding. Schools are already cutting a day out of the week in order to cut costs. With budgets already tight, asking schools to remain open for an extra month is a stretch. It is imperative that any pro- posed reform be backed up by sufficient federal funds. It is unfair to pass huge education cuts, while at the same time ask schools to pay for more. In the words of Obama, simply "throw- ing money at the problem won't work." This is true as major reforms are needed in the American public education system. However; without money, there will be no reforms. In order for American students to be prepared to compete globally, America needs to reinvest in education. For whatever reason, I tend to hang out with a lot of lefty, politically conscious Jews. Birds of a feather flock to the same delicatessens, I guess. But as another election approaches, these people whom I've always known to share my progres- sive politics have grown increasingly MATTHEW disillusioned with GREEN the Democrats. And not for the same reasons why every- one else has. From what I've heard in the Jewish media and seen in for- warded chain-emails from my bubby, it's clear that an increasing number of Jews feel disheartened by what they perceive to be President Barack Obama's frosty approach to Israel. I hear the same tropes repeated over and over - Obama supports Hamas; he's critical of Israeli settle- ments; he snubbed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to the White House. And 6,000 miles to the east, in Israel, the anti-Obama sentiment is even more impassioned. During a ten-day visit to the Holy Land in May, I tried to talk politics with almost everyone I met. Though the Israelis I came across seemed to love the U.S. and Americans, the vast majority were highly skepti- cal of Obama. Many suggested that he's weak on terrorism and a hand- ful said they thought he was a prac- ticing Muslim. If it weren't for their accents, I might've mistaken them for Tea Partiers. As I talked to these Israelis, Ilooked forward to the rest of my summer in Washington, D.C., where I hoped I might learn concrete facts - in addi- tion to hearing opinions - about the current U.S. relationship with Israel. Fortunately, as an intern for an orga- nization with a strong hand in Israel- advocacy, I had the opportunity to attend a number of seminars and lec- tures focused on Middle East policy. I made a point of continuing seri- ous dialogue with interns from both AIPAC and J Street, two separate voices in the world of Israel advocacy. And I supplemented my experience by reading scores of articles debating the pros and cons of Obama's policies regarding Israel. So what did I discover? For start- ers, I learned some objective num- bers. As pointed out by Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro, the Obama administration requested the largest sum for Israeli security assistance in history - $2.775 billion for fiscal year 2010. And for FY2011, the administration bumped up their request to $3 billion. That number doesn't even include the $205 million that Obama requested from Congress earlier this year to support a new Israeli missile defense project known as the Iron Dome. And in addition to sheer numbers, the aid that Obama has overseen is being used in unparalleled ways to advance what's known as Israel's Qualitative Military Edge - its capac- ity to counteract state and non-state actors while keeping losses minimal. Particularly in the face of President George W. Bush's sale of arms to Per- sian Gulf states in the effort against Iraq, Israel's QME diminished dur- ing the Bush administration. But under the auspices of Obama, through increased efforts to share military intelligence and technology, Israel's QME has grown by leaps and bounds. Just this Monday, the Pentagon announced yet another collaboration with Israel to advance an additional weapons system to defend against short-range ballistic missiles. But military aid is only part of the picture. While it's true that President Obama has criticized Israeli settle- ments in the West Bank, it's crucial to note that some of his most conser- vative predecessors - George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, in particu- lar - were equally critical of settle- ments. Far from being anti-Israel, the president's recent call on Netan- yahu to continue a settlement freeze for the duration of the current peace talks exhibits his dedication to peace. It's also worth mentioning that Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was supposedly snubbed at the White House earlier this year, expressed his gratitude for Obama before an American crowd last week. He assert- ed that Obama's commitment to the peace talks "made a great impres- sion on me." In July, in an interview with Fox news, Netanyahu also said, "all U.S. presidents...including Presi- dent Obama, share what the presi- dent called the basic bedrock of this unbreakable bond between Israel and the United States." If Obama ever offended Bibi Netanyahu in the past - and it's not clear that he ever did - it The president has actually done a lot for Israel. appears that the two leaders currently have a perfectly healthy relationship. That isn't all that's surprising when one considers that the two men share one very important policy goal: preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. In July, Obama told an Israeli television network that thwarting Iran's nucle- ar ambitions "has been my number * one foreign policy priority over the course of the last 18 months." And the Obama administration has strongly supported sanctions against Iran, particularly targeting its influential banking system. Nearly halfway into his first term, Obama has surely left a lot to be desired on a variety of issues. Though I'm still optimistic about him, I've been less than thrilled with much of his leadership. But when it comes to supporting Israel, Obama has been exactly the president I'd hoped he'd be. And as the peace talks go forward, the Obama administration'is ,rock solid in its support of both Israel and lasting peace in the region. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Letters are edited for style, length, clarity and accuracy. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedaily@umich.edu. SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU MSA has a DREAM fdeny so many talented young people access to h higher education. For our society to thrive, we equal access to education must have an educated population, in which all its members have the right to participate in the political process. The pathway to citizenship TO THE DAILY: provided in the Federal DREAM Act would The Michigan Student Assembly supports give undocumented students who are now in the passage of the Federal DREAM Act and the college the opportunity to become teachers, California DREAM Act. The Federal DREAM doctors, engineers, lawyers or whatever they Act would provide hundreds of thousands of choose to be upon graduation. It would also undocumented U.S. residents a pathway to provide undocumented youth serving in the citizenship and access to financial aid through military with much needed rights and ben- two years of college or two years of military efits. As representatives of our student body, service. The California DREAM Act would we proudly uphold the principles of diversity, allow undocumented students in California to democracy and universal public education. receive state and university financial aid and, if We support the passage of these two bills that passed, would make it easier for other states to could make the American Dream a reality for pass similar legislation. These two bills would undocumented students across California and make what is now the formal legal right to a the nation. -the podium Debate in cyberspace. Asa Smith comments on the intelligence (or lack thereof) of decreasing higher education funding in Michigan. Go to michigandaily.com/blogs/The Podium. ROGER SAUERHAFT I Don't waste the recession public education a reality for tens of thousands of undocumented students who are now unable to pay for college. It isn't viable for a democratic society to This letter was written by Kate Stenvig and Deandre Watson on behalf of the Michigan Student Assembly. Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff, is widely derided for his now infamous quote: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." But there may actually be some sage wisdom locked away in this partisan sound bite when it comes to curing our financial system. Stocks and bonds surged, as well as the morale of many, following last week's declaration of the end of the reces- sion by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Yes, the unemployment rate still continues to hover just below double-digits, but there's no doubt the announcement will return some long-lost confidence to the markets that has yet to be captured in polls. Obviously, this is a good thing. But on the other hand, have we undergone enough reform in the past two years to prevent the same problems from recurring, or are we poised for another recession when the next bubble bursts? One of the only positive aspects about an economic downturn is that we can learn from it to make sure it never repeats itself. Former Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon once suggested that the Great Depression would "purge the rottenness out of the system." This concept - Emanuel and Mellon allude to - can be applied to all walks of life. Different words, same idea. What worries me here is that Congress could lose much of its impetus for financial reform as a result of this crisis supposedly being over. After all, is it still an urgent prior- ity to reform if we aren't even in a recession? I'm worried we may just let the recession go to waste and return to business as usual. I'm concerned we may lose our urgency here, just as we did with climate change and gas prices when the economy suddenly stole the show in the fall of 2008. However, simply being told the recession is over doesn't suddenly place food on the table. Ten percent unemploy- ment is still very real and many Americans worry of a double-dip recession when stimulus money runs out. A lack of long-term confidence isn't really a good thing, but it does make us proceed with caution, which isn't always a given. The European economy was hit hard by both the global credit crunch and sovereign debt crises, and as a result, the EU became all about financial reform and austerity. Now, the unexpected economic success of the past quarter is widely interpreted to mean Europe has weathered the cri- ses, and the momentum behind further reform is stalling. But even EU leaders concede this success is pretty much an accident and they don't expect it to continue. This past quarter, exports led the German economy to grow at its fastest rate since the fall of the Berlin Wall and a few of Germany's neighbors posted similar results. However, the countries in trouble remained in trouble as economists continued their calls for reform, warning about unsustainable growth. This is the path we don't want to take, which could lead to the dreaded double-dip recession. This is where I worry we could forget Emanuel and Mellon's words and let this crisis go to waste if we follow in Europe's foot- steps. As of now, we don't appear to be doing so, but after seeing the way the energy bill was scrapped this summer, I have reason for concern. As The Economist said when recently referencing the massive growth of Latin America after its 1980s sovereign debt issues, the idea of radical reform ended up paying off and Europe should be taking note of this success. And even though nobody is talking about an American sover- eign debt crisis, we should be taking notes as well before we talk about emerging from this mess for good. Perhaps we won't let a good crisis go to waste; per- haps we're doing our due diligence to purge the rotten- ness from the system and perhaps the negative, skeptical views seen in polls are exactly what we need. For that, we may be the envy of Europe. Roger Sauerhaft is an LSA senior. CAMERON N EVEU j E-MAIL CAMERON AT CNEV.U@SEUMICH.EDU H Y L HAPPY FALL... EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Jordan Birnholtz, Adrianna Bojrab, Will Butler, Eaghan Davis, Michelle DeWitt, Ashley Griesshammer, Will Grundler, Jeremy Levy, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Emily Orley, Harsha Panduranga, Tommaso Pavone, Leah Potkin, Asa Smith, Laura Veith