2A - Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Thursday, September 23, 2010 The Michigan Daily - mithigandailycom *
In Other Ivory Towers
Michigan Myths
Professor Profiles
Unite for Sight
In an effort to treat and
prevent blindness - a condi-
tion that is preventable more
than 80 percent of the time
- the University's chapter of
Unite for Sight is educating
and supporting communities
both local and abroad.
In the Ann Arbor area,
members for Unite For Sight
perform community service
activities like promoting eye
health at local elementary
schools, volunteering at the
Penrickton Center for Blind
Children in Taylor, Mich.
and hosting eyeglass drives
to acquire gently used read-
ing glasses, distance glasses
and sunglasses for later
The glasses collected at
the drives, which occur at
various points through-
out the year, are donated to
impoverished areas around
the world. LSA senior
and club president Angela
Verkade said members who
collect the most eyeglasses
are able to travel abroad
to distribute the glasses to
adults and children in need.
The club also donates
to health clinics in Ghana,
India and Honduras. Once
abroad, students can gain
clinical experience while
learning more about opto-
metric issues.
"Volunteers work under
the doctors and help in clin-
its and with patients," said
Verkade, who got involved
in the organization fresh-
man year after considering a
career in optometry.
To support the club's
upcoming trips, Verkade
said the group will be trick-
or-treating for eyeglasses
around Ann Arbor next
month on Halloween.
Verkade added that for the
remainder of the year, the
group hopes to continue to
educate children on simple
methods of blindness pre-
"At elementary schools,
we present different ways
for teachers to look out for
eye issues early on or we talk
to the students about proper
eye care," she said.
According to Verkade,
the club's members, whose
majors range from global
health to education to sociol-
ogy, are united by the desire
to provide service to others.
"What brings us together
is being able to help the com-
munity," she said.
The University's chapter of Unite for Sieht collects tently used sunglasses, read-
ine glasses and distance glasses to donate to impoverished areas like Ghana.
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TheMhig~an DaltSSoNat74-%7n}is pablisedMondaaethroughFriday duringarhefall aed
winter terms by studn t ,t eUiverity of Michgan. te copy is available free otf argeetoall
reades. Addtinalcoieseaybe picked pat the alyofce for$. Subscrip~tiosfo all tr,
starting invSetembervtU.v ail ae$110..Wineer tere (Januar through April) is $15, earlng
(September through April) is $i9t. University afiliates are subect to a redaced subsripton rae.
On-caampsaubsriptin fo all termare$35. Subscriptiosmrat beerepaid. Te Mihanil,
ia membeof The Asociated Press add The Assoeaed Clleia ers. k
Wallet on desk
taken at USB
WHERE: Undergraduate Sci-
ence Building
WHEN: Tuesday at about 2:45
WHAT: A male student left
his wallet on a desk in an
occupied classroom and later
found it missing, University
police reported. Police have
no suspects.
Cement post
WHERE: Thompson Court
WHEN: Tuesday at about 5:15
WHAT: A cement post bar-
rier was damaged by unknown
means, University police
reported. The cost of damage
is estimated to be $300.
Laptop dented
WHERE: Art and Architec-
ture Building
WHEN: Tuesday at about 4:15
WHAT: A University-issued
laptop was damaged by
unknown means, University
police reported. The top exte-
rior of the laptop suffered a
Medication gone
WHERE: Shapiro Undergrad-
uate Library
WHEN: Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
WHAT: Adderall in an unat-
tended backpack was stolen
from a male student, Universi-
ty police reported. Police have
no suspects.
Lecture on Acoustic concert
publishing in performance
medicine WHAT: A double perfor-
WHAT: A discussion coy-
ering the future of science
and medical publishing.
WHO: Taubman Health
Sciences Libraries
WHEN: Today from 5:00
p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Alfred Taubman
Medical Library, Room 2901
stoves clinic
WHAT: A workshop teach-
ing participants how to
use, maintain, and repair
backcountry stoves.
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Outdoor Adventures
WHEN: Today from
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Elbel Field
Locker Building
mance featuring an acoustic
show of bluegrass and jazz
followed by an indie band
fusing folk music with
contemporary tunes.
WHO: Michigan
Union Ticket Office
WHEN: Today at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark
. A Sept. 21 article in The
Michigan Daily ("Stake-
holders vote to change
name of gender-neutral
housing initiative") omit-
ted LSA Student Gov-
ernment from the list of
stakeholders who changed
the name of the gender-
neutral housing proposal.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
1Mice filled with Tylenol
began to rain down on the
island of Guam last week,
hoping to curb the spread of the
brown tree snake, according to
CNN. Each rodent was packed
with 80 mg of the headache
fighting medicine.
2The University is home
to the largest map collec-
tion in the state, which
contains over 320,000 celestial
charts, road maps, atlases and
3KFC has begun paying
female college students
3$500 to pass out coupons
while wearing fitted sweat-
pants with one of the company's
slogans plastered on the backs,
a USA Today article reported.,
Lute CimehNotes? Gemorneonline atmichigandaily.com/blogs/the wire
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