With his grandmother in the stands for the first time,
WR Darryl Stonum's maturation paid off. PAGE 8A
Jeremy Levy on why Jon Stewart's'Rally to Restore
Sanity' is just what this country needs. PAGE 4A
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Assembly vows
to strengthen
with A2 Council
MSA officials say
students weren't
consulted enough on
porch couch ban
Daily StaffReporter
At its weekly meeting last night,
the Michigan Student Assembly
discussed strengthening relations
with the Ann Arbor City Council,
following the council's decision
Monday night to pass a ban on
upholstered furniture on porches.
Though City Council unani-
mously passed the resolution at
its meeting Monday, MSA offi-
cials said at last night's meeting
that they believe the student body
wasn't consulted in the process.
MSA representatives added that
they are determined to fortify a
stronger relationship with the
council by creating more open dia-
logue with council members.
City Council's ban was proposed
in light of a State Street house fire
last April that killed Eastern Mich-
igan student Renden LeMasters.
Authorities believe an upholstered
couch that was on the house's
porch fueled the fire.
After last night's meeting, MSA
Vice President Jason Raymond
described the assembly's relation-
ship with City Council as being
off-and-on in the past, but said
that it was also filled with obvi-
ous successes, like a city-assembly
partnership to address tailgates on
State Street on Football Saturdays.
"When it came to noise and
trash violations we worked with
the city handily on that," Raymond
said in an interview lastnight. "But
(the relationship) ebbs and flows."
"Although the couch ban was in
some ways a disappointment, we're
hoping that we can still find some
degree of consensus on a number
of issues in the future," Raymond
Campus Safety Chair and Exter-
nal Relations Vice Chair Josh Buoy
has been especially active in estab-
lishing a more open relationship
with City Council following the
porch couch ban.
"It would have been so beneficial
to be notified.and to collaborate
with (City Council) to come to a
consensus of what is best to pro-
mote fire safety," Buoy said in an
interview last night. "Especially if
this is for the students, the students
should be involved."
Much of the work on the ordi-
nance was done over the summer,
Raymond said, which meant that
the student body and MSA weren't
given enough time to have an ade-
See MSA, Page 6A
Construction near the proposed Monroe Street pedestrian mall last night. The project - which is a walkway meant to connect the current law school facilities
with the forthcoming South Hall (above) - is currently stalled while University officials respond to concerns raised by the city's planning commission.
Monroe St. walkwayhits
roadblock amid question s
City commission a pedestrian mall on Monroe campus include the pedestrian students and staff members going
Street - between the current Law mall along the east side of the back and forth between the facili-
wants answers Quadrangle and the new building Diag and tnga-MalI, both of ties," he said.
- remains stalled before the Ann which used to be city streets. The project, according to
before Law School Arbor Planning Commission. Tn an interview, Jim Koste- Kosteva, is budgeted at $3 million.
a If approved, control of the va, the University's director of Nevertheless, city officials
pedestrian mall, originally pro- community relations, said the need to be assured of a few
posed in December 2008, would pedestrian mall would provide a things before the proposal can be
By JOSEPH LICHTERMAN be transferred to the University physical and programmatic con- approved, Kosteva said.
Daily StaffReporter as a public right-of-way, mean- nection between the existing Law "The city has identified a num-
ing the general public would have Quadrangle and South Hall. ber of items...that they want to
Despite the fact that con- the right to access and travel in "They've designed and thought make sure we complete before
struction on the Law School's the space under the University's through their uses of South Hall they would give unconditional
new South Hall continues, the jurisdiction. and it's going to have a lot of title, before they would formally
University's proposal to create Other public rights-of-way on extensive, daily traffic of faculty, See MONROE STREET, Page SA
'U' makes push to connect
students to North Campus
Extended bus hours,
more classes are
part of the effort
Daily StaffReporter
It's no secret students living on
Central Campus often avoid ven-
turing to North Campus, except
when necessary. In a new effort
to alter that mindset, Univer-
sity officials are using a variety of
programs to connect students to
North Campus.
Extended bus service hours,
the addition of LSA classes in
North Campus buildings and the
formation of a self-dubbed North
Campus "vibrancy" committee -
which brainstorms how to build
a communal infrastructure for
North Campus - are a few of the
new ways the University is trying
to attract students to the campus.
Though LSA classes like math
and German have been held on
North Campus for more than a
decade, this is the first year an
expansive course list has been
Three sections of English 125,
two sections of Math 115, one sec-
Jumping banned from rush
activities to protect houses
Colleen Ciccone zip ties a banner to set up for the ESPN SportsNation live show to be filmed today in front of the Modern Lan-
guages Building. The stop in Ann Arbor is part of the show's road trip through the Big Ten college towns.
Another rule change
permits mixing of
prepackaged foods
Daily StaffReporter
Traditionally, when students
are greeted by sorority members
at the organizations' houses dur-
ing recruitment, they're not only
welcomed with smiles and saluta-
tions, but also with enthusiastic
jumping and banging on the walls.
But a recently-implemented policy
may be putting a damper on the
excitement by prohibiting soror-
ity women from carrying through
with the latter actions.
The new policy - decided
by the sororities' active alumni
groups and local housing direc-
tors - forbids sorority women
from jumping up and down or
banging on walls during recruit-
ment events in order to prevent
wrecking the houses.
LSA senior Kimberly McCraw,
judicial vice president of the Pan-
hellenic Association, the student-
run umbrella organization for 16
sororities on campus, said for the
past few years a lot of damage has
been done to the sorority houses
during recruitment.
"Sororities are really big and
old historic buildings and all the
banging and jumping in the past
broke windows, cracked window
frames, chipped the paint off the
walls and caused issues with the
basements by ruining the ceil-
ings," McCraw said.
Nursing senior Stephanie
Conn, Panhel's vice president of
public relations, said the sorori-
ties' House Corps - organizations
composed of local chapters' alum-
See RUSH, Page SA
With eye on stimulating Mich.economy,
URC partners with business organization
Accelerate Michigan Michigan announced a new part- universities and the business com
nership yesterday called Accel- munity to work together where
aims to make Mich. a erate Michigan, which aims to university innovation and business
stimulate economic growth in the needs intersect in a way that will
top state in growth state. spur economic development."
"It's no longer about publish or According to the press release,
By PATRICIA SNIDER and perish, it's about partner or per- the URC and BLM have part-
KAITLIN WILLIAMS ish," University President Mary nered to help make Michigan
For the Daily and Daily StaffReporter Sue Coleman wrote in a press a "top 10" state for economic
release distributed yesterday. growth. The URC is a research
The University Research Cor- "Accelerate Michigan is a new kind coalition made up of the Univer-
ridor and Business Leaders for of industry-university model for See ACCELERATE, Page 5A
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