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September 20, 2010 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-09-20

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, September 20, 2010 - 5A

Big city mayors
look to Daley's
record to help
navigate the job


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Newark mayor: because it involved lot of changes
not necessarily easy, politically
ley a 'godfather' or otherwise."
On Friday, 10 days after stun-
r mayors across ning Chicago by announcing he
will not seek re-election in Feb-
the country ruary, Daley flew to Asia, where
he'll attend a green-cities con-
ICAGO (AP) - When Boe- ference in Shanghai and discuss
o. relocated its headquar- education and economic devel-
Chicago from Seattle in opment with leaders there and in
delegations from Las Vegas South Korea.
ston came calling to ask Daley's admirers cite numer-
flayor Richard M. Daley's ous examples of how he embraced
ulled it off. One former a new future for his city, even if
mayor says adopting Dal- other times he was associated
hool reform ideas helped with the gruff, old-style "Chica-
m elected. A New Jersey go machine" politics of his father,
has sought Daley's advice Richard J. Daley, who ran the
sting ex-convicts. city in the 1960s and 1970s.
reallyis sortoflike anuncle Boeing Co.'s announcement
yors, agodfather around the came out of the blue nine years
y," said Cory Booker, the ago: It was looking for a new
of Newark, N.J. "Whatever headquarters, and would choose
ue ... you can count on Daley between Chicago, Dallas and
e created a record on the Denver. But what could a recov-
nd tried new ideas." ering Rust Belt city with flat
ey has been called the best terrain and cold winters offer
in America, even when hundreds of white-collar work-
zed by constituents. He ers that the others could not?
rged strong alliances with Daley set out to show them. He
usiness community, then put together a "dream team" -
Ed to promote his city as a 100 business leaders who spoke
business and tourism des- the language of CEOs and engi-
n. He's mentored leaders neers - then seated them among
ities large and small. Boeing executives during a din-
en Daley steps aside as Chi- ner at the renowned Art Institute
leader after 22 years, he'll of Chicago, in an iconic park along
sembered as a big dreamer the shores of Lake Michigan.
bigger doer, someone who "I think it was the dinner that
qual parts muscle, finesse put things over the top," said
arm to polish a once-gritty Jerry Roper, president of the
ad its image - even if he'll Chicagoland Area Chamber of
ehind some big problems. Commerce. "Boeing wouldn't be
he'll remain a role model in the city as far as I'm concerned
hers seeking the right mix if Daley hadn't stepped up."
tivity and stability a mod- Booker said that when he
ayor needs to address gru- wanted to see what Daley was
rban challenges. doing with ex-offenders, the
reinvented the city of Chi- Chicago mayor had people show
t's pretty hard to say that him how to analyze data to iden-
any leader of any major city tify problems. Newark began a
world," said Marshall M. program to provide free legal
n, president of the Chicago support to ex-offenders - not
il on Global Affairs. "That directly modeled on Chicago but
vision, creativity, smart made possible because of Daley's
s, energy and courage, help, Booker said.

From Page 1A
in the American auto industry's
long-term ability to compete in the
global market.
"I am not concerned with Ford
competing with anybody in the
world," Mulally said.
Mulally talked about how global-
ization and economic policy relates
to the auto industry, including how
he disagrees with the North Ameri-
can Free Trade Agreement, which
he believes is hurting the economy.
NAFTA was an agreement estab-
lished in 1994, which aims to elimi-
nate trade barriers between the
United States, Canada and Mexico.
Critics argue that the treaty leads to
job losses inthe U.S.
"Thisis not afreetradeagreement
that makes sense," Mulally said.
Mulally has been the CEO of Ford
Motor Co. since2006. He previously
was the executive vice president of
The Boeing Company and president
and CEO of Boeing Commercial Air-
About 600 people came to see
Mulally speak at Stamps Audito-
rium, which seats 450 people. After
it overflowed, the unseated audience
members were directed to two class-
rooms in the nearby Chrysler Center,
where a live screening of Mulally's
From Page 1A
as (PARK)ing day - after waiting
and wondering why no one else
in Ann Arbor had participated in
the past.
"After complaining that it
wasn't happening for so many
years, I was like, 'Guess I've got
to do it myself,"' Panozzo said.
Panozzo explained that the
park in front of Workantile
Exchange was loosely organized,
with a call to Ann Arbor gar-
dening store Pot & Box for a few
loaned plants, as well as an invi-
tation to young musicians at Ann
Arbor's Community High School
who played music for part of the
"It's a completely open source
project, which means every group
adapts it a different way and does
different things with it," Panozzo

speech was shown.
Students enrolled in Engineering
407: Entrepreneurship Hour made
up a large part of the audience. The
College of Engineering asked Mulal-
ly to speak for the approximately 350
students enrolled in the class, who
were required to attend Mulally's
Engineering junior Laura Willm-
ing, a peer advisor for the college
who helped run the event, said
Panozzo described his goal as
merely to spark a conversation
about public-space use.
"My intention is to just open
the dialogue ... (for people to) just
stop and be like, 'What are these
people doing here? Why are there
trees and plants in a parking
spot?"' Panozzo said.
City Council member Sandi
Smith (D-Ward 1), who sits on the
board for the Downtown Devel-
opment Authority, said she sup-
ports (PARK)ing day and the idea
behind it.
"Personally I absolutely love
it," Smith said. "There is an ele-
ment, I think, of creativity and
playfulness in it. I think it makes
people stop and pause and think
about things a little bit. You're not
used to seeing a potted palm and a
couch in a parking space on Main
Street, so it just makes one recon-
sider their paradigms."
While this year's event was
relatively small in scale - Ann

she organized a previous lecture
where three Traverse City entre-
preneurs spoke. Later this semes-
ter, organizers intend to invite
Niklas Zennstrtm and Janus Friis,
the founders of Skype, who will
potentially Skype with the audience,
Anup Jadhav, an Engineering
freshman who is enrolled in Engi-
neering 407, said Mulally's talk fit
well with the theme of the class.
Arbor had two metered spaces -
other cities reserved hundreds of
metered parking spots. Panozzo
admitted that little promotion
was done for the event.
"I hope that this year is almost
just like a launching pad for peo-
ple to know the event exists for
future years," Panozzo said.
As midday drew close, Pan-
ozzo described the course of the
day as having surpassed expecta-
tions, with a peak of 25 visitors
at one point filling every chair.
However, Panozzo said there are
many elements to consider before
planning next year's event, like
getting other groups and organi-
zations involved and helping the
event to grow citywide.
Joel Batterman, a graduate stu-
dent in the University's Urban and
Regional Planning program and
a participant in the event, said it
was good to see people benefit-
ing from a space that is typically
used for an explicit purpose, but

"I understand more about entre-
preneurship now," Jadhavsaid. "Itis
nice to hear from leaders around the
world in engineering."
Aida Mandic, an LSA junior who is
also enrolled in Engineering 407, said
she found the lecture "inspiring."
"(Mulally) said 'necessity is the
mother of innovation,' and I really
believe that," Mandic said. "Wher-
ever you need something, is where
you will find genius."
he too saw greater potential for
next year.
"I'm a student, and you know,
I think it would be wonderful to
have more places next year clos-
er to campus," Batterman said.
"Maybe I'll take the wheel on
Rachel Pastiva, manager of
Main Street's Crazy Wisdom
Bookstore and Tea Room, said she
was pleasantly surprised to walk
into her store and see plants set
up out front. She added that she
wished she had known about the
event beforehand.
"It would be helpful if we
were more aware of it because
we would love to be able to help
them promote the event because
I think we were kind of honored
that it was taking place in front of
Crazy Wisdom," Pastiva said.
She added that she would be
"very happy" if (PARK)ing Day
took place outside her store again
next year.

Ford CEO Alan Mulally speaks in the Stamps Auditorium of the Walgreen Drama Center Friday afternoon.

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on paint, sand grit and employee
work time - to clean the area.
Page 1A Both Warba and Hupy specu-
lated that the $2,662 spent on
cation," Warba wrote, ref- George Washington Park in
ag 2009's expenses. 2007 may have been because the
ba explained that he does city power washed the sidewalk
ve access to detailed fig- around The Rock that year.
n clean up of The Rock "A few years ago the city did
o 2008 and cannot cor- power wash the sidewalk, but
te the number mentioned the effort was in vain and that
derson's e-mail. practice no longer takes place,"
rding to Craig Hupy, Ann Warba wrote. "An effort was
systems planning man- made to try and clean up the
ecords and estimates of area but due to the continuous
expenditure on Rock volume of painting, the decision
p before 2008 are no lon- was made to only address those
ilable. things deemed offensive or gang
hat knowledge was in the related."
zation, it has left with According to Warba; the
s in employment," Hupy city responds within 24 hours
Prior to the graffiti ordi- of receiving complaints about
I don't think anyone with- offensive graffiti.
ity was doing a very good Park Advisory Commissioner
eking it." Gwen Nystuen said The Rock is a
eedom of Information Act nuisance to Ann Arbor residents
as well as city officials. While
The Rock is surrounded by fra-
ternity houses, it also lies on the
The powers border of two Ann Arbor neigh-
borhoods - Oxbridge and North
t be...consider Burns Park - home to Ann Arbor
residents that for the most part
The Rock) a are not affiliated with the Uni-
-htnng od. versity.
"htning rod. "The powers that be, the Uni-
versity, City, whatever, consider
(The Rock) a lightning rod,"
Nystuen said. "If people are
ted in May by The Michi- going to throw paint around, let
aily also stated that the it be in one place and an attrac-
s no records for mainte- tion, which is fine if it isn't next
costs for The Rock before door to you."
Nystuen, who lives in the
rmation about the city's Oxbridge neighborhood, said
on Rock maintenance in many of her non-fraternity
also no longer available, neighbors are not happy with the
ng to Warba. Currently, noise, trash and sidewalk graffiti
removal is not part of that accompany the painting of
'ly scheduled mainte- The Rock. She added that many
f the park, he added. residents consider the University
only time we react or icon to be an "eyesore."
up' the area is when the "I do think it's gotten worse
is deemed offensive or and worse and worse. It used to
Warba wrote. "The city be someone would just paint it on
ot schedule regular clean game days. That time has passed,
se Rock." and now it's pretty much a mess,"
operations personnel Nystuen said. "It was brought to
the park this spring to the attention of parks (and recre-
the walkway around The ation) a few years ago, and noth-
ehich is often hit by stray ing happened. It's hard to find
According to Warba, the people worried about it enough
located $418.50 - spent to take action."

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