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January 19, 2010 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-01-19

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 7A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, January19, 2010 - 7A

Regents to consider Crisler
renovations at next meeting

Proposed changes
expected to cost
$20 million
Daily StaffReporter
During its monthly meeting
Thursday, the University's Board
of Regents is expected to approve
renovations to Crisler Arena.
Built in1967, the13,800 seat arena
is where the Michigan men's and
women's basketball teams practice
and play their home games. Aside
from sporting events Crisler Arena
also frequently hosts concerts,
shows, and other academic events.
The proposed renovations are
slated to cost $20 million and call for
drastic changes to the aging venue.
The blue, lower bowl, seats of the
arena will be removed and replaced
in compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act. Aisles will be
widened and relocated, handrails
will be added and elevators will be
installed to ease accessibility to the
seating area.
A new roof will be added to the
arena and asbestos abatement will
occur on an as-needed basis. The
building will also receive updates
to its fire detection and suppression
systems, an emergency generator,
emergency egress lighting and other
electrical improvements.
From Page 1A
Rest assured, that hasn't been
happening all season.
At the same time, the "young"
team grew up. Freshman guard
Darius Morris said after Thurs-
day's win over Indiana that the
college game was finally slowing
down for him. He and Douglass
have been getting more and more
comfortable leading this team
down the court. And the role play-
ers finally figured out, well, their
respective roles.
"We realized what we were
doing at the beginning of the sea-
son wasn't working," Douglass
said. "The third or fourth option,
sometimes you have to look at that
instead of forcing the first or sec-
ond option to Manny or (DeShawn
Sims). ... We were just playingoff
the offense instead of trying to
create our own."
We've seen this epiphany in
action, too. Instead of standing
around passively as Harris or Sims
struggled, the rest of the team
made that extra pass to find the
open shot. In Sunday's win over
Connecticut, five players scored at
least eight points for the first time
From Page 1A
package of nearly $1.6 million
last year.
The presidents of the Univer-
sity of Washington, The Univer-
sity of Delaware, the University
of Virginia and the University
of Texas system also make more
than Coleman, according to the
University of Michigan Pro-
vost Teresa Sullivan is set to
assume the presidency at the
University of Virginia on Aug.

1. However, at $680,000 in total
compensation, she will make
From Page 1A
brought students to the University.
Dong wrote in an e-mail interview
that he believes bringing his students
to campus is a "concrete and critical
step to reverse the current disturbing
trend of failure for my students."
Urban Prep Academy is the first
all-boys charter school in the Unit-
ed States geared towards African-
American men. Dong wrote in the
e-mail interview that he doesn't
want his students to be among the
about half of African-American
men who drop out of high school.
"I will not allow my students to fall
into the trap of negative stereotypes
and low expectations," he wrote. "I
intend that all ofmy students will not
only graduate from high school, but
also will succeed in college."
Dong added that he hopes to
make this an annual trip.
"I would like to expose them to
a world-class research university
with a vivid academic atmosphere
and a vibrant student commu-
nity, something completely differ-
ent from their neighborhood," he
Students were chosen for the trip
based onanumber ofcriteria,includ-

In a statement released by Ath-
letic Director Bill Martin yesterday,
Martin said the renovation will be
a major step forward for University
"Renovating Crisler Arena is an
integral part of our basketball pro-
gram's future success, on and off
the court," Martin said. "We really
haven't done any infrastructure
work in the arena since its construc-
tion 40 plus years ago, and this will
be a major step forward in improv-
ing ourbasketball facilities."
The regents are also expected to
authorize the issuance and award-
ing of construction contracts for the
new $23.2 million basketball prac-
tice facility - of which the regents
approved the schematic design in
September. The 57,000 square-foot
addition to Crisler Arena will house
two new practice courts, new lock-
er rooms for the men's and women's
basketball teams, offices for staff
and coaches, an expanded strength
and conditioning area and a larger
athletic medicine area. Construc-
tion is expected to be completed in
fall 2011.
Also on the regent's agenda is
a proposal to name the Michigan
Wrestling Center after former var-
sity wrestler Ralph Bahna and his
wife Dorothy - also a University
since the season-opening win over
Northern Michigan on Nov. 14.
More players have contributed
on offense and re-dedicated
themselves to defense, and it
makes sense that the team's over-
all focus has narrowed. In the
past two games, I've seen that
look in the players' eyes. They
have been hungry. They have
been focused. They are back in
"hunter" mode for the first time
since last season.
The final step of that growth
came in Sunday's final minutes,
when, instead of collapsing down
the stretch like they would have
earlier this season, the Wolverines
won the tug-of-war with a defiant
Connecticut squad.
When the Huskies tied and re-
tied the game with less than four
minutes remaining in the game,
the Wolverines didn't buckle as
they have in games past. They
withstood the late-game rush,
played smart on offense and tough
on defense. In short, they listened
to their coach, and they grew up in
a big moment.
"The bottom line is, get to the
point where in the last five-to-
ten minutes, we know how to
win," Beilein said Friday. "You're
going to win it with really smart
less than Coleman.
Though 2009 figures for pri-
vate university presidents have
not yet been released, the high-
est-paid private-university presi-
dent in 2008 was Shirley Ann
Jackson, who earned nearly $1.6
million for leading Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute.
In addition to her official
capacity at the University, Cole-
man also serves on the Board of
Directors for Johnson & Johnson
and Meredith Corporation.
Though compensation fig-
ures for her service to Johnson
& Johnson last year were not
immediately available yester-

day, Coleman received $202,631
ing GPA, academic goals, extracur-
ricular activities and future interest
inattendingtheUniversity. Of the 14
students who applied, freshmen Ste-
ven May, Lawrence Mead and Dem
etreius Russell were accepted.
During their two-day trip to Ann
Arbor, the students visited the resi-
dence halls, ate in dining halls and
toured campus.
When asked what he - thought
of the University, Steven May said
there were two things that he found
very interesting.
"The two things I was surprised
at was the one club - the squirrel-
feeding club - and then, that you
actually walk across the street
whenever you would like," he said.
Lawrence Mead said the expe-
rience at the University was "eye-
opening" and veryunlike the violent
environment he lives in.
"The University of Michigan has
one ofthemostgenerousvibes I have
ever seen, I mean everything, from
squirrels all the way up," he said.
"You have people who are there for
you. You can literally find help any
time you need it. Whatever you want
or whatever you need help with, it's
like almost there for you. If you fail
college, it's reallyyour fault."
Russell said he could also see
himself attending the University

Ralph Bahna is the CEO of the
discount travel website priceline.
com. The $2-million gift is the larg-
est a former varsity athlete has ever
given to the University's Athletic
Department. Ralph Bahna won an
individual Big Ten wrestling cham-
pionship in 1964.
The new 18,000 square-foot
wrestling facility opened last fall
and features state-of-the-art ameni-
ties like locker rooms and lounges
for the coaches and student-athletes,
strength and conditioning areas, a
training room, and three practice
Aside from University athletics,
the regents are also expected to
approve plans for the Fuller Road
Station. The Fuller Road project is
a joint venture between the Univer-
sity and the City of Ann Arbor. The
structure will include bus ports,
bike locks,lockers and a1,000-space
parking structure.
The facility will cost $46,550,000
and willbe sharedbetween the Uni-
versity and the city according to the
number of spaces allotted to each.
The University will have 78 percent
of the spaces in the new facility and
pay 78 percent, or $36,309,000, of
the cost. The structure is expected
to be completed by mid 2012.
offensive play and with just tough
defense and rebounding."
Sunday's victory over Connecti-
cut was more than just a signature
win. By beatingthe Huskies,
Michigan has shown it has the tal-
ent to compete with anyone and
the poise down the stretch to beat
them, too.
"It gives us a lot of confidence
and also lets us know we are just
as athletic as they are or even if
we're not, we can play stronger or
tougher than the next team," Har-
ris said.
That's why the Wisconsin-
Purdue-Michigan State stretch
doesn't seem so scary anymore,
even for a team that's been so
hard to figure out. The Wolverines
don't enter it as a disjointed group
of players; they come into it asa
team that's been through some
growing pains. But it's also a team
that's looking at a glass half-full.
(And who's to tell these guys they
can't dream about the NCAA
"We've got opportunities,"
Novak said. "If we just keep get-
ting better and playing well, good
things will happen."
- Auerbach can be reached
at naauer fumich.edu.
from the company in 2008.
Approximately $95,000 of that
compensation was cash, while
nearly $100,000 was given
through stock options. The rest
of the compensation came in the
form of other compensation, like
gifts to charity.
Compensation figures for
Coleman's service to - Mere-
dith Corporation were also not
immediately available yesterday,
though in 2008 Coleman earned
$144,067 for her service. Of that
amount, $10,000 was given in
cash, while $42,000 was awarded
in stock options and the remain-
ing $92,000 was given in option

one day, adding that he plans to "go
to college and I will make it to the
University of Michigan."
"I'm loving this school," he said.
"I see that the area around the
school and the people they're very
nice. They're different from our
Mead said the visit inspired him
to work towards his goal of attend-
ing college, despite failures in the
education system that could make it
difficult for him to do so. During an
interview, Mead expressed his feel-
ings towards the education system
by reciting a poem he wrote.
"The biggest (failure of educa-
tion) is when a youngman or woman
does not turn around and help that
young boy or girl out of these trou-
blesome times, who does not turn
around and say, 'hey man, stay on
track; you can do it' or 'you go girl,
go ahead and do your thing,"' he
said. "So think about it, are you one
of those people?"
The students said they appreci-
ated Dong taking them to the Uni-
versity and exposing them to all it
has to offer. They called him "one
of the best" teachers at their high
school, adding that he is "always
supportive" and encourages them
to get involved with extracurricular

From Page 1A
work to make higher education
accessible and to ensure that our
students succeed."
According to the report, from
2003 to 2007, public universities
spent 28 percent more on aid to
students whose parents jointly
earned at least $115,000 per year.
That's an increase from $282.5 mil-
lion in 2003 to $361.4 million four
years later.
The report argues that the find-
ings indicate that public universi-
ties are straying from their mission
of providing a quality education to
individuals who could not afford to
attend more expensive private uni-
versities, adding that the colleges
are neglecting lower income stu-
dents for whom the schools were
"During times of rapid increas-
es in the price of college, leaders
of these universities could have
chosen to deploy their own aid
resources in ways that cushioned
families near the bottom of the
economic ladder," the report said.
"But instead they chose differently,
spending hundreds of millions of
dollars every year to attract stu-
dents who had no financial need
The report went on to say that
From Page 1A
constructively to discrimination
she has experienced in her life.
During her time in the news
industry, Ifill said she experienced
many instances of racism, adding
thathaving pride in her racial iden-
tity helped her move past incidents
like when she found a note with a
racial slur on her desk.
She credited the same pride with
motivating her to challenge editors
when they proposed making cer-
tain editorial changes that could
have portrayed African-Americans
in a biased or stereotypical way.
Ifill also spoke about the need
to change what she perceived as
America's current discomfort with
openly discussing racial issues.
"My favorite moments come
when there is only one Black per-
son in the room and (someone
refers to that person as), 'the guy
with the blue blazer, in the back...,'
and you say, 'the Black guy?"' Ifill

reduced Pell Grants, on top of
decreasing financial aid from pub-
lic universities, have made it even
more difficult for lower income
students to afford college tuition.
The federal government awards
Pell Grants to students who fill
out the Free Application for Fed-
eral Student Aid and demonstrate
financial need.
"Thirty years ago, the federal
Pell Grant covered most of the cost
to attend a four-year college. Now,
it's only about one-third," Mary
Lynch, the research analyst who
conducted the analyses for the
report, said in a statement. "Not
surprisingly, smaller proportions
of low-income students enroll in
four-year colleges today than a
generation ago."
The report explicitly outlined
the fact that the University of
Michigan has a smaller number of
students who receive Pell Grants
than other colleges in the state.
According to the report, almost
39 percent of college students in
Michigan are Pell Grant recipients,
but only 13 percent of students
attending the University of Michi-
gan receive the grants.
Though the report outlined the
failures of the University and other
public institutions to make educa-
tion affordable for lower income
and minority students, it also
showed that some public universi-
said. "Stating the obvious is per-
fectly fine, unless the obvious hap-
pens to be about race."
In her speech, Ifill said this
kind of restricted dialogue dilutes
efforts to raise expectations.
"We don't want to knock down
walls and break glass ceilings
only to discover that our sons
and daughters don't want to walk
through," she said. "So many of
our sons and daughters buy into
the limits imposed by race, no mat-
ter what race they happen to be."
Ifillsaid though thehistoric elec-
tion of a black president is cause for
celebration, there is still a lot of
work to be done to maintain and
fulfill high expectations for mutual
racial respect. She added that liv-
ing up to such expectations "is the
real, and the best way to honor the
legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King."
Many audience members
addressed the notion of maintain-
ing high expectations during the
question-and-answer session that
followed Ifil's speech.
A high school freshman visit-

ties were successful in promoting
the enrollment of those groups.
According to the report, The
State University of New York at
Buffalo is one of the most improved
public universities in terms of
promoting minority graduation.
In 2005, the report said, minority
students graduated at a 67-percent
rate of white graduates. By 2008,
though, minority students gradu-
ated at a 93-percent rate of their
white counterparts.
Kati Haycock, director of The
Education Trust, acknowledged in
a statement that public universities
are receiving less and less fund-
ing from the state governments.
However, she added that they are
still well-funded and need to offer
more financial aid to students that
need it.
"These institutions receive more
generous public subsidies than
other colleges," Haycock wrote in
the statement. "They provide more
aid to their undergraduates than
any other funding source, and they
have the power to spend that aid
"As some institutions in this
study have shown, they can be as
good at competing for and graduat-
ing low-income and minority stu-
dents as they are at so many other
things - when they want to," Hay-
cock continued. "The question is,
'When will more of them do so?'
ing from Urban Prep Academy For
Young Men- a Chicago charter
school for African-American boys -
asked Ifill for "words of wisdom" for
young men surroundedby crime.
"Resist the easy answers," Ifill
responded, also encouraging the
young man to write down his story
as it happened in order to share it
with future generations.
First year Social Work student
Maurice Murray said he found the
exchange between the high school
student and Ifill relevant to his
"I just felt like that (aspect of
the presentation) was very applied,
very on-the-ground," Murray said
of the challenges that urban Afri-
can-American men face.
School of Music, Theater &
Dance freshman Alejandro Quin-
tanilla said he enjoyed the speech
but that it was "a lot to take in."
"At one point, it seemed like
(Ifill) was talking about tak-
ing things little by little; she was
focused on changing things step-
by-step," he said.

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For Wednesday, Jan:20, 2010
(March 2110o April 19)
Do whatever you can to maintain your
cool today. Because the Moon is in your
sign, you're more emotional than usual.
It's all too easy to bark at someone today.
(Stay frosty.)
(April 20 to May 20)
Some days it's easy to feel content,
with a warm feeling in your tummy; this
is not one of those days. Therefore, relax
and take it easy. Be patient with every-
one. Things will be easier for you if you
(May 21 toJune 20)
Disputes with partners or children
about shared property and shared pos-
sessions are likely today. Don't make a
big deal about things. Lighten up.
(June 211o July 22)
This isa poor day to contradict bosses,
parents, teachers and VIPs. Just let
things slide. Do not awaken the sleeping
giot. Arguments with authority figures
will not go well and might only be
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Avoid arguments about racial issues,
politics and religion today. People will
quickly get vehemently angry (or snarly
and critical)! Who needs this?
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Eitheryot or somebody else feels very
territorial about your possessions or your
share of something today. This is a poor
day for important discussions about
these things.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Don't try to have important discus-
sions with partners and close friends

today. They will not go well. Just keep
things light.
(Oct .23 10Nov. 21)
Although you might have great ideas
about improving things at work or how
to introduce reforms, don't do it today.
People will squelch your ideas.
(Nov. 2210o Dec. 21)
Romance is rocky today. Ditto for
relationships with children. Therefore,
skate along lightly on the surface of
things. Keep smiling.
(Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
Avoid family disputes today! They
quickly will get ugly. All discussions
with authority figures will be unproduc-
tive and possibly unpleasant.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Disputes with relatives and siblings
might arise easily today because people
are critical of each other or discouraging
of each other. Naturally, this is hurtful,
and it builds from there. Go gently.
(Feb. 19to March 20)
Your financial scene is discouraging
today. The income you expected from
someone else is either lessened or non-
existent! Bummer. Be patient, because
this could bea temporary hiccup.
YOU BORN TODAY You are vibrant
and alive! You're warm-hearted, and you
like people. You have an excellent sense
of humor, and you're fast on your feet.
You know how to improvise in conver-
sation as well as in life. You're close to
family even though you can be outspo-
ken! Your year ahead will be wonder-
fully social and beneficial for all rela-
Birthdate of: James Denton, actor;
George Burns, comedian; Sophie,
Countess of Wessex, British royal.

2010 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

days/wk. Responsible ref, own trans.
and good driver. lonarajen@yahoo.com

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