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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Fans rush the court after Michigan's 68-63 upset over No. 15 Connecticut on Sunday at Crisler Arena, For more on the game, see SportsTuesday, inside.
Maturing, one upset at a time
other schools
" "
Study finds top terms faco ositeratioofminor
} ity student access, low-income stu-
public colleges are dent access and minority student
success. The University of Michi
giving less aid to gan was also one of six institutions
low-income students from2005to 2008.
The report specifically named
By JOSEPH LICHTERMAN the University of Michigan as one
Daily StaffReporter of the worst institutions in the
A new study found that cop puh- "Two institutions - the Indiana
lic universities, including the Uni- University Bloomington and the
versity of Michigan, are giving less University.of Michigan - received
financial aid to students from lower the lowest overall marks for per-
income families and are increas- formance and progress," the report
ing their aid to students who come said.
from more affluent families. University spokeswoman Kelly
The report called Opportunity Cunningham said in a written
Adrift, was released late last week statement that the University could
by the non-profit advocacy group not comment on the study because
The Education Trust and rated it has not had enough time to study
each state's premier public uni- its findings closely.
versity on access for under-repre- "We have recently received a
sented minority and low-income copy of The Education Trust report
students. It also assessed the suc- and want to give it thorough and
cess rate those students have in serious consideration," Cunning-
earning their degrees and outlined ham said in the statement. "Until
changes in these figures from the then, we cannot discuss the report
2004-2005 to 2007-2008 school in depth. The report covers topics
years. of great importance that are cen-
According to the report, during tral to American higher education.
the 2007-2008 year, the University At the University of Michigan, we
ranked in the bottom quartile in See REPORT, Page 7A
It was a subtle difference from
games past.
Week in and week out,
Michigan men's basketball coach
John Beilein
and his play-
ers would toss
around cliches
like "It's a
tough stretch
coming up"
or "We've got
a young team NICOLE
that needs AUERBACH
After Sun-
day's unexpected, exhilarating
68-63 upset of No. 15 Connecticut,
that language finally changed.
Michigan's next three games
are against three of the Big Ten's
highest-ranked teams: Wisconsin,
Purdue and Michigan State -
with the first two coming on the
road. Star guard Manny Harris
didn't seem too worried, calling
the upcoming slate of games a
"great" stretch, while sophomore
Zack Novak spoke at length about
the on-court maturity he's seeing.
Novak chose words like "improve-
ment" and "growth" for a reason.
The Michigan basketball team
has finally learned how to play a
full 40-minute game - and now,
how to win one, too.
"Right now, I think we're play-
ing good basketball," Novak said.
"We're improving every game,
and I think people see that. We
still have room to improve, but
this is a huge win for us."
Novak is right, of course. There
are areas for improvement every-
where - from boosting their
3-point shooting percentage to
staying out of foul trouble. But
what's incredible to consider first
is how far the Wolverines have
already come.
Start with defense. Michigan's
win over Connecticut featured
some of the scrappiest, most
smothering defense it has played
all season. According to Harris,
that was the blueprint for suc-
cess heading into Sunday's game
against a taller and more physical
"No matter how much shots
we miss, just match them on the
defensive end when we go down
there, box out, just play harder
than them," said Harris of the
team's strategy. "Get the 50-50
balls, and we got a good chance
of winning the game, and that's
what we did today."
And it seemed like each time
the Huskies got into a bit of a
rhythm, or had a huge defensive
stop, the momentum would shift
back to the Wolverines - be it by
a Zack Gibson block, a Novak steal
or a Stu Douglass 3-pointer.
Coleman ranks sixth
in pay among public
university presidents
Ifill talks raising expectations
'U' president slid in
salary rankings for
second year in a row
University President Mary Sue
Coleman continued to fall in the
rankings of highest-paid public
university presidents, coming in
at the sixth highest-paid this year,
according to figures released yes-
terday by The Chronicle of High-
er Education.
Coleman, who was the highest
paid president of a United States
public university when she took
her post as president in 2002,
has- slipped in the rankings for
the second consecutive year. Last
year, Coleman ranked as the fifth
highest-paid public university
president and in 2007 she was
the fourth highest-paid executive
among public universities.
For the last fiscal year, Cole-
man's total compensation pack-
age from the University came out
at $783,850. The compensation
package includes $553,500 in
base salary, $100,000 retention
bonus, $75,000 in deferred com-
pensation, $24,500 in retirement
pay and $30,850 in supplemental
retirement pay.
In addition to her compensa-
tion, Coleman has an expense
account for business-related
operations and travel. She is also
provided with a car and is given
full use of the historical presi-
dent's house at 815 South Univer-
sity Avenue.
Coleman's salary is determined
by the University's Board of
Regents who vote on the matter
after an annual review process
led by the Personnel, Compensa-
tion and Governance Committee
of the Board of Regents.
In the 2009 fiscal year, Cole-
man received a 4-percent raise,
increasing her base salary by
about $21,000.
Though figures for the current
fiscal year won'tbe available until
next year, Coleman is expected to
fall in the rankings next year -
having requested that the Board
of Regents not give her a pay raise
for the 2010 fiscal year.
However, in an interview this
summer after Coleman requested
the pay freeze, Phil Hanlon, vice
provost for academic and budget-
ary affairs, told The Michigan
Daily that Coleman's overall com-
pensation may change.
Hanlon explained that though
Coleman requested a pay freeze,
contributions -to her retirement
account or bonus payments may
Ohio State University's presi-
dent, E. Gordon Gee, maintained
his place at the top of the list of
highest paid public university
presidents with a compensation
See COLEMAN, Page 7A
At keynote for MLK
symposium, Ifill
mixes humor with
tough words on race
For the Daily
"The key is to be who you are,
wherever you are."
This was the message Gwen
Ifill, managing editor of PBS's
"Washington Week" and co-
anchor of the "The NewsHour,"
told the standing room-only
crowd at Hill Auditorium yester-
day. Ifill delivered the keynote
speech for the University's 24th
annual symposium honoring Dr.
Martin Luther KingJr.
As Ifill approached the podium,
most of the audience rose to its
feet to applaud her. With a smile
she frequently flashed through-
out her speech, Ifill jokingly asked
Journalist Gwen Ifill speaks in Hill Auditorium during a symposium in honor of Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. yesterday.
the audience to "save the standing
(ovation) for the end; really, I'll be
ready for it."
Ifill's humor permeated a lec-
ture focused on the importance of
raising expectations for children,
especially for youth in minority
communities. She described her-
self as fortunate to have lived in
a household with high expecta-
tions, in contrast to the "havoc
that could be wreaked in Black
families with low expectations."
Ifill said the goals she set for
herself and the belief in the posi-
tive value of her African-Ameri-
can heritage helped her respond
See IFILL, Page 7A
For high schoolers, MLK Day a look at opportunities
Chicago teacher, 'U'
alum brought
students to campus
Daily StaffReporter
Dressed in their uniform of a
blue blazer, pressed oxford shirt
and red tie, three young high
school students walked the Uni-
versity's campus over this long
weekend and admired all it has to
offer, setting high goals of one day,
calling themselves Michigan Wol-
University alum George Dong,
who now teaches freshman Eng-
lish and public speaking at Urban
Prep Academy for Young Men in
Chicago through Teach for Amer-
ica, brought three of his students
to campus this weekend to expose
them to the opportunities available
at the University.
The visit had increased sig-
nificance as it coincided with the
weekend dedicated to commemo-
rating Martin Luther King Jr. In
addition to exploring campus and
attending a Michigan men's bas-
ketball game, the students also
attended the University's MLK
symposium keynote lecture deliv-
See a multimedia piece about
a campus rally in honor of MLK
Day at MkhgDa s
ered by Gwen Ifill.
Dr. Marie Ting, program man-
ager for the Center for Education
Outreach, arranged lodging, din-
ing and meeting with University
mentors during the visit.
This is the first time Dong has
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
TOMORROW L 23 news@michigandaily.comand let us know.
MLK panel discusses Detroit's incarce
INDEX NEWS ..................
ration rates. Vol. CXX, No. 75 A P N EWS.............
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........3A CLASSIFIEDS ...........hA....6A
........4A SPORTSTUESDAY................1B