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January 15, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-01-15

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, January 15, 2010


hospital to
aid Haitian
relief cause

Concrete Cutting & Breaking, Inc. employee Bob Cook explains the process of using a diamond saw to remove a piece of a concrete wall from the original structure of the
Law School's rear facade yesterday. He used the blade of the saw, which is covered in diamonds, to cut through the surface as part of renovations to the historic structure.
Salled du Ee
aheadache for Spanishmjr

Nursing school
founded by'U' prof.
still stands in city
ravaged by quake
For the Daily
While governments and orga-
nizations from nations around the
world are quickly responding to
the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that
struck southern Haiti on Tuesday,
the University community is also
helping those in need.
A Port-au-Prince nursing school
- founded in part by a Univer-
sity professor - is providing aid to
many in the ravaged country and
the University of Michigan Health
System announced yesterday that it
will be sending personnel to assist
in the relief efforts.
According to a message posted
yesterday on the Health System's
website, Ora Pescovitz, executive
vice president for medical affairs,
the Health System is forming a task
force to develop a response to the
"I have asked Tony Denton, COO
of our Health Centers, to lead a task
force charged with developing and

enacting a Health System response,
including providing medical and
support personnel on the scene in
Haiti, use of our clinical facilities
in Ann Arbor and coordination of
organized distribution of medi-
cal and pharmaceutical supplies
through established international
medical relief channels," Pescovitz
In addition to the Health System
response, the Faculty of Nursing
Science of the Episcopal Univer-
sity of Haiti also has people aid-
ing victims on the ground in Haiti.
The school was co-founded by Ruth
Barnard, a retired associate profes-
sor in the School of Nursing.
FSIL is still standing and has stu-
dents working around the clock to
assist the injured in the aftermath
of the natural disaster, according to
"The yards are filled with peo-
ple, and the students are caring for
them," she said.
The Pan American Health Orga-
nization told The Associated Press
yesterday that at least eight hos-
pitals or health centers in Port-
au-Prince, have collapsed or can't
provide care. The organization also
told the AP that other health cen-
ters are "overwhelmed."
FSIL, which opened Jan. 10,
See HAITI, Page 7

k Long waitlists make
completing major
difficult, students say
Daily StaffReporter
Students trying to get into
upper-level Spanish classes have

had to face a formidable opponent
- the waitlist.
Though many classes across
various subjects at the University
feature waitlists in the double dig-
its, the problem is especially acute
in the Spanish Department. Due to
restricted class sizes and the popu-
larity of Spanish at the University,
many students - including those
majoring in Spanish - face diffi-

culties getting into these courses.
Students have been complain-
ing in droves about the difficul-
ty of getting into these courses
with large waitlists, as the closed
classes complicate the timeline for
their major.
Michele Hannoosh, the depart-
mentchair of Romance Languages
and Literatures, wrote in an e-mail
interview that while the depart-

ment does recognize the problem
of over-enrollment, it has "been
apparent for several years."
She wrote that the classes are
filling quickly due to the increas-
ing popularity of Spanish, which,
she wrote, has "more combined
concentrators and minors than
any department in LSA apart from
See SPANISH, Page 7

Coleman says she doesn't know

LSA senior to enter race

timeline for NCAA investigation for county commissioner

University president
taking a wait-and-
see approach
Staffand Wire Reports
University President Mary
Sue Coleman told reporters last
night that she didn't have any
new information regarding the
NCAA's investigation into the
football team's potential practice
time rules violations, according
to The Associated Press.
Before last night's Michigan
men's basketball game against

Indiana, Colemansaidshe doesn't
knowwhentheNCAAwill inform
the University of the investiga-
tion's findings, but emphasized
that she is not worried.
"I want to see what the issues
are and we'll deal with the
issues," she told the AP.
Though NCAA Vice President
ofEnforcement David Pricewrote
in a letter to Coleman in October
that the University would be noti-
fied of the NCAA's findings by
Dec. 31, 2009, University spokes-
woman Kelly Cunningham told
The Michigan Daily at the end
of the year that the University
hadn't been contacted by the gov-

erning body.
"We haven't received word
from the NCAA," Cunningham
wrote in an e-mail to the Daily at
the time.
The NCAA has been investi-
gating an alleged violation by the
football team of NCAA restric-
tions on, practice time and off
season workouts.
In late August, The Detroit.
Free Press reported that several
former football players described
a practice schedule for the team
that would violate NCAA rules.
Shortly after, the University
launched an internal investiga-
See COLEMAN, Page 7

'U' Health System bans trans fats

After helping city
councilmember get
elected, Yousef Rabhi
makes his own bid
Daily StaffReporter
For LSA senior Yousef Rabhi the,
start of his political career was d
little unorthodox.
It wasn't until after he was
arrested for participating in a
protest in University President
Mary Sue Coleman's office during
his freshman year that Rabhi - a
candidate for Washtenaw County
Board of Commissioners - decided
to formally get involved in politics.
Rabhi and 11 members of the
campus group Students Organiz-
ing for Labor and Equality staged a
sit-in in Coleman's office demand-
ing that the University strengthen
its code of conduct for apparel sup-
pliers, according to an April 3, 2007
article published in The Michigan
The protesters were arrested
after refusing to leave the build-
ing when it closed, the Daily article
"Getting arrested - it wasn't
really a wakeup call, but afterward
I realized there were other ways
to affect change. Politics is one of
them," Rabhi said.
Rabhi plans to formally enter the

Patient meals
and hospital food
courts no longer
using substance
Daily StaffReporter
Three years after New York
City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
banned trans fat from his city,
starting a national trend toward
the elimination of the unhealthy
substance, the University of

Michigan Health System has
unveiled its own initiative to
stop the use of the partially
hydrogenated oils inside Univer-
sity Hospital buildings.
Under the new guidelines,
industrial trans fats have been
eliminated from patient food
programs and food courts inside
Hospital buildings. Though
talks about the ban began more
than a year ago, the ban did not
officially go into effect until the
first of this year.
Craig Luck, contract admin-
istrator for Hospital Operations,
said officials wanted to hold off

on implementing the ban until
they had all the information
necessary to make an informed
"By no means did we delay
intentionally," said Luck. "We
wanted to do a lot of research,
input, and further educate our-
selves on the process."
The ban was spurred in part
by a pledge made in November
2008 by the Michigan Hospital
Association to voluntarily elimi-
nate trans fats.
In response, Health System
leaders formed a committee of
See TRANS FATS, Page 7

LSA senior Yousef Rabhi plans to run for Washtenaw County Commissioner. Rabhi
says he hopes he can galvanize students to get involved in his campaign.
race for commissioner of Washt- Tuesday and is working to collect
enaw County's 11th district. He signatures to ensure his place on
formed a campaign committee last See CANDIDATE, Page 7


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Hockey's Vaughan could be out this weekend.

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