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April 20, 2010 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-04-20

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 3B

Four years of the 'U':
*6 a graduate's timeline
Granholm's election Frieze building

After a difficult race against
Republican candidate Dick DeVos,
Gov. Jennifer Granholm was
reelected for a second term in
November 2006. Despite cutting
higher education funding in her
first term, 80 percent of campus-
area voters supported Granholm
in the election. She will step down
from her position in January 2011.
Bo and Gerald Ford
pass on
At the 2007 Rose Bowl, Michi-
gan football players took the field,
. helmets adorned with a "48/BO"
sticker. 2006 closed with the loss of
two "Michigan men" - Bo Schem-
bechler and Gerald R. Fnrd (whn
wnre #48). Bnth pillars of Michi-
gan success, Ford became the
only U.S. president from a Big Ten
school and Schembechler remains
legendary for his no-nonsense
coaching style. The two were a cel-
ebrated part of Michigan history.

The Frieze Building enjoyed a
nice 99-year life on the corner of
Washington and State, first as Ann
Arbor Public High School before
being sold to the University in
1956 for classrooms. In February
2007, that life was cut short when
the asbestos-riddled structure
was torn down to pave the way for
North Quad and a new beginning.

University President Mary Sue Coleman and Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez announce at the Flemming Building on Tuesday, February 23, that the University has
received a notice of allegations from the NCAA. Incoming Athletic Director David Brandon was also present at the press conference.
probe finds Michigan
football program violated rules

'U' giants Bo Schembechler and Gerald
R. Ford passed away at the end of 2006.

Appalachian State Text Alert System

Entering the 2007 season, the
Michigan football team had high
aspirations of a National Champi-
onship. That's when Appalachian
State came to town, downing the
fifth-ranked Wolverines in one of
the biggest upsets in the history of
college football - but thatwas just
the beginning for football's woes.

TheDepartmentofPublic Safety
established the text message alert
system in March 2008 to notify the
'U' community within minutes in
the case of a campus-wide emer-
gency, following a January 2008
apartment shooting involving a
University student that resulted in
the death of an Ypsilanti man.

Jake Long looks on in defeat after a crushing loss to Appalachian State.


'U' officials stand
behind Rodriguez,
accused of violating
five NCAA rules
Daily NewsEditor
Feb. 23, 2010 - The Michigan
football program has committed
five violations of NCAA rules and
regulations, according to a notice
of allegations the University
received from the NCAA yester-
day. The findings are the outcome
of a four-month investigation by
the NCAA into the University's
Athletic Department.
The University will formally
respond to the allegations, which
were announced by school officials
at a news conference yesterday
afternoon, in the next 90 days. The
University will also appear before
the NCAA's Committee on Infrac-
tions in August.
The notice of allegations asserts
that the University violated NCAA
regulations in five main areas.
First, the notice says that the Uni-
versity's football program broke
NCAA rules that limit the num-
ber of coaches that may work with
student-athletes. The notice states
that five quality control officers -
staff members who are not techni-
cally coaches, but work with the
football team - illegally engaged
in coaching activities.
The NCAA also alleges that
the University violated regula-
tions that prohibit staff mem-
bers from monitoring football
players in voluntary, off-season
workouts and conditioning -
two activities that the athletic
department is also accused of
having exceeded time restric-
tions on.
Both of those potential viola-
tions first surfaced in a Detroit
Free Press article that was pub-
lished in late August. Inthewake
of that report, the NCAA and the
University both launched inde-
pendent investigations into the
The notice of allegations -
the culmination of the NCAA's
investigation - also specifi-
cally called out Michigan foot-
ball coach Rich Rodriguez for
acting in a manner that "failed
to promote an atmosphere of
compliance within the football
program" and for failing to suf-
ficiently monitor the activities of
his program with regard to the
other allegations.
The athletic department is
similarly charged with not prop-
erly overseeing the activities
of the football program with

regard to the allegations.
Alex Herron, a graduate assis-
tant football coach, is accused of
providing NCAA investigators
with misleading, and at times, false
information about his role in the
University President Mary Sue
Coleman, Rodriguez and incoming
Athletic Director David Brandon
announced the notice of allega-
tions at the press conference yes-
terday afternoon.
Coleman began the briefing by
saying that the University "has
been cooperating with the NCAA
in its investigation of our football
"Intercollegiate athletics is a
fundamental feature of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and we take pride
in the integrity of our athletics
program," Coleman said. "We also
take full responsibility for knowing
and following NCAA rules and thus
view the allegations seriously."
Coleman added that she and
other University officials are
"addressing concerns, quickly and
head on."
"All of us - Coach Rodriguez,
David Brandon and I - are
deeply committed to compli- -
ance with NCAA rules and the
future of our football program,"
she said.
Brandon announced the
notice of allegations from the
NCAA during the press confer-
ence. Brandon said the NCAA
brought allegations of wrong-
doing in the number of hours

student-athletes spent practicing
and violated rules governing what
activities could be attended by
quality control staff.
"We clearly made mistakes in
those areas, and we have already
taken actionto prevent any ofthose
mistakes from being repeated,"
Brandon said.
Brandon then went on to pro-
vide what he described as a
"top-level perspective" of the alle-
"In some out-of-season practices
where there are alleged overages,
the overage is approximately two
hours in a week," Brandon said.
"During the season on some Sun-
days, the allegation is that the Uni-
versity of Michigan exceeded the
daily permissible practice time by
less than an hour.
In a single instance, the allega-
tion is that an overage caused the
team to exceed its 20-hour weekly
permissible limit by 20 minutes."
He continued: "I have looked
into these permissible practice
hours issues, and I want to empha-
size there were no situations where
any student-athlete's welfare was

put at risk."
However, Brandon reaffirmed
that he would stand behind
Rodriguez and that he would
return next year as the team's
head coach.
"Rich Rodriguez is our football
coach," Brandon said during the
press conference.
Brandon added that he believes
the reason behind some of the alle-
gations is the result of "internal
"We had alack of clarity around
whether time spent in stretch-
ing and warm-up activities were
'countable minutes,' and this rep-
resents a portion of the discrepan-
cies between the NCAA's findings
and our practice routines," he said.
"Two of the NCAA allegations
relate to how the institution and
the coach monitored those two
areas of concern."
Brandon stressed that the
NCAA's notice of allegations found
no loss of institutional control.
"This is very important, there
was no charge of loss of institu-
tional control - none whatsoever,"
Brandon said.

RichRod's First Year
Bye, bye Lloyd Carr. Hello, Rich
Rodriguez. In his first year at the
helm, Rodriguez stumbled to a 3-9
record in Michigan football's worst
season ever. With his patented
spread offense not a fit at first in
Ann Arbor, Rodriguez would need
time to recruit players built for
speed and athieticism.

Michigan Difference
The Michigan Difference cam-
paign wrapped up on Dec. 31,
2008, but its influence is still being
felt across campus. The $3.2 billion
raised by the four-year campaign
helped fund construction of the
Mott Children's and Women's hos-
pital, 1,969 scholarships and Mary
Sue Coleman's lasting legacy.

Ross School of Busi-
ness Re-opens
The results of the largest gift to
Michigan in the school's history
were unveiled in January 2009,
when the Stephen M. Ross School
of Business re-opened.Alreadyone
of the top business schools in the
country, Ross rose the ranks even
further with technological innova-
* ~ ' tions and increased environmen-
tal sustainability made possible
SAID ALSALAH/Daily thanks to the $100 million dona-
Fhe Stephen M. Ross School of Business tion from its namesake, 'U' alum
re-opened in 2009. Stephen M. Ross.
* 2009-2010

The Michigan Daily would like to thank and congratulate those
graduating seniors that made the paper everyone loves possible.
Some devoted 4 years, some 3, and others only a year, but they all
combined to make the Michigan Daily a success.
Thank you!
Dan Newman
Vivian Lee
Ryan Businski
Kayla LaFata
Molly Twigg
Michael Schrotenboer
Brittany Morales
Allie Santacreu
Courtney Byrd
Jennifer Lo
Carol Im
Yuning Zhang
Siwei Wang
Eric Radist
Yvonne Louis-Prescott
Kate Muelle

Smoking Ban
In 2009, President Coleman
announced that a campus-wide
smoking ban will take effect on
July 1, 2011. Amidst complaints
from students and faculty alike,
'U' officials supported Coleman's
decision, stating that a smoke-
free campus will help to create a
"culture of health." Nevertheless,
many students still charge that
their voices have not been heard.

David Brandon re-
places Bill Martin
Bill Martin was on the out and
Domino's Pizza CEO David Bran-
don strolled in as the new Athletic
Director, not without disruption.
With the football program still
dealing with the NCAA violations,
Brandon's first days in office were
met with a fiery response. He'll
face the daunting task of regaining
national respect for a program los-
ing prestige on a daily basis.

LSA, BBCS sophomore Tara Servati is a student opposed to the smoking ban

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