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April 20, 2010 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-04-20

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10A - Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 0

iDA - Tuesday, April 20, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *

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Looing tor sometimg more a"'u-' "u "um vacn"" wou"" liberty. tking ofthiding in a closet for the just about every option out there,"
authentic than local favorite Pizza been proud of me. Or maybe I "Did we eat too many rest of its life hoping to be forgotten said National Greek Board
Barn, the group had decided to should say would've been feiro di Doritoes? Maybe. Throw a little and never found. President, Henry Boggins. "There
A DV ERTISIN G venture out and ry anew place. me. Frisbee around? Sure. But teachers were only about 18,000 possible
CLA SS TA K ES ProfessoreVaantire deserve to have a little fun too. And letter combinations to begin with, so
at's not like it hurt anyone," said the you had to know it was coming."
O N LAW FIM64 year-old Fineman. "In fact, I The news certainly left the
the students should be tha- Greek System in a state of turmoil,
A S CLIEN Tl. I was so hungover the next day as rumors began to fly immediately.
A local college adv[ [ at I just gave everyone As SY STEM Some suggested a move to a 4-letter
taking on the law. yLwray. I think it worked in their system, while others questioned why
entire law firm! TheNor." RU N N IN G O UT' it always had to be Greek. "I think
spending their se bile students are demanding English is a pretty good language,"
help the lawyers g s, ere's no word yet on how O F LETTER said Debra Boomgarden. "I mean,
itaFa."WUnited States, not a
Bran Fats. "\ tic country."
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their ideas and work,, tailgatee
them with legal spe
making them change
don't matter and basic
water it down untilfuyntcetv+r7)toi
fury, not ceativ
any way." T
After sub. GUArANTE
round of ide clas
drowned in d chars -
dead" -
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